Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The case against Ted Stevens has been dropped! No this is NOT an April Fool's Day joke!

The Justice Department has dropped its case against former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, a department source told CNN on Wednesday.

I am absolutely flabbergasted!

If Ted had not been convicted on those seven felony charges our entire Alaskan political landscape would have been changed.

And now it turns out the conviction did not stick.

I am just too stunned to think of anything smartass to say about this.


  1. I was totally stunned by this news when I heard it on the radio this morning on my way into work - I'm so sorry for you folks up in Alaska.

    If Stevens can get away with all his illegal and unethical behavior, I shudder to think what Sarah Palin will get away with.

  2. Not good. I wonder what is really going on. I know there are a lot of prosecutors who make up evidence or present corrupted cases. Is this the case or did Ted get some assisstance from his cronies.

  3. Anonymous5:59 AM

    This was a case that should never have been charged. The violations in the indictment were greatly exagerated and the prosecution knew it and tried to hide it.

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    It's not that he didn't do all that he did, the case was flaky and full of flake witnesses. I mean honestly, how could you pull together a cases about Ted Stevens in this state.

  5. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Anonymous, according to the jurors, the evidence was rock solid and the information that wasn't shared would not have changed their decision.

    His son Ben won't have the luck Teddie did in dodging prison.

  6. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The next snowshoe to drop will be his suing the state for false prosecution and harassment and being awarded mega-millions.
    Sara's gonna hafta raise your taxes to pay him. You betcha!

  7. Anonymous9:19 AM

    He is still corrupt, he got off on a technicality.

    So, I hope no one thinks he should still be a Senator!

  8. FEDUP!!!9:29 AM

    Unfortunately, this does not seem to be an April1 joke.
    He got away on a technicality, because the prosecutors supposedly hid something from the defense.
    I vaguely remember reading something to this effect about a month or so ago. :( (Kind of fitting that they released it on April-fools Day - he made a fool of our justice system. :/)

  9. FEDUP!!!9:41 AM

    I guess you can say this is a belated going-away present from the Bush admin. to Stevens - remember, they gave him a standing ovation on his last day on the floor...

    Thanks, gw (sic)! Alaska (and the rest of the US owes you a big one for f^^^ing up our legal system!

  10. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Crime pays. Always has, always will. : (

  11. Look at the bright least he got voted out

  12. Big plus in all of this: he lost reelection.


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