Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Todd Palin raw and uncensored! Esquire magazine does the "First Dude". Well you know what I mean.

Alaska's first husband is not scared of you, the cops, or his wife. Get a sneak peak at a week in the life of the ultimate stay-at-home dad, hunter, fixer, and champion snowmobiler right here, then pick up the May issue of Esquire for Luke Dittrich's full, in-depth profile.

Oh yeah I am definitely going to have to watch this!


  1. Anonymous6:07 AM

    This is just sad! Are the Palins trying to launch a reality show? That must truly be the only explanation for this.

    Why aren't the Palins focused on how to make Alaska a better place, as opposed to focused on themselves?

    They are not Alaska's brand.

  2. Please tell me this is not an April's Fool Joke. I really want to see this and to know that this constitution-bashing idiot is a coward to boot.

  3. SoCalWolfGal8:17 AM

    I totally agree with AKM on this one; I have seen enough of Todd Palin's socks!

  4. Anonymous8:48 AM

    What a joke the Palin Family is turning out to be. Selling themselves to the highest bidder. They just need to go away. Who wants to look at GINO's husband?? maeT haraS girls?? What a joke.

  5. Maybe if he wasn't such a douchey renaissance man he could have kept a better eye on his slutty teenage daughter. That tells me all I need to know. Is it me or is his voice just the wimpiest ever? Toad sounds like a woman.

    You know Sarah wears the pants in that family, and all Todd's activities are an escape from her voice constantly ringing in his ears.

  6. Oh tell me this isn't true. WHY would Esquire even consider this?
    Anonymous - the Nailpinns ARE a reality show, sorry!

  7. I just threw up a little...

  8. Anonymous10:53 AM

    NIce work, Luke. I didn't know they did trailers for articles--but it's freakin' cool.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.