Monday, April 13, 2009

Glenn Beck's insanity overcomes one of his guests who promptly faints.

To be honest I have no idea how any of his guests remain conscious in the face of Glenn Beck's special brand of crazy.


  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I hope this clip makes it to Rachel Maddow's "Holy Mackerel" segment.

    (When Bruckner says he is going to faint, I wonder why Beck doesn't help him lay down and breath. Instead he keeps asking "Are you OK? Are you OK?" the useless creature - clearly Bruckner was NOT OK.

  2. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Wow.... I laughed at your comment but, when I watched the clip, wooo felt so bad. You should have warned me the a@@#$ would not react in time. He is truly oblivious to the bile He spews.

  3. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Glenn Beck, another compassionate conservative in action.

  4. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Sorry that he passed out, Glenn just usually makes me gag,


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