Monday, April 13, 2009

Tune into Countdown tonight kids! Our own Shannyn Moore is gracing the show with her presence.


Keith is not on tonight and they only have little David Shuster filling in so they desperately need Shannyn to class the place up.

Go get them Shanny!

P.S. I will post the video of this interview when it becomes available.


  1. She was good. I wish she would not try and give too much info and be more concise. I am glad that NBC interviewed an Alaskan for info.It is more effective then just reporting the news
    No mention of WAR.

  2. She did well given such a short amount of time and having so much she could say about what Palin has been doing or not doing. I thought she showed a great amount of grace in defending the complexity of troubled family members, and hoping SP's sister-in-law gets help and family support. The snarky part of me liked that the "family support" would include SP and the phrase "over my dead body" came to mind.

    Shannyn's newest HuffingtonPost article is also very good. I enjoyed her phrasing in the opening paragraph. Catchy, with just a hint of snark.


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