Sunday, April 12, 2009

I am asking ALL residents of Alaska to send an e-mail to your legislators asking them NOT to confirm WAR as this state's new Attorney General.

I have been receiving quite a few e-mails and phone calls asking me to please make a request to the readers of this blog to contact the Alaska legislators and give testimony as to why Wayne Anthony Ross should NOT be our next AG.

As most of you know I have written a number of posts expressing my views and condemning the Governor's choice for this important position.

But now we get to crunch time. We really only have one more day to express our outrage before the legislators will make their decision. Tomorrow they are hearing testimony by "invitation only" and then later this week deciding for ALL Alaskans who their new Attorney General will be. And there is some murmuring that the fix is already in.

Well screw that! We don't need to be "invited" to express our outrage at Palin's choice of a misogynist pig as the man who is in charge of upholding the laws of our state. This a very important position and cannot be held by a man who makes remarks like this one just last Friday:

Representative Ramras: "We have a Governor who is provocative in a lot of her actions. Recently it comes to mind when she was in Fairbanks for thefinish line for the Iron Dog she was wearing Arctic Cat gear...Arctic Catletters..."

And here is what Mr. Ross said in response:Wayne Anthony Ross: "It was provocative, she looked very good in them,didn't she?"

Clearly Rep. Ramras was using the word "provocative" with this definition in mind: Serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulating discussion or exciting controversy.

However the swine like Mr. Ross could only think of our Governor with this definition in his sewer like mind: Exciting sexual desire.

Look I personally could care less if the Governor gives WAR a boner or not. But this is not the only case of this guy acting is if women are nothing more then objects of lust who deserve to be objectified and even raped if they don't dress like a nun. And it is CERTAINLY not something you allude to during a hearing, unless you have a complete lack of decorum and self control.

My good friend Shannyn Moore wrote about that very thing just last Thursday. As did my other good friend Celtic Diva on Friday.

And please don't forget his statements concerning gays in our state being degenerates (Well there is a case of the pot calling the kettle black now isn't it?) and his work to oppress the native people's right to live a subsistence lifestyle. This guy only seems to respect the rights of middle aged while guys like himself.

So please take a few moments and let the Senators and Representatives of Alaska know that we will hold them accountable if they allow this poor excuse for a human being to hold this very important position.

Here is their contact information.

State Senators

Gary Stevens
Johnny Ellis
Gene Therriault
Con Bunde
Bettye Davis
Fred Dyson
Johnny Ellis
Kim Elton
Hollis French
Lyman Hoffman
Charlie Huggins
Albert Kookesh
Lesil McGuire
Linda Menard
Kevin Meyer
Donald Olson
Joe Paskvan
Bert Stedman
Gary Stevens
Gene Therriault
Joe Thomas
Thomas Wagoner
Bill Wielechowski


Mike Chenault
Kyle Johansen
Beth Kerttula
Alan Austerman
Bob Buch
Mike Chenault
Sharon Cissna
John Coghill Jr.
Harry Crawford
Nancy Dahlstrom
Mike Doogan
Bryce Edgmon
Anna Fairclough
Richard Foster
Les Gara
Berta Gardner
Carl Gatto
Max Gruenberg
David Guttenberg
John Harris
Mike Hawker
Bob Herron
Lindsey Holmes
Kyle Johansen
Craig Johnson
Reggie Joule
Scott Kawasaki
Wes Keller
Mike Kelly
Beth Kerttula
Bob Lynn
Charisse Millett
Cathy Muñoz
Mark Neuman
Kurt Olson
Pete Petersen
Jay Ramras
Woodie Salmon
Paul Seaton
Bill Stoltze
Bill Thomas, Jr
Chris Tuck
Peggy Wilson

I am sorry to leave my out of state visitors out of the process, but we feel it will have a much larger impact if they receive testimony from only Alaskan citizens who are against confirming Mr. Ross. Especially since TeamSarah and Conservatives4Palin have also asked people to testify in FAVOR of Ross and the out of state e-mails have really irritated the lawmakers.

I thank you ahead of time for your attention to this very important cause.


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Please, Alaskans, do this call to action! W.A.R. is a nightmare!

    Apathy or complacency now will only result in delayed dismay if this guy is confirmed!!!

  2. I was sitting in the House Judiciary Committee room when the whole thing took place on Friday afternoon. For those who have read my writing, it is clear that I am not Chairperson Jay Ramras' (R-Fairbanks) biggest supporter, but I will admit that I believe Ramras intended nothing sexual in his question. And Gryphen, you are correct in describing the Ross' response as sewer-related and sexual in nature. That is exactly how it came across for those of us "thinking people" seated in the room.

    One other point that gets back to why I cannot endorse most of what Rep Ramras "puts out there" was his overtly flirtatious behavior towards Ross before the camera started rolling. I had my journalist note pad handy and copied down exactly what Ramras said to Ross in their first verbal exchange in the committee room that day: "I read your response to the 'unsigned letter lady'. I don't believe her either".

    Please Alaskans, make those calls to the legislators. Constituents of Mark Neuman, Carl Gatto, Mike Hawker, Craig Johnson, Bob Buch, and Bill Stoltze really need to let these representatives hear from you!

  3. Go look at w a r's response to a letter of concern.
    He is a pig.

  4. I may be an out-of-stater (and thus will refrain from annoying the state legislators!), but I applaud your leadership, Gryphen.

  5. Email sent. May he be sent to the curb where he belongs. Maybe the Palin bus will run him down as a sacrifice.

  6. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:26 PM

    I wrote a email to them this morning. I know I'm out of state, but I figured since c4p and ts will write...anyway, here is what I wrote using Shannyn moores blog post this morning.
    Dear Legislature's & Senate,
    I have been following WAR proceedings very carefully, Leah Burton called in and submitted her letter Re: WAR for your consideration. Well here is a follow up to that letter posted on Shannyn Moores Blog from her (Leah's) Father to WAR and his flippent answer. It is of my opinion if WAR is confirmed you of Alaska will be opening yourselves up to major problems between Palin's Ethics complaints and WAR's arrogance.

    I also have a woman who is a top notch handwriting analysis, profilier for the Secret Service, and her preliminary finding is this man has issues. Sexual issues/hang ups. I have told her that any sensitive findings. should be turned over to the FBI, US AG Eric Holder as WAR is possibility about to be confirmed as Alaska's AG. If you care, to hear more I will give you her name. This is strictly unofficial on her part, but I have told her the importance of what her findings are MUST be turned over to appropriate Agencies.
    The Legislature and Senate should enact a emergency bill to elect a Attorney General and take this out of the hands of a insane Governor.

  7. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Emails sent. I'm in Craig Johnson's district too!

  8. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I am an Alaskan resident, and I emailed almost every single person on the list. I'm going to take a long walk (which I need to do just to clear my head after I've been reading everything Palin today, How in the hell does she sleep at night!!!???) I will finish my list when I get back.

  9. Anonymous5:58 PM

    WTF?? I saw a screenshot that Mr. Ross is already being listed as AG onthe official AK site. Again, WTF???? When Colberg "resigned", was there not a guy (can't remember the name) who would then be acting AG until a replacement was confirmed? What happened to him? Snuffed out? Car accident? Mysterious illness? What's goin' on up there??

    Once again, I believe it is GINO acting as if it is so in order to make it so.......and the legislature MUST NOT FALL FOR IT.

    This evil--and I do not very lighly call things evil---must not be allowed to continue. And that includes GINO.

  10. I just want to take a moment to thank everybody who took the time to e-mail these lawmakers.

    I know it can be time intensive (God how many times have I done this in the past six months?), but I know it has made the difference in the past. (Branchflower Report anyone?)

    By the way, just between you and me, I have heard some scuttlebutt that the WAR confirmation is in serious trouble. But that does not mean we should not keep the pressure on because we blogges get tips all of the time. Sometimes they are golden and other times, not so much.

  11. Best of luck to all of you. I will be contacting my local state senator tomorrow to find out if there is any DIRECT way the AK AG can impact us in WA. (Ours is elected and has a pretty well-defined role.) If I can find some good examples, I can write from that viewpoint. I agree that anything from out-of-state needs to not be seen as jumping on the bandwagon just to seem anti-Palin.

    I truly find WAR an awful choice, and quite frankly, based on his own words and actions, a very sad human being. The fact he would be advising the current governor is down right scary.

  12. I found the following letter dated April 13, 2009 on the Jesus’ General blog, with the heading “Palin’s AG pick best thing since crotchless pantaloons”:

    Serrin M. Foster
    Feminists for Life of America

    Dear Mrs Foster

    As one of Sarah Palin's staunchest defenders, no doubt you are appalled by the public reaction to her Attorney General pick. Obviously, the press is, once again, trying to destroy her by questioning Wayne Anthony Ross's fitness to be AG. They despise her because she is a accomplished woman who fights for the most important feminist values, the same values Ross promotes when he suggests that husbands should be allowed to rape their wives.

    Surely, there is nothing more feminist in its very nature than spousal rape. It empowers wives by providing them with the means of gratifying the head of household even when they are not in the mood. If you look at it that way, support for spousal rape is perhaps the greatest innovation in feminist thinking since crotchless pantaloons..

    Heterosexually yours in a chaste and biblically appropriate kind of way,

    Gen. JC Christian, patriot

  13. Maria that is a parody site.

  14. Yes I know... found the snark amusing.

  15. This in response to a comment from kygirl915 that I did not publish.

    Kygirl915, I really appreciate you sharing your e-mail correspondence with Les Gara, but I did not feel it prudent to publish it because it contained your e-mail address and real name.

    As you know I take anonymity very seriously and will never be party to outing anybody.

    If you want to submit the e-mail again with your personal information removed I will definitely publish it.

    Thank you for taking the time to write a comment. I always appreciate them.

  16. onejrkitty8:00 PM

    W.A.R. spoke at the Denny's meeting to Dads Against Discrimination.

    W.A.R. thinks Children's Services take kids out of the homes too often, even when abuse.

    W.A.R. thinks men have the right to "discipline" their wives sand children.



    If W.A.R. is not a hypocrit, he should publically come out and defend Levi and LEVI'S LEGAL RIGHTS TO SEE HIS CHILD !

    How about it Wayne???

  17. I spent 1/2 hour on our WA AGO site, and I must say there is sure a good argument to be made for the AG being elected, not appointed. The AG office is important- the people's lawyer, not just the governor's.

    I did find several amicus briefs filed by WA concerning the Exxon case. WA fishing was also impacted by that horrific accident.

    I won't write, though, because I don't want to muddy the waters. AK voices should be loud, not muffled by any distractions or reasons to blame bloggers for stirring up trouble. I will be rooting for you all.

    I also went to a site FreeRepublic. They are thrilled with WAR. Apparently he was knighted by Poland and the Vatican? Many there want Palin as president and think he would make a good AG for the US! They think he is awesome and will help Palin do the "good work." It is not a site for free flowing ideas, though, so I didn't engage. Their sandbox, but there sure is a lot of hate there. Apparently Obama still hasn't shown that birth certificate yet!

  18. onejrkitty8:02 PM

    W.A.R. spoke at the Denny's meeting to Dads Against Discrimination.

    W.A.R. thinks Children's Services take kids out of the homes too often, even when abuse.

    W.A.R. thinks men have the right to "discipline" their wives sand children.



    If W.A.R. is not a hypocrit, he should publically come out and defend Levi and LEVI'S LEGAL RIGHTS TO SEE HIS CHILD !

    How about it Wayne???

  19. Anonymous9:33 PM


    Thanks, it was an FYI mainly for you, just in case you wanted to post his answer about WAR being on the website. So again, thanks for looking out for me. There's more to come the next couple of days!!!!

  20. mlaiuppa9:44 PM

    Palin already lost Dorfy and Nelson's confirmations. I read he's within 3 votes of losing the confirmation. If she doesn't want to risk 0 for 3 she'll either withdraw WARs nomination or get him to withdraw it himself before it comes to a vote. Better safe than a third humiliation in the press.

  21. Sent mails to my senator and representative, and a few other representatives just for good measure. Thanks for the links, Gryphen!

  22. Since I am not from Alaska, I won't send any emails. Just know I am definitely sending strong positive vibes, hoping that WAR will be rejected. Alaska deserves better!

  23. Anonymous11:18 PM

    I wrote both Doogan & French as their constituent. While I haven't heard back from Doogan, Mr. French did answer yesterday (Sat.):

    Hi Jackie,

    Thanks for writing. While I have not made a final decision on how I am going to vote on Mr. Ross’ appointment, I share your concerns about his qualifications.

    Yours truly,
    Hollis French

    Hopefully he'll be convinced to vote against confirming WAR.

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:11 AM

    HistoryGoddess:They are thrilled with WAR. Apparently he was knighted by Poland and the Vatican?
    I read that you can pay money for that! Anyone can do it! Its like one of those honorary things, means nothing except to the FREECS!
    Gryphen, thanks for the "news" :) I just saw on Alaska standard, that he doesn't have the votes. :) I hope that is true. I hope the leg. will instead push through a bill to elect a AG. They could keep the acting AG and push this through?


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