Sunday, April 12, 2009

This probably should not surprise most of us but the Conservative "Tea Bagging" gatherings have become downright insane.

Listen at the end for the woman who yells "burn the books". Apparently she does not want her little snowflake to learn about socialism, communism, or evolution in school. Remember "An ignorant child is more likely to vote Republican as an adult". Sadly that is a fact.

I guess fascism did not die with the end of the Bush administration.

According to the Huffington Post (which you can access by clicking the title) there is big money pouring into the groups responsible for these bizarre gatherings. I have to imagine that the Republicans are in some sort of a blind panic, and looking for some cause to throw money at in an attempt stave off their emotional collapse.

It is kind of humorous that many of them are probably donating more money to these groups then any sort of tax hike would take out of their pay.

By the way Anchorage is not inoculated against this kind of batshit protest. Our version will be held on Wednesday, at noon, in front of the Federal Building. I think I will try to make it if I can get away from work.

It should be good for an interesting post or two.


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    hello.. not sure where to post this but in regards to the recent poll you had on the purpose of Blogs
    I think one option could be added
    Blogs, to me, are the voice of the common people... Why during the election (the first time ever i became interested in poltics) I read blogs.. and the comments. They take "real" news and allow the "people" .. voters, common man with no monetary interest.. to speak their opinion.. to me, that is invaluabe..
    thats all :)

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    John Stewart and Rachel Maddow have had the ultimate good laughs at the Teabaggers. They have informed those of us viewers who are of another generation to-- how to put this politely-- check out one-line Urban Dictionery as to what the younger generation defines as "teabagging." Yes, you'll be shocked, and then you'll see the great humor in these ultra-conservations labeling themselves with this identity. The next time you read about their antics, or see something on TV, you'll be just like Rachel and John, trying to stifle a laugh at their expense! (Rachel also pointed out that they picked out some initials to define one of their groups: 2M4M. Again, M4M in internet lingo are men looking for men. These people are so 20th century!)

  3. FEDUP!!!8:58 PM

    Oh, I LOVE it! Anon @7:29pm, you had me ROFLOL!!!

  4. LOL, the whole 'M4M' thing goes back a bit further than the internet. I remember seeing it in the personal ads in many newspapers, way back in the early to mid 80s.

    Tea-bagging was new to me, but of course my 30-something kids knew what it was!

  5. After this debacle the Republicans are surely going to have to get in touch with reality and hire a good PR firm that first checks out the urban dictionary before they are able to go public with their latest movements. Anyone out there unemployed with PR experience? Now is your chance!! Get your resume together and contact the RNC and the GOP and ask for top dollar to put a campaign together for them that will not end up being a laughing stock.
    Seriously, the old white guys are so out of touch that it is unbelievable! They ask all of America to follow them, yet they are ignorant of the lingo of the 18-40+ segment of the population!
    Shows how much they really listen to their children....

  6. I really wonder if they picked that name to get more exposure, it has been picked up by comedians everywhere and it might attract the few whackos that don't get the joke.

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:58 AM

    Anon @7:29pm, Do you have the link for John Stewarts version of the tea party? LOL!
    I would love to see it.
    OMG! These people in the video above are insane!

  8. Anonymous7:23 AM

    To Crystalwolf aka caligirl: I'm sorry, I don't have a link. The comment was made sometime last week, but Stewart has used the expression before. (I think that you can view old programs at the Comedy Central Website, and I'm guessing either last Wed. or Thurs.) The way that he makes a secret knowing little laugh sends me to the on-line Urban Dictionary-- it's my only clue that ordinary words have other meanings to another generation. Rachel kept the joke going for 2 nights; at one point she broke herself up while trying hard not to laugh; she used the word in every sentence until she couldn't go on. Despite the laughter, the Republicans continue to use the stupid expression!

  9. "By the way Anchorage is not inoculated against this kind of batshit protest."

    I just watched Bill Maher's movie "Religilous" last night. The mindset of most of the folks interviewed in that movie seems to match the mindset of the people who are participating in this hilariously misnamed and misdirected "protest".

    It certainly helps my ego to know I'm more sensible, logical, and maybe even smarter than the religiously misinformed and the politically obtuse. :)

    (oh, gawd, that makes me elite!)

  10. SoCalWolfGal10:08 AM

    OMG, are these people going to self destruct or what.I agree with AKPetMom, they really to need to hire someone to see if they can prevent them from doing anything else to make them more of a laughing stock and fodder for the comedians. My god, they lurch from one PR disaster to another! Just lovin it I am!

  11. Anonymous11:03 AM

    PS to crystalwolf: Over at Daily Kos, there are some links to Teabagging stories, both to Steward and to Fox News.

  12. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I'm afraid that these events are attracting a far more dangerous element than just your local disgruntled white middle class dude. There are far too many people out there, ignorant by choice, apparently, who are using these 'protests' as an opportunity to voice their hatred.


    Those folks who flocked to Palin rallies during the campaign appear to have been lying in wait for just such an occasion. Somehow, after reading these posts, it doesn't seem so hilarious anymore...

  13. Anonymous1:27 PM

    "Burn the Books" - sad to see there are still some knuckle-draggers out there who think this is a solution to political disagreements.


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