Sunday, April 12, 2009

Most beautiful thing I have seen all weekend!

I just received a call from Celtic Diva telling me she got me a present.

This was it.  A picture she took on 3rd Avenue in downtown Anchorage.

Isn't gorgeous?

Thanks Linda!


  1. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Wow! That is one sharp sign, nicely done, clear, crisp, and to the point.

    I wonder how long it will stay up? Until GINO is out of office, or tonight when Meg Stapleton will be heaved over that fence with an ax?

  2. Lovely indeed! Hope to see more of them...

  3. crystalwolf aka caligrl5:54 AM

    I hope they keep springing up like daffodils!
    Its time the Leg. Impeach her and create a bill for a elected AG.

  4. SoCalWolfGal7:05 AM

    It's a beautiful thing! And hopefully not the last,I had hoped to see this long before now.

  5. I saw that yesterday while I was in downtown Anchorage and wondered who had put it up. Hopefully it is the first of many!

    However, we need more than signs, we need action.

  6. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Whoever is putting those signs (or more like them) up needs to make sure they follow any guidelines or rules for signs, so they can't be taken down due to any tiny infractions. That sign is well-done, and if I lived in Alaska, I'd love to put one up.

  7. Anonymous8:29 AM

    That sign is fantastic--excellent parody of their national 2008 campaign sign. Where can I donate to the "Impeach Palin" signage movement????

  8. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Is there a real attempt to get her impeached? Please please please

  9. FEDUP!!!10:37 AM

    Seems there is another one up - check CDs site! ;)

  10. Fabulous...plant one right in downtown Wasilla for when the Ice Queen of the Sovereign State comes home from Juneau.

  11. Anonymous2:05 PM


    Stop everything, before this impeaching thingy I want to know about Trig, Tripp & LEVY.

    Who threw water at her? /And when exactly did she start screaming..I AM MEEEELTINNG?


  12. Check out her latest press release:

    Politics Cloud Judgment in Final Week
    from Political Adversaries of Governor Printer Friendly


    Political Adversaries Allow Politics to Cloud Judgment in Final Week

    April 13, 2009, Juneau, Alaska - Governor Sarah Palin will attend the Vanderburgh County Right to Life dinner in Evansville, Indiana on Thursday as well as a breakfast the next morning for S.M.I.L.E., a nonprofit organization for families with members who have Down Syndrome. Governor Palin had previously personally informed the legislative leadership of her upcoming event and asked if legislators had any problem with her attendance at an event outside the Capitol building. None expressed concerns.

    And this event doesn’t cost the state a dime – the governor has no staff, not even state security, with her, though her predecessors did travel with state security even on vacations.

    This morning the Alaska Democrat Party held a press conference suddenly expressing concern about the governor’s well-publicized short absence from Juneau.

    “It is nothing more than a politically charged shot in the dark,” said Governor Palin’s chief of staff, Mike Nizich. “We view the legislative session as a very serious state issue. This isn’t politics for us; this is Alaska’s future. I have worked for seven governors. Every governor has traveled during the legislative session. Had this group done its homework, they would have realized that Governor Palin has had numerous meetings with lawmakers this session and has been in constant communication with them.

    “During the final week of session, legislators rarely want governors around stirring things up,” Nizich said. “We did not anticipate that the governor’s political opponents would want their hands held in the final hours of the session.”

    Thus far during the 26th Alaska Legislature, Governor Palin has laid out a forward-looking agenda, including initiatives and bills to progress such issues as an in-state natural gas pipeline and a consolidation plan for Railbelt utilities. She also has focused on reducing state spending and providing assistance to cash-poor villages in Western Alaska that are facing high energy costs. The governor has made her spending priorities clear, including the use of federal stimulus dollars.

    A historical review shows that Governor Palin has spent the vast majority of time working in Juneau during the legislative session especially when compared with other governors. Governor Knowles traveled an average of 38 days during session and Governor Murkowski traveled an average of 45 days during session. Governor Palin has only been out of Juneau 14 days as she worked in other communities around Alaska this session. Governor Palin has spent only two days out of state.


  13. Anonymous8:24 PM

    She doesn't have security? Why in the heck not? Hasn't she gone on record as saying that she did and still does fear for her safety due to the problems with Trooper Wooten?

  14. Just curious- do any of the days listed include weekends? Fourteen days out of Juneau- plus weekends? Did she only see the other half of her family 14 days all session? Or, is the whole brood now living in Juneau? Not that the info will change my mind or bring world peace, but it does distract me from finishing my taxes.


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