Friday, April 10, 2009

Palin strikes out again!

The state Senate Democrats have voted to reject Gov. Sarah Palin's latest pick for the open Juneau senate seat, Joe Nelson.

The nine Senate Democrats met behind closed doors to reject Nelson, just as they did last week with the governor's previous appointee to the seat, Tim Grussendorf.

The Senate Democrats have now asked Palin to pick another appointee by April 20. That's after the legislative session is scheduled to adjourn for the year, so it looks like Juneau will finish the session without a senator.

The search for the Alaska Democratic backbone is finally over!

I finally feel some pride toward my fellow Democrats in the Senate.

Stand your ground my friends!

Show the Governor that her days of bullying people in our state are at an end. Does the air smell just a little bit cleaner today or is that just me?


  1. Good for the Senate Democrats! I hope they continue to stand up to her. I bet she is pissed!


    I asked for you over at PD. Dangerous is back talking about the Wx1 theory again. You know this is the person who says that Willow is the mother of Trig. You shut him up for a little while but he's back. I guess it's o.k. for him to have an opinion but jeeeze this is getting old.

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Completely unrelated, but, you're the designated reader, Gryphen, and there's a new Palin article out there for you to report on. Huffington Post is quoting the Esquire article about Todd-the-man and Levi. There's a quote in there about Levi getting his wedding ring stuck on his thumb!! What?? OK, you did us proud reading that Trailblazer stuff, your work is never done. Thanks for doing all of the heaving lifting (I mean reading).

  3. Irishgirl3:07 PM

    That is good news!
    I'm smelling cleaner air, and I hope I will smell it for a little bit longer.

  4. You know SP is thinking this ain't over. Gird your loins.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.