Friday, April 10, 2009

The RNC issues a report concerning the clothing expenditures for Sarah Palin during the McCain campaign. And we all owe the Governor an apology.

Closing a loop on the campaign finance side of the Sarah Palin clothes saga, the Republican National Committee late last month filed an amended report detailing exactly which disbursements were clothing purchases for the Republican vice presidential candidate and her family.

The amended report shows that the committee paid about $23,000 for clothing in the three weeks before and after Election Day — which is actually $7,000 less than previously reported.

That new report brings the total Palin clothing costs paid by the RNC down to about $173,000 and also makes it easier to spot clothing purchases that had previously gone undetected.

(You can find the entire report here. You can see what the campaign paid just for clothing between September 16 to October 21 here.)

Well clearly the "left wing liberal media" got that story completely wrong. It was reported repeatedly that the campaign had spent in excess of $150,000 dollars in clothing for Palin and her family which this amended report totally proves to be false.

In fact the clothing expenditures were closer to $173,000 which is in fact......more? Holy crap they actually spent $173,000 dollars for clothes?

Well the point is that those of us who reported on this during the campaign were off by about $23,000 and we should be ashamed of ourselves for perpetuating a falsehood.

Sarah Palin is a much more of parasite than that. She manipulated John McCain and the RNC into providing both her and her family with many thousands of dollars worth of fancy duds, and if those pesky campaign workers had not stabbed her in the back she would still be wearing them as she disappoints Alaskans even today.

Clearly those of us in the "liberal media" underestimated her greed and avarice. I for one will not allow it to happen again.


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Follow the fashion!! If it's not stealing clothes, it's using them as billboards for the entire family. GINO loves her some "haute"! Remember her obsession with Ivana Trump?

  2. I pledge not to underestimate GINO's greed and avarice ever again either. Promise.

  3. mlaiuppa7:46 AM


    But....where are they now? What charity received these clothes? When is the auction?

    Are they still stuffed in garbage bags in the RNC basement?

    (Don't you think some staffers are going down there periodially to "loot" some of the good stuff for their closets?)

  4. Yeah, and check out how many of those purchases were made after A) she made such a big deal about it being "her jacket" (wasn't that the end of Oct??) AND B) after November 4th!!! WTF??? "Out of the Closet," my foot!

  5. Shite-ya had me goin there for a sec with your title! You!

  6. Donna8:28 AM

    The RNC dressed her family, did that include Levi?

  7. Heh. I especially enjoyed GINO's $350 visit to Escape Skin Care and Day Spa, and other "day spa" jaunts and visits to Victoria's Secret and Neiman-Marcus (known to us city slickers as "Needless Markup").

  8. According to the report of clothes expenditure between Sept 16 and Oct 21, one of the main recipients of all that money was a JEANNIE ETCHART. She's an RNC staffer. Did she earn some money on the side as a seamstress?

  9. When I first read your headline, I was a bit confused...I always thought the number was $150K, but it's actually worse...ugh...

  10. You'd think the RNC would be so busy trying to jump-start its membership that they wouldn't have TIME to waste on a press release about Old News Sarah Palin and the Last Campaign.

    You'd think that, but you'd be wrong.

  11. KerryAnn6312:35 PM

    @ Sarah in SC - I noticed the November items as well. I think, though, that the dates listed are the date that the RNC issued the payment, not the actual shopping spree dates.

  12. Donna2:08 PM

    Did Levi get any wardrobe items?

  13. You know, we've known about these expenditures for months, but then you see it all in writing and it's just so unbelievable. What were they thinking? Maybe they weren't?

  14. Okay I believe that the reason the same names keep popping up is because those are McCain campaign staffers that used their personal credit cards to purchase clothes for the Palin clan.

    I have heard two different stories concerning these purchases. One says the staffers "volunteered" to make the purchases, and the other is that Palin demanded that they buy the items for her.

    Why she did not use her personal credit card and then get reimbursed I cannot say. Though we do know the Governor does not like to foot the bill for ANYTHING.


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