Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Celtic Diva's ethics complaint gets dismissed.

An ethics complaint alleging Gov. Sarah Palin promoted her husband's sponsor at a snowmobile race has been dismissed.

The complaint had been filed by Linda Kellen Biegel, who claimed Palin had a conflict of interest because the clothing she wore to the Tesoro Iron Dog snowmobile race this year had an Arctic Cat logo.

Palin's husband, Todd, is sponsored by Arctic Cat in the Iron Dog, the world's longest snowmobile race.

The Alaska Personnel Board's independent investigator, Thomas Daniel, said there was no evidence Palin used her position for personal gain by wearing the jacket at the start and finish of the race.

How did she and her family not "personally gain" from wearing Arctic Cat gear?

If her husband is sponsored by Arctic Cat, and then she wears clothes with their insignia on them, is that not considered tit for tat? And who would even notice her, or film her if she were not the Governor? So did she not use her position as Governor of Alaska to payback Arctic Cat for sponsoring her husband's little hobby? And did she not ensure that they will do the same next year? I beelive the answer to these questions is "yes".

I think that these ethics complaints are simply being dismissed out of hand with out being given the legal attention they deserve, and that it is time to start confronting the members of the Personnel Board on whether or not they are seeking justice or seeking Sarah Palin's eternal gratitude.

And according to her Twitter account she certainly seems pleased with the result:

We'll attach press release re: win against Democrat blogger's ethics charge that I shouldn't wear my warm snowmachine coat to cold Iron Dog.


  1. Un____ing believable! At what point will she be called to the mat for these conflict of interest investigations? CD has not posted about this yet, but she must be blown away! It is time to bring in the "feds" Alaska!

    United in outrage!

  2. the problem child5:36 PM

    Circuitous reasoning, anyone?

  3. Disgusting but not surprising. Those people are in her pocket. THere must be some other way to go after her for this. It was soooo blatant.

  4. honestyinGov6:25 PM

    With this latest dismissal from the Personnel Board (Can we call therm Her Personal Board..?)any time of ethics complaints will be swept under the rug. This one did not even have to looked at from a serious legal opinion. It was wrong just at face value. They didn't even say or admonish her and suggest she not do it again.. NOTHING ! It will have to be the FBI or CREW it seems. I still think there could be damaging info from the emails that Andree and CD have requested. If only they can get GINO to release them. I suggested this about a week ago.
    CD, Yourself, Regina, AKM, Progressive Alaska and anybody else email the reporter that broke the Parliament Scandal in Britain by using FOIA requests. Ask for her help and or advice. (I emailed her last week... got no response)Heather Burke is her name and there is a link at the bottom of this story. I would think she would be willing to help.

    EVERYBODY should email her and create some buzz.

  5. pacos_gal6:33 PM

    I think this goes just as much to your previous entry. No one who holds any sort of position within government in Alaska is going to go up against someone they Know is mad as a hatter and going to be out for revenge and use the power of her position as governor against them. That includes the personnel board.
    It is going to take a federal investigation that can find something of substance against her or someone who becomes brave enough to speak up with some truth and that truth had better include proof or she and her group of followers will cut them down pretty quickly. It's not a pretty thought, but I think it's a truthful one.
    God forbid that she ever gains any ground in National politics.

  6. Anonymous6:38 PM

    How long will Palin go escaping all these legitimate complaints? The law is for everyone but her???? She is making Randy Reuderich look like a saint compared to what she has pulled! And she has insulated herself with a merry band of hand picked people who will cover up everything she chooses to do while thumbing her nose at us! Then she gets on and "Tweets" her high school "naner, nanner , naaa na.! Sickening. It is obvious the Legislature is not going to stop this train wreck. When will we all get up the nerve to start the
    RECALL petition?????? Are we all afraid of her vindictiveness????? What about a protest rally and we call all the national press to come?

  7. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Watching Scarah oil her way through the thicket of lies she constructs around herself is an education. Of course, no one objects to her wearing something warm in cold weather, but that is the way she frames the discussion.

    I think it was an interview with Brian Williams early during the presidential campaign when he showed a picture of her wearing the T-shirt when she was saying "yes" to "The Bridge to Nowhere". She didn't pause a moment, but smoothly said "That is a picture of me wearing a shirt with the zip code of a place whose infrastructure I was supporting...

    Alaska, this is one serious piece of work you got tricked into supporting. I hope Bob Poe is ready for the fight of his life, if she wants to hang on to her position.

  8. Anonymous7:00 PM

    LOL... Looks like Palin is gettin the best of the ethics complaint filers.

    Such a game of chess.

    Whos turn is it? So interesting to watch this game

  9. Cathy in Colorado7:25 PM

    This is unbelieveable! Obviously, ethical standards are not part of this woman's moral fiber. The sooner she is booted out of public office, the better.

  10. Anonymous7:37 PM

    "I think that these ethics complaints are simply being dismissed out of hand with out being given the legal attention they deserve, and that it is time to start confronting the members of the Personnel Board on whether or not they are seeking justice or seeking Sarah Palin's eternal gratitude."

    This paragraph is balls on, Gryphen. The absolute corruption of the government at all levels in Alaska is enough to keep me from even visiting. I'm completely disgusted by all of it. The lack of integrity has left a vacuum the size of a black hole. I certainly feel bad for the good people in Alaska who still know right from wrong.

  11. onejrkitty7:39 PM

    The legislature did nothing to Palin on Troopergate despite finding her guilty.

    Why should the personnel board be braver than the legislators? The legislators sent the personnel board the message that THEY weren't going to go up against Palin. IMAGINE HOW THAT MAKES THOSE ONT HE PERSONNEL BOARD FEEL AND THE "INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATORS"?

    I dont mean to imply the personnel board's ONLY reason for rubber stamping these complaints is because of their own personal fear. Likely, they are simply on Palin's side anyway.

    BUT, if the legislators aren't going to act, how can we expect the board to???

    We need to go outside Alaska for help.

    Wimpy legislators.
    Wimpy personnel board.
    Wimpy individual "independent" attorneys.

    Limp Dicks All.

    Celtic Diva's complaint was a valid complaint. This OBVIOUS flaunting of the ethics statutes is just a slap in the face to all Alaskans.

    The Law doesn't exist in this state anymore.

    Hate to hang it all on the legislators, but they told Palin in clear language to just go ahead and b*tt f**k them that it was ok with them.

    She has and will continue to do so.

  12. And we're supposed to believe that the ONLY "warm coat" that GINO owns conveniently bears the Arctic Cat logo? Twitter makes even bright people look dumb, and dumb look dumber. Especially regarding "official" communication. SP's twits sound even more middle-school-mean-girl-ish than she already is!

  13. Anonymous6:09 AM

    This coat that she was given was just an extra women's coat he had with him, but how prescient to have had the name Sarah Palin monogrammed on the coat. What a lovely coincidence. sheesh

  14. Considering this link you posted a while ago:

    this turn of events is astounding!

  15. FEDUP!!!6:42 AM

    Well, it is obvious to everybody that Alaskans cannot/will not do anything (with this, I mean both the legislature as well as the judicial branch - and the people, unfortunately). So, we have to go federal. I don't know which department is the one that would investigate this ethics stuff. For Congress, they have an ethics committee, but for this? (I even have my doubts with the feds - look at the FEC ruling about her $150,000 clothing during the campaign...)
    Also, it is time to inundate the IRS with this. ALL of her g(r)ifts have to be declared, and we KNOW she hasn't.
    Also, start going to national/international news. Somehow I have more faith in the INTERNATIONAL ones than the corporations-owned US ones...
    When you contact them, make sure you also mention the house...

  16. Has anyone called the National Enquirer tip line?
    Has anyone hired a private investigator? What would it cost? Give us some numbers and we'll chip in.

  17. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Go ahead, Alaska. Secede. You're an embarrassment to us in the Lower 48, aka Outsiders. I can only hope that every legislator who has stood by fiddling while SP flouts law after law gets the same treatment as I hope she will get in the next election: voted out by a landslide and publicly shunned for their support of SP. Seems like a whole lot of people checked their consciences and sense of honor at the border.

  18. Someone suggested this ticket (not getting ahead of themselves or anything, are they?) "over there":

    "Palin and Bachmann in 2012 with Liz Cheney as Sec. of State!"

    Gawd. In their own country, I hope. If those 3 are running a country, any country, I want to be as far away from it as possible.

  19. Anonymous12:40 PM

    How ridiculous! How do you have an ethics board appointed by the person whose ethics they are supposed to investigate?
    Who thought of this? Of course all the complaints will be throw out. I say keep filing them. Has Palin declared her free stuff from Artic Cat on the required forms? Isn't this considered income to Todd? Do you Alaskans have any enforceable laws up there?

  20. lisabeth6:02 AM

    Liz Cheney was on CNN yesterday and I thought I would barf listening to her. Constant rudeness, interuppting the other person, and just loves her daddy!!

  21. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Talk about hypocrites and immoral people. You and Celtic Diva are in this for the money...soliciting funds on your blog. Shameless!


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