Saturday, July 18, 2009

An ironic Palin clip recently discoverd by Dennis Zaki.

Sarah Palin on "hurt feelings" from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.

Oh yeah! Sarah Palin certainly demonstrated her "thick skin" by taking offense at a joke by David Letterman, calling Levi Johnston a liar, and getting into pissing contests with Alaskan bloggers. Which she then lost.

Good job Dennis!


  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Thank you Dennis Zaki for braving the freezing cold to record this priceless clip of SP.

    For those who have trouble downloading this video, The Mudflats has an excellent transcription. Just imagine SP delivering this short speech with a chirpy, upbeat tone and smile, while her eyes glare out with an angry, bitter look of "oh shit, I'm back in Alaska and hating it".

  2. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Ha! Sarah Palin bragging about her thick skin and immunity to the rough and tumble blows of politics - priceless!

  3. Thick skin like a Momma Bear who will run away after you beat it's nose senseless? You betcha!

    Sarah will be the Princess of Hate once she's out. She will be presenting the racists of America who will band behind her against America's black president! Right Sarah?

  4. Did you know if you want to scare a bear off sometimes all it takes is spreading your legs apart, widening your arms too to make yourself larger, and then growling & screaming at the bear?

    Be prepared Momma Bear!

  5. This video should be paired with this one

    in which she makes the same point, about how above-it-all Hillary Clinton should be, and SP herself is (!). This video is also notable for being taken on Mar 3, in week 29 of her supposed pregnancy, six weeks from her delivery of an 8 pound Trig (or so she says) -- yet she is able to lean way forward with ease and cross her legs -- an impossibiliy for most women at this stage of a pregnancy.

    But maybe not impossible for someone who is flat as a board in week 30 in her pregnancy, as this graphic shows:

  6. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Okay, is Palin a paranoid schizophrenic?

  7. All hail Queen Palin at the bingo hall in Unalakleet!!

    Washington Post:

  8. Not a flashback, but a flash forward: This site would be an interesting one to keep an eye on, and perhaps help update...

  9. Anonymous9:03 AM

    No, she's not schizo...there's help for that. What Palin has is incurable.

  10. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Must have been taking her meds that day.

    wv =soctio sociopath?
    primary diagnosis narcissism, very possible ADD/ADHD

  11. Anonymous11:05 AM

    That IS hilarious. She really is wearing non-prescription, zero-correction, prop-glasses.

    What a piece of work she is.

  12. $P takes her ball and bat and goes home, and then twitters continually about her thick skin and optimal parenting skills. Geez.

  13. Patrick,

    Thanks for the link. I found this quote especially interesting.

    "she said. "I love Alaska too much to scratch and claw my way to hold onto the title of governor when I know it is best to continue to make progress with the same Cabinet members and the same agenda, but under the leadership of (Lt. Gov.) Sean Parnell." Wow!

    So she plans to continue to rule with an iron fist through her puppet. No surprise there. Why does she have to scratch & claw to hold onto the title of Gov? As Sgt. Schultz would say - "Vedddddy Int-ur-resting" dear $arah. Flee $arah Flee.....

  14. Anonymous12:17 PM

    The most telling part was the end when she looked directly at the camera.

    Yes, Palin does have thick skin. Palin is not that wimp over all that distraction stuff, family matters. Just a ploy, damsel in distress syndrome I'd call it, to focus away from Palin's political activities.

    The Federal Government had to step in to take over the Medicare/Medicaid program. The cult has maneuvered within the state government it seems.

    The cult group that Palin has been associated with would like to do away social services. That is why there are deaths because of lack of services. That is why she took cookies to hungry native Alaskans. That is why she tells the young native Alaskans to leave their communities for the big city for jobs. That is why she talks with lack of respect about the "feds" the way she does. That is why she said she would fund raise for candidates outside the republican party. That is why she disgraced the American flag by draping it over a chair with her elbow resting on it. It should be obvious by the statements of the cult that they are anti-American in their beliefs. And they want to progress further by taking over the world's Christianity. Then what?

    The only thing that protects me and my beliefs in how I interpret the Bible and God I serve is laws of this land, Bill of Rights, Constitution and amendments, particular separation of church and state. I am a heathen to this particular cult who professes to worship the real god. They should have the right to believe whatever they want; so should I. Their principles do not reflect the nature of Jesus and my Father. So what then? Because I cannot accept their beliefs, they want to strip me of my social security and kick me out of the land that my fore fathers built so they can have it all? How would that be any different than the cleric over Iran? Or the Taliban over Afghanistan? By a "Do as I say, not as I do" cult.

    Bruce Wilson has another fine article on Huff Post about Palin and her association with that cult.

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Guys, she is simply grabbing for the cash. Millions are being offered to her.

    What I'd like to know is if she has any ethical pangs about having accepted campaign money and now baiting and switching on those who supported her. Will she be refunding those donations for failure to uphold her side of the bargain?

    Clearly, ethical self-audits are not in her nature.

    It's a cut and run.

    Watch her soon sign to lucrative deals and pander to the odd population who believe Obama is not a citizen and a terrorist.

  16. Great article: Sarah Palin's OP ED talks about a plan for Alaska and for our country becoming "energy independent." Article says her ideas are not only terrible for our planet but also for the economy.

    I finally figured out what Sarah means by energy independence. She means not buying oil from the middle east an donly buying it from American sources. What a great solution (NOT). We cannot stay dependent on fossil fuels. The problem is she does not believe in global warming

  17. Good one, Anon @ 8:39 AM... :)

  18. Just_a_Mote2:14 PM

    I am having a hard time forgiving McCain for unleashing this on the world. I guess her plan is to travel around the country and incite hatred in naive and bigoted people. She will also collect the money they will enthusiastically offer and 'progress' her base. What a nightmare. We have to stay vigilant.

  19. Anonymous2:54 PM

    For those planning on attending the Palin Quitter's Picnic & Parnell's Launching Party you may be interested in some appropriate adornments:

  20. And there is another little shoe that dropped:

    John Coale, top-scientologist and Greta van Susteren's husband, now said that Sarah already had a $ 500.000 legal bill FROM the campaign - and only $ 100.000 in legal bills came later!

    Therefore, Sarah's allegation that she incurred a $ 500.000 legal bill as a consequence of the ethics complaints of some meanspirited liberals and other criminals in Alaska can safely be rejected as pure B.S. !!


    "One of the main reasons Sarah Palin is stepping down as governor, say associates, is her large, unpaid legal bill. Her successor, Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, says she is worried about "the cost of all the ethics investigations and the like." But is that really the reason? John Coale, a Washington lawyer who helped Palin set up a legal-defense fund and PAC, tells NEWSWEEK the fund is "well on its way" to paying off $500,000 in legal debt from the campaign and another $100,000 in bills incurred later, leaving questions about how big a part money woes played in her decision to resign."

    I can think of many reasons why Sarah Palin needed extensive legal advice during the campaign...

    How to effectively cover up the faked pregnancy, for example.

  21. Anonymous5:19 PM

    From comments in the previous post, she evidently resigned the day before the cutoff date for the Yahoo email account thing in TN.

  22. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Whatever she does next, you can bet she's on a path of destruction subconciously. Sarah Palin is PISSED off! Remember what the McCain people said about her-she does not listen and she takes no advise frim anyone. She is a loose cannon. Wait and watch Sarah unplugged and unteathered!
    Sarah is SEVERELY emotionally disturbed. She is mad at everyone including the GOP, the McCain people, the media and more. She has the emotional IQ of a 12 year old and she truly believes I side that she should have won in the last election and she blames McCain for keeping her quiet. In her sick mind, she is positive that as soon as she starts talking unrestrained, everyone in the world will see how fabulous she is!! Everyone will love and adore her.

    This is how a mentally ill narcissis functions. And she believes she deserves the presidency and Obama who is way beneath her won because of the "liberal smears."

    Sarah Palin is off her rocker-we already know that. And she is an ambitious mean and selfish woman.

    Just get out the popcorn everyone!


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