Friday, July 17, 2009

Walter Cronkite has passed away at the age of 92.

Cronkite is the voice that comes into my head when I think of the milestones that took place during my youth. From the Kennedy assassination to the Moon landing "Uncle" Walt was the man who delivered into our living rooms both the good, as well as the not so good, news.

And no matter how bad the news was he made you feel that competent people were aware of the problem and that everything would be alright.

(I cannot tell you how bizarre it feels to follow a post about that whiny little bitch below with the news of this great man's passing. People like Glenn Beck took what Cronkite made magic and reduced it to a sideshow.)


  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Yes, bizarre indeed as is the twit from the twitering idiot partially quoting Walter.

  2. Just_a_Mote6:00 PM

    Gryphen, I have similar memories from that period of time and I am very grateful that he lived and gave what he did. Both the monumental events you cited are completely intertwined with Cronkite in my memories.

  3. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Mr. Walter Cronkite, we honor you and mourn your passing.

  4. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Gryphen, I could not agree more. Walter Cronkite had that inate ability to bring comfort in the madness of Viet Nam, the Kennedy Assination, Watergate, the Iran hostage taking and so much else that we as a country have gone through. He was a voice of reason and strength and will be greatly missed.

    (for some reason I cannot post from my laptop other than Anonymous)

  5. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Walter Cronkite's passing brings more than one tear to my eyes. His was the voice of the news for a whole generation. He has been and will continue to be missed. I feel sorry for those of the present and upcoming generations that they will have little to no experience with what real journalism was all about.

  6. Anonymous4:43 AM

    My dad reminds me that Walter Cronkite landed in Holland by glider with the 101st Airborne during Operation Market Garden (book/movie "A Bridge Too Far") in 1944. Cronkite knew war and sought peace.

  7. Have you seen the new story on Huffington Post describing Palin's church? Rather scary.

  8. "And that's the way it is..." Or the way it was. Those of us who grew up with Uncle Walt are fortunate. May G-d bless Walter Cronkite. His memory will endure as a blessing.

  9. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Thank you, Uncle Walter. And thank you, Gryph, for posting this tribute. He was the voice of my childhood, teenage years, and early adulthood. I watched him while holding the TV antenna on the old Crosley during JFK's funeral, watched him brush aside a tear when we landed on the moon, and cried when he said, "And that's the way it is...good-bye" on his last news broadcast. May he rest in peace.

  10. Notvanquished6:26 AM

    Up yours Walter. You betrayed the truth in Vietnam.
    Tet was a major allied victory.Did you report the NVA atrocities in Viet Nam, especially the murder of 4,000 civilians in Hue? No!

    BTW Walter, We won in Iraq contrary to your opinion. BTW the Bush WMD was real. The Kurds did not die from bad pudding.


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