Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Maureen Dowd posts Sarah Palin's "diary".

Dear Diary,

No one understands me. It’s like I’m speaking some Eskimo dialect or something. Andrea Mitchell follows me all the way to Kanakanak Beach and I get a French manicure and set up this huge photo op for her, even though she spooked the salmon.

Todd and me are in our cool fishing bibs. Piper’s helping out on the boat. It’s an amazing day that shows how our Creator favored my beloved Alaska, gatekeeper of the continent, and makes a great shot for all the network reporters up here to milk. This progresses me away from my image as some kind of flaky “rogue diva” and back to my image as a tough huntin’ and fishin’ gal.

But Andrea makes such a darn big deal about how I’m quitting in the middle of my term.

“You’re not listening to me!” I snap.

She says maybe I didn’t want to go back to the nitty-gritty of Alaska politics after the bright lights of the national campaign.

“The nitty-gritty, like, you mean, the fish slime and the dirt under the fingernails and stuff that’s me?” I said. Awesome response, huh?!!

It’s the same old double standard. I am not one of those who would whine and cuss. It’s just not how I’m wired!!! But the minute I start to whine and cuss, the mainstream media totally misunderstands my verbiage and the combination of things that brought me to this place of knowing. And I know that I know that I know those crappy bloggers will put out more confliction stories.

I LOVE Maureen Dowd!

I urge you to read the rest of this imaginary diary by clicking the headline.

Maureen really nails the batshit crazy conflicting narratives coming out of (soon to be ex-)Governor Sarah's mouth. Very entertaining.

(BTW TIME magazine lists what it thinks are the five best explanations that Sarah Palin resigned but misses the real reason.)


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM

    ok,ok...I'll bite.......

    What's the REAL reason?

  2. What's very scary here is that Sarah Palin has become the poster child for white supremacy. Nobody is saying that, but that is exactly what is going on here.

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    You are so MEAN!!!!!!!! Stop with the tantilizing hints already. TELL...........

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    It should have been titled, "The 5 WORST reasons Sarah quit".

  5. I agree wes_ben. This is what nobody really wants to admit but it's true.

  6. Another interesting article worth reading.

  7. She isn't going away. Megalomaniacs are convinced they are needed.

  8. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Wes Ben, we will see that clearly when she goes out campaignin' for other "folks" out there in Real America. The racists will be out in force and they will have delicious signs also, too.

    And if the media interviews any of these people, it will scare most Americans, I believe.

    Also, too, unleashed, she will say amazing things that will be used to keep her away from governing MY life.

  9. Anonymous8:36 AM definitely, especially when you factor in Joe the SkinHeadPlumber, who Sarah is so fond of.

  10. Snowing in Alaska10:16 AM

    @ wes-ben

    We talk about this all the time - the Palin poster child for religious whack jobs and homophobic, xenophobic creeps. It's what she has been seen as nationally ever since she gave her snotty performance at the R National Convention. She's not fooling anyone.

    We are going to have to deal with these fear mongers at some point - probably sooner than later. They were fat and happy under Bush, and now freaking out because we have a real president and they see their piggish goals slipping away...

    Best not to run and hide, better to face 'em head on. They LIKE people to be afraid of them, and their vengeful and mean god. Don't give that power - stand up and fight back!

  11. Unfortunately, I think Time magazine probably has it right.

  12. Maureen Dowd insists that it is because Palin is already running for 2012. She's got her track outfit on and everything.

  13. Anonymous11:11 AM

    wesben: Remember the nutjobs who were protesting at the Letterman studio? THEY are her base and when America sees a bunch of THEM, they will run.

  14. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Dowd's post isn't that good. Check this out. Haha. Interesting takeoff on it.


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