Wednesday, August 19, 2009


It felt like kind of a small one, but it certainly got my attention.

I will update when more information comes in.

Update: Sorry I should have come back to this earlier, but I was distracted.

This from ADN:

A magnitude 5.0 earthquake under Cook Inlet rattled buildings in Anchorage and elsewhere in Southcentral Alaska this morning. There were no reports of damage.


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Hey Gryph,
    We live 24 miles N of Willow and it was a pretty good shaker out here!

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    HuffPost has AP info on Sherri Johnston...plead guilty to one count, others dropped. Check it out, I couldn't paste. Probably serve 3 years.

  3. Only a M5? My aunt slid with her house into Cook Inlet in the big one of '64 and had to be rescued by helicopter as she was floating out to sea. My uncle and cousins were trying on jackets at JC Penney's, which was totally destroyed.

  4. You're worried about a *5*? Do you know what we call that in CA, wuss? ;)

    There was a 5.0 in my hometown back in 2000. I was 11 and slept through the whole thing. When my mom woke me up in a panic, I thought our dog got out.

    Turns out a water main burst right in front of our house. Thankfully, only the street was flooded.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.