Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Somebody pretending to be Sarah Palin is posting anti-Obama rhetoric on her Facebook page again.

Look this is not her.

I am an Alaskan blogger so I am compelled to at least acknowledge that it is happening, but I give no credence to this comng from ex-Governor Palin whatsoever.

She is in hiding. I don't know why.

And while she is:
A) detoxing
B) recovering from surgery
C) being re-educated by Rupert Murdoch's media experts, or
D) all of the above

Somebody is simply trying to keep her name in the papers until she can speak for herself.

The only thing that is still "Sarah Palin" about what has come out recently is that it is ignorant and filled with misinformation. So at least we know the brand is being respected.


  1. I vote for (d) all of the above.

    You've nailed it. I really think you've hit the nail square on the head. It fits, perfectly.


  2. Your gut instinct has some evidence support also.

    (But I suspect this new ghost-writer might be a new person.)

    The latest FB ope-ed looked very to me odd--compared to her other FB notes--when I first read it. SO I ran it through Flesch-Kincaid readability test. The results are bizarre...


    The Flesch-Kincaid reading ease score is 6.6 (0 to 100, higher is best)
    The Flesch-Kincaid grade level is 16.6th grade
    The Gunning Fog index is 19.7 (average is 12, lower is best)
    The Coleman-Liau index is 15.8
    The SMOG index is 13.5
    The automated readability index is 12.5

    (Palin's other FB writings are at grade levels 8 to 11, and readability around 50, similar to her WashPost op-ed, and her VP debate. So there...)

    She "wrote" at grade 16.6! So it proves that she is very intelligent, complex, serious thinker/writer?

    I think this is the hidden agenda behind her anti-Obama op-eds: she wants to dent the the thoroughly embedded "Sarah is stupid" meme, which seems to her biggest concern if she has to run for President (as also seen from her progressively deteriorating support with education levels in the latest Marist poll.)

  3. Once again, the person proporting to be Mrs. Palin refers to our president as "Mr. Obama" or "Obama". It just cannot bring itself to refer to him with his correct title. I call it "it" because, as you say, we don't know if it's one person, or maybe a committee that wrote this one, but it cannot have been Ms. Palin.

    I know that I, as a fellow American, have NOT been sitting here wishing we could just drill drill drill in Alaska until that great state is sucked dry......I AM sitting here wishing everything humanly possible would be done to invest in hybrid and electric vehicles, and that wind, solar and other NON-PETROLEUM energy sources would be invested in. Gee, that MIGHT even help our economy...and jobs. Our planet would be much happier, IMHO, as would my lungs.

    As for where physically Ms. Palin is located, we can just speculate because we surely have not seen hide nor hair of her since the bestowal upon her of weaponry and plaques at the NRA. I'd like to think that she is spending hours upon hours, with glazed eyes, sitting in her various attorneys' offices discussing her book deal, her marriage, her leftover governor issues, her new house (if there is one), negotiating a "job" with Fox, and what options she has to sue anybody for anything just to be on the safe side.

    Or, maybe she's recovering from a "lipliner tattoo revision".

    OT: Did you all see Barney Frank tell off that Nazi woman? Priceless.

  4. SKB--

    Yeah, but fighting against the "Sarah is stupid" meme will only work if "she" only submits "her" ideas in writing. As soon as she must spontaneously talk and answer questions, the ruse is over.

  5. She's probably just pulling an Aimee Semple McPherson.

  6. Molly - the Barney Frank think was priceless - no doubt about it.

    I also agree with skb - this is another person writing for her (she must be up to three now because they are all so different in tone & presentation).

    It galls me to no end that they can't address PRESIDENT Obama with his title. It is soooooo disrespectful yet she will still want to be called the gov. Disgusting.

    Gryph: The answer is probably D - All of the above. I am pretty sure that even Rupert Murdock has to realize that she would never be elected and is prepping her to take a spot on Faux News. So a little nip&tuck here and there and some speach lessons. I would certainly hope that he gives her some schooling because she is going to look dumb. No, I take that back she will fit right in with the rest of the "special" people.

    Hopefully, after Rupert is done with Sarah he will get some therapy for Glenn Beck before he seriously hurts someone or himself.

  7. Anonymous6:56 AM

    We have to import oil because we don't have enough, no matter how much drilling is done. And 2/3 of what we import is for cars and trucks.

    Solving the oil problem takes solving the fuel problem for vehicles. One breakthrough with a fuel cell or new battery for electric cars, and the problem is solved, and NO drilling.

    Remember also, too, oil companies have leases they are not developing. Why? Too expensive to drill where the oil is (shale oil is very expensive to get) and the current oil price does not support the oil companies spending. SO, BLAME THE OIL COMPANIES FOR NOT DRILLING.

    I know facts hurt, but....

    Oh, and there is a glut of natural gas so we here in the lower 48 are not a hungry market. I hear Alaskans need lower gas prices....guess the pipeline project should be for THEM and not to us.


    What a fake she is.

    All she needs to do now is give the classic LIE that she is spending time with family.
    Why didn't she say that to begin with? She could have gone quietly into hiding. The fake fb is over the top. No respectable journalist should play along with that hoax.

  9. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I believe Palin sold out to the higest bidder to use her name, her snark,her fan base to throw red meat out to the crowds. Also, I think someone is planning to "reinvent" Palin and try to make her look smarter than she really is. That's why she is in hiding. She couldn't argue any of her points in person, and her new owners know it. They are keeping her from actually speaking to the media.... to further prevent her from showing that she is an ignoramus.

    Palin sold out to someone to become the attack pitbull. I wonder who is pulling her strings?

  10. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Palin will probably emerge saying she was working on her book. Also, that she and Todd have been under such scrutiny by those nasty rumors. So much stress that they spent some quality time together (second honeymoon) and all is well in the Palin home, see the new ring. And the blame games will begin. d) would be my guess.

  11. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I have actually reported it to FaceBook, that I do not think it is her posting on it, and I gave some examples of her word salad vs the big words now, and they sent me a response that they are checking into it... Maybe if more people do the same, her site will be blocked.

  12. How much has the SarahPac Facebook made for the Palins since the are advertising she is on Facebook?

  13. Anonymous7:22 AM

    I say A or B, gryphen.

    4 months ago I wouldn't have thought A. but the crazy breathless speeches, weight loss, and the teeth surgery (I am told meth makes you grind your teeth) sure seem to me that she just might have a drug problem.

    sarah is setting herself up for a huge fall with these fake fb writings. unless, of course, she never plans to answer another question from the press for the rest of her life. sure can't run for any office if that's her plan.

  14. I don't read SP's Face Book pages, but have read exerpts that people have posted. It's obvious she isn't writing them. My daughter has a masters in Communication Rhetoric and is working on her PhD. I asked her to read some of Palins early speeches and the Face Book rants. She told me, in her opinion, they are clearly different writers. My daughter teaches undergrads at a University. She is very good at catching plagerism and students who clearly haven't written their own work. Maybe SP has guest Op Ed's on her Face Book and passes them off as her? She very clearly sold her herself..... That's prostution folks.

  15. Anonymous7:27 AM

    A Seattle blog has posted the name of one Palin co-writer--

    "Under the heading "Guts and Grace" the Christian conservative magazine World announced that its features editor Lynn Vincent will be working with Palin. Vincent has written extensively about "hot button social issues" according to the magazine."

  16. WalterNeff7:38 AM

    so, another bin Palin tape has been released?

  17. Anonymous7:41 AM

    All of the above

  18. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I vote that if and when Sarah reappears, we will hardly recognize her youthful face. The only way that we'll know her is by that trademark hairdo.

    For someone who is nourished by the bright lights of cameras and the attention of adoring crowds, it is strange that she has gone off the radar. So, I also vote that the frenzy of all of her media attention, fueled by I-don't-know-what-substances-if-any requires a nice long quiet restorative period of time (trying to word it politely so no one will sue Gryphen. He is not responsible for what his fans write).

  19. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:43 AM

    Gryphen All of the above ! :)
    Ran her quitter speech through that site...
    The Flesch-Kincaid reading ease score is 64.4 (0 to 100, higher is best)
    The Flesch-Kincaid grade level is 8.1th grade
    The Gunning Fog index is 10.6 (average is 12, lower is best)
    The Coleman-Liau index is 11
    The SMOG index is 8.6

    So someone is definitely writing for her, we could tell but this is a great tool to check it out! Thanks SKB@6:35am :)
    And her new note today does not contain any footnotes? She is having multiple people write for her. With this tool we can totally check it out :)

  20. To add to my earlier comment, Sarah Palin's latest 'reading ease score' is 6.6. That's preposterous!

    For comparison:

    Her other FB scores are between 40 and 60. And,

    "Reader's Digest magazine has a readability index of about 65, Time magazine scores about 52, an average year 7 student's (eleven years) written assignment has a readability test of 60-70 (and a reading grade level of 6-7) and the Harvard Law Review has a general readability score in the low 30s. "

    Bush was made fun of for his low (Flesch-Kincaid) grade level speech(which his handlers thought was a ploy to appeal to the "common man"), it seems Sarah Palin wants to prove she isn't "dumb" by veering to the opposite, by writing complexly to double phd audience. Most of her support comes form low education levels, but no problem with them as they may latch on to some catchy words and phrases like "Drill Baby Drill" even though they cannot critically examine and analyze her writings and ideas.

    And check this out, from a Palin supporting blogger defending her "intelligence" based on the Flesh-Kincaid readability score:

    A Tale of Two Op-Eds: Palin Versus Frank

    "Since I also love politics and despise the outrageous accusations by those who question Sarah Palin's intelligence, I decided it might be fun to compare Sarah Palin's op-ed in WaPo on Cap and Trade (July 14) to Thomas Frank's critical piece (July 15) at the Wall Street Journal entitled (ahem) Poor, Persecuted Sarah Palin. Here are the results.

    Sarah Palin's results according to Writing Tester: 10th Grade Level
    Thomas Frank's results according to Writing Tester: 8th Grade Level

    Sarah Palin's results according to Blue Centauri:
    Flesch Reading Ease: 60.32
    Fog Scale Level: 11.15
    Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 8.51

    Thomas Frank's results according to Blue Centauri:
    Flesch Reading Ease: 71.93
    Fog Scale Level: 9.76
    Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 6.55"

    It would impossible for any Sarah Palin critic to beat her latest readability score.

    There is no worthy critic for Sarah's evolving intellect. Sarah wins again and proves to the entore world tat she is NOT dumb.

    Disclaimer: My first language isn't English. And i am not an American. Just so that I don't sound hypocritical in my criticism of Palin's use of language.

  21. Anonymous7:56 AM

    SKB, I get different values:
    F-K reading score is 44.4
    grade level 13.8th grade
    G-F index 15.8
    C-L index 12.7
    SMOG index 12.3
    automated readability index 15

  22. Anonymous7:56 AM

    SunSweet, has your daughter ever examined Bush's speeches from when he was running for governor of TX and his latter presidential spewages? They are like night and day.
    I seriously doubt Palin can get smarter, but we have all seen politicians get way dumber (Bush, McCain, Quayle).

  23. Anonymous7:56 AM

    When she resurfaces I am going to post a side by side before and after picture of her on a plastic surgery website and have the posters there pick her apart lol.

  24. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Sarah is the Milli Vanilli of Face Book....

    Maybe she is in China looking into brain transplants.... it is her only hope.

    Can anyone picture her doing Sunday talk shows as guest or hosting a Fox tv or radio show?

    Without the brain transplant... NO WAY

  25. lisabeth8:05 AM

    She is VERY STUPID or whomever writing it is. Her polls right now are TERRIBLE. She still hasn't learned that being nasty about the president is an old trick that is not working. It did not work during the election and it is turning people off even more now......

    I can't stand the woman. And everyone I know , Republican, independent, whatever, does not find her to be a positive force with fresh new ideas for our country. It is just the same old rhetoric.

    It only inspires her very wacko ignorant base, I guess she wants to keep them juiced up for when she comes back.....

    What an idiot - I would love to know where she is. It is all very strange.....

  26. I vote 'All the above'

    and once again, there is no way she wrote the FB stuff!

    How can her crazy loons be dumb enough to believe she did?

  27. lisabeth8:11 AM

    Hey anon 7:16 am.....where do you report this to Facebook? I would like to do the same and I think everyone should. I don't go and read her comments because they make me physically ill.

    I have NEVER hated any politician before. There are many I haven't agreed with of course. But I think Palin is a very dangerous and mentally ill woman. Whomever is pulling her strings isn't going to be able to keep her under wraps. She has too crazy of a personality.

    Do you really think she is going to listen to handlers???? Come on!!

  28. SME1318:11 AM

    It's easy to tell when she didn't write something. If it contains a coherent sentence it isn't her. But she needs to be careful. Her followers all read at a 3rd grade level and it would be a shame if they didn't understand the point her fake identity is trying to make.

  29. I think, not only did $carah not write the facebook entry, but whoever is pretending to be her is right back in the good ole you betcha hypocrisy issue. If I remember correctly, Brazil sent heating oil to Alaska last winter. You scratch my back but I'm not going to support you in any way. I'm not siding with Brazil here, or Chavez, but $carah has more faces than a hydra has heads.

  30. What would Mitt Romney do?8:30 AM

    My vote goes with D) all of the above

    Why does SararPac need to pretend it is Sarah? When politicians give a speech they give credit to speech writers. What is wrong with respecting the teams that work on projects?

    Gryphen, I am grateful you are bringing this out. It is annoying. Can someone explain more about Lynn Vincent. She works for Harper-Collins and ghost writes on a book for Sarah. Is she also paid to ghost write for SarahPac? I notice Meg Stapleton signed some of the notes before they pretended it was Sarah. Is Meg still the spokesperson for SarahPac and does she continue to write for them as a ghost writer?

    Would Mitt Romney or other GOP hopefuls set up a PAC and ask for money? Would they take credit for writing that they obviously were not capable to produce?

    Can't SarahPac just explain that Sarah is not doing the work but the misinformation and lies are with her approval and she is responsible for what they do with her name.
    Please, media stop feeding this fantasy that Sarah can write. That is not who she is.

    When celebrities start to fail it is not unusual for them to have someone use their name and they are paid for that. Is Sarah paid for the use of her name by SarahPac in order to solicit more donations?

    I find this pretend FB unsavory and do not understand why both the Alaskan Trust and SarahPac are not throughly investigated. Are they both working together on these collection drives? I've heard that Conservatives4Palin are now in cahoots with SarahPac. Why wouldn't they disclose that?

    There are too many questions and the whole SarahPac Fb stinks of fraud.

  31. I think her hair will be straight and smooth like every other "just a pretty face" on FOX. Well, except she really is hard to call pretty because her personality shows through and we all know how sad it is that she has done such a terrible job of raising her poor children.

  32. Why is CBS reporting this bull? They need to be clear that the ideas were EX-Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey and Palin is loaning her name for donations for a Pac. Loaning a name is not "Palin has been able to create a narrative for herself through sites like Facebook"

    Palin Reemerges Into the Spotlight Via Facebook

    This is who gives money for Palin campaigns? Are they all criminals?
    Palin’s Campaign Contributions From Convicted Criminal Bill Allen

    since the
    since they
    How much has the SarahPac Facebook made for the Palins since the are advertising she is on Facebook?

  33. Wednesday Anon Person8:52 AM

    Hey, hey. It's definitely D. Mrs. Palin is not writing her Facebook entries (how pathetic is it that she can't write her own Facebook page?). And she is not trainable, as she proved in the last election, so any public debate will show what a moron she is. I can't wait for 2010 for Romney to bring her down.

    Her brand is tarnished beyond repair. They can roll out "Stepford Palin" sometime this fall, but her numbers won't rebuild.

    Folks, as you are writing to Facebook, write to CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS and ABC asking them to give more attention to OTHER female GOP leaders, as "opposition characters" in our national debates. Tell them you want to heighten the level of all public discourse beyond the level of senile mudwrestling. DEMAND MORE INTELLIGENT PROGRAMMING. We have a brilliant President; we deserve a more intelligent national discourse.

  34. Anon @756 AM

    You are right. Thanks for correcting. I had the numbers messed up and got over-excited. The right numbers are:

    "The Flesch-Kincaid reading ease score is 42.8 (0 to 100, higher is best)
    The Flesch-Kincaid grade level is 14.3th grade"

    (same as your, I excluded the name "--Sarah Palin" that was signed-off at the end while I ran the test on the rest of the text.)

    But still a grade level of 14 is peculiar compared to good writing standards or her past speech/writings.

  35. Anonymous9:02 AM

    7:16 AM
    That is a good idea.
    The more people who let facebook know we are getting scammed the better.

    There are laws about internet scams.
    Remember the Electronic Frontier Foundation

    I believed SarahPac was about money to support a candidate. Now it is the voice of a phony teaching their policy. Aren't there rules and regulations to govern how they go about collecting the money? Candidates who use a political committee to fleece people disgusts me. Who can we write to?

    The media needs to get the message we are not going to take this.

  36. Plus the added hypocrisy that the company that palin signed the pipeline deal with is Canadian.
    I love Canada, but her America first attitude does not coincide with her actions. Why didn't she sign with an American firm, thereby ensuring American jobs?
    Would she prefer Alaskans freeze instead of using lower cost heating oil? Not only did she let them freeze and starve,people died because of her lack of caring about health issues in her state while gov.
    palin has no stones to throw at President Obama.
    She made death panels come true in her own state

    Her base is being lied to, again. She is not a smart women. She has never been nor can she add brains where there are none.
    She will be found out and hopefully paraded as the fraud she is.
    Remember, this is the women that did not even know as Governor, how much her own state contributed oil and gas to the lower 48.
    WHILE SHE WAS GOV. and a supposed expert.

  37. I still can't get over most of the Facebook comments on this woman's posts. My favorite excerpt:

    Robert: Mr. Obama, the Muslim, Islamic idealist, is interested only in the demise of America. 2012, please hurry

    Just.. wow.

  38. Ratfish9:26 AM

    You can tell Palin didn't write it. If she had, it would have been about getting a Brazilian wax job, not about Brazilian jobs.

    Either Newt or Fred Malek writes her stuff now. Just like during the McCain campaign she is being kept under wraps now.

    So she can have "gravitas."

  39. I've said it before and I repeat it again.

    The Alaskian bloggers had better bring her down and soon.

  40. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Lisabeth @8:11:

    Here is the address where to report a fake profile on FaceBook:

    For the Profile url, I put in one of her 'notes'; marked the 'impostor' tag, put in her full name, put in ? for the next two items, and added my comment, that I believe someone had taken over her site. I gave two very different writing styles, and also gave a source for when she wrote something as governor, which is totally contrary to what she claims now (I used the so-called death panels, but there are other issues, too...).

  41. InJuneau10:03 AM

    Dianne--actually the fuel was from Venezuela, you know, from Hugo Chavez that evil socialist (or whatever...).

  42. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Diane: The heating oil was from that old Socialist, Chavez!! Because Alaska, which has gas and oil, can't find a way to bring heat to their own people.

    thanks Miss Wasilla

  43. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:13 AM

    Went to writing test website:
    submitted three of palins speeches

    Plagiarized sppeech...quitter speech...farewell speech;

    grade level

    Next plugged in RAM's "who we are" writing



    Grade level


    Today's FB

    Grade level
    8/9 FB


    grade level
    (readability--->higher is easier to read)
    Its safe to say she isn't writing these FB's.
    Unclear who wrote her quitter speech and farewell...RAM??? (who was in AK at that time)

  44. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Good God!

    How many times do you people have to be reminded of it before you at least consider the possibility: President Clinton was giving his honest opinion when he conceded that "the quitter" had " political instincts".

    More specifically,

    "She's an instinctively effective candidate and with a compelling story," Clinton said in an interview with CNBC.

    "I think she, I get why she's done so well. It's a mistake to underestimate her. She's got good intuitive skills. They're significant," he said.


    Now, there are two possibilities: either most of you, having never talked to the woman one-on-one, know something Clinton does, or you are just emotionally incapable of accepting that.

    Einstein knew even the greatest physicists of his time couldn't handle that. He wrote a letter to a peer and said,

    "You are the only contemporary physicist, besides Laue, who sees that one cannot get around the assumption of reality, if only one is honest."

    Things are what they are, not what we hope they will be or believe they are not.

    It doesn't matter if a thousand people on this blog believe if she wrote it or not just as it turned out not to matter that it was Ted Sorenson and not JFK who wrote "Profiles in Courage".

    Here's a possibility you haven't considered: Palin collaborated with a NEW speechwriter or her original draft was worked over by someone
    with a heavy red pencil.

    Again, it doesn't matter. Until some of you wake up and accept that you
    can take just about everything you read from the left or the right with
    a grain of salt, your conclusions will be based on two parts fact and eight parts subjectivity.

    Disraeli said "nine out of 10 books are nonsense".

    You don't even want to know what he thought about the press and the
    b.s. that hijacks a person's ability to think critically.

  45. Anonymous10:33 AM

    SKB: Are you serious?

    The numbers proved to many that energy could not be produced by splitting the atom.

    The numbers also proved to NBC that the "Seinfeld" ensemble in season one was "week"; that the Beattles' music wouldn't sell, the Patriots would stomp on the Giants in the Super bowl; the four-minute mile could never be run; the sound barrier could not be broken, and that in 1982 for IBM the $100,000,000 sticker price for Microsoft was a joke.

    I knew a guy that had an extremely virulent blood cancer. He was given a max of six months by oncologists at world-famous Sloan Kettering.

    He lived for 18 years--and a brilliant mathematician who was passionate about his subject but realized, like Saint Exupery, that the
    "essential" was hidden from the eye.

    There are no formulae that can tell what a human being is capable of or even if he or she is limited today, what he may be capable of next week
    or next year.

    It's called macroscopic indeterminacy and it's a bitch.

    Just ask Bill Belichick.

  46. Anonymous10:36 AM

    It doesn't make any difference if Sarah wrote it or not. It's HER facebook page and she has to be responsible for it. So if someone else is writing horrid comments, the blame goes to Sarah as if she wrote them. So hold her to it.

  47. This was written by Sarah worshipper Joseph Russo who lives at the see 4 pee. He left it on an ADN comment page.

  48. Oops! Sorry. My bad. I'll do better next time. But she's still a hypocrit and worse.

  49. Re: Anonymous GOOD GOD Bill Clinton Post

    I think the old dude has a thing for Palin Pants.

    It took him forever to come out and campaign for Obama during the election.
    Why? I thought it was him still getting over the fact that this man "beat his wife"

    But then after the election .. Oh Bill-O calls Sarah Palin
    This woman was on the other side of the ticket and had just spit her last spit with Obama Lies and racists type rants..
    Why would he call her?

    And now he is saying she has some spunk! A compelling story?

    Creepy dude.. I like him but ick this part is creepy

  50. MadCity Chick12:50 PM

    The White House is setting the record straight.

    What’s #1 on the list of lies being debunked you say?

    Former Governor Sarah Palin’s Outrageous “Death Panel” Comments
    Former Governor Sarah Palin falsely claimed that under proposed health reform legislation, a “death panel” of bureaucrats would “decide, based on a subjective judgment of their ‘level of productivity in society,’ whether [patients] are worthy of health care.” The truth is, there’s no such panel mentioned anywhere in the bill.

    Check it out and pass it on!

  51. Anonymous2:00 PM

    In America, there seems to be a test for everything: SAT scores for college, GMAT or GRE for graduate school, Civil Service exam for government jobs, MCAT's for physicians, LSAT's for lawyers...and numerous other licensing tests for nearly every profession. But there is absolutely nothing to rate the qualifications of our government officials. When people like Sarah Palin have someone else write her book and her policy statements, we have no idea if she really understands anything. Plus...she has only made herself available for two real interviews.
    Before someone can run for President, he or she should be able to ace the SAT II in American History or earn a high score on the AP American history exam. And even though thousands of high school students in American do that every year, I'll bet my house SP could not. Better yet...put the candidates in a room with a pen and paper and ask them to respond to a political argument or question. How would Sarah do?

  52. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Anon @ 10:17 - I agree, it doesn't matter AT THE MOMENT whether Palin is the author of her FB image-salvaging endeavors. I'm not sure I see the importance of outing her on this.

    However, regardless of how well-received her postings are: 1) it is odd she isn't making the media rounds talking them up and 2) eventually, she's going to have to "be" the person on FB. That's where the philly meets the bagel.

    While I also agree that Palin is a political animal that should not be underestimated, with the rest of her entourage of baggage, will it really matter? She is not well-respected outside of her base of enamoured groupies.

  53. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Can someone explain more about Political action committees.

    I don't care if Sarah P. writes under her own name on a social network site set up for a Pac. Meg S. has used the FaceBook notes to write. At times it was like a press release. I don't know that much about Pacs, I think that is common practice. I don't like a Pac that would claim Benedetto XVI is writing while it is actually Salman Rushdi or Joseph Wurzelbacher that is the writer. Benedetto XVI can use his name and take responsibility for what is written, I feel conned if he is not upfront about the writer.

    I did NOT know when Sarah P. was saying that she "won" where it came from. I didn't get that all the policy things they attribute to her were not her but an unknown writer on a Pac social network. I did NOT know she was coming from the same FaceBook the SarahPac is using and that Meg S. once sent out press releases as the controller of SarahPac.

    What they are doing is very confusing to average people that have other things to do. By the time I would hear something the MSM was discussing it as if Sarah P. was thinking and creating original material, i thought she was one busy brilliant lady. It was my mistake to think Sarah P. had her own FaceBook and she was putting out releases and policy as an individual on her own site.

    It is both SarahPac and Sarah P. mistakes to confuse the public as they do. They need to get this cleared up.

    If there are people who can say more about Political action committees that would be great. Do they all engage in national arguments like health care and Bogart policies? SarahPac is making Sarah P. out to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. In reality I don't think she has lifted a finger.

    When she quit she made promises. I thought she would be active and part of the national discussion. Now it comes out that no one has seen or heard from her for days or weeks. Something is wrong. If she planned to go away she would have said that last July. She can not be trusted in the slightest way.

    I would like to know the FEC is also looking into what this particular Pac is doing. No Pac should be this deceptive. Would this come under political finance reform?

    Political action committee
    In the United States , a Political Action Committee, or PAC, is the name commonly given to a private group, regardless of size, organized to elect political candidates. Legally, what constitutes a "PAC" for purposes of regulation is a matter of state and federal law. Under the Federal Election Campaign Act, an organization becomes a "political committee" by receiving contributions or making expenditures in excess of $1,000 for the purpose of influencing a federal election.

    PACs must report all of the financial activities, including direct donations and other expenses, to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), which makes the reports available to the public.

    Everyone thank you for all the good comments. I learn so much here. Gryphen, you are the best. Please keep on this. I am sorry I am so confused over this.

  54. Ratfish5:39 PM

    The Ex-Im Bank disputed Palin's statement today.

    The money is actually to be used to purchase American services and goods.

    When it comes to Brazilians, Palin needs to stick to wax jobs.

  55. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Facelift. Neck lift. Probably some fillers like Restylane. Pitty they can't do something about the aging hands.

  56. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I must be missing something- where are the plastic surgery rumors coming from? Why are we assuming thats where she is?

    Some are saying it doesn't matter whether or not Palin wrote those notes on FB, but even so, it bothers me. It bothers me that someone is passing off work as their own that clearly isn't. Palin can post to FB all she wants, but until she start appearing on TV with people BESIDES Beck and Hannity to back it up- she's just another average joe spouting opinions.

  57. Anonymous11:06 PM say you want her to go away and then when she does, you complain she is hiding. Who cares if she is getting help with her writing, who doesn't? You think Obama didn't get help with his books and speeches?

    She is getting a message out without people picking apart her hair, weight, wedding ring, clothes, shoes etc. Obama obviously feels the need to respond to what she writes.

  58. I think John Ziegler, the Media Malpractice guy, is writing Facebook notes for Sarah Palin. You heard it here first.

  59. lily b8:42 AM

    I don't know if anyone cares about Sarah so much, they care about integrity and see her missing. Her lack of honor needs to be called out. Her lies are obvious and she can't stop being a fraud and people will notice. Her followers are the crazies that go along with giving her credit for what disregarded workers do for her. The disrespect her group has for one another is worth watching because this is what happens with idol worship.

    No one says she can't have a ghost writer. There are those that believe in honor and respect for workers. Sarah lacks basic morals. She is stealing from those she regards as less. She needs to be more transparent. She has gone to the darkside. that is why hiding is looking so ugly.

  60. Mainly (c). She's probably gonna replace Glenn Beck. Nice of Beck to provide Murdoch with an excuse for firing him.

    Incidentally, SP was Beck's first guest when he moved to FOX.

    How does that knife in your back feel, Glenn?

  61. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Palin stands to profit from the very bank loan she criticizes. Her 2007 financial disclosure form indicates investment in the TRowePrice Latin American Fund - in which Petrobras (the Brazilian company receiving these funds) is a major holding.

    Shouldn't she therefore divest herself of this investment?

    Perhaps she should spend less time on Facebook and more time at her own desk reviewing her own 'economic conditions.'


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