Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Keith Olbermann's Special Comments for August 3rd.

Wow! Now that is how you confront the liars about health care reform!


  1. Bones AK6:09 AM

    He sure can do them well can't he?

  2. God I Love Keith Olberman!

  3. Damn, ouch, Thank you Mr. Olberman

  4. Anonymous6:47 AM

    It's about time someone calls these congressmen and women out. Way to go, Keith!
    Kallie in Texas

  5. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I hope he wins an award for that. I got goosebumps. Keith had a good point. It is important that ALL of us write to our representatives and remind them what WE want. Remind them that we are the voters who hold the power to have them KEEP their govt' sponsored insurance they are against all of us having.


  6. Wow. I don't know if I am madder than hell or just plain sad. That is a powerful! Thanks Gryphen for posting this. And as tewise says, Thank you Mr. Olberman.

  7. I luv Olbermann. Thanks for posting this one, Gryph!

  8. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Speaking truth to power is always awe-inducing. Go Keith Olbermann! I love the KO man.

  9. Just_a_Mote7:58 AM

    I watched it last night. It certainly made me sit up. I always enjoy Olbermann, but this was
    especially intense. Kudos (big time) to him for outing these people.

  10. you can email the blue dogs at bluedogs@mail.house.gov

  11. correction on the email it is


    there are 54 members...learn who they are at http://www.house.gov/melancon/BlueDogs/index.html

  12. SoCalWolfGal11:11 AM

    I am so glad KO is back!! I hope those who were called out feel like crawling under a rock. That is where they belong. Let's all bombard those Blue Dogs and tell them we are not buying this bulls__t and to get with the program!

  13. I've grown addicted to Keith.

  14. I wish every american could watch this! Olbermann, thank you!

  15. RIGHT NOW on The Bill O'Reilly Factor they are discussing you and the blog, Gryph. Stupid BOR (who always thinks he knows the law) thinks SP has a case, but even the Faux News legal blondes think it is really a stretch that she has a case.

    BOR pretty much ALWAYS comes down on the incorrect side of any legal issue, so I think you are in the clear ;-)

    But, on a serious note, thank you for helping to expose the trainwreck that is $P to the rest of the country.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.