Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Arizona pastor: "I hate Barack Obama! I am going to pray that he dies and goes to hell!

This Arizona pastor preached this sermon the night BEFORE the President visited his city.

One of his parishioners showed up at a town hall meeting carrying and assault rifle the very next day.

I am all for free speech, but inciting people to be violent toward the President of the United States is inexcusable, and should be punished. And isn't this man supposed to be a Christian? How can anybody who supposedly follows the teachings of Jesus Christ listen to a man who prays for the death of the President of the United States, or anybody for that matter?

And this is not an isolated incident. This is happening all over the country. It is time for the FBI to start taking these threats very seriously, before some asshole actually shoots our President and causes this country to fracture right down the middle.

(I need to give a hat tip to my friend Phil Munger who posted this clip on his site Progressive Alaska.)


  1. I read somewhere, I think it may of been HuffPo or NYT's, that the Secret Service is watching these people and taking it seriously.
    It's freakin unbelievable, huh?
    What is WRONG with these people?

  2. Irishgirl5:52 AM

    That is really very frightening.

  3. Not just inexcusible; illegal! Can you imagine what would have happened if some left wing protestors brought guns to a Bush rally? Two people were arrested for wearing anti-Bush t-shirts!

  4. Gasman6:20 AM

    The "minister" is Steven Anderson. His idea of biblical scholarship is memorization of the King James Bible. That's it. No Greek, no Hebrew, no knowledge of history or culture, just plain ol' KJV. I mean, if the KJV was good enough for Jesus and the 12 disciples, well then, it's good enough for me!

    I wrote a very long and angry response, but it keeps getting bounced back with a message that reads "mailbox is full: retry timeout exceeded." I'll bet his mailbox is full. It is quite instructive - and sickening - to spend time on his church's website. You will be amazed at the depth and breadth of his ignorance, conceit, and intolerance. Doesn't remind of Jesus in the least.

    Anderson is a major league tool. If you follow links from the church site to his own blog and another for his wife, you learn that he was involved in a major altercation with the Border Patrol. Apparently, a police dog "hit" on his car. After being repeatedly asked to pull over and exit his car - a lawful command which he repeatedly ignored - they none too gently yanked him from the car. He is trying to portray himself as some grand Christian martyr. He has even posted on the web video that he shot at the beginning of the incident. His blog includes DOZENS of documents relating to the case.

    I am going to keep sending him my message until it gets through. He won't read it, but it will add to the pressure on his IP's server and at least indirectly cause him grief. He is ignorant, arrogant, and utterly convinced that God told him he is right in his vitriolic hatred of seemingly everything that is not Steven Anderson. He is potentially dangerous only if we ignore him and let him promulgate his hateful message behind closed doors. He needs to be exposed as the un-American bigot he is.

  5. It's this kind of man who gives Christianity a bad name. Can't they see that this is no different than the Taliban terrorists? The Christ I know will respond to this man's prayers with a "No way. I know thee not."

  6. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Take a look at the "doctrines" of this church and what this particular "pastor" preaches and it will show just what kind of religious beliefs he and his followers carry.
    Doctrinal Statement

    We believe that the King James Bible is the word of God without error.

    We believe all Scripture was given by inspiration of God, and that God also promised to preserve his word. Divine inspiration is of no value to Christians without God's promise of preservation.

    We believe that salvation is by grace through faith. Being born again by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is the only requirement for salvation.
    We believe in the eternal security of the believer (once saved, always saved).

    We believe that the unsaved will spend eternity in torment in a literal hell.

    We believe that Jesus is God, and that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Ghost of the virgin Mary.

    We believe only in the local church and not in a universal church.

    We reject the teaching of Calvinism and believe that God wants everyone to be saved.

    We are Non-dispensational.

    We believe that life begins at conception (fertilization) and reject all forms of abortion including surgical abortion, "morning-after" pills, IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), birth control pills, and all other processes that end life after conception.

    We believe that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination which God punishes with the death penalty.

    We oppose worldliness, modernism, formalism, and liberalism.

    These people are truly sick, and he should be watched carefully and closely for encouragement of violence against the President of the United States.

    Rationalist stated that people were arrested for simply wearing anti-Bush tee shirts, which is correct, but don't forget how a woman was ejected from a Sarah Palin rally and issued a citation and threatened with arrest if she returned, and her crime was carrying a sign that said McCain=Bush.

    And yet it is perfectly acceptable for people to threaten actual physical violence and promote the death of our President, or should I say it is perfectly acceptable and encouraged by a certain segment of our population.

    These are the people that support Sarah Palin, and want to see her as our leader. This is the kind of violence she incites with her lies and rhetoric.


  7. Anonymous6:41 AM

    The NRA has certainly trained their minions very well. I'm all for people being allowed to own guns for hunting in order to eat, but not for people being allowed to carry guns in public especially without permits.

    To show up at a presidential rally, with a AK-15 strapped to your back is definitely a threat. Not just to the president but to all those present.

    People have been kicked out of and off the premises for wearing t-shirts or carrying signs at Bush and McCain/Palin rallies. What has America become that you can be censored for carrying a sign, but not a gun?

    I just don't understand how we can claim to superior to other nations when we allow such activity. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that America has the highest rate of gun violence than any other industrialized country.

  8. Aussie Blue Sky6:47 AM

    Let's not forget the RNC 8, whose cases are being dragged out:

    "These arrests were preemptive, targeting known organizers in an attempt to derail 2008 anti-RNC protests in St. Paul, MN before the convention had even begun. The “RNC 8″ were originally charged with conspiracy to riot in the 2nd degree in furtherance of terrorism, a felony which is the first ever use of Minnesota’s PATRIOT Act."

  9. 18 USC 871 prohibits making any threats to the life of the President of the United States. The crime is punishable by fine and imprisonment.

    In Clark v. United States, 250 F 449, (5th Cir.), the statement that he wished the President was in hell, and that if he had the power he would put him there, was deemed a threat against the President, in violation of law.

    It seems that many of the statements made recently are threats that violate 18 USC 871. I hope that the makers of such threats are accused and tried by the justice system. This is a serious matter.

    Not to mention that the hate/evil shown by recent statements is awful and should be condemned by all leaders. Many of us have evolved beyond name calling, threats and hate.

  10. You know, Gryphen, I think the problem is that because these people say they're Christian, you think that pointing out their unChristian behavior has some kind of impact, somehow. It doesn't. What they say and do jibes perfectly with what their religion is. It's just that their definition of Christianity is different from that of the rest of the world.

    Frankly, I'm not all that chuffed on Christianity in general, and I don't see lots of difference between these Christians and the majority-kind of POV. Some minor doctrinal differences. Certainly the mainstream Christians don't seem to be objecting to them. But being a Christian of any variety doesn't seem to do anything if the person is, at heart, an asshole.

  11. Anonymous7:15 AM

    This pastor also says that any gay person who says they are not a child molester is lying. My question is how would he know?
    This guy needs a serious investigation starting with child protective services interviewing his children.

  12. I am utterly SICKENED. By THIS and by the climate of HATE in this country. Speechless right now

  13. Not a surprise - this IS Arizona. This explains McCain and Kyl for a start. I cannot explain the absolute joy of living in this state with people who have these skewed views.

    I read the story about the Border Patrol Incident and there is some type of case in process. Not sure what but I'm guessing he will lose.

    Title of article should indicate that "Pastor" Hate Anderson HAS been visited by and is being carefully watched by the Secret Service.


    MORE on the story about the Border Patrol incident. Although they went overboard, they were within their right when he refused to get out of his car. And it is doubtful he was targeted. They stop all cars next to the Mexican border.

  15. I just got back from a Catholic funeral mass for a friend.
    I know the problems the Catholic church have had and stiil has.
    But there was not one word of hate, intolerance or evil mentioned.
    There was only love and support for her family and a wonderful tribute to Linda. Her family and Pastor talked about her love of family, community and how she impacted others.
    It was sad, yet restful and peaceful.
    I can't imagine how Pastor Steve would have conducted this service.

    It is the hate and extremism that makes people like Steve dangerous to the rest of us.
    And make no mistake, people like this will not stop unless we draw a line in the sand and stick to it.
    It makes me crazy to here these hateful crazed individuals talk like they are God's chosen people.
    When it is their way or no way, not freedom and liberty, then they have more in common with the Natzi' then liberal Democrats.

  16. Anonymous8:06 AM

    What is the difference between this guy's hate speech and Jerry Provo - nothing. Hate is hate is hate, and somehow the God that talks to them is okay with the hate. Why can't these guys have the massive heart attacks that end their lives and hatred but people like Strongheart who do everything to help cultivate peace and goodness and bring out the best in people have to die?
    No, nobody said life was fair or just but does life have to be this cruel and ugly?

  17. The best thing that could happen for this sick bastard is for the secret service to slap handcuffs on him so he could be photographed being taken away. That, would be the spark that ignites the flame for the rightwing gungoons which would cause them to get out their guns and do what is necessary in their minds to save the babies and the country. I predict it's going to happen and they will come out in force which will overwhelm the law enforcement agencies. It's exactly what the gungoon militias have been waiting years for.

    Dog help your sick, sick country!

  18. I think someone ought to interview Senator McCain TODAY and let him denounce this dangerous brand of Arizona ignorance.

    These morons might as well come right out and say, "We are SO MAD that there is a black man in the white house! it is unacceptable! No black man should be the President of this great country! This never would have happened in the old days!" because THAT'S what this is about.

    I'm in a red state full of Republican birther evangelical wingnuts: Kentucky!! Proof: only WE have the Creation Museum which mashes together Bible stories and dinosaurs so they all can magically work into the timeline of Biblical history. (I swear I am not making this up.)

  19. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:04 AM

    Free speech has turned into HATE SPEECH!
    This guy should be arrested and and locked up.
    Hell that Iraqi guy was arrested and imprisoned for throwing a shoe at bush!

  20. Anonymous9:25 AM

    This kind of stuff makes my blood absolutely boil. Largely because of Sarah Palin, I abandoned my long practice of voting Repuglican and voted for Barack Obama - which is my right, just as it is his right to serve and to be safe.

    These people had better understand that there are plenty of other people out there with guns, too. If any of these bastards touches one hair on his head there will be a war, and there will be one hell of a lot of white folks like myself in the army that marches to clean these sick loonies out, one church at a time - once and for all.

  21. Its amazing how one election can change a country. Just imagine if any of this went down when Bush was in office.

    I think the collective necks of Fox got whiplash they turned around so quickly. First protesters were un-American and 'pinheads', now they are patriots and have 1st Ammendment rights.

  22. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I remember seeing bloated bodies on teevee when the press arrived at the Jim Jones camp. And I remember watching fires break out in buildings knowing children were in those buildings in Waco.

    Those so-called leaders did not teach the two testimonies of Jesus; nor this man.

    Reading the doctrine statement above, I see several errors, but I know folks are probably getting tired of my offering scriptures. So never let another person tell you what the scriptures say.

  23. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I hope the Secret Service is keeping a real close eye round the clock, no one should be able to threaten the life of our President. They will obviously burn in h e double hockey sticks. I will email him shortly and give them a piece of my mind (he double hockey sticks and all). I am disgusted that these people would dare call themselves christians, this man is not a pastor either...

  24. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Don't ya just know it Gryphen, they's a stringin a rope over a big branch in that oak tree down in Alabami cause they is gonna hang themsefs a nigga!

    Maybe a gay guy in Alaska too if he's not careful boyyyyy!

  25. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Don't ya just know that the secret service knows that if they get a little too uppity and start arresting some righties they're gonna ignite the flame that could take down that sick country?


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