Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Sarah Palin chooses to give speech before non-English speakers rather than risk embarrassment in front of American audience.

Palin will be speaking to a forum organized by CLSA, a Hong Kong-based brokerage firm, and will address the company's clients and delegates at the16th Investors' Forum, held Sept. 21-25.

Palin's announcement comes as she has declined an invitation to speak with some of the most prominent Republican women across the country, who are gathering next week in Orlando.

Though invited to speak at the National Federation of Republican Women's 35th Convention, Palin, the former vice presidential candidate, decided not to attend, according to the organization.

An estimated 1,200 Republican women leaders will attend the three-day conference, and some of those said they want Palin to reconsider.

"It is disappointing," says Barbara Davis, who heads the Melbourne, Fla., chapter of NFRW. "We were hoping that she would come. It would have benefited her to attend."

(Have these women HEARD a Sarah Palin speech? I don't mean the carefully crafted one that she gave at the convention. I mean every one that followed it.)

Davis adds that she is "still very supportive" of Palin and excited to hear from the Republican speakers who will be at the gathering, including Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist and Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele.

"We don't know what's going on with her," says Barbara Knauff, a NFRW member from Leesburg, Fla. "She's not the kind to go quietly into the night, but she's smart
(?). She'll come out when she can make the greatest impact."

Or after her surgery scars are fully healed.

I mean let's face it this catty bunch of women would be able to spot cosmetic improvements from five miles away through fog as thick as pea soup, they would have eviscerated her.

Or my other theory is that Palin is counting on the Chinese translator to make her sound smart. They will give the translator a copy of the speech, and they will read it off without all of the Palin "gotchas', "you betcha's", and "moose stew" additions, by completely ignoring Sarah's actual delivery. The Chinese will think she is a genius!

Now if only she can find a way to get a translator to help her in front of English speaking audiences. As someone who has actually heard her speak in person I know I would have welcomed it.


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Actually, most Chinese people have a better grasp of the English language than Sarah does and will not need a translater, oh, except a translation from Sarah Word Salad back to English.

  2. This has got to be a PUNK! What in the hell would Sarah Palin have to say to a bunch of global investors? Financial expert that she is, she has alread insinuated that all of our investment dollars should stay in the US. Will she talk about socialism and "real Americans" and William Ayers and "Death Panels" and "Drill Baby Drill", her favorite topics? See this article in the "Business Insider" they agree

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    CLSA is located in Hong Kong. It was created by friends of Murdoch. It is more Australian and Canadian business types. Hong Kong is an international city. Someone could go by helicopter from airport to the finance district and never know anything but English exists. Palin might think Hong Kong is British territory. People have the wrong concept about this group of business men. The Chinese that would be in this group probably master several languages and can get a joke.

    The Murdoch people like China. They are anti-Taiwan and Tibet. They will destroy America if they can. China allows pockets of capitalism. It is not the old world communism that people think. It is communist businessmen who allow capitalists like Murdoch to flourish because it is the best of both worlds for some. They allow entrepreneurs to experiment. There is a huge robot like labor force. Murdoch is intent on monopolizing media.

  4. the problem child6:39 AM

    Seriously, pretty much everyone in Hong Kong speaks better English than many Americans. (It was a British protectorate until about ten years ago.) And the audience is expected to be international finance people, so a de facto English-speaking crowd.

    They will still need the translator, though, for the moment when she goes off script and starts speaking Palinese.

  5. Gryphen, You have the power to stop her. Let's stop moaning and groaning about her and take her down once and for all. I hate to say it, but your reluctance to do anything is starting to make you look like the MSM.

  6. Anonymous6:45 AM

    The Hong Kong audience will all speak english... they will wonder what language Sarah is speaking.

    It must be nice to earn as much money with one speech as she made for the whole year as the "Quiternor" of Alaska.

    Sarah go for the money... be the best whore you can be.

    Track is fighting for you you can be a ho and make piles of money

  7. Anonymous6:51 AM

    So which side of the street are you working?

    A few days ago you played oddsmaker and made it a longshot she would attend. Now, she's going--or am I missing some subtle distinction.

    And about needing an interpreter: maybe Palin does need the interpreter to make her sound smart. A team of russian experts couldn't help Hillary. Remember when Hillary went to Russia to present the foreign minister with a button that would reflect Obama's intent to thaw out relations with Russia. She gave him a button that your president's crack advisors thought meant "reset".

    "We worked hard to get the right Russian word," Clinton told Lavrov. "Do you think we got it?"

    "You got it wrong," Lavrov replied - the word actually means "overcharge.''

    I'll take my crack at laying odds that Palin doesn't do anything as dumb at 1:20.

    How did you like the "one child" policy submission? Informative wasn't it?

    I can understand why you would have to bury it.

  8. Anonymous6:52 AM

    There is another component of Sarah's speaking style that we recognize, and non-Americansmay not get-- snark! It's that mean girl tone she applies as glossy as nail polish. When she made fun of Obama being a community organizer, the emphasis was on her actually doing something (supply your own inflection here). Anyone who went to high school heard that mean girl behind-your-back comment and reacted emotionally. That's Sarah's secret weapon in her speeches. So, in Sarah-Speak, I hope that she is acually able to speak well, instead of just mouthing someone else's babble.

    For fun, pretend that you are in that audience in Hong Kong when she delivers her famous punchline to "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?" I can just see one guy turn to another and, taking the comment literally, say, "Dogs don't wear lipstick. Why is that so funny?"

  9. Anonymous6:53 AM

    In Hong Kong, it will be Word Chop Suey; they don't eat salad.

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Why would she want to be with a bunch of women? It's men she uses her fire power on.

  11. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Check out Andrew Sullivan's blog for breaking news on Levi Johnston's Vanity Fair article.

  12. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Translator or not, there are enough "rock star", english-speaking CEO's in China these days who will be there. There is a new breed of entrepreneur in China who have put the fears of Maoist persecution of businessmen behind them. They hang with guys Clinton and Blair when they get the chance. Charles Zghang of; William Ding
    of; Timothy Chen Tianqiao who founded Shanda Interactive (China's Bill Gates).

    The really heavy, though, is Jack Ma who had a hand in landing Palin.
    Ma is the CEO of Maybe that's why they call him "Crazy Jack".

    Still in all, he has clout with Yahoo, eBay, and Google.

    Yeah. Rubbing shoulders with these guys is really going to hurt Palin big time.

  13. My experience with the people of Hong Kong is that they have a far better grasp of the English language than do those of Wasilla.

  14. Anonymous7:45 AM


    I agree with Margot: It's time for you to release the information on Palin if you want to maintain any credibility as a blogger/journalist. Particularly since you solicit readers' financial support in your "search for truth."

  15. "What in the hell would Sarah Palin have to say to a bunch of global investors?"

    1. A globe is round. Usually. Well, comes in the flat kind too and you can use that when you are driving to other countries like Australia or Earth.

    2. Money can be crispy paper and green or the jingly metal kind. Or also it can be an RNC credit card! Those are just so great because they have lots of money!!!! And you never see a bill either!!!

    3. You can make up a PAC to get money, and all kinds of crazy people will send money to you. So it's free, also, and then you can just shop and pay legal bills from bein' unethical and send money to abstinence campaigns!

    4. When you have a job you get money, but if you quit halfway just to be spiteful they will not pay you any more. Which, dontcha think, is SO unfair?!?

    5. If you write a book, sometimes you can get more money by writing a book when you write it. Even if also you use filler words in the book you are writing there and none of it makes sense sourdough Putin.

    6. If you can get someone to build a house for free, that is just an excellent way to save money! Or get free clothes that have advertisements on them!

    7. Raisin' grandbabies and supporting a teen parent takes money! Waaaaay more than two years' worth of birth control!!

    8. The country of King Kong has different money than America, with squiggly symbols on it and pictures of people that nobody even ever HEARD of also! And you can't even SPEND it in America so this shows that it is better to just stay home where things make sense and you can keep an eye on your teenagers.

    9. You need a lot of money to pay for therapy!

  16. Anonymous8:29 AM

    @7:19, do you really think "shoulders" is all Palin will rub?

  17. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Re: This has got to be a PUNK!

    China and the U.S. are responsible for 30% of the world's crude oil production and currently China is in overdrive to secure it's reserves.

    The news just recently broke that PetroChina sunk $1.9 billion into the
    Canadian "oilsands" in alberta--actually its called Athabasca Oil Sands.
    The Chinese deal gives China a 60% interest in the MacKay River and Dover oilsands projects.

    But of course you know all of this.

    You know, too, that the oil sands are of critical interest to the United States, only second in importance to Saudi Oil for production.

    You can see the problem: China now has an energy presence in America's back yard.

    Try to stay with me on this: I know it's a bit harder to digest than "Palin is an illiterate, money-grubbing pig."

    Despite this deal being a major threat to the U.S.'s energy interests
    the Obama administration is not likely to try to oppose the deal.

    No surprise there, but here's the problem:

    The environmentalists are pushing for punitive measures to curb oil exploration that would increase the emission of greenhouse gases.

    If Obama doesn't oppose this exploration on what grounds will he, or anyone have to prohibit drilling in ANWR off the Alaska coastline?

    Can you connect the dots? Palin--even if you don't like it, don't believe it, or can't believe it--knows more about ANWR reserves than anyone in Obama's administration.

    She's there for two reasons: as a symbol of Chinese progressiveness
    for modification of the one-child-only policy and to speak, almost certainly, on Oil.

    It's not going to be one of your better days when she speaks on a subject about which she knows a great deal.

    She'll emerge from those talks as the go-to person on potential Sino-American oil policy.

    And there's nothing Levi Johnson can do about that.

  18. the problem child9:46 AM

    Anonymous at 6:53: They don't eat chop suey, either. That stuff is American "Chinese" food.

  19. Anonymous10:45 AM

    anonymous 7:19: sure, it will be great for her. Just like the Couric interview was so great for her.

    Win win.

    Palin around with commies....

  20. Where do you think BS Palin has been. I think she has been with speech writers refining and practicing. Remember Murdocs plane at Juneau. May that was when they set this up.

  21. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Perhaps while in Hong Kong, she will forget how to get back to America. In 20 years, China's economy will be greater than the US. Maybe, Sarah's higher calling is to be the leader of China! I can only hope so!

  22. Anonymous10:58 AM

    First Sarah said that she did not know what a VP did, then she said that the VP was in charge of the Senate. Well now is the time to see how she would handle herself in front of the Senate. According to the Huffington Post, she has been asked to appear before them and define her 'death panels' regarding the aged and infirm. For those from Alaska, knowing the full extent of her activities, this should be fun. However, for whatever reason, I doubt she will show

  23. Hey there Anon @ 6:45 & 7:18 (Wolf Lady)

    (I call her Wolf lady because I think I know who this person is-by reputation- only--)

    Any how, you seemed to have changed the question to whether or not this speaking gig in Hong Kong will be good for SP. I really don't care. It is interesting to speculate about what her puppet masters have planned for her and how much of it she can accomplish.

    You are cheering her on. That's OK- different strokes for different folks-- But you also seem to think that we are all blind supporters of the Dems no matter what-- so you remind us of Hillary's gaffe in Russia- I have no attachment to the actions or views of any particular political leader-- However, I know a destructive fraud when I see one and I like to keep an eye on this type of unhealthy threat to the body politic.

    So remember dear Wolf Lady- SP does not Run with the Wolves, she does not Dance with the Wolves, but she does think it is OK to Shoot Them from Planes.

  24. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Hong Kong has many different faces and aspects. For example, thousands and thousands of poor young women from the Philippine Islands come and work as maids and nannies for the very people that Sarah will be addressing. They are paid little, often working one pay level above "slave." They are sexually, financially and emotionally exploited, yet they are often the sole support of their poor rural famlies back home.

    Ruthless business men from Australia, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China (and more) partner with corrupt politicians. For enough money, any property can be condemned, people moved out and cheaply constructed skyscrapers, malls, apartment put in their place. Sarah is tailor made for this crowd. It is her Sports Complex/Wasilla House multiplied by millions of dollars.

    If she thinks that no one can cover her speech, she has another thought coming. Hong Kong is much more free than Mainland China, but there are communist spies everywhere. A business woman friend of mine, who did business there for years, reported how people suddently clammed up, even before the 1989 takeover. Any waiter or busboy can have a camera the size of a fountain pen, with recording device. Won't know if he's a spy, a reporter, or just a film student.

    The only laugh that we can secretly enjoy is that when Sarah returns sporting her new Gucci handbag, it will most likely be Guci, and only $10. Then, she is also counterfeit; she never was a real governor.

  25. Anonymous12:15 PM

    It doesn't not matter who Palin associates with. She's still a whack-job, and an idiot.

  26. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Anonymous @1215:

    Do you believe in God?

    The Chinese don't and they don't care that you do. Similarly, they don't care that you and others think Palin is an idiot. They want to know what she thinks about the likelihood of ANWR drilling.

  27. Anonymous8:01 AM

    @7:35 a.m., the Chinese are smart enough to know that Palin knows nothing about:
    !) ANWR
    2) Oil and Gas
    3) The global energy economy (She thinks "drill, baby, drill" is how we get oil? What a joke she is!)
    4) The whereabouts of her own children

  28. Hey Ms. Moderate is here again ! (another name for Wolf lady) I gotta tell you Ms. Moderate,or should I say Dr. Moderate, your tirades on this blog are showing us a different side of you ! Well- remember the old Chinese saying-- "The bigger the front, the bigger the back !"


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It just goes directly to their thighs.