Friday, October 02, 2009

David Letterman admits that he was being blackmailed for having sex with co-workers.

In many ways that is an absolutely amazing piece of footage.

My first thought is how brave Letterman is to confess this whole sordid thing on his program. My second thought is, of course, how sad for him and his family. I feel badly for his longtime partner, and mother of his son, Regina Lasko who was also a staff member at one time. And I worry that this will affect his young son in an adverse way.

As for the morality of what Dave did. Well I have no right to judge that. David Letterman is not somebody who pretends to be a paragon of virtue. He does not lecture others on their "creepy" behaviors, so he is not a hypocrite. I do not know the details of exactly WHO he had relationships with, or how long these relationships lasted, and to be honest I don't care.

Now if he were my minister, or my ethics teacher, I might be a little more concerned with how he conducts his personal life. But David Letterman is a talk show host and a comedian. I do not watch him for enlightenment on how to lead a moral life. I watch him to be amused.

I wish David Letterman well, and hope that things work out for him. He is an amazing talent who has helped many of us laugh when we thought we had forgotten how to laugh.


Update: They just indicted the CBS employee who tried to blackmail Letterman.


  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    This is something you all should be afraid of. If Palin comes out and admits she lied about Trig and gives some excuse of protecting someone, she will be forgiven. She needs to get caught trying to hide it. I hope she doesn't take a lesson here.

  2. I knew Dave had sex. I KNEW it. Here's proof.

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    My guess is that Robert Halderman is a Palinista, closet Birther, or just wanted to make a fast buck. It shows more about his moral character than Letterman. Besides, we don't know when this took place. If both sides consented then it's their business. I think the wingnutters have been trying to dig up dirt on him for a long time because he likes President Obama and makes fun of little no brain Sarwahh. jmo.


  4. I bet his wife is laughing and just loves him all the more now. She is a grown-up, I bet. Unlike our American culture. The crime is not a little Ooops, but LYING about it. Sound familar? Okay, okay, not a crime but a far more serious boo-boo, esp if you build an election campaign around it.

  5. Anon@6:24 --

    She already DID try to hide it!

    And has so far succeeded. Now I bet she will do a half-baked confession that blames others. And she will hope to get away with that.

  6. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Oh, ITA with you Gryphen. I have news for everyone here:

    HIGH PROFILE ENTERTAINMENT FIGURES HAVE SEX. And Bill O'Reilly & Limbaugh have had numerous sexual episodes, yet the rightwing still support them. Limbaugh even had drug problems. There's a reason that Letterman didn't get married until March of this year.

    Here's another shocker: PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES HAVE SEX, too.

    If the fringe right wing wants to get holier than thou about it, I'd say they should look up the Palin affair items in the National Enquirer. Because I think those two WERE actually married.

  7. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Great post, Gryphen. Workplace relationships are not uncommon; there has been no complaint made that would indicate any improper conduct of propriety. Just an extortionist and I applaud Letterman for not succumbing to extortion.

    OT, I read at Mudflats that Toady quit his job, too!

  8. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Ohiovoter @6:32, I had the same thought.

  9. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I would like to add that from a business standpoint, Letterman's ratings will most likely be high for last night. CBS will be pleased. Letterman has been beating Conan since Conan took over the late night slot on NBC.

  10. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Gryphen, you forgot to mention that he also NOT a politician or elected official :D

    Good for David, for doing the right thing and being so brave about it. I agree with the first poster because I've often thought that Palin would get a "pass" if she came out and admitted covering for her daughter. I don't think she's smart enough to do that and second, I don't think she will do it because she, unbelievably, still has political aspirations.

    Susan in MD

  11. Anonymous8:01 AM

    G, you're very generous about Dave's behavior. Here's a high-profile man doing risky stuff, then worries about protecting his family. A guy ploy if there ever was one. I don't like it. Ultimately I see his child as the victim, definitely not him.

  12. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I don't get it. Is there something spectacular about the kind of sex Dave had? Or was it just the same old in/out routine? Such a fuss about nothing!

    And way ta go Dave, for getting a bit on the side!

    Sarah Q.

  13. Anonymous8:13 AM

    @8:01, Letterman didn't have a child when he had the affair with Birkitt, the girfriend of the extortionist.

  14. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Dave did not offer to get a job for relatives of his sexual partner. Nor did his folks pay them off with $96,000. severance pay, I mean hush money.

    Dave did not abandon his job to fly off to Argentina to "hike the Appalachian Trail," right after getting religious counseling intended to hold his marriage together.

    Dave did not preach about good family values while soliciting the services of prostitutes, which is illegal in that guy's state.

    Dave did not have sex with a teen aged kid who then dropped out of school due to mono, I mean to have the baby.

    Dave did not cheat on a wife dying of cancer.

    Dave did not cheat on a wife crippled from an auto accident in order to woo and wed a wealthy heiress who could launch his political career.

    Dave did not preach family values and moralize against the gay community while having sex with a partner of the same sex, or solicit same sex in a public bathroom.

    Dave did not campaign on family values while fathering a child out of wedlock.

    Dave did not have sex with a drunken, drugged thirteen year old.

    But, I am guessing that if you are well informed, you can guess the high profile people who did these things.

  15. Well, good for Dave for going on air with this. He had a longtime relationship with Merrill Markoe, who also worked with him, as he did with his son's mom Regina, whom he has since married. Workaholics very frequently meet their mates on the job--when else is there time? (I met Mr. Biscuitbarrel when we were working together.)

    This disclosure won't hurt Letterman at all. He's not a politician, but an entertainer. People who already disliked him, or worse, won't change their minds. The difference between Dave and the Palinistas is that he doesn't construct some Potemkin village (koff, koff *empathy belly* koff koff!) to conceal behavior that can't easily be explained away. So to repeat, I feel for Dave. As you said, Gryph, an extraordinary piece o' film. I also appreciated his post-9/11 clip. That, along with Jon Stewart's, will be part of history.

  16. emrysa9:06 AM

    I've watched dave since his late night beginnings. still a big fan. the show has had it's highs and lows, no doubt.

    and as many have said, he's a comedian, not a politician or a preacher harping on the family values.

    this explains why dave remained single for so many years! I guess he had lots of girlfriends, and good for him! still love ya dave!!

  17. ginny9:10 AM

    Whatever Dave did right or wrong, it says alot about him that he chose to "come clean" and nab the extortionist, rather that pay the guy off and hide.

  18. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Dave also did not harass an employee to the point of having to buy her off for millions like some right wing "pundon'ts..." Billo, I'm talking to you.

    We all heard the tapes. Disgusting pig!

  19. @Anon at 6:45 AM

    Ooohh. *shudders at the thoughts*

    Limbaugh having sex or O'Reilly having sex...

    *hitting head on desk, trying to be knocked out to remove the image...not working. Now seeing Ann Coulter having sex*


    *Finally passes out*....

  20. Anonymous9:18 AM

    PS I figured you all knew that Billo's victim begging him to leave her alone (what thinking woman wouldn't) but he sexually harassed and stalked her until she couldn't take it anymore....

    and he threatened to fire her every day.

    Good old republican hypocrisy.

  21. Anonymous9:55 AM

    As long as we are commenting about celebrities' private lives, someone made a very interesting comment about Roman Polanski. Much of Hollywood has rushed to his defense. Some one made the comment that if this had been a thirteen year old boy and Polanski had been a priest, no one would be defending him at all.

  22. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Billo has a book on tape that Randi Rhodes used to read on Air American (when Randi Rhodes was on Air America). Billo, reading his own words with his own voice described having sex with crack whores who were under age. (It's a novel, so he says). Just the guy to moralize about others.

    And, didn't they catch Limbaugh with a suitcase of Viagra coming back from a sex vacation? Just the guy to moralize about others.

  23. Anonymous10:19 AM


    I’m a fairly liberal man (and not without many personal failings myself), but this la dee da de da , anything goes, I can’t judge because I’m not perfect either, is bullshit. You could say if this happened once, it was a mistake. But, this is obviously a long-term pattern with Letterman. This is a case of the boss having sex with a number of his employees. The big dog is having sex with his subordinates, and by definition, this is sexual harassment at the workplace.

  24. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Billo was BUSTED and had to pay off his employee for sexually harassing her for so long.

    No one is paying attention re Polanski. the right claims "liberals" from LA want to let him off- but they don't know the truth about the +LA PD 's office and how even the victim begged them to drop it. They are only doing this to cover for their own incompetence and corruption.

    when you hear the msm/republicans claiming that it's partisan, please remind yourselves of the Troopergate fiasco that Palin claimed was a partisan attack on her.

    There is more to the Polanski story than most people know. I am NOT defending him. I am defending his VICTIM who begged the LA PD to leave it alone. She is a grown woman with kids and she didn't want her family to go through this...but they ignored her and did what served them best.

    And now the Repukes use that as a dog whistle against Hollywood. Jesus christ.

    and liberals eat it up, just like they eat up the Acorn bullshit.

    Come on people.....

  25. mlaiuppa10:23 AM

    I can't believe it was Joe Halderman of 48 hours. What was he thinking?

    Even I know it would be insane to try to pull a stunt like that on Letterman of all people. Because he would do exactly what he did, bare it all, report it and testify. No leverage when your target blabs the details to the public.

    Stupid stupid.

    And it's not like he was doing anything illegal when you get right down to it. No one was underage. And since none of the employees have sued for sexual harassment, seems it was consentual. Aside from embarassing, there's no leverage for extortion here.

    By next week it will be forgotten. Unless Dave keeps bringing it up. Like the Fire Dave Letterman Rally.

  26. SoCalWolfGal10:39 AM

    Congratulations to Dave for being honest, admitting your mistake, and most of all for not giving into blackmail. I still love you too Dave! Good luck to you and your family. As far as $P coming clean, I'm not holding my breath on that one; she is too much of a coward.

  27. Anonymous11:01 AM

    @10:19 - You've obviously never worked in the entertainment industry. There have not been any charges against Dave from any of these women. Nor will there be.

  28. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Someone posted a link at huffpo showing Halderman was a fairly large contributor to McCains campaign and at the same time rumors about him being behind in childsupport--another neocon. I'm glad Dave stung him with the cops. As for Dave, he has had a long term g/f, but who's to say it hasn't either been an on/off situation(we've all seen those) or an open relationship. They were both consenting adults and many of my friends and family have met people through the workplace--it's a on issue except for the extortion. As a business owner I am very familiar with sexual harassment rules and regs, this doesn't come close, there was never a complaint. And as a middleaged woman--I can see the draw to Dave successful, funny and intelligent.

  29. L.A. in S.F.11:30 AM

    I worked with Joe years ago. Wow. Who knew? Well, maybe I did.

  30. Having sex with your employees is NOT sexual harassment if it is consensual. Mr. Microsoft married one of his employees. Was he sexually harassing her? Gimme a break! Most people meet and hook up in the workplace these days. Why? Because work gives you longtime exposure to a person and lets you figure out if you really like them.

    Sexual harassment is repeated unwanted sexual advances.

    The part of the Letterman revelation that was shocking was not the sex, but the extortion. It is well known that the brilliant Merril Markoe, who was largely responsible for creating Letterman's show format, was someone with whom he had a sexual relationship. His current wife also worked there. So it's no big shock that he may have slept with other women who worked there. I'm sure Lasko knew exactly what she was getting into when she married Dave. Now we are finding out that former Late Show staffer Stephanie Birkitt had just ended a relationship with Letterman's blackmailer and that it was Birkitt's relationship with Letterman that set off this whole chain of events. What is refreshing is that none of these women could be considered by Hollywood standards. Clearly in Dave's book, brains are sexier than looks. So for that I say BRAVO DAVE!

  31. Anonymous11:37 AM

    To those of you who think no laws were broken, actually, sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious crime. Just ask any victim of this crime if they think it’s OK?

    And, just because some women consented, what about the women who shot Letterman down? Did they feel uncomfortable at work from then on? Did Letterman’s actions cause mental stress on these women’s lives?

    BTW geniuses, if I commit a murder and nobody finds out it was me that did it, so no charges are ever filed against me, by your logic that means that no crime was committed because I’m never charged?

    Sexual harassment is a crime, even if the very likeable David Letterman does it; just like drugging and rapping a 13 year old girl is still rape, even if the well respected by his peers, Roman Polanski does it.

  32. I could barely stomach listening to that vapid moralizer Mika on Morning joe about this letterman thing.

    She was on a roll. She looked right into the camera stating..."I know CBS will do the right thing and investigate Letterman". Mika is supposed to be a counter balance to Joe is she not? She literally makes me sick, because she takes the neocon postiton every single day. I wonder what her father thinks of her. She has truly sold her soul.

    If Letterman did indeed harrass these women, or make them feel as though their jobs were dependent on it...that is one thing. Just being a womanizer is not illegal. My god..he even stated that if any of them wanted to come forward that would be fine.

    Dave is smart....why would he do this on his show if he thought he had done something illegal. I could be wrong...just my opinion.

    I also don't condone cheating, but the last I heard it was not against the law. Blackmail is however....and Mika B should be.


  33. Anonymous12:09 PM

    A well-to-do adult in NYC had various on-going consentual relationships with women he met at work? What is the world coming to? Please tell me there was at least a loofa involved.

    Letterman had an active social life, he dated around, finally married someone who could put up with him, whom he (coincidentally?) met at work. Then someone got the bright idea that he would knuckle under for the crime of being a guy.

    He didn't pay off, as soon as the ink on the blackmail indictment was dry he spoke up... gosh, what a rotten human being.

    Meanwhile, despite having embezzled from several political organizations, breaking his professed ethical standards and raiding his daddy's mob-provided piggy-bank, it takes a news organization to discover that Ensign has broken specific laws. Because despite all the proof available, there are no private legal or public law enforcement measures being taken against his illegal actions.

    Beck got one thing right. Even if he spelled it wrong. No politician is held to the law. Convicted of federal crime, the judgment is overturned, and the pepetrator doesn't see a day of prisontime. Doesn't Blago look good these days? How IS Ted Stevens?

    Their victims are threatened until they accept responsibility, whether it be for standing in the blast of a shotgun or having their faces ripped open with a broken wineglass. They are left lying in the streets of the Capitol, and the politician, admitting he did no more than roll down his window before driving away, is visited at home by the police before the hit-and-run is tucked away forever.


    But as for Letterman -- he's clean. So go get him, media! Surely somehow you can find something to get him jailed.

  34. The entertainment industry is full of people having sex with each other. Dave is a t.v. personality, a comedian, a celebrity and if anyone believes he was celibate all these years...that is sheer naivete`. Letterman has beautiful starlets like Drew Barrymore flashing him, Julia Roberts had a "thing" for him at one is not that much of a stretch to think that your average female staffer might have a crush on him or, that they would let him know that they were interested in dating/having sex with him. I'd be curious to know how often Letterman has turned down solicitations from women.
    The woman in this story, Birkitt, has come forward and has nothing but praise for Dave...she was a college graduate, therefore, I have to speculate that she was not that innocent when she started working for Dave; and, their relationship was in 2003 when Letterman was unmarried and without children.
    IMHO Letterman is a very upfront personality. His long-time girlfriend/now wife is the only person who should judge his sexual affairs, and, since she married him this past spring, I think she has no problem with his past actions.

  35. Hey 11:37, did you happen to notice how Halderman came into possession of the material he was using to try to blackmail Letterman? He apparently stole it from the woman he had been living with, the same woman who had the affair with Letterman in the past.

    Halderman had copies of her diary pages and personal letters, and was willing to throw her under the bus to try to make $$$ and damage Letterman. Halderman: what a guy!

    This woman sounds more like a victim of Halderman, not of Letterman. The reporting is that she has nothing but good to say about Letterman. But I wonder what she thinks about Halderman, a guy who lived with her, who apparently copied her private papers, and now due to his criminal activity she is having her private life exposed.

    There is not evidence Letterman was harassing women. Also no evidence he was stalking these women, or of women "shooting him down".

    Regarding Dave's child, it is thanks to Halderman that this affair is now in the news. Since the affair happened before the child was ever born, I am not sure how Letterman was supposed to know that he could be embarrassing a child who didn't even exist yet.

  36. ginny1:21 PM

    Anon@11:37, that's ridiculous. You assuming women were harrassed, though none have come foward. You can't prosecute a crime that is not known to have been committed! Your murder analogy makes no sense. You are comparing the drugging and rape of a 13 year old girl with consensual sex between adults. Just because two people work together does not make a sexual relationship *sexual harassment*. I think you know this already. I think you are a wingnut troll.

  37. Anonymous2:07 PM

    I'd like to learn more about her high school fling. There are those that doubt her first born's father is Todd and say the marriage problems go way back to all that.

    The people from her old bar scene days may be ready to sping a few leaks. I don't think she has ever been a one man woman.

  38. Limbaugh gets a pass because it was his doctors prescription and he travels to the playground for old men to find young little boys instead of girls.
    The Republican family values standards.

  39. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The only way I would care is if it were not consentual. If anyone has to put out to keep a job it is wrong. I hope he isn't that creepy.
    As for my first thought, it was something along the lines of...Wow, he bucked up and told the truth and went after the SOB. Politicians could learn a thing or two from his accountablility.
    Since he isn't crafting laws that shape my life, my feelings are that he has to make peace with those he hurt, but he never professed to be a Saint or told me to live like one whilst living a double life.

  40. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Polanski was indicted by the state, not the child. It isn't about what she wants now. If he has a case against the state he can return and fight it. I think he has something like 40 more days to do. Unless he gets new charges for leaving. He said what he did to the 13 year old. It was grotesque and sick. He drugged a child and did it where the sun don't shine. Sure she wants to forget. The state tries to prosecute the few bad men that get caught doing these crimes against children. Most of the crimes against children no one ever knows about. Who would have heard the story of PaPa John if his daughter hadn't written a book? Sex with minors and incest happens a lot but since we don't talk about it more kids are abused and no one is the wiser.

    Letterman could have been more professional but it sounds like consensual sex between adults. I bet his wife knew about it all for years. There has never been a harassment suit claimed by a lover. Letterman is doing the right thing now.

  41. Anonymous2:42 PM

    10:19 Anon
    The victim is asking for it to be dropped because she accepted a settlement and is afraid that is she talks she goes risks violating a paper she signed.
    Yeah, now crowd here, don't bother that the underlying message is that not only is rape OK, but Child Rape is OK. No need to stop and look. No crowd needs to gather. Move along please.

  42. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Tell Mika she needs to investigate Joe Scarborough.

    Remember the young lady was found dead in his office and all the funny going on with the coroner, who is of questionable character and was said to have rigged things before?

    There are tons of Scarborough matters to investigate, Mika. Get busy.

    Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious crime.

    If Letterman has not been charged with sexual harassment he isn't guilty until due process. People can have opinions, but that doesn't isn't equal to actual sexual harassment.

    Sexual harassment in the workplace should not be trivialized because it is a serious crime. If people are serious, they should investigate and not label something to smear someone. The man has said he had sexual affairs. That's it. To say he was sexually harassing is libel if no one involved has made that claim.

    Extortion is a very serious crime and good for Letterman not letting that criminal get by with that crime.

  43. Anonymous3:19 PM

    If there was no coercion or favoritism in the workplace involved, then it's a family matter. But if one of these ladies was ever given a plum assignment over a more qualified employee, there is a problem. Sexual misconduct is not limited to forcing an employee into an unwanted sexual relationship. It is also granting someone in a consensual relationship increased pay, high-profile assignments, etc. because of the relationship.

  44. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Well said, Gryphen.

    I share your sentiments on this.

    I really don't care how many women or his staff he has had sex with. I'm sorry for his wife and child that this came to light, but Dave having sex with whomever does not change my perception of his character. He is a comedian. I look to him to make me laugh and for no other reason. I will continue to watch Dave for the laughs.

  45. Anonymous3:24 PM


    You need to work on your reading comprehension skills. I didn’t say what you said I said.


    The wingnut troll

  46. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Having not heard anything yet from Birkitt, I'm waiting to hear what she says and what the investigation raises. The fact she has played in both 'camps', it could be possible that she had a hand in this. She worked for Dave,
    left, went to work on 48 Hours where Halderman was, shacked up with him, went back to work for Dave. She could well have returned with an 'agenda'.

  47. Anonymous4:41 PM

    David Letterman doesn't work for CBS. The man who extorted worked for CBS, he's been fired. Letterman works for World Wide Pants and he didn't break their rules. If the labor board gets involved that is another matter. Many people have sex with people they work with. The labor board can't afford to pursue them, especially when no one involved has a problem with it. They should be on top of situations like Bill O'Reilly's stalking. In that fact he was not wanted, he was forcing himself.

    Extortion is the serious crime here. Two million dollars is not small change even in the criminal world.

  48. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Agreed, Letterman is not a hypocrite. But, there is a potential ethical problem here--and I point this out not in judgment of Letterman, but simply to point it out--and that is that Letterman was the boss of these women with whom he slept. This is a big no-no, if for no other reason than the fact that he can be accused of using his influence and power to control the careers of these women. That is, he is probably going to be facing claims of discrimination as a result of this, claims that certain women weren't promoted because they wouldn't sleep with him, or weren't hired for that reason, etc. There's a potential (because we don't know any real details) ethical problem here, but we just don't know, yet. And, I agree, it's not really any of our business; it's not like O'Reilly and Limbaugh, who consistently rail against gay-marriage and immorality, and then face legitimate claims of sexual harassment and drug abuse.

  49. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Birkitt needs to be investigated. What are her motives in sleeping with her co-workers? Does she do that on every job? What is with going back and forth? I don't know whether to feel sorry for Letterman or Halderman or both?

  50. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I can see a work ethic problem here, I don't see it as a big deal for now. I don't know the times this happened or any of the details. In general, I think work and sex should be a no no. A boss should make that their personal policy that they do not break.

    If someone comes forward with proof and claims later it can get worse. That is always the case. Men and women who work together will continue to have sex, that's the nature of our beasts. Most people probably don't get caught.

  51. Anonymous5:51 PM

    I have to snicker at some of these rightwingers who want to tarnish Letterman. All comedians are tricksters. That's what they do for a living. The trickster archetype has lots of sexual energy with it. Do you think DL is the only male late night TV host who has slept with female staffers? You would be very wrong. It happens in TV every day. It's happening RIGHT NOW. And 4 more extra syllables for you Fox fans: Bill O'Reilly.

    Letterman is not an elected official. Agreed, it is not the most "ethical" behavior, but then again, what professional trickster is ethical?

    Last I heard, Ensign is still on the job. He is an elected official in the GOP.

  52. Anonymous6:55 PM

    I completely agree with the poster below (and yes, I am a liberal). Letterman's the boss and he's been sleeping with his employees. It's just flat out wrong. He's very lucky he hasn't been sued...or fired. He's created a hostile work environment. If I were employed on that show I'd take action to stop the sexual harassment. Bye, bye, Dave.

    Gryphen, I'm shocked and saddened by your attitude on this one.

    Anonymous said...

    I’m a fairly liberal man (and not without many personal failings myself), but this la dee da de da , anything goes, I can’t judge because I’m not perfect either, is bullshit. You could say if this happened once, it was a mistake. But, this is obviously a long-term pattern with Letterman. This is a case of the boss having sex with a number of his employees. The big dog is having sex with his subordinates, and by definition, this is sexual harassment at the workplace

  53. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I could give a rat's ass about Letterman's private life and it has nothing to do with morality or immorality. Promiscuity doesn't make one immoral, nor dies celibacy make one moral.

    You, Gryphen, however, practice a particularly repugnant form of moral pragmatism: right and wrong are determined solely by what furthers your self interest.

    Thus, since it is in your best interest to find Letterman's behavior "benign", you draw a completely arbitrary distinction between an affair
    conducted by a moralist and a humorist--the latter's being worthy of compassion and tolerance, the other's being contemptible.

    True: Letterman never lectured others on morality he merely used a national audience to ridicule others if their moral failings could provide a few laughs.

    Remember this:

    Monica Lewinsky's Top Ten Nicknames for Bill Clinton"

    10. Puffy the Intern Slayer
    9. Sheriff Bubba
    8. The Chief Sexecutive
    7. Unnamed High-Ranking Official
    6. My Sweet Impeachable You
    5. The Little Rock Rascal
    4. El Presidente del Armor
    3. Tubby Dearest
    2. Commander-in-Briefs
    1. Free Willie 2

    Let me ask you something: what would you have thought of Letterman had he harpooned you for the flap at the school this year? Would you
    consider it acceptable humor if you were made the object of ridicule and a scorn because he wasn't preaching?

    I don't think so.

    Your morality is a now-you-see-it-now-you-don't; it's not even situational. It's based purely on what you find offensive.

    That's not morality. It's expediency.

  54. What a laugh!5:52 AM

    @ 7:33. Now you're the moral relativist expert here? That's funnier than Conan.

  55. Anonymous8:10 AM

    No. I'm not a moral relativist--or anything in this sinkhole, thank God; just someone with an infallible bullshit detector.

    I don't want Letterman or anyone to be hurt by behavior like this. Gryphen's compassion for Letterman's family is merely unimpeachably

    If I'm wrong prove it to me--any of you: go on the record as saying President Obama's pressure, as recorded in the Chicago Tribune, to unseal divorce records of political opponent Jack Ryan in 2004--was morally reprehensible and by acting to unseal the records he put the psychological welfare of a child at risk.

    It's not a question if he was instrumental in getting the records unsealed; the Chicago Tribune has it well-documented. So let's hear from everyone who thinks it was morally reprehensible to use political pressure to get records unsealed no matter what the fallout might have been for a Ryan's son.

  56. emrysa1:14 PM

    jesus, wtf is wrong with anon 7:33 & 8:10?

    a guy had sex with some co-workers over the course of 30 years, big freakin whoop! he was a single man up until 6 months ago. sounds like you're really pissed about something else.

  57. I don't want Letterman or anyone to be hurt by behavior like this. Gryphen's compassion for Letterman's family is merely unimpeachably
    If I'm wrong prove it to me--any of you: go on the record as saying President Obama's pressure, as recorded in the Chicago Tribune, to unseal divorce records of political opponent Jack Ryan in 2004--was morally reprehensible and by acting to unseal the records he put the psychological welfare of a child at risk."

    I'm not getting the simile. What does the one episode have to do with the other? What points of resemblance are there? I'm ust not getting the point you're attempting to make.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.