Friday, October 02, 2009

In anticipation of his share of Sarah's book royalties, Todd Palin quits job.

The husband of former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is no longer employed by BP, the energy company confirmed Thursday evening.

So lnow he is iving in Palmer, and no longer working on the Slope. Interesting.

I wonder if after he has spent those millions of dollars that he will undoubtedly be paid to keep quiet, he could be talked into "writing" a book?

Because you know THAT one might be very informative indeed.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Todd has two daughters and two babies living with him. Perhaps he is staying home to help care for them.

  2. bucks_and_bron6:36 AM

    HuffPost has an article on John McCain's campaign manager, Steve Schmidt- in it, he says 2012 would be a "catastrophic election" if Sarah Palin is the nominee.

  3. Anonymous6:38 AM

    He can't go to the slope to work for extended periods of time anymore. Someone has to watch Willow 24-7. Plus there's that upcoming book tour that he might be part of -- who knows with that "family".

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I bet he gets a high paid cushy job in marketing with Arctic Cat. How long before we see him in an ad for that company?

    Why work hard when you can make a lot of money off suckers. This is what he learned from Sarah Paylying

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Is he really living away from Miss Wasilla?

    How would her base feel about that?

    Guess when the new house is built he can live with Bristol and they can pretend they live together.

  6. Anonymous7:22 AM

    We do have to give credit to Todd for being the supporting spouse in regards to his marriage partner's ambitions. He deserves his 50% of her haul. He is probably the better parent, so it seems like a good idea that he is home with the children.

  7. Hasn't todd been on a leave of absence for a long time? That's something they'd be willing to do while Sarah was gov, but not now that her power is gone. I suspect they let him go. And he couldn't go back since he had to stay with the kids. We all know what happened the last time those teenaged girls were left to their own devices.

    I've no doubt he'll land on his feet. The Arctic Cat suggestion is a good possibility. Does anyone know if Sarah gets to keep her Alaskan Government health insurance for the rest of her life? Or is she going to have to buy her own now that Todd isn't covering her through BP? If so, she's in for a shock. Snicker.

  8. Anonymous8:00 AM

    So, they did separate. Now how long is Todd willing to keep it in the family and keep it in his pants? Eventually he's going to be seen in public with his new girlfriend. All this is not going to look good for presidential hopeful Sarah in 2010! And then when everybody begins to realize that they were duped into believing her daughter's baby was hers!

    Sarah Q.

  9. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Is it confirmed that Todd is living out of the lake house with the girls? Sarah is in the big house all by herself?

  10. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I'm trying to figure out why Todd went to Hong Kong with Sarah. Someone commented that he had to get a passport, since that was his first trip abroad.

    And that is one rought trip, Anchorage to Hong Kong is what, 18 hours or 20 hours with stop overs. They spent all of three days, one to arrive, one to leave, one day to stay in the hotel while Sarah gave her speech.

    How does a guy like Todd feel, trailing after Sarah, watching her give her speeches? Is it really worth it? Sure, he will be happy to hand her each book to autograph at the book signings, and silently say to himself, "Ka-ching, ka-ching."

  11. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Public service for the Palins?
    Not so much. It's all about the:

    Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money

  12. Anonymous8:48 AM

    To Anon 8:00AM- What new girlfriend?

  13. emrysa8:56 AM

    I thought todd had quit his job when sarah was working on that pipeline. I'm sure I read that somewhere.

  14. gregory9:02 AM

    anon @ 8:16 - Sarah is not yet in "the big house," lol. Hopefully, soon.

  15. CrabbyPatty9:16 AM

    Sadly enough the first time I thought of when I read this headline is "What are the Palin's doing for health insurance now?" For a majority of Americans, health care coverage is a MAJOR consideration when switching, quitting or being downsided from a job.

    Does Palin still get insurance from the State of Alaska or have a COBRA-like situation where she is covered for a specific period of time?

  16. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Where is Levi. Just a question

  17. Anonymous9:22 AM

    What is happening with the lot the Palin's bought by the Wasilla house that Todd built? We heard it was being cleared. Who would over look a new building?

  18. Why is this story more and more reminding me of some people who win big in the lottery, quit their jobs, think they are set for life, buy a bunch of toys, and are sure they can make the money last for the rest of their lives. But then they turn out have no idea how to handle a large sum of money, and 5 years or 10 later they are bankrupt...

  19. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I don't know how Todd's health care plan, due to his Native Heritage works. Do they have to stay together to get Trig good coverage?

  20. elena9:56 AM

    Where is Levi? Kathy Griffin had this to say a few days ago:
    "He's in his igloo in Wasilla crying and texting me," Griffin, 48, told me. "I'm at the stage in the relationship where I have to play hard to get, but I will say this, I've been throwing up for about two weeks and I do feel a little kicking."

  21. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Am starting to wonder what Main Street americans are thinking of this couple. SP states she knows what America wants; that she's a regular hockey mom. Well, hockey moms and dads usually try to keep a routine in the family dynamics. This family seems to create constant change and disarray for these kids. Mayor, governor, quitter, author, lecturer, now entrepreneur in listick (supposedly), and dad working, not working, all this affects those kids.

    I would much prefer to read a book by a woman who worked in the local hospital kitchen, for 40 years, working the dish machines, day in and day out. I know she would have a life's worth of wisdom, and people could probably draw more from her memoirs than Sarah Palin and Todd put together.

  22. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Sarah has health insurance for life because she was a governor.

    Never mind that she doesn't want you to have it.

  23. Now I am not trying to start any rumors, but I would like a question answered if anyone knows. If they do divorce how many kiddos is Todd going to claim?? How many yrs ago was the Brad Hansen affair? Did the timing of that go with anyones b-day?? At least Todd was smart enough to wait until she got the big check, how soon until divorce papers are filed is the new question.

  24. ICstraightsSEAK10:52 AM

    Many of us Alaskans feel she should NOT get life-time benefits from the State since she quit and has been obviously using AK for personal gain since day one & was the shittiest governor ever. She can afford to buy her and family their own insurance. Does anyone know if she will receive these life-time benefits from SOA?

  25. Anonymous11:09 AM

    I just figured it all out. It is a vast right wing conspiracy, or at least a very small one.

    Todd has to stay with Sarah right now, even tour with her. Lynn Vincent has most likely crafted a story of faith, family, and devotion. There just cannot be anything that does not match the loving fiction that she created in the Rouge Rogue Book.

    Remember who Lynn Vincent's former co-author was on a previous book-- none other than the guy who wrote savage things about Gryphen. The reason that Gryp was attacked was for reprinting rumors of a divorce. Gryph had written other posts accusing Sarah et al with other things, but this did not bring the down the anger of you-know-who. But divorce, that would not help book sales at all. I see another collaborative effort on the part of Lynn Vincent, this time with her former writing partner, done to protect the books sales.

    Ditto for the story presented at Audrey's PD. Audrey laid out methodical, visual proof, and convincing arguments against Sarah having given birth to Trig. Loving Mother Sarah is another core element in the Vincent/Palin work, and Audrey's information would also hurt sales. Although we know who wrote the threats against Audrey, I imagine that his former writing partner might have had a hand in it, asking for his help.

    What is going to be interesting is how long Todd and Sarah will keep up the act- long enough to do a book tour, appearances and signings, but it's going to be a tough act. I think that each of them secretly mutter the mantra "Show Me The Money."

    Todd's interest in this is most likely substantial. I read that Alaska is a community property state, and he will be entitled to half of Sarah's haul. He's working all right, he's just not working on the north slope anymore.

  26. Anonymous11:16 AM

    More free time for Todd - that should be fun :)

  27. It is my understanding that since
    Todd is a Native American, he and the children get health care. What Sarah's status is, I don't know. I have no information as to why he quit his job, but it would seem that someone has to take care of the kids.

  28. Anonymous11:43 AM

    And they are living in 2 separate towns because WHY????

  29. Anonymous11:52 AM

    It is sad no one in Ak can sue her for not honoring her oath. Do they take oaths in Ak since they are free to break them anyway?

    If they are using the Native heritage are they actually considered to be Native?

    I know Todd eloped with Sarah back in the day. What about her quickie with band bud Bitney? Is he the first kids father? I'd be pissed if I were Todd. Hell no, I wouldn't tell. I'd be her handmaiden and collect the easy money. What a relief to stop pretending he works for BP.

    Todd may have moved to Palmer to be near his sister when she goes to court. O, forgot can't mention Diana Palin. She is a bad parent, not like her surrogate father Todd or the inseminator, Jim.

    I can't wait for the real book on the Palin and Heaths to come out.

  30. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Don't worry, Sarah Palin would never, ever try to "milk it" and keep the health insurance going for life. She resigned and did not serve out even one term as governor. She knows that it is not right to keep the health benefits going for the rest of her life when there are others struggling to get even the most basic health care.

    Yeah right.

    Palin has such a hypocritical welfare mentality that she ALWAYS looks for the easy way to get money and benefits for herself at the expense of others.

    It's what she does, it's all she does.

  31. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Breaking news. If you buy a book you also, too get a sample of Sarah's new 'PIGSTICK' and Moose Cream. Hurry

  32. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Todd will never write a book. Cuckolds seldom do.

  33. Trooper Wooten, I think it's time to cash in!!!!Write a tell all book,
    Going Rogue- My Sister-in-Law Sarah

  34. Anonymous1:00 PM

    For the person who wants to know who the new girlfriend is: Go ask Lynn Vincent who's been porking her lately.

  35. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I believe you need to be 1/4 native to get health benefits...and they don't amount to a whole hill of beans. Nothing like the State bennies...

  36. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Don't pick on Sarah Palin just because she's part native indian.

    Oh yeahhhhh, yes she is!!!!

  37. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Will Todd be hired by Candies to do an abstinence tour?

    I think Bristol quit the job, so now it is open for Todd to do it.

  38. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I live in Illinois where a number of our governors are either doing time, did time or are about to do time. When convicted, they lost retirement, pension, health benefits.

    I do not want to include governors who resign to serve in another branch of government. I am only interested in governors who resign mid-term.

    It would be interesting to see what happened when disgraced governors resigned in NY or NJ, did they lose their benefits?

  39. Anonymous1:52 PM

    If you resign because you learn you have an pancreatic cancer that's one thing.

    What Sarah Palin did should not be tolerated. Did she do as said once she quit? Anyone seeing the weird announcement quitter speech knows she needs a psychiatric evaluation and someone needs to explain about drugs. No one could understand her and she came out with that "higher calling" non explanation. NOW it is obvious she out right LIED. She doesn't try to progress Alaska. She was in charge when the 257 Alaskans died over the medicaid issue, next she is talking about "death panels" for all America and forgets to tell how she did it.

    If the people of Alaska want to support her and not take any actions they are not only a menace to Alaska, they are a menace to us all. Why can't Alaskans stand up for themselves in a politically significant way? She is giving it to you up yours over and over.

  40. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Anonymous @10:04

    You know, washing dishes by hand, that's an art. I was about nine when I started washing dishes as my chore for six each day after dinner. My sister had to dry when she got older. We were in our teens when one day, Mama called us into the kitchen and said, wash the dishes. We looked around the kitchen and all cabinets and drawers were opened and emptied, everything was lying out on the counters, the stove, the table. My sister and I looked at each other with our mouths wide opened. My mother said she found a dirty dish. Sure enough, there was a dirty dish. She said something like if one's dirty, they're all dirty. And next time we better make sure she doesn't find a dirty dish. No excuse, not a case, we started washing and drying all those dishes. It wasn't the first time she ever found a dirty dish, no doubt. But that taught me to make sure she never found a dirty dish, no slack. My mother was the nicest lady in the world. And she taught me the art of washing dishes. Thanks for the memories, Anon.

    Wonder how many spouses of ex-governors or ex-VP candidates have been in the press for resigning a job? Distraction from health care reform, I wonder?

  41. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The Palin early pregnancy test:

    Positive - YOU BETCHA

    Negative - FAKE IT

  42. Anon@ 1:06 blood quantum has nothing to do with native health benefits.

    Todd Palin’s ancestry grants another plus — it makes him and his children eligible to apply for free government health care.
    To qualify for the state-based, federally funded program, residents must provide proof of ancestry. Cecile Wesley, the director of eligibility at the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage, told me in an interview that one way of establishing ancestry requirements is to present a shareholder card for one of four Alaska native corporations that list “blood quantum” — the carrier’s percentage of “Indian blood.”
    “[Alaska Native Medical Center] does not have a blood quantum requirement,” said Wesley, when I asked what percentage of native blood a resident must have in order to receive the healthcare.
    One corporation that issues cards with the blood quantum requirement is the Bristol Bay Native Corp. According to public disclosure forms Sarah Palin filed with the state of Alaska, her husband and their children are BBNC shareholders.
    This is from an article written in Oct 2008

  43. All you need to receive Native Health Services is a Certificate of Native Blood (CIB) card from the BIA. You only have to prove native blood linage, doesn't matter how much. The 1/4 native only applys to enrolling in the native corp. One has nothing to do with the other.
    The Palin babies could have been born at the Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage???

  44. That woman should NOT get health insurance for life since she quit half term. That is just not right! While millions of people in this country are suffering?? The underinsured situation is also very bad in this country. That is me, and let me tell you, it is a scary scary situation to be in if you have health problems.

    I really hope those of you who live in Alaska look into this and start some kind of petition or whatever to protest to your state representatives..... Its ok for Sarah to give out socialist checks from the oil but its not ok for the government to help with health insurance.

    This whole health care debate is ridiculous. Other countries think the Republicans are incredibly barbaric and backwards and they are right.......Some of the Democrats are equally as bad.

    Anyhow - to Alaskans please fight against Sarah getting lifetime health insurance!

  45. ICstraightsSEAK4:08 PM

    TO: 1:24 PM

    You are ABSOLUTELY right! Some of us Alaskans want her impeached but since the legislature will never do that, we want her life-time state health/retirement benefits forfeited & her picture removed from the hall of govs!
    I have also wondered why NO ONE has brought of the issue of the personnel board of ethics that investigated her, was also APPOINTED by her!!! WTF?!
    Does anyone have any BALLS? It isn't too late to file another ethics complaint against her...

  46. You are wrong5:33 PM

    @1:08 - Sarah Palin is NOT native American. As member of a First Nation, I implore you to stop making further false claims against my people.

  47. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I hear a lot of grumbling from people about not wanting sarah to receive state benefits since she quit. I agree. Shouldn't it be just like any regular job? Quitters don't receive unemployment compensation do they? I thought it was just if you were laid off.

    Well, who is going to put ACTION to WORD? Start a petition to change the law to deny her benefits.

    Let's see who gets off their arse and does this...

  48. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Would the BBNC cover a non-Native American child adopted by a BBNC shareholder?

  49. Anonymous3:58 AM

    To anon. who wondered if an adopted child could receive tribal benefits--- I do not know that about Alaskan tribes, but my Ojibwe tribe (fond du lac tribe of Oibwe) acknowledges my adoptive son as a tribal member in the same way my bio daughter is. But they do not recognize my husband who has no Ojibwe blood.

  50. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Over on another website, I read where Todd was asked to resign because of thousands of dollars of personal charges placed on his corporate credit card. Any truth to this story, Gryphen?

  51. Anonymous5:31 PM

    It's very nice to hear open questions about how the Native thing works. Many Alaskans know nothing about it, and rather than ask an Eskimo or Alaska Native, they repeat stuff that's absolute nonsense.
    No, Natives don't get checks for being Native. No, everyone is not automatically an Indian Health Service beneficiary. Indigenous Americans do not have health insurance plans through Nativeness. Period.
    Here's how it works: NOTHING is "free". The United States government signed treaties with American Indian tribal governments that in exchange for the land and displacing them, the US would provide services into perpetuity. It seemed like a fair deal at the time. In the 80s, the Federal Government wanted to divest itself of treaty-based promises to provide health care and education.
    Indian health care has long been based on reservation community facilities - called "area" hospitals and clinics. If you're indigenous and need health care, you have to present yourself at that facility. Like the military system or old-fashioned county health care for poor people. If you're retired military, you go to the nearest base clinic. You don't have the option to go to a private provider and the bill magically gets paid. Same thing. If you qualify for Indian Health, you go to THAT clinic, wherever you are.
    So, in the 80s, everyone decided that health care delivery would be best delivered by tribes instead of the feds. This is called Tribal Health Compacts. Since Alaska has no "tribes" and no reservations, the regions (same as the regional for-profit corporations) took over health care. So each region now has a tribal health corporation. Southcentral Foundation is the greater Anchorage area's tribal health provider. If you're from somewhere else, like Nome or Barrow, you can receive care there, but your home area is billed directly for the care.
    The only facility left in Alaska that is general (Indian Health Service) is the Alaska Native Medical Center. It bills the areas for your care, but it also holds default financial responsibility.
    Each of the Lower 48 tribes decides independently how they'll provide care, and to whom. I know for a fact, that if you are Oklahoma Chickasaw, you have to actually go to Oklahoma to get health care, regardless of where you actually live.
    That's terrific that the Ojibwes are doing traditional-based acceptance. That's the way it should be. Alaska tribes have the right to establish its members any way it wants, but they've stupidly adopted Bureau of Indian Affairs standards, rather than forward-thinking inclusiveness, ironically much more culturally traditional.
    If a Native family adopts a non-Native child, that baby is not an eligible beneficiary.

  52. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Trig Palin is an Indian Health Service beneficiary. He can receive good comprehensive care for his medical issues, regardless of Sarah and Todd's health insurance.
    Whomever gave birth to him, it could have been at the Native hospital. They have a very good NICU with quality neonatal care and routinely care for high-risk infants.
    If an infant will be a beneficiary after birth, its mother is eligible for prenatal care and delivery at no cost through Native services, whatever the mother's race is. Not uncommon.
    So either Sarah or Bristol could have given birth to Trig at Alaska Native Medical Center in Anchorage.

  53. Anonymous9:27 PM

    anona at 5:31 I am disheartened to think that the native culture of adoption is not accepted in all tribes. But I am glad that my son IS accepted as my son in my tribe. Your explaination of Native american services is pretty on target and thank you for giving everyone that info. Personally my tribe is located in Northern Minnesota and we live in Texas, so we do not use the clinic there. Otherwise I am on my own. Thank you for acknowledging that my tribe legitamizes adoptions though, as everyone irregarless of race should.


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