Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Huffington Post finally opens that bag, and the cat is out! Who's Your Mommy: Palin and the Trig Birthers

Huffington Post contributor Glynnis MacNicol has posted this statement under her "Top Ten Outrageous Sarah Palin Stories Oprah Will Have To Address" post.

Calling Andrew Sullivan and the Sarah Palin birthers! Ever since Palin stepped into the national spotlight in August 2008 there has been persistent speculation as to whether she is truly the mother of her youngest son Trig or whether the baby actually belongs her daughter Bristol and Palin's merely claimed to be his parent as some sort of cover-up. Levi hit on the sensitive subject again in his first-person VF piece. It remains to be seen if Palin mentions it in her memoir, but if she's considering another run for public office it's absolutely fair game for Oprah.

So here we go gang. This is our opportunity to educate the ignorant masses over at Huffington Post about WHY we believe that Sarah did not give birth to Trig.

Please stick to the facts and use links to back yourself up. Let's not give them the chance to lump us in the same crazy ass category that the Obama Birthers are currently occupying. Also remember to compare the "Fake Birth" story with the "Wild Ride" story and ask them which one sounds the most plausible and which one makes Palin look the worst.


  1. Huffington Post will NOT publish any comments concerning Babygate unless they are silly nonsense or on the "wrong" side of the issue. I have tested this concept numerous times. This article has been up for NINE hours and there are only seven comments! They have been deleting comments all afternoon.

  2. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Folks, I am not registered on HuffPo but if Floyd is correct, then use code, submerged metaphors, or innuendo! We have very clever posters here; you can do it. Get the word out!

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Once Arianna sees that this topic will bring in traffic, she will be all for it. This is the perfect umbrella for it: things for Oprah to ask.

  4. Floyd is correct. I posted a comment - just the facts - no go. Keep trying everyone. Perhaps someone is clever enough to word it in such a way that it will get through. I am shocked that the Glynis MacNicol story was allowed.
    drip drip drip .........between this news and the books ("Going Rouge" and Frank Bailey's book), it is a GOOD day!

  5. I just tried to leave a comment as well.

    Let's see what happens.

  6. When I read that post a few hours ago I found it kind of insulting to be called Trig birthers. By calling us that she is saying those who believe SP is not his mother are on the fringe nuts.

  7. I know that Gryphen is convinced that Bristol is Trig's biological mother, but I haven't seen any convincing evidence that Sarah Palin is not Trig's biological mother. A few pictures don't mean much of anything, since wearing different clothes, scarfs, jackets, etc. can make a person look very different day to day. She didn't seem thrilled to be pregnant at that stage of her life, so wearing clothes that minimized the look of pregnancy probably seemed to her like the thing to do. As far as Sarah's wild ride from Texas to deliver Trig in Wasilla, well we have all observed Sarah's poor judgement time and again, so she certainly may have traveled during a time that put Trig at risk, for her own strange reasons.
    And, there is no way that Bristol had Trig on April 18th, then had a big term baby just 8 months later. And Trig having Down's Syndrome, common when the mother is older, like Sarah, make it even more likely that Sarah is indeed Trig's biological mother.

  8. Huffington Post will publish it if you support SP. My wife is Gingerale. Her comment was promptly published. I have already sent in two comments that were deleted, and neither one was even a blatant Babygate comment. Go look at it.

  9. I too have tried (many times)...nothing gets through

  10. I posted and nothing happened so I sent an email to HP complaining about the lack of open discussion about the post.

  11. Just saw some new posts -Gryphen's included. They are beginning to trickle through.

  12. Hey, I got one through!

    You just have to choose your words very carefully.

  13. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Where is Trig's birth certificate?

  14. Wow, i managed to get one through too

  15. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Mine got through. It was not silly and suggested that I hoped Oprah would address some of her listed issues.

    I think they are being very careful. Lol! I can't beleive that video is still there. Pretty big development if you ask me. I think they are sticking their toes in the proverbial waters.

  16. fifitrixiebelle27:28 PM

    Here is the comment that I wanted to post there. It has been rejected twice...I'll try it without the link.

    This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.

    Can anyone explain to me the reason why Sarah Palin travelled by plane from Texas to Alaska whilst she was in labor and her waters had broken? Why didn't she go to the nearest hospital which is what any normal woman would do in her situation? Is Sarah Palin such a poor decision maker that she is willing to risk her own unborn down syndrome child's life in order for him to be born in Alaska?

    The above facts are not some nutty story made up by conspiracy theorists. These are the facts that Palin related herself regarding Trig's birth.

    Here is the audio link where Palin discusses Trig's birth with reporters.

    Also remember that she supposedly knew that he had a heart defect that would require immediate attention when he was born. I think that her story does not hold water (excuse the pun) and that it requires further investigation.

  17. They aren't going to post mine. Why would someone with right leanings post something about babygate? Seems odd.

  18. So you got a handful of insignificant comments by the censors - so what? Have you been reading Huffington Post for very long? The story next to it about SP has 1634 comments. Wake up, people! You are either part of the solution or you are part of the problem. The Huffington Post has been a big part of the problem for more than a year now!

  19. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I have to agree with Suzie's comment. I have thought the same thing all along for the same reason. It is so much more likely that she and not her daughter had a Down's Syndrome baby. I'm not saying that she is not hiding something. She might be. I just find it hard to believe that the child belongs to her daughter because of the Down's Syndrome.

  20. Anonymous7:46 PM

    After working so hard generating a comment, my comment was removed, and so was another.

    HuffPost has been censuring babygate for months. Now, they finally posted an article regarding babygate, but are steering comments using censorship. I said nothing inappropriate.

  21. Floyd you are missing the point.

    This is an Alaska blogger site. Do you have any idea how often we were told we could not make a difference? That nobody would ever listen to us?

    We do not give up my friend.

    If you go back to Huffington Post you can see more and more babygate comments getting through. Getting this information out to the MSM has been my focus for over a year now. And I will not rest until it has been accomplished.

  22. Right on Gryphen. I have tried many times and I continue to edit my post until they are posted. I have now posted five times.

    Come on people. Read the other post and see how they are worded. We can do this.

  23. I just posted under the HuffPo topic a little history of the threatening that's gone on this past 10 months or so, with the car-windshield threats to the photo analyst's family, the threats to you, Gryphen, and the ones to Audrey with the unintended consequence of her leaving that super picture revelation up on her blog as her last blog entry.

    It probably won't get posted either, because I left several URLs in my post for further information.

    Yeah, wouldn't want to give HuffPo readers sources where they can find more information for themselves!!!

  24. Anonymous7:59 PM

    @ Floyd M. Orr:

    I have been reading Huffpo for a while and they have been burying this story. I sense some desperation in your comment. The MSM has taken a "hands off" on this whole issue. The very fact that it is even on Huffpo with a video and allowing some comments is quite significant. I'm guessing this could be the opening of the floodgates.

  25. Gryphen, I appreciate greatly all that you have done for the USA during this past year. I literally must go to IM a hundred times a day, so I obviously like what you are doing. I am not suggesting that you give up. What I am suggesting is that the bloggers need to stop thinking that adding one more little piece of photo evidence or one more little statement of confirmed rumor will accomplish our goal. Yes, these things help, but they are not the crux of the problem. The problem is that the MSM is IN ON THE COVER UP!

    The situation is a little like the fight over the public option. Yes, the public option is a good thing, but what we really need is single payer. SP needs to be brought down politically once and for all. We cannot continue to play nice while the opposition brings machine guns to the fight. We must expose Arianna Huffington as the part of the problem that she is, and unfortunately, she is not the only guilty party. We must stop giving any part of the media a free pass. Babygate is bigger than Watergate simply because this time, the media itself is involved in the cover up!

  26. Glynnids McNicol has written several other poorly written posts on HP. One of them compares Glenn Beck to Robert R Murrow. She use to write for Playboy, a blog about NY media, and currently is the senior editor of which Dan Abrahms started. It is very right leaning and that same post is on it also. I bet they used it for information gathering.

  27. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Gryphen - Your work and the work of the other bloggers such as Regina, Patrick, Bree and Audrey has encouraged the rest of us. This story has to be followed through. There is no point if we "giveup" because it is made difficult for us by certain media outlets.

    Floyd - we all need to be part of the solution and that solution will not come easy. We can't give up because something is made difficult, our little successes just makes any triumphs more sweet and enduring.

  28. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Gryphen, Patrick said he emailed the writer of that article with appreciation for calling babygate fair game!

  29. Right now there are only two comments on Huffington Post under the article. What's up? Are they deleting everything, or am I missing something?

  30. Scratch that - I was on the last page. I see lots of well-crafted Trig-related questions there now. Good job, everyone!

  31. Waaahhhhoooo my post went through on Huffpo!

    And I have two 'fans' now! When did that happen?!

    Thanks for the head's up, Gryph. I look at HuffPo all the time and yet I missed this article...!

  32. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I agree with a couple of comments on this blog. I can't see how Trig is Bristol's baby, because the births are too close together. If it is someone elses baby other than Palin's, I was thinking it may be Track's girlfriend's.

  33. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I would say to all, keep trying.

    Check out the comments that are posted; they are succinct.

    Remember that the site has a low word max level and leave out anything that is not necessary yo you message.

    Minimize 'snark'; that does not seem to go over well. Be sincere.

    Good luck.

  34. My big question for everyone is this: What difference does it make and whose business is it if Sarah delivered Trig through natural birth or if she adopted him? Really, what difference does it make? Sarah Palin is such a trouble maker in so many ways, why not focus on those things that affect politics instead of putting any thought or energy into Trig's background?

  35. Anonymous9:15 PM

    The cat's out of the bag? No way. Your post does not tell the truth about Trig's birth, even though your title implies that it does. Same old, same old. Gryphen claims to have secret knowledge but really has nothing. Bummer.

  36. Tip--they won't publish comments with links EXCEPT to "news" websites. The only link I saw that made it was to Andrew Sullivan. So I added another link to Sullivan.

    Just naming the blogs without links worked. At least for now the comment with Palins Deceptions et. al is still there.

  37. Anonymous9:24 PM

    ps also,

    I just went to HuffPo to post (count went up by 8 while I was writing, and 4 were pending when I finished!) this is a blog entry, not an article, and they are often edited that much more tightly.

  38. Susie@6:49 Trig was not born on April 18th he was presented to us on that date. Trig was born in Jan. or Feb. Take a look at the picture on April 18th and compare it to the picture of Levi's and his sister Mercede holding him in the Palin's kitchen. He is a much bigger baby on April 18th.

  39. You are doing great gang!

    I am very impressed with the number of "babygate" comments and site names that are getting through. That is a huge reversal from what we saw earlier.

    And judging from the number of trolls that have been attracted here, I have to say that we are having some impact.

    It may be a small victory right now ,but trust me these baby steps are going to help attract attention when more of the story is revealed.

    You guys rock!

  40. Fake Birth, Wild Ride -- one is deceit and the other irresponsibility. Does it matter which is true? She was not acting rationally in either event.

    Nice qualities in a person. :sarcasm:

  41. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Good point, Susie @9:07.

    Though the truth of the 'wild ride'/fake birth will be astounding either way.

    I plan to post about at least one or more of the other items in the blog in the next day or so.

    It is the whole package of narcissism, deception, and 'God-given' entitlement that I hope to see 'called out'.

  42. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Quitter Queen flew (documented) over 18,000 miles from February 23-April 17th, just one day before she supposedly gave birth. She was told the baby had Down's syndrome and had a heart defect. Why would she risk the life of her so called baby? I can tell you why......she flew because she was not pregnant. It is just as easy as that.

  43. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Now that the momentum seems to be picking up...from the aerial photos of Chateau Palin on Palingates and all the hits they got, to now having a breakthrough over at Huffington Post, I suggest we all continue to provide links to Immoral Minority, Bree Palin, Palin Deception and Palingates.

    Thank you Gryphen for continuing this struggle to get the word out!

  44. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Tried to post at hp without success. I was very careful, no links.
    Will try again later.
    i did re-tweet the article.


  45. Susie @ 9:07, the reason it makes a difference who had Trig is because she lied to make herself look good. She is using him as a prop to further her career. Come on, you have got to see that! She is revered by pro-lifers because she supposedly walked the walk.

    If her motives were pure, then why the lying and the charade? It's not anything to be ashamed of to adopt a kid. Now, if you adopt the child your daughter got pregnant with at age 16 to cover up that "family values" issue, and then you ALSO use the child you claim you bore as a prop to show how good of a person you are, then it's even more disgusting to have hoaxed the public this way.

    I am assuming you are also the Susie at 6:49. If so, the theory that "it's got to be Sarah because of the Down's" is hogwash. More Down's kids are born to younger mothers every year than to over 40 mothers. Fertility is so low by age 43 that most women can't get pregnant without some kind of fertility treatment.

    Palin did not look pregnant, except in one mysterious picture that could easily have been created by Palin wearing an empathy belly. When she did show off her belly to Elan Frank a short while before the birth, it looked more like a square accent pillow shoved under her clothes. Palin did not look pregnant AT ALL at 7 months.

    There are MySpace photos that show Bristol, Sarah, Mercede, and Levi, all with a VERY small Trig, clearly a preemie, and clearly far smaller than the baby presented to the world on April 21 in Palin's office. The evidence does not point to Trig actually born to Sarah at the Matsu Hospital on April 18, though she may had "had him", as in taken possession of him that day.

    Normally I would not even answer your comments, as frankly you seem to be a troll. Going from one comment that says "she wore scarves, had to be Down's because of her age, blah blah blah" to another one where it suddenly doesn't matter tends to show one is a troll. It seems like this is the third rail that for the Palinbots must not be touched. Talk about anything else BUT that. You know and I know that it is a huge deal if she lied about this, especially with no reason to do it.

    Considering that you sure seem like a troll, the only reason I am spending my time even answering you is that new people may be coming here, you seem to be trying to blow smoke, and anybody new needs to know that if they take the time to do the investigating of what is said on these blogs, a person of reason is going to see that Sarah did not birth this child.

    And what does that say about the MSM? It's not good. Despite the Palinistas always whining that President Obama is given a free pass, in reality the candidate in recent history who has been able to get a pass from the media on serious issues of her integrity and ethics has been Sarah Palin.

  46. Gryphen, congratulations and thank you for your role in continuing to publicize the story about Palin and what a complete phony she is. I extend my thanks to the other Alaskan and Palin bloggers as well.

    I think this is a big step to cracking open the box of secrets. And it won't be pretty, but it's just in time for Halloween! Recently whenever people are saying "why does it matter who had this kid, what's the big deal?", for some reason it makes me think about the likely female Pope, Pope Joan. They decided to institute gender checks after that little incident.

    Just like in the old days the nobles would have witnesses present at births of children of important royalty, so that an heir could not just be "found", presented as of the true legitimate line. Palin is no royalty, even if her followers do think she is Queen Esther, but there are some things that are just wrong, and hoaxing a pregnancy AND using the baby for political gain is defintely one of those things that is just plain wrong.

  47. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Why do so many people insist that Trig has to be Sarah's biological child because he has Down Syndrome and she was over 40 when he was born? Only 20% of infants with Down Syndrome are born to mothers over 35. That means that 80% of infants with Down Syndrome are born to mothers UNDER 35. Therefore, it's far more likely that Bristol gave birth to Trig than that Sarah did, if you're only relying on Down Syndrome statistics to make your case.

    Link to prove that 80% of infants with Down Syndrome are born to mothers under 35 (look under "Did You Know..."): (or feel free to look up the statistics yourself!)

  48. My comment is currently in moderation:

    Babygate is enormously entertaining, but hardly substantive. The biggest question for Sarah Palin involves the biggest question for us all - what must we do about climate change? Global warming is an existential threat. " Drill Baby Drill" is a policy that will guarantee the extinction of life on earth. Aside from rising seas, extreme weather, ocean acidification, melting polar ice and glaciers, drought and wildfires and dust storms, burning fuels creates toxic emissions. These poisonous gases may be invisible but they are still lethal, causing asthma, emphysema and cancer in humans and now animals. Additionally, fuel emissions interfere with the ability of all forms of vegetation to photosynthesize and produce chlorophyll (ie, live). Oprah, ask Sarah Palin if she prefers to wait for widespread tree death and crop failure to transition to clean, renewable energy?

  49. Anonymous1:43 AM

    So, how is it that the MSM is going to steal your thunder Gryphen? And Levi's?

    No revelation and no book. All teaser.

    After this thing goes mainstream they'll get all the credit. Hopefully, your ''sources'' will spill before then.

    Oh, sure, the bloggers will get some credit, but it will be considered just a 'supporting role' since the MSM never really admits to being scooped by bloggers.

  50. I was convinced that Bristol was Trig's mom mainly from three things;
    1) the picture of her and Levi with Trig at the convention, where Bristol has him snuggled up against her and is gazing down at him, and Levi is kissing him;
    2) Bristol's ginormous sofa-cushion boobies that day, which obviously consisted of about 4 bath towels on each side to be sure her breast milk didn't leak through her black dress; and
    3)the fact that Sarah held Trig in a way a not-too-bright stranger might, face out into the lights, wherever she went--it was very strange and not the least bit maternal, or even like a loving grandmother, for that matter. It looked like she was afraid he had special needs cooties and they would rub off on her.

    Oh, and the fact that Sarah is a liar about everything else--that factored in too.

  51. Skeptical5:12 AM

    Personally, while I'd love to see Oprah address babygate, I don't think she has enough time to do this subject justice. Cutting through all of Palin's word salad remarks will be challenge enough.

    I wonder why Oprah would entertain having Palin as a guest? Perhaps it's a comedy segment?

  52. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Most Down's babies are born to mothers who are not older. Young mothers don't get tested like older mothers and since 95% of people who get a diagnosis of Downs choose to terminate, the Down's babies that are born are mostly to younger women.

    On the surface the DS that Trig has does seem to favor an older mother, but it is not the only logical thought. And young mothers are more at risk as well.

  53. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Excellent comments, folks. I just read at HuffPo and there are some really good ones there. Great points, all!

  54. emrysa6:00 AM

    looks like there's some newbiews here who haven't seen all the good photos of sarah "pregnant."

    folks y'all should go on over to bree palin's site or the palinsdeceptions site (both are in the left navbar) and do some reading. good pics on there.

    palin is not the biological mother of trig, and YES it does matter, because it shows she is a fraud.

  55. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Am I missing something? There are only FIVE comments on that article right now? DId they pull them?? Did anyone take screenshots??

  56. Anonymous6:17 AM

    The interesting thing about this little intrigue is that at some point Sarah Palin is going to have to show Trig's and Tripp's birth certificates. For instance when they register the children for kindergarten and/or first grade.

    What continues to puzzle me is why on earth so MANY people in Alaska are afraid of Sarah Palin. Is her reach really THAT long? Does she continue to have enough influence to hold the entire state hostage? There are people around Wasilla who know EXACTLY what happened, or pieces of it. Surely they could get the truth out.

    Oh, well...maybe I'm just here in Virginia doing some California dreamin'

  57. Anonymous6:24 AM

    @6:10 - maybe you should empty your cache? There are nearly 90 comments now.

  58. emrysa6:28 AM

    the huffpo is a joke.

    I've been going there since it started, and I long for the good old days, pre-mods, pre-word filter.

    the article that gryphen has linked has only 80 or so comments. right, I believe that. given past experience I would bet that the mods deleted most of the comments to make this look like a non-issue. the mods are biased, the word filter is a joke, but they sure have a lot of ads. gotta sell those ads, right? it was better when huffy had NO ads.

    there is no rhyme or reason as to why some comments get through and others don't. the only conclusion one can come to after seeing this repeatedly is that the mods don't think they're mods, they think they're editors. they're trying to set a tone by picking and choosing comments. so rather than getting the opinons of a broad segment of the population, what you're really getting on the huffpo is the opinions of the mods and the comments that support those opinions.

    huffy was fun when it was a free-for-all.

  59. "Susie @ 9:07, the reason it makes a difference who had Trig is because she lied to make herself look good."

    I believe that either one can understand how viscerally immoral it is to co-opt another woman's pregnancy and special needs baby for political gain, or one can't. If somebody doesn't get it, I don't think they're capable of getting it. I know there are reports that Bristol didn't want her mother to adopt her baby, and that just makes it more vile. There were positive ways to handle the matter, but when Sarah decided to fake a pregnancy, they weren't possible any more. Levi reports that she refers to Trig as "the retarded one", and frankly I find Levi more credible than Sarah.

  60. Anonymous7:26 AM

    OK, how can it be that there are only 87 comments--with 0 pending--at 11:30 a.m. when I last looked? I see some familiar names are getting through, but only 87 comments? I've known some less interesting posts to generate thousands of comments in a short time. What's going on at HuffPo?

  61. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I haven't seen this addressed and might just have missed it but it doesn't seem logical to me that a teenager would have a down syndrome baby. I mean how often statistically does that happen? The wild ride story is unbelievable and Sarah doesn't look pregnant just before giving birth so is it possible she adopted Trig? It's a mystery for sure. Just sayin.

  62. ProChoiceGrandma got her post onto HuffPo. Read it. Wow!

  63. Anonymous8:38 AM

    @8:15 a.m., please read the posts at 11:53 p.m. and 5:35 a.m. on this very same thread. Their posts preceded yours, and if you'd read them before you posted, you'd find your query about how often teens have children with Downs Syndrome is answered. Preview in case you won't scroll back up: 80% are born to mothers under 35.

  64. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I bet now that she will not show up on Oprah now. To much stuff in the air. Oprah would have to ask her something about it

  65. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Anon 8:15 asks, "It doesn't seem logical to me that a teenager would have a down syndrome baby. I mean how often statistically does that happen?"

    Your question is answered over at Audrey crunched the numbers for us.

    Whereas a woman over forty has roughly a one-in-twelve chance of giving birth to a child in Down syndrome, the vast majority of DS babies are born to younger women--because they have a much easier time conceiving (intentionally or not!) and therefore have far, far more babies than women $P's age. One of the most eye-popping, to me, stats of Audrey's is that a woman $P's age who is sexually active without employing contraception has just an eight-tenths of one percent chance of conceiving each menstrual cycle, whereas the likelihood is 23 percent for a woman in identical circumstances who is Bristol's age. The miscarriage rate is astronomically higher for the over-forty crowd, too.

    Given that very few teenagers and women in their twenties undergo prenatal genetic testing, their DS pregnancies are much more likely to be a surprise than for a woman over thirty-five. Really, check Audrey out on this: she says it much better than I can. Just sayin'.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  66. Anonymous9:05 AM

    It has been addressed, above.

  67. Anonymous9:22 AM

    to 8:15, read the comments here - that issue has been addressed a few times.

  68. Anonymous@7:26 AM, true but look up the odds of a 44 year old woman getting pregant when actually trying and then NOT trying, vs. a 17 year olds fertility, also too.

  69. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Gryphen, there is certainly something strange about Glynnis' post. Your comment is still the first one listed; I made two comments, but they were both deleted.

    Are they taking names, or what?

  70. Anon 7:26
    1 in 2000 births from teenage mothers are affected by Down's syndrome - it does happen though the risk is of course lower than births to women over 40. Just because it isn't all that common - doesn't rule out a teen being Trig's birth mother.

  71. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Just sayin-- are you a troll, or haven't you read through all the comments?

    More teenagers have down syndrome babies than older women.... simply because they have more babies, and they don't get tested. Something like 80% of all downs syndrome babies are born to younger mothers.............


  72. Only 106 comments, and none added since Gryphen's at 12:36pm.

    I've left several and none have been posted. Mebbe saying the moderators think they're editors had sumptin' to do with it. Ya think?!?!

  73. I haven't tried to comment on this article yet on HuffPost. I have commented many times over there before though. While I am marked as having 25 fans, a lot of the time they never get past their censors. For what reasons, they only know.
    I have seen some ridiculous comments get through while others have complained that their comments were much more mild and couldn't get past the censors.
    Maybe it depends who the censors are on a particular day.

  74. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Anon. at 6:17 - they'll probably avoid showing Trig's birth certificate by home schooling him since he has special needs.

    But the PFD is another issue - they may need to show the birth certificate to claim it.

  75. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The blog at HuffPo has now been moved down to the bottom of the column on the left of the 'Media' tabbed subsite, without a pic of the author.

    This is SOP as they feature a roster of bloggers. Will continue to be easiest just to link from headline at the top of Gryphen's post here at IM.

    All the updated posts, including one of mine, were comments to remarks by others. They have posted under 10 in the last two hours.

    Hope this info is helpful.

  76. Not only did my latest comment not get posted (no surprise), the comment I was replying to has now been deleted.

    ProChoiceGrandma has had two excellent posts accepted. Who does she know?!?! -:)

  77. The # of comments keeps going up, but I don't see that many new posts on HPo.

  78. emrysa said;
    The Huffpo is a joke.

    I absolutly agree with you.
    If you get past the mods, you then have to worry about the comentors who think they own the sight just because they have umteen thousand coments under their belt. One simple complaint by these people and your post is gone with no questions aked.
    Or they will hold your post in pending for two or three pages, knowing that the majority will never read it.

    Very frustrating...

  79. Anonymous4:04 PM

    On the serious side, I wonder: Are Oprah's scheduled guests required to sign contracts committing them to appear? If so, has SP put her signature on the dotted line? That would be interesting to know, and it might make the difference between a show/no-show SP on November 16.

    On the not-so-serious side: I'm visualizing SNL on Saturday, November 21--Just a few days before Thanksgiving. The set is a mock-up of the Oprah/SP interview from a few days before. Shown on a screen immediately behind SP is the video replay of the turkey episode from a year ago.

    Oprah asks: So, Sarah, when you left the governorship in July, you gave up some important gubenatorial responsibilities--do you regret that you no longer have the power to pardon your favorite turkeys?

    Sarah answers: Well, Oprah, I'm really glad you asked that question. There have been a lot of questions raised about our house--and now we are receiving criticism for building the new addition to our property. But you know, Oprah, it is very important--it "certainly" increases my foreign policy credentials. Thank goodness it is almost completed. Todd and I thought it important to include a turret. Now, we can see Turkey from our house in Wasilla.

  80. I always thought the child was Letterman's lovechild, which accounts for the rift between those two. It is insane that the blackmail was over a single man having consentural affairs with people he worked with. I think it should not be discussed in public to protect Palin's husbands feelings. I do feel comfortable discussing it here.

  81. johnie2xs4:31 PM

    I'm on my fourth user name at HuffPo. I truly do't know why I do it except that I've become friendly with a couple of the bloggers via e-mail, and because of the diversity of articles. But the moderation is the pits. It's totally irrational and subjective. I once had a comment rejected because I wanted the Phrase "His name is Mudd" to someday be changed to "his name is Bush". When I complained and asked as to why my comment was dropped, I finally got an e-mail saying it was because of the use of the word Mudd. They are that clueless.

  82. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Anon 4:04 continued:

    And then, Oprah persists and follows up:

    A year ago, when you pardoned that "big tom": turkey, two others, let's just say, "met their demise" in the scene behind you. Your comment was, "no problem." Did you have anyone, in particular, in mind when you answered in that way?

    Sarah answers: Well, of course I have no doubt that Levi is the father of Bristol's... uhmmm... and besides, we have turkey every Thanksgiving, doesn't everyone? That and dressing and of course, at the Palin house, our favorite is moose chili and enough turkey gizzards to go sure, since there are seven of us and lots of relatives...thank goodness we will soon be able to see Turkey from our turret.

  83. Anonymous5:01 PM

    This is acceptable Huffington Post main page Sarah Palin on October 23, 2009.

    Nation Editors Mock Palin With Book Of Their Own
    First Posted: 10-22-09 05:20 PM | Updated: 10-22-09 07:43 PM
    # Comments (62)

    Not many comments. Lack of interest in the topic, Palin or censorship?

  84. Anonymous6:46 PM

    #433 comments at HuffPo Rogue/Rouge article and rising. The difference between a blog and an article.

    Also an article, with pic, as one of the Most Dangerous deniers of global warming.

  85. Anonymous7:21 PM

    post links on random craigslist rants and raves or politics section

  86. Anonymous7:26 PM


    Is there any way you can contact Oprah's team and advise them of the racist comment Sarah made about Obama beating Hillary? Her team might like to have than knowledge.

  87. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Well, I'm banned from HuffPo for life. Guys, don't direct a comment -- however polite and reasonable -- to the site.

    Huffington is a charlatan as an agent of news delivery. (No, that's NOT the way I put it to her!) On Sunday afternoon, you can read the same banner headlines you did on Friday afternoon. The headlines are deceptive, many of the writers most welcome on the site are there to stir things up with hard-core Xian conservative views or are liberal versions of Meghan McCain -- B-actors posing as writers.

    The coverage offered during the Afghanistan elections was stunning -- and Arianna took credit for it in the media. Anyone NOT feel sorry for Nico Pitney?

    California is imploding, politically and socially -- it's infrastructure has crumbled. It is the fascinating petrie dish that proves complete democracy is not a viable system. Where does AH open a new branch? Denver. Good aim! Probably a good idea she didn't try covering California -- it would have been another *Life* section, Hollywood style.

    HuffPo looks good, is easy to move around, and feels like wasting 75 cents for that newspaper that came with lots of colorful graphs and pictures, instead of spending 50 cents on a NY Times. Lazy, and an insult to my intelligence.

    Plus, of course, I'm banned from commenting. And while mouthing off to strangers is a great addition to news, my parents got fresh news delivered to their door on Saturday and Sunday, and the Sunday papers kept the entire family busy for hours.

    Arianna gets most of her content free of charge. But she won't shell out enough to keep staff working on the weekends? Hey, sweetheart, there are LOTS of battle-scarred journalists who would kill to get a two-day gig every week. Quit living off everyone else, and put some money back into the economy -- pay some writers.

    I was real polite. But I gotta tell you all, you're gonna get banned if you keep trying to comment outside the accepted parameters. Guaranteed.

  88. johnie2xs4:57 AM

    To Anon.. 5:01;

    HuffPo has an unfathomable moderation policy. You will have a blog, for example, that eviscerates the subject of an article, yet if you try to submit a comment that does likewise it will not see the light of day. I have been banned twice under two different usernames, and am now on my fourth. They are playing a game with their patrons that makes for a very disheartened following. If you read threads on controversial subjects you will see again and again, complaints about the moderation policies. If you guys want to play with them, write to and let them know your feelings, or not!!

  89. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Huffington Post

    BBC* Besieged By Anti-Fascist Protesters Over Controversial Guest

    It's interesting to see what happens in Britain when they don't like a TV guest.
    Anti-Fascist Protesters Swarm BBC Over Controversial Guest... Security Breached... Protesters Break Into Television Centre...

    *British Broadcasting Corporation... the longest established and largest broadcaster in the world. The BBC is funded by an annual television licence fee, which is charged to all United Kingdom households using equipment capable of recording and/or receiving live television broadcasts; the level of the fee is set by the UK Government under a multi-year agreement with the Corporation. It operates under a Royal Charter granted by the British monarch.

    Anti-Fascist Protesters Swarm BBC

  90. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Huffington banned me for a comment that John McCain chose public health care after 4 days in North Vietnam. They wouldn't explain why, or even answer an email. She claims she used to be Republican, but behind her shiny tv face and the site's liberal veneer, must please her to haul in so much $$$ from liberals.
    And as for Sarah and Trig, why would the Matsu hospital not have his birth along with all the other births on their Online Baby Nursery, or even answer an email simply asking if all births are listed on their Online Baby Nursery?

  91. ginny8:33 AM


    I think I'm quitting HuffPo. I too have been disgusted with the misleading and just-this-side-of-lying headlines. The comments moderation is BS. I'm done with them.
    Can someone suggest a better online news source? I know there are a few out there, but I'd like opinions on which are the most honest and worthwhile. Thanks.

  92. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Airamerica has a somewhat Huffington style format. For commenting, Crooksandliars is no hassle. Arianna's money machine would almost be palatable if she at least ran the site without such arbitrary and capricious monitoring when not monitoring for some obvious editorial agenda. The ginned up and barely honest headlines for many stories is also irritating, and suggests an underlying P.T. Barnum contempt for the reader.

  93. Anonymous11:51 AM

    During the initial media frenzy over health care, the insurance industry put a lot of money where it mattered -- into influencing the internet. Huffington Post was targeted; every story had obvious Republican/insurance plants, who asked the same questions again and again, and offered the same specious arguments from poster to poster.

    They offered arguments based on solid ground. "I should know it won't help, because I'm a girl, and I'm hispanic too." For eight hours every night, after which a poster claiming to be a cute Asian chick would come on with exactly the same questions and commentary.

    I'm only half that pathetic -- my friend and I picked fake posters to track through the threads. Duty and America! Yawn. On the most active threads, the plants accounted for every fourth or fifth post.

    The point being, Huffington Post received hundreds, if not thousands of complaints that pinpointed the Republican plants, and demanded they be blocked. The legitimate readers were ignored, and the paid Republican agents were permitted to run helth care commentary on the site for a solid month.

    The commentors who were removed were the ones who posted specifically to ID the paid shills and expose their tactics; also, those who were foolish enough to communicate their concerns at the political sabotage directly with Huffington Post.

    So... she *used* to be a Republican? Like, say, Lieberman used to be a Republican? How lucky for us that Arianna Huffington is running a big liberal clearinghouse for news. Especially when she 'generously' provides so many conservative writers protection from legitimate comments.

  94. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I love this blog, but don't usually read the comments. I did leave a comment here earlier because, even though I believe Palin is a supreme lier, I am not convinced she did not birth Trig. I can see from subsequent comments that some folks are really bothered by that view. I understand that Gryphen has information not yet availible to the rest of us. For me, the existing evidence has not convinced me. That does not make me or anyone else who disagrees a troll. I am not attempting to make any judgement about anyone who does believe Trig was birthed by someone other than Palin. I have followed the Oily Birther lady because it is entertaining to see how she strings her little bits of information together to conclude that Obama is not a citizen and therefore illegitimate. I consider the Palin birther evidence to be kind of the same. The photos I have seen certainly look convincing, but my threshold for proof is higher. I look forward to the near future when all the ugly truths about Palin are uncovered. I'm just not convinced about this one yet.

  95. johnie2xs3:58 AM

    To Anonn... 7:55 pm;

    I'll tell you what convinced me, about Sarah not being Trigs mother, Anon. Twenty hours of travel, from Texas to the Mat-su clinic in Palmer Ak., after her water broke. You do some research. Ask almost any woman you know who has given birth. Ask a nurse or Doctor "What is the suggested protocol, for a 44 yr old woman, with a high risk pregnancy?", and "If a woman had such a high risk pregnancy,would the best place to give birth be an out of the way CLINIC with not anywhere near the appropriate facilities to handle such a pregnancy/birth",see what they say. Then on top of that ask them "Could the birthing process hold off twenty hours, with all that traveling and such, with the amniotic sack having ruptured".
    Let us know what you find out. I'm not trying to chide you here, I'm just trying to see where your credulity threshold is.

  96. Anon @ 7:26 PM said, "Gryphen-Is there any way you can contact Oprah's team and advise them of the racist comment Sarah made about Obama beating Hillary? Her team might like to have than knowledge."

    I contacted them. Not specifically THAT question, though, Anon.

    I Googled "Ask Oprah", got on that site, and since the format is to ask the ONE question of Oprah, I asked if they were aware of the Glynnis MacNicol HuffPo article and more so, the informative comments.

    I left the URL link in my message.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.