Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Glenn Beck's constant fearmongering has frightened at least one person...Glenn Beck!

As reported on Page Six of the New York Post.

Controversial Fox News host Glenn Beck is now travelling with an armed guard. Guests at the other day's preview of Broadway musical "Memphis" noticed Beck was closely accompanied -- even to the men's room -- by a bodyguard with a gun partially concealed under his jacket.

An armed guard? Just WHO is Mr. Beck so terrified of? Well according to the Huffington Post, nobody.

There are no public reports of violent threats against Beck.

Did you hear that? No threats. None. Nada.

So apparently Glenn Beck has hired an armed bodyguard to protect him against the voices in his head. You know the ones that keep telling him that the socialists are everywhere, that President Obama wants to take away his health care, and that the creatures under his bed want to bite his chubby little feet.

Perhaps Glenn Beck could save his money and instead invest it in a really good psychiatrist. Just a thought.


  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Hiring a body guard is just one symptom of Beck's self-inflated ego.

  2. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Seriously, it seems a real possibility that this man isn't just putting on an act. It may be that he is in real need of immediate medical attention and an extended hospital stay. The liberal part of me hopes he has good health insurance that covers care for mental illnesses. The snarky part of me kind of hopes...never mind.

  3. Old Greasy Gopher Guts5:45 PM

    Only one bodyguard??? If Glenn Beck actually believes the crap he spews, wouldn't he hire a wingnut militia group to protect him from the boogeymen of the world?

  4. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Maybe Glen is trying to be like Levi!

  5. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I agree with Anon 5:33. This man is deluded and highly paranoid most likely. OR...He knows he is inciting hate and violence and rightfully fears that he will be blamed and targeted if anything happens.

    I'm leaning toward delusional and paranoid.

  6. I really hate looking at that guy...

    People like him make me hope that there is a h*ll, because those hate-spewing fear-mongers surely will land there.

  7. Glenn Beck is Nucking futs.

  8. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Is that picture for real? What a twit.

    As a concerned fellow citizen, I would suggest to him that he get some "help".....before he deteriorates into complete psychosis. He is *this* close.

  9. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Back when he was on CNN, I remember him telling about stopping at a Wendy's and a woman (I think) verbally attacked him. I don't remember now why.

  10. Mr. Beck spends so much time crying I have to believe he's suffering from depression.

    Someone should tell him that there's medication for this type of disease, and that he should look into taking some. It would probably clear up his paranoia too!

  11. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I wonder if this is the Vicks VapoRub picture?

  12. That's one of the pictures taken of Beck during the photo shoot video that showed him putting Vick's VapoRub under his eyes to make him cry. I wish I had saved the link. Were you the one who posted it Gryph? It was classic. Paranoid freak that Beck is....

    Thanks for all your hard work Gryphen!

  13. Anonymous6:01 AM

    The LAST thing Glenn Beck will EVER do is engage in serious therapy. I mean with a psychiatrist--a medical doctor. I mean with someone who is trained at leading the patient to develop for themselves the ability to break down the barriers (a nicer term for "big steaming pile of BS") that one erects to avoid facing the truth.

    This kind of treatment takes money, time, commitment, and the willingness to admit where one has been wrong. That's precisely the "quality" that Beck does not want to lose: His Nucking Futzness is what has made him famous. None of us here, I wager, would want to be famous for that reason, but he does. *Sigh*

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  14. Beck has to feel like he is important. Most people probably wouldn't even pay him any attention on the street, especially in NYC. Well, maybe a tea bagger or two.
    That's what it's all about. His ego and he is needing constant attention.
    You are right about Beck needing a good shrink though. Can you imagine the book that could come from that?

  15. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Wow! That's the same face my nephew makes as he's filling his diaper with toxic waste!

    Does Beck do any other impersonations?

  16. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Vics video it WAS... watch here...

    he SHOULD be spending big bux on a bodyguard... cuz if I saw him in person I'd be trying to tackle his fat ugly miserable mean ass and imma a lil bit compared to his whale ass


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