Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sarah Palin's a falling star, Glenn Beck thinks he's being spied on by his car, and other tidbits equally bizarre.

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Ha Ha Ha! Oh you have to see this!


  1. Anonymous6:21 PM

    "Many of the Palin fans won't be able to locate a bookstore"


  2. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Ha! I wonder if Glenn Beck uses a cell phone with GPS. OMG! He will be tracked by that as well.

    What a whackadoodle he is. Why is it that these fringe right wingnuts hate technology and progress? I am astounded at their stupidity.

    My dear sister is a HUGE conservative. I love her in spite of it but we had a huge disagreement about On Star. She has it in her car and wants it disconnected. She thinks they can hear what they are saying while they are in the car. LOL! I asked her if even if that were true, (which it is not) what did she have to hide? She hemmed and hawed and had no answer. She also couldn't reconcile that notion with Bush's Patriot Act where Americans are being monitored and spied on on many levels.


  3. emrysa6:47 PM

    glenn beck should be committed.

  4. Anonymous6:56 PM

    KO Rocks (as always).

  5. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Commit Beck first then get Bachman.

  6. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I just checked, and yes ONSTAR can and has been used by the Government to overhear private citizens conversations. There are several cases in court right now that are dealing with this. Thanks to the Patriot Act, more government infringement in our personal lives. I hate to say it anonymous, but your sister has legimate concerns. When I worked for GM's service department, a couple times I was in contact with ONSTAR technical, when I didn't even call them. They just came on while I was working on the dash clusters. Both times I was scared out of my shorts. Out of nowhere, I was talking to people who were listening to what us technicians were talking about. Pretty damn scary if you ask me. That is why I didn't buy a GM, I bought a Ford, without SYNC.

  7. Anonymous7:35 PM

    He wasn't worried when DCheney had control. Turnabout is fair play.

  8. Anonymous7:47 PM

    On her fall into Oblivion.

    Ghost writers for Palin announce the entities support for Doug Hoffman.
    And you thought she wouldn't show up.

    If an actual person, known as Sarah Palin, hocks a ghost written book on Oprah, also, too.... what a perfect time to announce her Conservative Party platform to finish off the GOP.

    Go Sarah!!!!
    Yes! Sarah Palin Supports Doug Hoffman in NY-23

    Who is toolin' her?

  9. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Sarah looks a little stiff in that pix.

  10. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Before On Star, when rental cars came with GPS systems, such as Never Lost, the technology could be used when the renter exceeded the speed limit and the rental car company received the traffic ticket (think speed cameras). But, if you are driving in a strange city, GPS is a great invention meant to help you find a place that might not even be on the map. You just have to drive the speed limit, big deal.

    Some GPS systems can help locate a stolen car. The latest version can even take command of the car's electronic system, turn off the engine, bring it to a slow stop all while signalling the authorities. Pretty important if some guy just carjacked your car with a baby in the back seat.

    I like the ads that show the poor couple in a tough fender bender where On Star talks to the dazed couple, assuring them that help is on the way.

    I have news for Glenn Beck. Bush listened to your phone calls, tracked your library books, hacked your computer. Who care where Glenn Beck goes, nobody!

  11. mommom9:34 PM

    Im pretty sure the tv ads for Onstar have been pretty explicit,with injured people in car wrecks speaking to Onstar techs while they are still pinned to the seat ,unable to move,from the airbag.If someone buys a car with Onstar,they should read the paperwork that comes with the car.My Dh's Buick has Onstar,he drives home from work at 3 am in the Shreveport,Louisiana area ,where we have carjackings,poor roads with open ditches along the roads instead of gutters,these ditches are 6to 10 feet deep or more,and accidents often happen.We intentionally got the Onstar for that very reason,just incase,and are well aware of what it can do. If you don't want Onstar,its pretty simple,buy a car that does not have it.No one makes you buy one.

  12. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I think im going to have to have one of those bumper stickers. Dems could only hope!!!


  13. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Yep re: OnStar. I wish my dad had it, he's begun 'drifting while driving'. And we'll have to pry the keys out of his cold, dead hands. That's a direct quote. I figure at least OnStar would let me know where to start prying. And the constant cowboy-tune whistling would drive a few feds around the bend, which would really pay for the whole thing, in my opinion.

    Did anyone else see Beck's new roadways map for Canamerico? I thought it was a brilliant idea! We built east to west during the last Depression -- let's build north to south during this one.

  14. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Did you see Gawker? Levi is, according to Gawker, writing a tell-all.

  15. Anonymous3:28 AM

    I think I saw a quote from the guy selling the Palin/Bachman bumper stickers saying that a large chunk, maybe half?, of the buyers are people who are sincerely excited about the prospects for that ticket and eager to slap that baby on the back of their ride. If anyone sees one of those out on the road take a photo! And then steer clear!

  16. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Glenn Beck is a waste of skin. Total nutjob.

    And 5 bucks says that one of the loonies in my RED state will have a link to this latest BS on my facebook "home" page today. It just makes me want to move out of this state.

  17. Gopmom4:57 AM

    I drive 3-5,000 miles a month for my business. I am considering a car with OnStar just for the safety issues. If the gov wants to listen in on me yelling at my kids to stop fighting, or I'll pull this van over and make you stop fighting, or that I ordered a big mac instead of the salad, at the drive through, so what? If I crash on a back highway, at least I stand a better than even chance of being helped quickly. Oh, and Sirrus raidio, so I can get my Martha Stewart fix each day.

  18. In my mountainous area, a local business woman was recently murdered, stuffed into her Escalade, and shoved over a 125' embankment.

    It would have taken a long time for her to be found, except that OnStar reported the crash and turned the SUV's auxiliary lights on until the cops could find her vehicle.

  19. CrabbyPatty5:37 AM

    For the Anon with the conservative sister, is she also leary of using the telephone, the 'net and sending email? She might also want to cut off her mail service as well.

  20. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I close my eyes and visualize G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney listening to anyone's conversation(s) via Onstar--then close my eyes and visualize Barak Obama and Joe Biden listening to anyone's conversation(s) via Onstar--frankly, even if it were true, it's a no brainer.

    Besides, Glen Beck is either at the Fox News studio crying and running his mouth in front of the cameras, or at his house--as if anyone really cares where that is. The only person that is going to even bother talking to him between these two points is: Glen Beck, himself.

    Wait a minute, that might be a fun conversation to eavesdrop on:

    Glen: Well, today's show went well, don't you think?

    Voices in Glen's head: Shhh. I think their listening to us, again.

    Glen: You know? I think you're right!

    GPS: Make a U-turn at the next intersection and then turn left.

    Glen: Cripes! Not only are they listening, but now they're trying to control my minds!

    Voices in Glen's head: Shut up, Glen! From now on, we'll do all the talking, okay?

    Glen: Okay, whatever you say.

    GPS: Sunnydale Hospital is 200 feet ahead. Turn right into the parking area and proceed toward the front entrance. That's right, the folks there know exactly where you are and--yes, Glen, they even know what you're thinking.

  21. Anonymous10:25 AM

    You guys are so funny...I hope you'll keep laughing when Obama's goons drag you out of your home at 4am, because he suspects you of being terrorists.
    Some day you will understand that ppl who try to warn you are doing it because they love this country and the People. It's not about Party.
    Of course Olberman & Maddow are going to ridicule people, they get to go directly to the White House to confer with Obama -- getting paid hefty sums too. What some people won't do for money, eh?
    Sure you will slam me, make fun of me, go ahead me a MoonBat. I rather dig that handle, it has a nice ring to it.
    I hope & pray you all will see the light, if nothing else, quit worrying about Glenn Beck and the other messengers, and research things yourselves. See what you find. I promise you won't like it.......

  22. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Moonbat, sweetie, Bush had off-the-record meetings with FOX representatives. We assumed they were boring and uninformed, like all his meetings with press, and that he finished by showing off his collection of plastic horses.

    I can see your concern -- meeting with President Obama would be very different. And yeah, Olbermann will be insufferable. Isn't he always? But why lump Maddow in with the giant-headed snarker? She's pure class.

    By the way, pants-wetting fear isn't the same as love of country. Entirely different... smells.

  23. Moonbat at 6:19 AM--You might want to pick up Kafka in America by Steven T. Wax. That book is about someone who WAS scooped by President Bush's goons for something he didn't do, and almost "disappeared" into the system.

    Speaking of Private Citizen Sarah's book, Amazon now has it marked down to nine bucks:

    What a deal!

  24. Hahaha! Glenn Beck, what a joke he is! I was so proud of our neck of the woods, when 800 or so protesters turned out to protest Glenn Beck after the clueless Mayor decided to go against local public opinion and have Beck come to his home town of Mt. Vernon, WA so that the Mayor could give Beck the key to the city.

    Mount Vernon is a small town but still managed to mount an anti-Beck protest, complete with many lovely signs with words spelled correctly and everything! One of my favorites signs shows Beck as Mad Hatter in a red, white and blue Mad Hatter getup, pouring a cup of tea with many tea bags.

    The City Council voted that they did not support what the Mayor was up to, but he went ahead anyway. The City planned a big "operational center" and plenty of law enforcement. But the protest was entirely peaceful.

    The real kicker? The event lost the city of Mount Vernon quite a bit of money for a town that size. If the police had not agreed to take comp time instead of overtime for the crowd control the bill would have been bigger. And given the peaceful and orderly nature of the protesters, it seems that the huge amount of police presence to protect Beck's visit to the City could have been scaled back quite a bit.

    Here's the web address of the Seattle Times article going into the money losing nature of this event:

    The number of protesters for Beck's event makes me think that an organized push to mobilize protesters when Palin goes to Chicago could produce an even bigger protest. Many of the same people who wanted the Olympics and were mocked by figures in the right wing might be interested in taking out their frustration on Palin, given she is a fellow traveler with the people who laughed at Chicago when they lost the bid.

    If Mount Vernon WA could field 800 protesters against Beck, I'll bet Chicago can put on a good "welcome" to Palin. I am thinking it could be a much larger showing than those fools outside Letterman's studio.

  25. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Anonymous at 6:19, Some of us don't go around calling people names like "moon bat", and you should have better self esteem than to put something like that out there yourself. I hope and pray that you wake up and see the light, do some research of your own, and see why people like Sarah and Glen are incapable of open, public dicourse on what's really important to the people most affected by not having a public option for health care.

  26. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Anon @ 6:04

    Did you, maybe, intend to direct your comment to Anon 10:25, rather than 6:19?

    The pattern is name of contributor, message, time, rather than time, contributor, message.

    No real harm done, the two messages at 6:19 and 10:25 are worlds apart, and your message clearly defines which message you are referring to, however, the slight clerical error might cause a little confusion and it lets Anon at 10:25 off the hook to some degree.

    Otherwise, your message is straightforward, on point, absolutely true and very much appreciated.

  27. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Okay, Anon@10:25, just simmer down, now.

    At the risk of asking a Sarah Palin-like question: "What happened on October 26, 2001?"

    When I hear someone singing:
    "...gloom despair an' agony on me.
    ...deep dark depression, excessive misery.
    ...if itweren't fer bad luck, I'd have no luck atall.
    ...gloom despair an' agony on me."

    We figured he was smart as his pa was rich.
    An' we figured he was a good ol' boy like the rest'us.
    Cause we'd heard fer years an' years he'd do what's best fer all.
    How's we ta know what he'd be happy ta sign inta law?

    "...gloom despair an' agony on me.
    ...deep dark depression, excessive misery.
    ...if it tweren't fer bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.
    ...gloom despair an' agony on me."

    I just have to wonder, you know?

    So, now, ding, ding, ding, ding. Time's up. Did you guess right, Anon @ 10:25?

    October 26, 2001, the Patriot Act was signed into law. Think about it. (You don't have to say your answer outloud) Who did you vote for in 2000? In 2004? And in 2008?

  28. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Police Can Disable New Cars on Demand

    By Bill Christensen

    posted: 10 October 2007 12:23 pm ET

    General Motors plans to equip 1.7 million of its 2009 models with a system that allows OnStar operators to cut engine power in the car if the police request it. The system was demonstrated in Washington, D.C. today.

    GM's OnStar system already contains built-in GPS tracking that would allow police to find any OnStar-equipped vehicle. With the new technology, if the police request it, an OnStar operator will inform the occupants of the vehicle and then cut power. The engine will be slowed to idle speed, to allow the driver to move to the side of the road. Brakes and other electrical functions of the vehicle will still work.


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