Saturday, October 31, 2009

Something Wicked This Way Comes! (From the bowels of Facebook)

Here is a horror fable from Sarah Palin's Facebook ghostwriter, posted yesterday, to frighten all of the progressives today.

Mark my words - tomorrow is the game changer! (Notice the use of exclamation points, and ominous typing?) Tune in to hear common sense solutions that bury ( bury?) the false accusations that conscientious members of Congress have no solutions to meet America's health care challenges.

If you're like me, (Could there possibly be a more frightening thought?) shaking your head wondering why all the miscommunication between Washington and the American people who have been saying, "Please hear what we're saying about our desire for health care reform," then tomorrow will be a refreshing time of clarity for all. (Translation: "The pods should all be unloaded off of the trucks and put into place by tomorrow!")

All Americans, and especially colleagues of House Republican Leader John Boehner: please listen to tomorrow's weekly GOP national address. ("When the subliminal messages will be planted deeply within your subconscious.")Rep. Boehner will highlight a common sense alternative to Speaker Pelosi's 1,990-page government takeover of health care. I urge you to watch for it. (Watch for it, watch for it, watch for it.) For a preview, go to: You'll hear solutions.

You'll hear of real choices based on America's proven free-market principles. (The free market has certainly helped buoy up the housing market, the banks, and the auto industry hasn't it?)You'll know once and for all what the GOP and Independents have been saying all along about alternatives to another big government take over. After tomorrow, you'll know that accusations against the GOP and Independents for not providing solutions are false. (Is today opposite day?)Those claims are bogus. There are alternatives. Tune in to Rep. Boehner's address tomorrow to hear them.

I look forward to the game changer! (Translation: BOO! Obama, BOO!)

- Sarah Palin

Maybe it is because today is Halloween, but when I think of the word "change" THIS is what I visualize:

Those changes did not bring much of an improvement did they?

Ah I am just having fun with Palin today. I don't really think she is evil. (yes I do!) It is not like she has special powers or has ever been prayed over by an African witch hunter or anything. (Yes, she has!) Nor can she control the things that I put on my blog. (C..a...n..'!) We should stop worrying about Sarah Palin (NO WE SHOULDN'T!) and instead focus on the real scary things in the world like the fact that our Halloween candy has been prayed over by witches or the fact that Republican Dede Scozzafava has dropped out of the New York Senate race. (Oh damn, that is scary! This means that Palin's power is growing! Holy crap, I just scared myself!)


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    lol. When the Carrie picture of Palin popped up on my screen, I just about fell off my chair. Hilarious!!!!

  2. MadCityKaren8:46 AM

    Oh crap! I hadn't heard that Dede Scozzafava had dropped from the NY-23 race ... totally agree on the scary factor behind that.

    BTW, I'm glad that you're willing to read the drivel on $P's FB page. Maybe it's my own prejudice, but in knowing that it's coming from her (i.e. ghostwriter putting her thoughts into some semblance of order; I miss the days of word salad), I simply cannot read it ... as if I can hear her nails-on-the-blackboard voice speaking it.

  3. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Gryphen, you're the best! Love you and all that you do for us as the world's best blogger, ever.

    Happy Halloween and don't let the banshee(s) scare you!

  4. SoCalWolfGal8:59 AM

    To say we are living in an interesting time right now is a vast understatement, huh? Scarah is even more scary with curly hair! So the GOP has a game changer. Oh boy, I can hardly wait to found out how they intend to save health care, the economy and the world, all in one brilliant stroke of genious no doubt! Is Boehner going to wear a magical cape or something? After all, it is Halloween. As they say, stay tuned boys and girls.

  5. Uhhh, hardly a game changer...this is the same bullshit the GOP has been peddling for months, unless Queen Sarah has just come around to reading it. Sheesh, all I can say is if Hoffman loses, the GOP will unleash it's wrath on Sarah Palin. She better hope her God chooses the right candidate.

  6. Anonymous9:14 AM

    it is scary about Scozzofava, less because she was a fairly moderate Repub, that the fact that the leadership of the RepoTaliban have diserted her and run screaming into the arms of an non Republican what ever he may stand for, simply to keep the Democrat from being elected.

    Wheter or not Palin's endorse means squat to the voters, she will think it does and the RepoTaliban may assume it does.

    And that is scary.
    And this actually is very like how a little band or really bad people took over the German government, in a time of Chaos and economic despertion.

    And that is big time scary.

  7. I'm waiting with bated breath. NOT

  8. Irishgirl9:31 AM

    Now you have got me scared too Gryphen.


  9. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I was wondering why Republicans are turning the other way.. and getting more "Conservative" .. (more creepy) As I thought the Obama landslide would put a brain cell to work that maybe they should "broaden" their appeal rather than shrink it down instead Why oh why? Then I thought, perhaps they think, if Pres Obama and his Admin fail miserably....people will flock, come election day, to a party so completely opposite (Conservatives run by Minnie Pearl draped in a witch costume herself (no offense to Minnie)

    The thing is.. we are too smart for that.... If Pres Obama doesn't change this country.. we aren't idiots that will run for the creepy back woods "American Way".... We will chose someone even BETTER than Obama to take his ideals and put them into place
    The Obama movement is just the beginning of hope in this country.... The Repubs twisted mentality of "let's get even creepier" won't work Eventually they will die off as a truly looney group that can't even hold a political position ....

    I posted a jib over at Palin Gates of why I think focusing on Conservatism (the Christian FAR Right) is appealing to these power hungry loons... Christians have the potential to be the Easiest flock to manipulate The Bible teaches them (or the one at the pulpit preaching tellsl them) that things like money, and making one's own decisions, and how many kids to have /how to raise your family, where to live... what to think... where to give your MONEY.... are dictated by the BIBLE (or your church leader) ... AND don't question things, don't use harsh words, turn the other cheek... be meek and humble No wonder they are wanting to bring the crazy Christian Right Wing out of hiding and into the spotlight so they can be their leader... They are weak, incoherent leaders to begin with .. so they chose a flock that is the weakest sector of our society!

    ..I am a Christian so I am not knocking Christians

  10. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Palin has no real power. She only has power over a small minority fringe. The democrat losing is no big deal. A democrat has not held that seat since the civil war. If this is a sign that the G.O.P. is splitting, then it's good for the democrats.

  11. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Oh, please. There's no "game changer." The republicans don't have no damn plan.

  12. Wondering if the Paliban win in upstate NY do we have to pay the tribal leaders to not grow gencorn?

  13. Lizabeth11:53 AM

    God she is so stupid! When she or others start with their scare stories of government take over of health care I tune out as do all intelligent Americans. Health care is NOT like other businesses. Talk about death panels- does she really think the health Insurance companies give a crap about who lives or dies. She really comes across as a moron on this issue-a greedy uncaring witch. Let her try to get free market health care for little Trigger and then she can see reality. These insurance company whores are very bad for the health of our country! Don't they know the US is now 27th in the world for health care now? They are so clueless and irresponsible! These are peoples lives we are talking about. What is wrong with them?

  14. I take it that is Bristol embraced in the mama grizzly's clutch?

    Her mental state would make her a good care taker for Trig and Tripp? I don't think a hired nanny can save those boys from the sick environment they are living in. Tripp is being deprived of his father's companionship.

    It is tragic what the boys are experiencing. Everyone is helpless to see they are safe and out of the muck of emotional abuse.

  15. She wishes she had that much hair.

    Nevertheless, the picture is frightful and I was appropriately startled.

    Happy Halloween!

  16. Do you know if the Palins are receiving COBRA health care through the state of Alaska based on her prior employment there? state health care provided for the family at very low cost because she worked for the state for 2 years.

  17. Anonymous4:54 PM

    eenie, I hope not.God forbid she should take advantage of ANY government program!! If she is going to walk the talk or walk the walk, whatever, she should pay for everything free market style like she preaches.

    we should call her out in ads on the internet - she is such a hypocrite- what other "government" thing does she take advantage of? isn't that oil money up there a government thing? she is such a hypocrite. i wish she would go awaY

  18. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Why doesn't Sarah come up with a feasable Health Plan herself? She's become a prolific author in her own right, what with Going Rogue, Twitter, Facebook, and Etch-A-Sketch under her belt, how hard would it be to come up with a 1,990 word rebuttal to the Democrats proposal?

    I can't wait for the november surprise game changer NOT

    Happy Halloween Everyone!!!

  19. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Scozzafava dropping out of the race subsequent to Palin's FACEBOOK endorsement should be scary. Scozzafava's supporters could have iced
    the election for Hoffman. What will that say about the President's clout that seemed so formidable a year ago? He had the engines spooled up on Air Force One, attended a fundraiser for Bill Owens and what might be the result: Palin gets a ten-cent chance to see if her brand of conservatism has legs beyond Alaska and all she had to do is fire up
    her laptop.

    It should also not be lost that after Palin weighed in (and both Huckabee and Romney decided to sit this potential hot-potato out), Tim Pawlenty, Steve Forbes, George Pataki (who is still a God in NY 23 which includes 11 Counties) endorsed Hoffman and lastly, even the RNC decided to get in the game.

    Keep in mind, with the exception of Forbes, all of these people sat on the sidelines until Palin waded in.

    It would be a stretch for me to think anyone understands the importance of Pataki's endorsement. He was the Governor of New York for three consecutive terms. While New York is a democratic state, there
    are armies of wealthy republicans, most of them who are in Pataki's
    donor network. His fundraising Jedi is a woman named Cathy Blaney
    who filled the coffers of George W. Bush, Joe Lieberman, Pataki himself,
    Jodi Rell and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    So, Palin the clueless has insinuated herself brilliantly into a network of
    powerbrokers in the northeast by simply getting involved in what would have been an otherwise small-time contest in a district of little consequence.

    A few days ago Palin's endorsement was considered a colossal blunder by the times who gave Scozzafava a legitimate shot at winning it all. The times chortled that if Scozzafava won, Palin would be humiliated and proven to be clueless about politics in the lower 48.

    Now even if Hoffman loses she will be seen by New York heavyweights
    such as Pataki and Forbes as someone willing to have her feet put to the fire--as opposed to Huckabee and Romney who cut and run.

    To put it simply, even if Hoffman loses, she's won an important opening round against Huckabee and Romney who refused to take a stand with the party or against it.

    Now the RNC is in Palin's corner with perhaps the most important scalp on her belt: Newt Gingrich who went balls to the wall for Scozzafava, sliming Palin as the deal breaker in the process.

  20. WOW!! The tan man announced that they MIGHT have 8 or 9 ideas for the health care bill!!

    After 135 days, that makes ALMOST 1/2 of 1/4 of an idea per day!

    It still doesn't account for the 28 years they had but.....hey it's a start.........

    It was reported that they had group skull cramps.......


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