Saturday, October 31, 2009

Part two of Levi's ET interview.

Nothing really new. He has some more interviews lined up but personally I don't think Levi will say anything that is much more revelatory than what he has already said.

He is saving that for another venue.

Of course if he keeps talking he may get scooped by somebody else. We KNOW she can't keep her mouth shut.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    So Gryphen, do you believe that Trig was born on Dec 27, 2007?
    Thanks, JJ

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I hope that Levi continues to give interviews for the next two weeks, just as long as he keeps his name and face out there. That way, when Sarah shows up to sit on Oprah's sofa, Levi could well be a topic of conversation. Then, it is a legitimate question for Oprah to ask Sarah a question about something that Levi just said. Keep it up, Levi!

  3. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Is the other venue the book that he is working on? Any idea when that is coming out?

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    There were a bunch of articles bouncing around the internet last night with Tank confirming that Levi is working on a book. Hmmm . . .

  5. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I hope Levi's child custody pursuit doesn't bring him down in some way. This is always a tough issue, but can't imagine what a horrendous ordeal it will be when the in-laws are the irreputable Palin Clan led by Mama Bear.

  6. emrysa10:13 AM

    let me tell you what's really been disturbing me lately gryphen.

    this woman named this child after his birth defect. what kind of person does that? what kind of person would want to remind a child every time their name is spoken that they're not a person, but a condition? a thing?

    And none of her followers have enough brains or compassion to see how sick it is to name a child after it's birth defect?

    I totally believe levi when she says she's called the baby retarded, because if she can give him a name that is basically a description of "mentally retarded" then it's easy to see how she can call him that blatantly.

    I am thoroughly disgusted. the wheels of karma turn waaaaay too slow....

  7. Snowing in Alaska10:15 AM

    The link now appears to be broken to the Examiner. Not just your link, but a query on their own site results in the same error message.

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I would definitely buy/read Levi's book if he wrote one.

  9. honestyinGov11:15 AM

    The link you provided to the ' other people talking-Kathy Griffin ' story had a comment from someone we know. He felt he had to weigh in and defend ' Sarah's honor'...on a celebrity News site. He has been spouting off over at Palingates a LOT lately.

    This off course would be the ' Cornish' Game Hen.'Cornish Hens' sit and cackle a lot and have many of the characteristics of a regular Chicken.... and lay Eggs as well. But.... They of course are much ' smaller '..... and very much less popular with the Public.
    Cluck... cluck... cluck....

  10. Anonymous11:51 AM


    how do you extrapolate TRIG from TRISOMY 21???

  11. SoCalWolfGal12:50 PM

    I also, too hope Levi keeps his name and face out front until the Oprah interview, and it looks like that is the plan. And I agree with Regina over at Palingates, Levi is definitely getting cuter. I think it is the twinkle in his eye!

  12. Anonymous12:59 PM

    She calls a Down syndrome child "retard" in front of her other children? She smiles and laughs with her references.

    That is not a bully? She is an example and she is teaching that to children.

    Why would Levi want his son growing up in a place like that? When he was around the house he may have seen Bristol roll her eyes and not approve. How will he know if she changes? I would not want my children home schooled with the Palins.

  13. I had no trouble reading the Examiner article.

    Anyone notice The Troll was able to read the article too? He left some of his troll detritus in the comment section.

  14. Anonymous2:00 PM

    they call this part 2... ROFL...

    what a fuckin joke... and all the hyped up headlines...

    I guess the gossip media thinks we are all as stupid as the palinbots...

    FUCK the media.. the only ones worth their salt on TV anymore are Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, John Daily, Stephen Colbert, Bill Maher, and I think that's about IT...

    and unfortunately they aren't straight journalists... except for Rachel... our media is LOST.... fuckin lost in social and political correctness...


  15. Anonymous2:12 PM

    interesting no new comments allowed since 10:15 am...

  16. hey all, want to see something so horrifying that it rolls over into the terribly funny category? "our gop" member velouria loves christians, palin, and ......horsies?

  17. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Anon 1:09

    Sadly you are right. I'm not even sure about Keith anymore. He has lots of subs & is more interested in sportscasting, which was his first love. I think he's fed up. Rachel is it & I've heard rumblings they want to get rid of her. Unfortunately the American public has been sold to the highest bidder & guess what they are really really rich & don't give a shit about us. Spin spin spin. These ridiculous smirky faces & snarky comments & dumb news items are distressing. CNN is lost & MSNBC won't get rid of the evil Pat Buchannan. I'm afraid we are on our own. I don't think we have any idea from MSM what is really going on & how people really feel about things. I am sure that public option health care is far more popular that they would lead you to believe.

  18. To Anon at 11:51 AM: According to an outdated medical nomenclature system, chromosome 21 is in the so-called "G group" of the human karyotype. In the most common type of Down syndrome there are 3 copies of chromosome 21, so it used to be referred to Trisomy G, which COULD be shortened to TriG (!!)

  19. Anonymous2:55 PM

    It's time for Levi to put up or shut up. Dangling tidbits to get in the headlines may be his way to threaten Sarah Palin, but she justs keeps movin on... If he has something newsworthy, then he needs to find the right news outlet or talk to authorities and put an end to this tabloid mess... I believe Sarah adopted Trigg and MSM will stay far away from this for protection of this child. Laws protect these children, as they should. It is very difficult to call her out on her faked pregnancy without endangering the rights of the child, but this has gone on long enough. The courts will make any decisions regarding custody issues - they do not need to be played out in the media. If Levi needs money to pay for attorneys, all he has to do is ask and I am sure he would receive more than enough to support his cause. Levi needs to start acting like a concerned citizen with some integrity and do something with this information he has. You cannot blame him for trying to earn some money, but he shouldn't be doing it at the expense of the disruption she presents to the governing of this nation. This goes for everyone else involved - think about the good of this country and the damage she creates everytime she opens her mouth and the ones who could stop her won't...

  20. emrysa3:14 PM

    anon @ 11:51 asks:

    "how do you extrapolate TRIG from TRISOMY 21?"

    trisomy 21 = TRIsomy G

  21. Praying that karma gets moving a little faster. Scarah has done enough damage to this country. She is on scary, mean, evil bitch...not just on Halloween...but every day!

  22. Anonymous3:43 PM


    sorry, and not to get personal, but that is about the lamest thing I have ever seen introduced into this conversation...

    have you actually researched this thread/ this subject???

    if you have... please go back to GO and start again... you got lost somewhere along the way.... sheesh... don't make us hand hold you through what we have spent a year doing... READ the old posts... and get a grip... if you knew anything about SP you'd know she wouldn't have a fuckin CLUE about that.... especially because it is a REEEEEEEAL stretch....

  23. Emrysa,
    I'm sure she thought it was hillarious to dress him as Dumbo last halloween too. Whta sort of sub-human would do that to a baby!!??

  24. emrysa4:40 PM

    anon @ 3:30:

    it's a helluva coincidence, isn't it?

    she hates that kid, evidenced in her behavior toward him. it would not surprise me one bit if she gave him that name intentionally. no cute-sy name for the "5th born." his name is a label that describes his condition.

  25. emrysa4:42 PM

    hey people are giving MonMe a hard time, when MonMe was only responding to a question.

    I was the one who brought it up. not that I am looking for a hard time, but MonMe is being called out for essentially something I said. sorry MonMe.

  26. Been thinking that if Levi can keep this up for 2 weeks - even if there are no new revelations, then yes - Oprah will likely bring it up. Even if it is brought up in a way that disses Levi, Oprah can graciously expose sarah for what she is:
    Tabloid fodder!

  27. EuroMom1:20 AM

    Anon 3.30 and 3.45: I agree with MonMe and emrysa. It's pretty obvious. And no -- no need for much imagination to come up with the name... the condition is routinely abbreviated as Tri-G and may well have been noted in exactly that form on some medical report or other.

  28. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Oprah probably received a list of questions that she is allowed to ask during this interview.

    Oprah is probably going to treat her with kid gloves so not to appear that she is attacking SP's cred, raison d'etre, etc. I'm expecting O to disappoint.

  29. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Ok, I am going to take that as a yes :) !! JJ

  30. crystalwolf aka caligrl7:57 AM

    emrysa: we all know what a SICK sense of humor xGino has...the more I think of this the more disgusted I get! I can totally see her coming home and instead of saying Trig say retard! Maybe that's what someone meant on here...Tripp was Trig before he was Trig?
    Before T1 was found to have DS his name was going to be Tripp???
    Just a guess, but I'm sure when it all comes out we will be shocked and surprised!

  31. Hey Anons @ 3:30 and 3:43 PM - Please reread what I wrote. I was merely trying to explain a POSSIBLE derivation of the name Trig from a medically relevant term for his condition. I did NOT say that I believe SP thought this through and came up with that name herself.
    You might want to rethink your harsh and hasty criticisms, since you have absolutely no way of knowing what my background or interest in this case is. I have followed this blog AND Palin's Deceptions AND several others quite closely ever since I first heard the story of the "wild ride". I would LOVE for the SP charade to be ended ASAP because I've seen through her since the very beginning!

  32. EuroMom2:32 PM

    MomME -- it's a vey real possibility. I discussed it a few weeks back over at palingates and am totally on board with you on that thought. The abbreviation Tri-G would very probably have cropped up in his medical records. Whether deliberate or subliminal... it may well be the source of the name. Now just dress him up as Dumbo at Halloween and, quite frankly, it is not a big step to believong what Levi says about the way she referred to him at home...


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