Monday, October 26, 2009

What does it mean when Newt Gingrich is the most reasonable voice in the Republican party?

Well to answer my own question it means that the lunatics are now running the asylum.

Fox "we are not" News continues to be frustrated by the White House which repeatedly refutes the network's lies. "Dammit, the Bush administration never cared about our lies!"

"One more marketing tool up Roger Ailes very large sleeve".

Does anybody else think that Sarah Palin herself might be tucked up into that sleeve?


  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Gryphen, you crack me up. Indeed, the lunatics are in charge and I'm loving the implosion.

    I wonder if Newt is still so forgiving of Quitter for lifting his speech. Remember that? He stood by her back then. I bet he would love to trash her now.

  2. KellyB7:36 PM

    One has to ask: Is there a rational and free thinking Republican left out there? Come on, just one? Ok rational or free thinking will do. Still no one.

  3. just wanted to say a quick thank you for your msnbc videos....not sure exactly where to go online to see them, but you filter out what i dont want to see, and always come up with great stuff ive missed. you introduced me to rachel maddow and im forever, forever grateful. thanks so much:)

  4. To KellyB @7:36 p.m.who asks:
    "Is there a rational and free thinking Republican left out there? Come on, just one?"

    Rep. Walter Jones, Republican from North Carolina. Read all about him here, in a piece called "Atonement." POSSIBLY a sane Republican voice. Therefore, it will not take long before the other republicans disown him.

  5. Gasman8:36 PM

    I think Obama should pull FauxNews' White House press credentials. As justification, they need only point to the FauxNews practice of altering transcripts of on-air content. This Orwellian practice is unique to FauxNews and is the very antithesis of journalism. They seek to write the news, not report it.

    The other more legitimate MSM outlets might howl in support of their "colleagues," but so what? The White House could simply state that when FauxNews produces accurate transcripts, they can have their press credentials back. They then could posit the rest of the press corps as to whether or not altering transcripts was an ethical practice.

    Ailes is an amoral huckster that made his Faustian bargain with the devil long ago. He has no soul and is utterly incapable of ethical behavior. His "win at all costs" attitude has left an ignoble history of human wreckage in its wake. He would publicly smear his own mother if he thought it would somehow profit him.

    Ailes can go straight to hell.

    As for Newt, I think that he is a slave to his own vanity. He fancies that he might still rise to some high elected position, like say, the presidency. I think that he has about the same chance of becoming president as he has of becoming the pope. He is laden with some mighty serious baggage that he could never rid himself of. To top it off, he can't seem to shake himself free of the wingnuts. If the Republican Party survives, it can only be after ejecting the excremental wingnuts from the bowels of their party. I don't think that Gingrich has much of a following except among those troglodytes.

  6. Anonymous3:41 AM

    2012 Roger Ailes for POTUS and Sarah with a second chance to figure out what a VP does all day?

    Or Sarah for POTUS and Roger Ailes as a Chaneyesque hand up her backside for VP.

    Duhbya does have a certain amount of power via daddy dearest, and since he is the scion of a large political mafia.

    Sarah has no real power either as an insider or because the rabble she appeals to. The RepoCon can crush them anytime they want to by cutting off the rabble’s money, and defunding their radio and TV access.

    Sarah would be helpless as POTUS, but she just wants the glory and apparent power.

    And the chance to get even with everybody who ever crossed her.
    One half "Der Besuch der Alten Dame", Friedrich Dürrenmatt , and one half "Mutter Courage, "Bertolt Brecht . But In designer clothes.

    God save us from the Queen.

  7. Anonymous4:09 AM

    there are many in my party that want the bimbo to just go away. But too many red necked horney men, who won't let their own wives have educations, jobs, or thoughts of their own, are putting her on a pedstal, and hanging on every word. I can assure you, the GOP is about to impolde under her weight and Gingrich's weight. I hope the outcome is a better and strong and yes, more center-right party than the nutcases we have running around now. I for one, am tired to being definded by their narrow boxes. I AM a conservative. I AM pro-choice in that I CHOOSE not to have an abortion and CHOOSE to teach my daughters it's their choice, but make it wisely. I will NEVER support Palin, and for that I am ushered out of the party.

  8. Anonymous4:10 AM

    Newt is Palin in drag. he won't get the nomination. Too much baggage to carry.

  9. Newt is scary. He has outdone Bill Clinton in the philandering contest. I don't see how the fanatical, fundamentalist base will be able to reconcile his behavior, but...then...there was John McCain...and Sarah - what's her name.

  10. FauxNews cries foul, but they had no problem when the White House froze out MSNBC, as admitted to by Dana Perino on Faux last week.

    ****On Fox and Friends this morning, host Brian Kilmeade tried to paint a contrast between the Obama administration and the Bush administration, telling former Bush press secretary Dana Perino, “not only did you not go after” networks critical of Bush, “you gave them interviews, as did the president.” Perino corrected him, however, saying that “towards the end,” the Bush administration largely froze out MSNBC ******

    And naturally it is a problem for FauxNews now that the Obama White House is calling them out but they had no problem with the Bush White House calling out NBC previously for what they considered "dishonest reporting"....

    *Letter from Ed Gillespie sent to NBC News President Steve Capus, in which Gillespie accused NBC and MSNBC of blurring the line between “news” and “opinion.”*

    And Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan admitted that they used Faux News as a tool to get out their talking points, and McClellan admitted that “certainly” the White House used Fox News talking heads as “spokespeople” with “a script”

    Faux News is a joke at best!

  11. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I just finished reading "Republican Gomorrah". Pretty heavy reading for a beach vacation!
    I'm appalled at the power the religious right has over the Republican's. My family are all Repub's and hate Obama. I know for a fact they are not Christian's. They are Wiccan's! How in the world can they support a party that would burn them at the stake if they could? The answer...FOX. They watch it all day every day. I hope something can be done about FOX, but I doubt it.
    *Pecan Farmer

  12. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I like fox. Except when Huckabee is on, or Beck is on. I am waiting for Murdock to give the princess her little show as well. I have a crush on Brit hume. Weird, eh? But I also 'balance' my watching and listening by switching the channels to hear the other side. I don't hate Obama, I think he's a good guy, but I don't think he's taking our country in the right direction. That said, I don't think the Palin or Gingrich wing of the GOP has any good ideas on where to take it either. Given a choice, I'll go with the O man, and not put on the brown shirt and walk lockstep with Palin.

  13. Anonymous6:44 AM

    ella @ 8:32

    You are right. There are, actually, some intelligent and ethical Republicans--Republicans that you don't hear spouting gobbledygook through the Fox News bullhorn. For example: Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana). Senator Lugar is currently, as I recall, the ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee. He was co-author of the Nunn-Lugar Act in 1991. By 2003, the Act was expanded so that nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, etc. could be contained and eliminated even beyond Russia. As a result of this Act, no fewer that 7,500 nuclear warheads have been deactivated--no fewer than 760 intercontinental ballistic missiles destroyed--and the list goes on.

    The senator also initiated a biofuels research program.

    While I am certainly a Democrat in my point of view, and do not always agree with Senator Lugar on every point, I understand fully that two political parties are necessary for the U.S. to successfully go forward.

    In that regard, maybe we need to be sure that we give credit where it is due--point out those (no matter whether a D, an R or an I follows their name) who set a clear example to the others of what we, as citizens, expect and that we all can respect--whether Democrat, Republican or Independent.

    Do I hear any other nominations, anyone?

  14. Anonymous7:46 AM

    On congress daily, you will find the piece about Walter jones new out look on the war.(atonement) I applaud him for his new way of thinking but, it is about eight years to late. I found it very interesting that a Child lead him to this.

  15. honestyinGov2:49 PM

    OT... Gryphen
    Just thought you should know. Huffpo has a thread about the Levi interview tomorrow. There are all kinds of Baby-gate and faux pregnancy comments there.No heavy-handed moderation...? Hmm. And the Glynnis Macnikol Oprah thread last week. Has Huffpo given up on trying to ' hide the story 'and defend her.
    Under the 5:59 comment I was able to post Bree's Picassa slideshow link that has all of her pics.( I was rather shocked )It didn't even get the standard " pending comments" line. They let it stay. It says " A picture is worth a 1000 words "... and the link.
    Visit the Huffpo. Add your .02 as well.

  16. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I'm a Democrat from a suburb of Philadelphia that's traditionally been a Republican stronghold until President Obama got elected.

    I've had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Arlen Specter when he was a Republican, and he's a man who's earned my respect. Even though I'm a Democrat, he listened to my concerns and did his best to get some very complicated matters attended to and resolved. I don't see how the GOP can regroup with divisive people like Newt and Sarah and Flux Gnus.

  17. Gasman8:49 PM

    Anon @ 6:44,
    Before you anoint Sen. Lugar's head with oil, this Hoosier thinks that Lugar is a spineless coward who has aided and abetted the moronic buffoons within the Republican Party. Sure, Lugar isn't making the imbecilic statements, but neither is he condemning them. As one of the more senior members of his party, if he had consistently mocked and ridiculed the asshats in his own party when they spouted their bilious bullshit, maybe some sanity could have been retained in the GOP.

    Lugar isn't a goober, but neither is he a leader or a statesman when it counts. He's just another spineless Republican who's guilty of enabling his party's wingnuts by his silent, tacit approval.

    Screw Lugar and the horse he rode in on.

  18. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Gasman @ 8:49

    Hello! I am a Hoosier, too, and your point is well taken.

    I understand that the Republican Party is filled with "moronic buffoons." We all hear them spout their nonsense on a daily basis. But I have also come to recognize that, these hyper-religious, waitin' ta be raptured, gun totin' fanatics can only shoot us one, or maybe a few, at a time. And, God forbid, if push came to shove, I could shoot back.

    On the other hand, I understand that entire cities and/or regions could, or would, be devastated for many years to come, if nuclear arms were to make their way to these same nut-job hands. No skin off their noses. After all, they're gonna get "raptured," anyhow, right?

    There are plenty of Republicans out there who relish their time spent in front of the cameras. Richard Lugar isn't, and never has been, one of these people. Through the years, I have heard him occassionally speak to the media, but it was always regarding serious and pertinent international issues.

    I, again, just checked out the information on the US website. Senator Lugar's page announces the recent dismantling of a Soviet sub, several additional ICBMs and the securing of five nuclear weapons transport trains.

    While still a Senator, himself, President Obama joined and supported Senator Lugar in these efforts.

    As I sit here in one of the most Republican counties in the country--a county which seems to always be in competition with Orange County, California--I have come to believe--actually, I have come to know, that my grandchildren and great grandchildren can best be served by a nuclear-free future.

    You are right in saying that Senator Lugar isn't picture perfect. But, just as Richard Lugar isn't a saint--neither is Evan Bayh a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat--nor is his daddy, Birch.

    At a little gathering during the last campaign, I was there as Birch was asked about the Bush/Cheney bunch--his response, in essence, was that we should just forget about their antics. And Evan, rather than showing leadership and standing up for healthcare, seems to be beholding to the Eli Lilly bunch.

    So, although I understand that you and others see Dick Lugar as a wimp (and that is certainly your right), I see him as someone too busy undoing, containing, and reversing the dangerous nuclear buildup that has overshadowed his, my and our lifetime to waste his time and breath undoing, and containing, the nut jobs that sit on his side of the aisle.

    There's simply no comparison between SP and Senator Lugar. Maybe she can "see" Russia from Alaska--but, the Senator has been immersed in his efforts to make that same Russia free of nuclear arms. And, frankly, as a Democrat, I am not certain that I want him to set his efforts aside to speak in protest against her and her pals.

    I guess, in the final analysis, it is my belief that the Senator's expertise and quiet, behind the scenes diplomacy and work takes considerable more spine than wasting his breath arguing with O'Reilly, Hannity and Beck, etal on Fox News.

    My purpose is not to anoint his head, here, it is simply to give credit where it is due and hope that not everyone is willing to... uhmm...throw the baby out with the veritable dirty bath water--but, this having beeen said, know that--like my mother used to say-- "it will all come out in the wash" and in this particular case, I might add, some folks, who want to call themselves "Republicans," will eventually be hung out in the sun to dry--with or without Senator Lugar's voice.

    All that being said, it is nice to know that there is at least one other Hoosier who appreciates the work Gryphen is doing here.


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