Friday, October 02, 2009

Why do the Conservatives hate America?

This video was taken at a meeting of the Americans for Prosperity (the hate-mongers who organize the Teabagger rallies) as they learn that America has lost its bid to host the Olympic games.

Just listen to the patriotism.

So just because you don't like the current President that makes it okay to cheer then you country loses out to other countries? Can you imagine how these jerks would have responded if liberals had acted that way when George Bush was President?

And this is the reaction of the VERY patriotic conservative talking heads, taking much glee in the failure of their country to get the Olympics.

(H/T to Phil Munger for this video.)

So the next time you hear one of these flaming hypocrites talking about the "leftist liberal", the "Communist left", or the "Nazi President", you remember the joy you heard in their voices at the news that America would NOT be hosting the Olympic games.


  1. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I am Canadian. I have been listening to these conservative talk idiots for the past few months and cannot hold it in any more. These guys would pray to God for their own children to become failures, just to spite their ex-wife. They may appeal to a minority, but it is a very LOUD minority.
    Canada has one of the best health care systems in the world. It may be government funded, but it is administered by health care professionals. There are no bureaucrats making any decisions for your doctor. It is not a perfect system, but it is constantly evolving and improving. Yes there are people that go to the USA for medical treatment, but that has more to do with the fact that money does not buy you special privilege here.
    When we hear the likes of these idiots, and we do hear them quite a bit because their ignorant, and I mean REALLY IGNORANT, remarks tend to make headlines, we end up feeling sorry for you. That is not how it should be for such a great nation such as the USA.

  2. Last year, Bush told an audience. "The United States of America stands squarely behind Chicago's bid."
    It was fine with the hypocritical whacko wingnuts when Bush supported it.

  3. I just came from Taco Bell in Soldotna which had a bunch of really bizzare dominionists talking about some kind of "public talk" in Palmer. They kept repeating it loudly, were clearly proud they were going to it, and were clearly putting on an act. This is why I was reluctant about living here. The place is lousy with them.

    It is so strange that someone would cheer that we don't get to host the Olympics. It was my understanding that the Chicago pitch was actually kind of late and the selection team had already been getting information about Rio. That may have had a big influence on the decision. The lesson is we don't get everything we want, there are other people in the world. I feel bad for Chicago but if I had my choice between Chicago and Rio I think I would pick Rio too.

  4. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I read the most hateful, gloating and nasty comments over at HuffPost today. It hurt my heart; I have never seen such unpatriotic behavior. There are many forces causing division.

    God's Own Party was great; so is nailinpalinnow. And there are tags the seller listed for her book at palingates.

  5. Anonymous7:45 PM

    It probably won't do any good, but I went to their website and sent an email to let them know how unAmerican I thought they were, not to mention hypocritical.

  6. Aussie Blue Sky8:15 PM

    They ought to be feeling more disappointed than most Americans. They would have had something more to whine about and babble about incoherently - and march against ad nauseum.

  7. It's shit like this that makes you realise that these people don't care about anyone or anything but their hatred of the President.

  8. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Our country's economy would have been helped by having the Olympics in Chicago. But those morons are too stupid to see that.

  9. Gasman9:55 PM

    They hate America because it protects those who disagree with conservatism. Theirs is a doctrine of power and submission to power. If they had their way, the Constitution would be abolished and we would live under an absolute dictatorship. It is no accident that they have been parading around the thinly veiled threats of violence at the teabagger rallies.

    Conservatism has ALWAYS been the place of refuge for racists and bigots. The anti Semites, anti Catholics, racists, and xenophobes have consistently sought aid and comfort from whatever party happened to be the most conservative. Conservatism is synonymous with narrow mindedness, fear, and ignorance. What are the great legacies of conservatism? Aside from Jim Crow, segregation, homophobia, and anti immigrant hatred, they really have not accomplished very much.

    At its core, conservatism has always been opposed to civil liberties. Conservatism is anathema to unfettered democracy. They are enemies of liberty and the Constitution.

    As I have said before, damn them all and go to hell.

  10. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Are there Americans who feel prosperity is bad?

  11. Anonymous4:18 AM

    This is a little OT but this blog rarely has an Open Forum :DIn response to the first comment about Canadian HealthcareI am a wee perplexed by Gov run health care in every other country besides the U.S.and yet the U.S. seems to be the sickest When I was in Amsterdam and Quebec I noticed one thing, as a smoker, there are grisly scary photos on the warning packs of Smokes (not the blk/white text written warning that noone reads here in the U.S.) Fast Food and chain restaurants (fatty, poor quality food, mega portions) are rare in other countries.. here, at least where I live.. when I want to go out to eat have to seriously THINK of where I can go as every place near me (and there are at least 50 places in a 5 mile radius) are all fatty, fast food, poor quality typesI am pretty much stuck going to authentic ethnic restaurants for any REAL food Coffee in Amsterdam is in a tiny cup, freshly brewed, pastries are two-bite size..  Riding your bike and walking are EASY as the roadways are made for it.. here,, if I want to walk 2 miles to a local library, I get to stand on the side of a very busy road and basically spend 10 minutes waiting and then running for my life.. waiting and then run again for my life.. nice incentive to walk vrs drive. I do not know a lot how health care is run there but I have a feeling you may not be able to just go to the doc if you got a headache.. here you want to go to a doctor and you go.. and  you will be guaranteed to get some sort of pill.  Doctors push drugs that will make you a long time user, got high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, cholesterol, weight issues, attention issues... here is a prescription you can take for the rest of your life (a life long customer) It seems other countries, and I am guessing due to their type health care.. they encourage people to first NOT GET SICK.. There are decent quality food choices, healthy portions, bike and walk everywhere as the roads are made for it,  The ads for gym memberships in the U.S., articles on "staying fit" are all so backwardsI am sure it "works" ..     but it is all about cramming in a sweaty, physical exertion in your otherwise extremely lazy life.  Other countries "exercise" is an all day event.  You don't pound your body for 30 min at a gym to make up for laying around.  From the moment you get up, you are "moving" .. not sweating and pushing your body like a machine.. but you move.. you walk.. you are in motion the entire day.   Couple that with decent food and small portions... and no laying around in front of the tv eating a bag of doritos (I dont even think I saw a bag of doritos .. at least not the Super Family Size) The most beautiful people were in Amsterdam.. young and the OLD .. yet people smoke like a chimney and mary jane is legal.  I thought smoking mj would make you unmotivated, gluttonous people? Those that spit against healthcare mirroring other countries seem to be the rich big wigs or the fatty slobs that want to be able to eat/drink/be merry and be able to just take a pill.

  12. Please don't grieve that we won't have the Olympics here in 2016. We had them in Atlanta in 1996, remember? Remember the bomb that Eric Rudolph planted? Remember how Richard Jewell was falsely accused, and vilified, even after he had evacuated one of the towers and saved lives?

    The Guano Guard has been buying and storing guns and ammunitions for the past 13 years. By 2016 they'll have enough armaments to create a genuine blood bath. Hold the Olympics where it will be safer for visitors! But thank you, President Obama, for doing what was right. grammy

  13. The very policies they support caused America to lose the bid for the Olympics. One concern of the OIC was the difficulty in getting American visas. Currently it takes over 200 days to get an interview after filing an application. This delay is directly related to the PATRIOT Act implemented after 9/11. The right wanted to keep terrorists out of America and have ended up hurting the tourism economy but don't expect them to own up to their actions. They never do. Also, Brazil has never hosted the event. This also has to be considered part of the OIC's decision-making process. That the media has linked this to Obama's efficacy as president peeves me. I like what Congressman Danny Davis said on Rachel Maddow last night about having a president who is willing to put himself out there for his nation, and that Chicago is a great city and will make it through whatever challenges it has to face. I stopped listening to rightwingers a long time ago because it's like listening to a child who throws constant tantrums about every little thing when he/she doesn't get his/her way. I don't think this will impact Obama's presidency, unless WE let it. The wingnuts will not vote for or support him anyway. They're useless when it comes to governing because they are immune to the fact that changing times require different approaches and are stuck in the early 20th Century. Support for republicans is at an all time low of around 18%. They don't want solutions to problems. They want power for the sake of power. I do believe that their constant obstructionism and highly visible August townhall tactics backfired on them. I think the right attitude for us is to think constantly to ourselves that, despite all of their mouthpieces, they have seldom been right about anything. All we need to do is dedicate ourselves to our agenda and support the president when warranted. Everything else is immaterial IMO. They're never going to approve of him. Where they are concerned, he's in a Catch-22 situation.

  14. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I try my best not to listen to anything these idiots say but I managed to get through this video. I think Marcy has a point. The world knows how crazy these rightwing nutters are. So sad our country is suffering because of these hate-filled, ignorant sheep. They cut off their noses to spike their faces and cheer about it. It's amazing how easily they're manipulated.


  15. Let's not ignore the fact that the U.S. has had Atlanta, Los Angeles and Lake Placid host the games. South America has never had them. I was so happy to see the joy in Rio when they announced the decision yesterday. We are not the only country on earth. Good for the Brazilians! I hope they have great games.
    As for Glenn Beck et al. How long can this country put up with this? They are dumbing down the discourse in the U.S., and making us a bit of a laughing stock in other countries.
    Don't give up the fight for universal health care here, folks! We need it. We are the richest and the sickest on earth.

  16. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Beware of Rethug Politicians in the next few months that have an appearance of creeping more towards center. Reminder: 2010 Elections.

    Those running and those supporting them. They both do it. History repeating itself.

    They know they have to appeal to more than the base - more than the fringe. So many will start to slowly speak up against the fringe, against the talking heads, in quiet tones at first and build on it having the appearance they care. I think Lindsey Graham's comments on Beck this week, he showed the hints of starting to set the groundwork.

    Their slow creep to the center to show they care about Americans - about you. Let's be clear -- they don't. They've all shown their true selves and this movement is a leopard changing it's spots. Like summer (now) to winter (campaign) to summer (after election) again. When people have been gullible enough to vote for them, they will return to their true roots once again. The voters would have been 'had' once again when they remove the masks to reveal their true selves once again -- the self absorbed, care only for themselves and their rich friends, those corporate CEOs who they prance around with.

    This happens every election cycle. It amazes me to see how so many people look dumbfounded like it's something new. What a short memory span many people have.

    They are in the midst of reinventing themselves once again. BEWARE.

    Picture this: A line of people on stage, shoulder to shoulder. The first person out missed standing on the "X". That person shuffles 3 feet to the left to stand on the "X". Everyone shuffles together - to the left, to the left. Shoulder to shoulder - towards the center.

    Might Graham be the first man out? The shuffler to the "X"? To the left, to the left. Wearing his mask of a 'Moderate'? BEWARE

  17. Anonymous7:53 AM

    As Nixon said, you run to the right to get the base for the nomination then head to the center to get the election. It's been that way in GOP politics forever.

  18. Anonymous11:20 AM

    To Anonymous at 4:18 am. In Canada, in a nutshell, the doctors are, for the most part, private entities. Many of them incorporate for tax purposes. They have private offices, and hire their own staff. The are assigned a Billing Number, which lets them bill the Medical Services Plan (government funded) for services provided. Fees for these services are negotiated with the doctor's associations.

    Now the important part, THERE ARE NO LIMITS on how many visists any one person may make to their doctor. The fund is universal, there is no running tally kept on individual patient costs. The doctor's income is limited only by the number of patients he can see in a day.

    The hospitals are built, funded and maintained by the Medical Services Plan. Doctors are granted Admitting Privileges, which allows them to admit their patients to any hospital in which they have privileges.

    Everyone is treated equally. Doctors CANNOT bill any charges to the patient directly. Money does not buy ANY special treatment. People with a lot of money, sometimes travel to the US because they feel they get treated better.

    You CANNOT and will not ever be denied treatment that your doctor recommends.

    There are waits for some services such as cataracts and joint replacement, but when was the last time someone woke up and needed a joint replaced that day.

    In end of life care, decisions are made by doctors, patients and families. Absolutely no consideration given to cost of care EVER.

  19. @anon 11;20...thank you for the wonderful explanation of our Canadian health care system. I and many other Canadians are watching the current health care shenanigans in the US in absolute awe. I know that I have often does the greatest...(at one time apparently) country on earth, deny its most vulnerable citizens health care? How do they do this, and manage to sound even remotely sane?

    When I hear the crap about our system, I find myself screaming at the TV...for gods sake....are they nuts? I have never ever had to worry about seeing a doc. I have never had to consider I eat...lose my house...declare order to have an illness treated. When I go to the doc, if he deems a test is necessary ..he writes up a form and off I go. If I need to be hospitalized...I fuss no muss...NO BILLS.

    Yes, some of us do go the states for various treatments. Sometimes its an arrangement worked out by both governments and medical facilities.

    Some go...because they understand that in the United States...if you have money you get treated better. You see..that doesnt happen here. Everyone is on the same playing field. I would not give up my healthcare for anything.

    Thank God...and Tommy Douglas.

  20. Anonymous12:19 AM

    The republican hate rhetoric has made them more than irrelevant, it's made them obsolete. People just tune them out because it's just the same old broken record, "We hate Obama." OK, next tune,..."We hate Obama."

    They're sad little hate mongers that won't take their losing marbles and go home.

  21. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:19 AM

    Thank you Anon@11:20am! Sounds good to me.:)


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