Friday, October 02, 2009

You HAVE to go over and visit my friend Leah Burton's site, God's Own Party, and see her very informative post on Palin's ghostwriter.

She also does an excellent job of squishing that little cockroach that wrote "Donkey Cons" with Vincent. And if you scroll down you can even hear him give a speech in front of a handful of small minded southerners that reveals exactly what kind of a insane little ankle biter he really is.

Check out how few people gathered to hear him speak. Priceless.

(As always just click the title to visit God's Own Party and read what Leah has to say about Palin's choice in collaborators.)


  1. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Leah, I LOVE your site. I am a huge fan. I post over there occasionally, but lurk almost every time you post. Thanks for doing such a terrific job on an important vital topic! GO LEAH!

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Thanks,Gryphen, that article is a must read! And it convinces me more than ever that Lynn Vincent's book (co-written with a little help from Sarah Palin) would be seriously jeprodized from rumors of a Palin divorce. LV would have to rewrite entire chapters titled "The Happy Family." "Sarah and Todd- Partnership for LIfe," and "Dedicated Parents Raise a Disabled Child, God Bless Them."

    This book deal has been seriously in the works much longer than publically announced. It would be an amazing feat if Lynn dashed off all 400 pages in a couple of months. She has been working on it much longer. Considering the Murdoch Millions, there is alot at stake here.

    So, when Gryphen repeated rumors of a Palin Divorce, I strongly believe that Lynn discussed her problem of a tanking book deal with her good friend of almost 30 years, Mr. Nasty. I think it was Mr.Nasty's extremem pleasure to help save his friend's book deal. Can't have the happy couple fighting and sell books. Get Todd back on the bus and explain how much money is at stake here. Mr.N took great pleasure in attacking bloggers whose only crimes were to try to write to the truth about Sarah Palin.

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    anon @ 1:46

    Come boldly out of that lurker's closet. Your thoughts and opinions are just as valid as anyone else's and speaking up gives the bloggers positive feedback that helps to keep them motivated and validated. They need to know we are grateful for their efforts and are behind them, but they are also interested in your ideas.


    Like his wife's surprising resignation, this appears to be a change of plans. From an interview last July:

    Todd Palin did say that Alaska would remain their home base and indicated that, despite the millions that may come their way after his wife leaves office, he had no plan to give up his blue-collar jobs.

    "I'll always be a fisherman, I'll probably always be out working on the slope," he said, alluding to his oilfields job in the state's far-northern tier.

    Read more at:

  5. Anon@1:463:34 PM

    Thanks, GenieO. I try to show some commentary restraint. I think I comment too much here and on some other blogs. I try to limit myself. Thank goodness I'm not registered at HuffPo. I'm sure I would spend all day there commenting, if so.

    I respect Leah's writing and brilliance so much. I have written positive comments to her from time to time expressing my utmost admiration for what she does. I will do it again right now. Thanks for the nudge. :-)

  6. crystalwolf aka caligrl4:35 PM

    I was trying to watch the cockroah's vid but when I got to the part about how he is home schooling his kids... I left. Can you imagine his poor kids?
    Ugh Big turnout...maybe 10 people?
    Love Leah, Love her.
    And Lynn Vincent what can you say? Anyone who "Writes" a book in 4 mos, is nothing by a hack!

  7. Gasman9:45 PM

    McCain is just another cousin loving asshat whose family has spent a few too many generations in the shallow end of the gene pool. I lived in Texas for 14 years and saw my fair share of other such enlightened intellects. The depth and breadth of his ignorance and narrow mindedness is truly stunning..

    In Denton, Texas, where I went to graduate school, sometime in the late 80's the Klan decided that they were going to have a rally on the lawn of the county courthouse. There was already a monument to Confederate soldiers killed in the Civil War on the square, so by the Klan's reasoning, this would be a good place to have a rally. As I recall, a total of 11 people showed up. There were more people onstage than there were in the audience. Of that number in the "crowd," at least 5-6 were there just to gawk at the imbecilic carnival freaks in the Klan. Nobody appeared to be devoted KKK supporters.

    I had thought of trying to organize some sort of counter protest, possibly a multi ethnic/racial choir that could drown out their hate-speak with hymns and spirituals. However, Denton's reception of yawning indifference was the best possible answer to the white robed buffoons. McCain is another such buffoon.

    Lynn Vincent's association with McCain encapsulates all we need to know about the content of her character. It surprises me not at all that Palin would pick someone such as Vincent to be her ghostwriter.

    Hey, Palin had a self professed witch hunter anoint her in public. A garden variety bigot and kkkristian wingnut as her ghostwriter seems about right.

  8. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Unable to get to godsown party through here or google. Keep getting message that web site not available. Will try again tomorrow.

  9. Uh, I can't get to her site! First Bree, now Leah? WTF?

  10. Anonymous12:33 PM

    They were playing the Stacy McCain speech on that pirate radio station last night...

  11. crystalwolf aka caligrl9:14 AM

    Verbose in case you haven't found Leah's blog, her is a link to her latest post:


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