Friday, November 20, 2009

The Daily Show presents "Gaywatch".

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Gaywatch - Peter Vadala & William Phillips
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Wow that first guy is total douche!

But damn, that kid is the shiznit! I think I might hire the little Einstein to do my taxes.

By the way, a "gaywad" is obviously a "wad of gay". I mean how hard is that to figure out?

Hey were you impressed with that kid as much as I was?

Would YOU like to do something to demonstrate your support for our homosexual friends in Alaska and the rest of the country? Well you can.

Congress is getting ready to vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would offer protection from discrimination for LGBT citizens, and action on our part is required. If we want the discriminatory status quo to change, it is our responsibility to speak up and ask our Congressman Don Young and our Senators Mark Begich and Lisa Murkowski to vote in support of fairness and basic protections from job discrimination for LGBT Americans.

You can participate by going to this link, and taking a moment out of your day to show support for an oppressed minority of Americans living right here in our fair state, as well as other places in this country. And if you are not fortunate enough to live in our beautiful state you can still participate by contacting YOUR Representatives here, and YOUR Senators here.

Thank you for your support.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Gryphen, thanks for the links to the Representatives and Senators. Sure makes it easier to contact them without having to look each up individually. I've bookmarked these links! I am forever writing emails to various Senators about issues. It's harder to do with Representatives because many of their forms exclude you if you are not a resident of their district.

    I hope EDNA passes because it is just common sense law that every American should have equal protection under the law and equal opportunities in the job market.

    This is so important now that the right-wing "believers" are trying to exclude so many of our citizens from so many basic rights. If those people ever get into real power, I doubt it will take them long to propose that women leave jobs, stay at home and pop our babies regardless of their personal goals and talents.

    Every day I feel grateful for the internet and its power to alert us to the needs of our community, nation and world and to promote rational thought by making it easy to research and educate ourselves. Besides, it is just plain fun to get involved. Thanks for being a part of this phenonmenon.

  2. ICstraightsSEAK9:35 AM

    Thanks G-man! That was helpful. It was very easy to email those letters to Mark, Lisa, Don...

  3. Gasman10:50 AM

    The good news is that demographically, the Peter Vadala’s of this nation are moribund and the William Phillips’ are on the ascendency. By the time William’s classmates reach high school, they will be much less likely to discriminate based upon sexual orientation.

    The majority of the youth of today simply do not see sexual orientation as being something that should be obsessed over. When I taught high school, I was amazed at how accepting teenagers were in regards to the LGBT community. As the views of their parents changes or simply declines as they age and die, this country will cease to be the bastion of homophobia that it has traditionally been.

    The change cannot come soon enough.

  4. Mick Foley is quite the character. A crazy guy, broken a lot of bones, but even after getting knocked in the head for 20 years, he is better equipped to be a public official than palin, or the pro wrestler we had on our county commission. Ironically he was anti-gay and got beat by a gay man, then got arrested for beating his kid.

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I love that this is your fight too. I feel like I am in good company.

  6. Gay Pride5:34 PM

    Hoonah Alaska Police Chief John Millan made these disrespectful remarks in the policelink website about President Obama

    "This is the kind of "community activist" Presidency we can expect for the next 3+ years. High taxes, gun control, gay agenda, retreat and defeat abroad and cop-bashing. Well news flash sports fans, this is the same ACLU lefty who refused to apologize for porta-potties on the police memorial, so what do we expect? Any sworn LEO who voted for this man, all I can say is SHAME.

    Hey Chief what is wrong with a gay agenda? Or the ACLU? Why do u bash our commander in Chief?
    You sound so hateful


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It just goes directly to their thighs.