Thursday, November 19, 2009

Meet Sarah Palin's people.

This is the audience Sarah's book was written for.

The people who watch CBN are conditioned to believe what they read in a book, and Sarah's will have a special place right next the book they hold most sacred.

Where did they find those poll numbers? I don't care how much they pray, Palin is NEVER going to see a 43% favorability rating again. Not in this lifetime.

BTW This is what the American people really think about Sarah Palin.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Gryphen, someone pointed out that Sarah always talks about "God" where as most evangelicals talk about "Jesus." Do you notice that in your long hard slog through "her" book?

  2. Anonymous6:30 PM

    S'error said our problem is that we are lonely and shallow. We certainly know that she is not lonely with all those voices in her head. I guess she prayed for her enemies after she tore them up in her book.
    Hey Tundra Tart we know you read these blogs, what's with the rat's nest hair? Go home and take care of Trig, whoever he belongs to.


  3. So far, a little over two chapters in, I have only seen her reference God.

  4. Anonymous6:37 PM

    I'm starting to think that she doesn't need to reference Jesus because in her own mind she is the (new) Savior.

  5. Anonymous6:40 PM

    People scoffed at Reagan running for Governor and then for President. That's Gov. Reagan and President Reagan. Do not underestimate the vapid nature of the American electorate. It would be to our peril.

  6. 10catsinMD6:47 PM

    I saw the interview and the look on the interviewer's face was a treasure.

    Scarah is getting into a good swing with her temple talk. And yes, she takes God's name in vain a lot. She has no Christian heart of forgiveness or she would never condemn and judge the way she does.

    I am so sick of this diseased woman, I wish she would just get sick and do a Harry Potter and keep throwing up frogs. Every time she sends and evil word out a frog should jump out of her mouth with lots of icky gue falling all over her. A curse of words to you Scarah.

    She talks of her "mother's heart". No such thing in her. She is an evil nasty women who deserves a thousand mother's curses.

  7. phoebes-in-santa fe6:47 PM

    I was just over at Ebay, and sellers are offering copies of Going Rogue in LEATHER SLIP JACKETS! For over $100.00 each!

    I didn't see this edition for sale on Amazon. Some clever marketer must have bought a bunch of the Palin book at $9.00 (when it was offered at that rate on Amazon last two weeks) and had special LEATHER SLIP JACKETS made up to cover the book.

    Can you imagine the Palin pin-heads who'll waster $100.00 on this?

  8. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Today I spent some time visiting various blogs for info about residing in Canada, Australia and New Zeland. I liked what I saw. It would be absolutely imperative to become an ex-pat if, God forbid, Palin and/or the Xtain Taliban take over our Government. I feel better now - having a gameplan just makes me less anxious. Mind you, I see NO WAY Palin can ever legitimately win an election - but when I consider Dibold machines and the Florida re-count (Bush) - who knows?

  9. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Hey Sarah - Nice soundbites, but don't forget that those of us who have known you all these years know the truth. And it WILL come out. Your vindictiveness, your endless lying, and your shameless self-promotion will certainly be your undoing.
    So Sarah, next time you ask yourself "What would Jesus Do?" please understand that His first order of business would probably be to slap the sh!t out of you. You are to Christianity what Mark Sanford is to "family values".

  10. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Ooookay. I officially have Palin fatigue again. She is sooooo hard to listen to. Her hair is so weird in this clip. AGHHHH.

  11. Anonymous7:32 PM


    Does she write about her "witch doctor" or her special prayer club in her book?

    Thank you for reading the book for us.

  12. wow! What a gooner this guy is: "An actual picture of a moose on the front of the bus, where ya ever gonna see that?!" Sounds like Huell Howser on an off day. "Mobbed by Zondervan employees" looks like the halt & the meek indeed.
    And then a new wrinkle from $P: looking directly into the camera with a pre-emptive strike on an imaginary future response from godless liberals. Why wait to complain when you can get a good head start?
    She's gettin' a lot of use out of that red jacket so far on the trip.
    Poor Trig. Where's your mom?

  13. Anonymous7:42 PM

    10 cats in md: So far, Sarah has a mother's heart, but not a Christian heart. I thought that she always spoke of a servant's heart, until she quit her job as governor. In fact, she was no servant during the 2008 campaign because she went rogue, not following orders, something no servant would do. I don't think that Sarah has a heart; compassion, forgiveness, charity, caring about others all require a heart.

  14. 06:55,
    New Zealand is wonderful! British Columbia is very nice too. I haven't traveled in the other Canadian provinces. My husband and I would move to New Zealand or Canada if the Paliban actually managed to take over.
    Actually, we like New Zealand so much we will likely move there in retirement. For now, family keeps us here. But you could definitely do worse than New Zealand and BC, Canada.

  15. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Thank God for Sarah's book.

    I was invited to a book-burning this weekend and I didn't know what to bring.

    Now I do.

  16. Sarah is one who considers HER religious beliefs the *Correct* beliefs, and encourages others to follow suit.

    She also has openly stated that she finds it acceptable to *profile* others (of the Muslim persuasion) because they might be terrorists.

    She has shown her aversion to calling those proclaimed christians who bomb abortions clinics as terrorists, not wanting to go that far.

    She has encouraged "backlash" against those who are dare question her behavior and ethics.

    She is married to someone who was part of a secessionist movement for nearly a decade.

    Her fans have shown how violent and unstable they are and how angry they are with our President. Watching her campaign rallies showed us that.

    We saw the signs and the hate at the tea party rallies, which she calls these people and their viewpoints "beautiful".

    Her fans call her vengeful and spite-filled ranting book a work of profound importance and a matter of setting the record straight.

    These are DANGEROUS people whom we cannot afford to take lightly.

  17. Anonymous8:15 PM

    God, God. God, God, God. Seriously?!!?

    She's so transparently calculated with her God talk. If God was so damned keen on her, why the f#ck isn't she VP right now? After all, she gave her life over to God some 35 years ago at summer camp.

    I cannot wait until we are put out of our collective misery when she is finally exposed for the con artist and fraud that she is.

    When, Gryphen, when?????

  18. Gasman8:25 PM

    These folks are incredibly pathetic. I was wondering how they could sustain the seemingly lethal levels of cognitive dissonance which issues forth from Palin, then I realized: they are immune. To suffer cognitive dissonance, one must be capable of cognition, and clearly, these people are not.

    They believe what they want to believe about Palin, even if the facts don't support those beliefs. These are the teabaggers, the idiot sheeple who bleat their approval at every Palin inane utterance.

    They are devoted, but they are also few. These are the hardcore morons that constitute but a minority within the wingnut cloud. They will buy leather bound copies of Palin's book for $100, but they will not deliver her to the White House.

    The second she declares intentions to run for POTUS, she will set upon by competing packs from mostly the right. After "Going Rogue," she has made WAY too many enemies in the GOP. What serious GOP political wonk would ever want to work on her campaign?

    She is an idiot leading idiots. She bears watching, but not fearing.

  19. Maybe God should tell Sarah to PUT TRIG'S HEARING AIDES AND GLASSES ON HIM!!! Sorry, it is deeply disturbing to me to see him neglected. As a medically fragile foster mom, I have had many DS babies and toddlers, they need therapy of many kinds or they will never advance. To continually see Trig without this things that he needs to connect with the world around him, just imagine if your vision was blurry and you couldn't could you function or communicate....Trig can't and it is because his adult caretakers ARE NOT seeing to his basic needs--sight and sound.
    How can anyone profess to be so christian and yet neglect their little one. I do feel more all the time that Trig;s life under Sarah will be miserable, why does she detest such a little cutie? Is it because he is Todd's with someone else?

  20. Lisabeth9:16 PM

    CR46 I agree with you. I worked with many DS children in a previous life and I am appalled. It's already becoming too late. The first two years are the most important. If he was having the proper treatment, we'd hear about it. I guess this is for her next book when she says those dumb liberal bloggers...can you believe they say I don't take care of my own son?!
    She is a sick woman and those poor kids.

  21. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Bree Palin blog has some interesting insights regarding the possible psychological underpinings of Ms Palins's behaviour.

    Reviewed the Couric question regarding reading materials in light of this information and suddenly saw what was being described. Check it out.


  22. Anonymous9:44 PM

    OT, but Gryhpen, good column in Wednesday's L.A. Times by Meghan Daum about Levi. Perhaps worth a link.

    Unfortunately, cut and paste doesn't work in Firefox, or I would paste the link.

  23. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Palin pray for me - she'd find my foot up her ass. I care not about her buffoons hanging around her.

    Her saying they would need to 'speak clearer, more articulate'.

    Someone buy the moron a dictionary. Put post-it tabs on the relevant pages. Read the definitions to her.

  24. I looked and looked and looked at the crowd - are there NO black people in Grand Rapids?

    Even Chris Mathews is catching on -
    "Chris Matthews calls Palin's crowd a WHITE CROWD and MONOCHROMATIC"

  25. Anonymous10:23 PM

    @anonymous 9:25- mentioned this article. Yes, its definitely worth reading. It's what most of us think, but haven't articulated about Levi.,0,5280961.column

  26. Anonymous10:32 PM

    She needs to be interviewed by a Bible Scholar/Teacher about verses and their meanings. Someone who won't tell her things, but ask her meanings of scripture, and lead her to other scriptures that invalidate the garbage she spews. Put that on national television. However, we know that thinking Bible scholars know she is a phony and dummy.

  27. O/T just read that The military are going to let the Palinistas on to OUR bases to sell HER book!
    How many get on to a Military base to sell their book???

    The Paliban have got into our military.

    What me worry!

  28. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Oops, I meant Thursday's L.A. Times when I mentioned the Meghan Daum piece on Levi.

  29. Anonymous11:08 PM

    hi.... i just wanted to let you know that i wrote that palingates dude...i figured is he is gonna rip you off...he could AT THE VERY LEAST get his website correct!!! i mean, you rock...and well.....he needs to step it up or leave!!! its kinda sad yknow!...
    anyway....what i wrote....
    you see how the main body of your blog is on the left hand side?...thats really bad man. you need to move it to the middle and/or to the right. You need to get rid of the pigs altogether, i get the flying pigs thing, but its more than lame. It looks really cheap. It implies cheap information. You need credibility here. get rid of the pigs...this isnt the tea party!!! so pigs go...palingates is a OK name, just OK... could be alot better. Something more personal, implying your name maybe...that would give it some desperately needed personality. The white background is horrendous...change it to dark grey and/or dark blue. Look at gryphen...fantastic!! bree...fantastic!!!! also, your headlines...while noticebly more ummm...Extravagant?!?! lately are eye catching...they need some work. think: fewer words have more power from now on. i want you to succeed...take my advice and youll have a bigger following guaranteed!!!! and you KNOW it!!!!

  30. Watch out folks, she'll really showing her dominionist roots and plans now. Reference her prayer warrior comment. They're the ones praying for Obama's death. She's mentioned it a few times now and will just get more strident as she goes. If you're in doubt about who and what the dominionists are, please visit Leah's God's Own Party website, listen to Frank Shaeffer's warnings, Max's Repubican Gomorrah, Mikey Weinstein about fundamental influence in the military etc. and get the word out yourselves. These are scary people with massive amounts of money and influence. We can never let down our guard or take it for granted they are too radical to fool the majority. They already have to a large degree by infiltrating business, congress, the military and other countries.

  31. "Meet Sarah Palin's people."

    No thanks.

  32. 9:44 PM
    Anonymous said...
    "Put post-it tabs on the relevant pages.".
    As in "Y" for You Betcha.."Y" are you pickin' on me... "Y"ou know God has chosen me and only speaks to me....

    "M" for...


  33. Anonymous4:18 AM

    The Gawd, Guns and Goober comicbook tour is underway.

  34. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Here is an article from the Rochester NY newspaper about Sarah's upcoming visit this Saturday. I had wondered how her bus would get here in time from the previous stop, but it seems she will fly here. Sorry, don't know how to post an active link.

  35. Gryphen, Andrew sullivan is getting week-kneed. You and the crew need to get to him. He's trying to do research from the beginnins and is drowning. Throw him a life jacket!

  36. Cut and paste works in firefox, but you have to log in first.

  37. Anonymous4:31 AM

    The videos on Bree Palin's site of Sarah emerging from the bus with poor Trig in tow to the wild cheering of her adoring fans made me nauseous. That poor baby is just a prop to her. The male aide she handed him off to looked more caring and maternal toward him than SP ever was. When, oh when, will you spill what you have? I cannot take much more of this campaigning hypocrite. This is pure torture, to see these stupid sheep praising her and making her think she has any credibility whatsoever. Please end this!

  38. Palin is a coward. She uses her kids as props and as shields from tough questions. She uses God as an excuse for all her lying, cheating and stealing. God allows it to happen. She takes no personal responsibiity for anything. Isn't God convenient for you Sarah?!

  39. Anonymous4:43 AM

    And it just continues to prove it matters NOT what the rational among us think of Sarah Palin. Her Dominionist backers will continue to push her forward, along with their agenda, despite whatever is said about her in the MSM. The sheeple will eagerly eat up any spin they produce in the name of one nation under THEIR God. Ron Reagan correctly pointed out last night that IF she should become a "viable" candidate for POTUS in 2012, it WILL clearly be a "shadow government"--first time I've actually heard someone with the nerve to mention this over the air. It's not a joke any longer.

    We HAVE to keep pushing back against this, even though the ill-informed worshippers will deny any wrongdoing or lying on Sistah Sarah's part--otherwise I shudder to think about another rigged election allowing their shiny puppet access to the most powerful position in the world. America will be a very ugly place if this happens, and there may not be anywhere to hide.

  40. Anonymous5:03 AM


    How do you live with yourself? How do you quietly sit back and watch this woman get her word out without question. How do you stay silent while she makes gains with the public and is allowed to control her message.

    She needs to be stopped now before she is too powerful to be stopped. You are making a mistake.

  41. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Does anyone know a voodoo lady who we can hire to cast a spell on Sarah Palin? I like the idea of frogs jumping out of her mouth with every lie. How about having her hair fall out?...I think, that has already started. How about a curse that every time she is interviewed she starts talking in tongues?

    How about starting the AVF (Alaska VooDoo Fund) to pay for curses? In order for a curse to work, the person who orders it must have been harmed by Palin. Maybe Gryphen, Celtic Diva, Shannyn Moore and a few others in AK could order the curse on behalf of the rest of us.

  42. Pat in Branson5:12 AM

    I just hope someone will let loose soon with whatever info they have. This is getting scary.

  43. anon at 5:03 voodoo is actually "good" you will have to find someone that practices "juju" which is bad voodoo :)

  44. anon at 5:03
    Wouldn't that be stooping to Scarah's level...what with her prayer warriors and spiritual warfare and all?

  45. As much as I detest everything this woman does, and as much as I am a big fan of Karmic justice (the biblical image of frogs jumping out of her mouth would delight me), we cannot intentionally wish harm to come to her or her family. (via Juju or God smiting her)

    Let her be her own undoing. Time is on our side even if it's taking a terribly long F&*(%$ time. Our hands need to stay clean. Our weapons must be mirrors or we risk turning her into a martyr, a role that she's already very good at playing. Keep using her own documented words/acts ("facts")against her.

  46. Anonymous7:10 AM

    @CR46 said "As a medically fragile foster mom,"

    God bless you and keep you CR46 for yours shall be the kingdom..

  47. Two Blue Jays8:23 AM

    Well, she's here in Cincinnati right now, wearing that ratty red jacket again (she must have a closet full of them), with weird messy hair. Here's the link to the local news story. I was surprised by the number of negative comments: very surprising for this conservative area.

  48. Oh Anonymous 4:43 AM, you make me laugh.

    Here's a clue: Nothing is accomplished with one post, one article, one video--by anyone. It takes patience and a concerted effort and the persistent accumulation of evidence. All of us are pushing back. It will take "a while" but as long as we keep calling out Palin's lies and mercilessly mocking her ignorance and condemning her negligence and malevolence, we will help to bring her down.

  49. Anonymous8:57 AM

    As much as I can't stand her or what she stands for, I wouldn't wish any physical harm on her or her family. The kids clearly don't deserve the crap and publicity they're getting with a "mommy dearest" who uses them as human shields, and I feel sorry for them. Major therapy ahead!

    The best thing that can happen to SP is to be discredited in some spectacular way, have her bogus career come crashing to the ground, and have her deal with the mess and humiliation for the rest of her life. No more luvin' crowds. No power. No piles of cash from hard workin' people who can barely afford to donate to her preachin' machine. Pity.

  50. Two Blue Jays9:20 AM

    Here's our local newspaper's article on $arah's Cincinnati visit:

    It will be eerily familiar to those who read about her other stops: same MO.

    " Palin emerged at the top of the steps to Joseph-Beth's upper level at 11:57 a.m., carrying her infant child. The crowd let out a loud cheer; Palin handed the baby to an aide, grabbed a microphone and walked halfway down the steps to make a few brief remarks."

    " "Wow, thank you, we are going to have a blast,'' Palin said. "Thanks for having the courage to come out here and be with me. I see you out there with those books under your arms and I know you are going rogue with me." "


    And for those who think she is NOT on a pre-campaign tour:

    "Signing her name on copies of her new book is only part of what former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be doing in Cincinnati Friday.

    SarahPAC, the former Alaska governor’s political action committee, is holding a private, invitation-only reception Friday morning with local GOP donors at an undisclosed location.

    Palin will meet-and-greet the locals before going on to Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Rookwood Pavillion to sign copies of her book “Going Rogue” for three hours.

    Hamilton County Republican Party chairman Alex Triantafilou said he got an invite to the SarahPAC event and will drop by, but said the county party had no official part to play."

    cross-posted on Palingates and Bree


  51. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Anon @4:19

    It was obvious from the itinerary, when it was first released, that there was no way to get from Washington, PA to Rochester, NY in the time allotted.

    An even greater discrepancy is between Fort Bragg and Birmingham, AL. I have to (and I think it would behoove all of us to) question loudly if there is a chance that a military aircraft of some sort will be involved in that leg of the "bus trip."

    We all need to pay close attention and get ready to pull out our bullhorns, if it does involve something other than a common carrier.

  52. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Sarah's doing a fine job of doing herself in- the more she stays in the public eye, the more Levi's career gels, she's a loose cannon, and proving she doesn't have what it takes to run a country.


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