Sunday, November 01, 2009

Do the recent events in New York demonstrate a problem with the Obama brand or that the GOP has devolved into a circular firing squad?

This from New York Times columnist Frank Rich:

The governors’ races in New Jersey and Virginia were once billed as the marquee events of Election Day 2009 — a referendum on the Obama presidency and a possible Republican “comeback.” But preposterous as it sounds, the real action migrated to New York’s 23rd, a rural Congressional district abutting Canada. That this pastoral setting could become a G.O.P. killing field, attracting an all-star cast of combatants led by Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, William Kristol and Newt Gingrich, is a premise out of a Depression-era screwball comedy. But such farces have become the norm for the conservative movement — whether the participants are dressing up in full “tea party” drag or not.

The battle for upstate New York confirms just how swiftly the right has devolved into a wacky, paranoid cult that is as eager to eat its own as it is to destroy Obama. The movement’s undisputed leaders, Palin and Beck, neither of whom has what Palin once called the “actual responsibilities” of public office, would gladly see the Republican Party die on the cross of right-wing ideological purity. Over the short term, at least, their wish could come true.

Rich identifies the strange, yet undeniable, influence of Sarah Palin on the GOP.

Then came the big enchilada: a Hoffman endorsement from Palin on her Facebook page. Such is Palin’s clout that Steve Forbes, Rick Santorum and Tim Pawlenty, the Minnesota governor (and presidential aspirant), promptly fell over one another in their Pavlovian rush to second her motion.

My very good friend, and fellow blogger, Shannyn Moore recently came under some attack on this blog and others, for saying that Palin was still a political force and should not be ignored. She is of course correct, and we are seeing more evidence to back that up on a weekly basis. Refusing to acknowledge that something is happening will NOT make it go away.

Some of you (though it seems most are in fact trolls) have expressed frustration that I seem hesitant to bring Palin down. However if you have been visiting for awhile you know that the work is happening in places other than on this blog. Yes I am still playing a role, but it has been decided that the proper venue for the coup de grace is not IM.

If you have been watching our friend Levi you may already have noticed that all eyes are now on him, but what is happening in other places? Just like when I received all of those scathing media attacks, and all of that wing bat attention, what was quietly going on in other places? The Palin-bots have many eyes but they cannot see everything at once, now can they?

When you see a magician on stage and he rolls up his sleeve to draw your attention to one of his hands, it is the other hand that will suddenly astound you. Keep that in mind.

And what happened in New York may, at first, seem like a victory for Sarah and her crazy ass co-conspirators, but is it? To read the rest of Frank Rich's amazing article just click the title.


  1. Again, this is my district.
    The amount of money these crazies are pouring into this district is astounding.
    Look at the ad that has been on your website about Doug Hoffman.
    He is a one issue candidate, well two. Have to throw abortion in there somewhere.
    He would not even debate the other candidates this week, even though he was in Plattsburgh.
    He reminds me of palin, will not answer questions and riding on somebody elses fame.
    My only question is, if he is elected, who will he be beholding to? The crazies of the rapidly deterioratin republican party.
    God help us!!!!!

  2. Hi Gryphen, I'm not a troll but I have asked in the recent past if you could give a time frame on when you would give us the info you have (as you said a few weeks ago that you would share it here first). When you say that it has been decided that the coup de grace will not be revealed on IM, does this mean that you won't be clueing in your readers first? I hope that made sense. Thanks for all you're doing.

  3. I cannot give a time frame because, frankly, I am not in control of that aspect.

    As for getting things out first. I will be able to sometimes, but not always. You have to understand that in order for somebody to want to go with the story, they certainly don't want to be scooped by me before their version is revealed now do they?

    However if my promotion help draw attention to the other outlet then I will have permission to post about it. Make sense?

  4. Gryphen the self imploding of the GOP is wonderful! Maybe this is the "rapture" that the evangelicals have been praying and waiting for, maybe we will be free of the GOP forever by 2012 :)

  5. Yes, and thanks for responding. Good luck!

  6. Anonymous6:43 AM

    dianedp said:
    "He would not even debate the other candidates this week, even though he was in Plattsburgh."

    This just makes my head explode! How can anybody with three brain cells seriously think of voting for a candidate that won't debate the issues? If Hoffman wins is he going to ask to use one of his lifelines whenever he gets stumped, or just start doing some fancy pageant walking?

  7. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Is Sarah "in bed" with all these Regugnants, each one thinking they are the only one?

    Years ago, my boss, a rising star in the company, died in a small plane crash. All seven (7) of his fiances showed up at his wake.

  8. Anonymous6:57 AM

    During the 2008 election, there were many Independents and moderate Republicans who just could not bring themselves to vote for the McCain/Palin (excuse me, the Palin/McCain) ticket. The buzz word at Daily Kos was that Sarah Palin was the gift that kept on giving, driving more moderate people away from the Republican side.

    I like to look at Sarah's endorsement of Hoffman as part of the same package. Thanks go out to the crazies like Sarah, Michele Bachmann, Rush, Billo, Glenn, the guy in Texas who wants to seceed from the United States, the nasty Ann Coulter, you name the nut case. I think that these people hurt what used to be called the Republican party, and with Michael Steele in charge as a poor leader, they will continue to pull hard to the right.

    They may win in NY, but overall it is a loss to the party.If they see Sarah as their best candidate for president in an Independent Conservative Party, then Daily Kos will still be right- Sarah is the gift that keeps on giving.

  9. emrysa7:02 AM

    that was a good article.

    of course the bots will dismiss it because it's in the nyt.

  10. trish in SW FL7:13 AM

    It just blows my mind, to think of people who would actually vote for someone who doesn't seem to know the issues, and won't debate. That's kind of like voting for someone based on looks or a coin toss.

    Scary, that there are actually people out there who would do just that! Of course...there are the crazy-a$$ palinbots.

  11. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Gryphen I am not a troll either. I just didn't understand until today why you couldn't tell us all you knew. Now I get it. Please don't assume anyone who asks or makes a comment is a troll. I am also someone who wrote that I didn't understand why the other Alaskan bloggers completely ignores babygate and I got screamed at (not by you) just for mentioning it. Jeez, can't we wonder or ask something without others being fascist? My own opinion is they aren't helping by ignoring it completely but that does not mean I don't like other things they do or am a troll.
    I just want her brought down and the sooner the better.

  12. TXBunOven7:22 AM

    What scares me is the reason for the waiting to tell all. If proof is there then there is no reason to wait. If proof is not there then I see the reason to wait.

  13. Feel free to disagree7:28 AM

    It's not about President Obama; they haven't had a Democrat in that district since the Civil Way (and that's when Democrats were more like Republicans are now).

    I disagreed with you & Shannyn about SP as the originator of the "death panels" meme on her Facebook page- a meme which was championed by many faces in the GOP as documented in the Talking Points Memo history of it.

    I don't think SP is going to be seen as the one responsible for this if Hoffman wins. It is going to be seen as a schism/implosion within the GOP: the 2009 GOP collapse. Those "christians" outside of the GOP apparatus (like Palin & Beck) are taking it down. Michael Steele will be probably replaced, but they need a lot more soul-searching than that.

    As a progressive, I am actually hoping that it happens (although I donated to Owens). I want the GOP to implode. Then we can have the "teabagger Constitution SUFON party" and the GOP. It will ensure the Democrats stay in power for a long time.

    The Constitution Party (with its Dominionists) sniffed around the GOP years ago and figured out they could infiltrate it. The "big tent" had some holes. And the plan succeeded. But the GOP let it happen in order to get funding from some of those folks.

    I am sorry for my moderate and more independent GOP friends. I feel your pain; your pain is my pain. I miss having a relevant, civil, intelligent 2-party discourse about how to fix the country; to me, that's what made our democracy so great. I miss having intelligent compromise.

  14. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Gryphen, I dont think most of the frustation is from trolls. Its just frustration. People see Palin using her influence and it is working. Would Hoffman get the votes if Palin was outed now? Would it hurt him? Probably. Waiting is going to ensure this guy gets elected. There are consequences for waiting, and this one of them. It hurts and it will be irreversible.

    So its very frustrating for supporters to know that the info is out there being held onto by other supporters who say they could stop this but do not.

    Please understand and dont assume we must be trolls.

  15. I've donated to Gryphen. Have you?7:36 AM

    Gryphen, as to the criticism you've been getting over not revealing whatever whenever whoever: DO NOT LISTEN. You are smart; play your hand when it's ready.

    If folks want action, they can roll up their sleeves and do some sleuthing work themselves. Get your sleuth on, whiners! :-)

  16. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Why expose Palin so early. Let more Palin repubs go after her endorsement then take her down.

  17. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I appreciate each and every person that weighs in here. I appreciate their frustration, in fact I know there are a lot of Alaskans that feel the frustration that many bloggers feel with Palin.
    The fact is, I'm here to tell you I am doing the "happy Alaskan dance" because also, too, I have seen so many pecking leaks in the mother ship lately; things are progressingly nicely. This is political cards at its best. Patience friends.
    AK Sisu

  18. Anonymous8:00 AM

    jah.. I am one of those impatient fools
    Sarah P. is like a yo-yo

    One day she is up.. the next day she is down.. I have hope ..then boom bang babing back on top

    I can see why you must remain tight lipped.. .. but do you know why your "sources" are dragging their feet?

    How much damage do they want her to do before they let the pile of crap she is building fall?

    I can see if they are waiting for her Tell All book to be out .. perhaps they want to see how she is spinning things first?

    Or perhaps the highly anticipated Oprah interview?

    But if those two events come and go.... and they still drag their feet...
    I gotta wonder .. why?

    If there is enough dirt on her to squash her like a bug and be done with her already...

    I guess I just wait and find out... I am thankful for this blog.
    I was going through my favorite places today and realized only 4 blogs remain strong.
    This one, Palin Gates, Mudflats ..and the newbie on the block - Bree Palin

    I have a gazillion others and they are all "dead" .. even blessed hypcrites and heffalumps has been silent for 2 months now

    I cringe to think one day your blog will die off among the few left.. and Sarah Ice Queen of the Alaskan Jungle and her crazed hate filled fans will rule this planet...

  19. SoCalWolfGal8:00 AM

    I supose Hoffman will govern using his Facebook page if he wins. I cannot believe people in the 23rd District will elect this guy, but...

    Gryphen, thanks again for your blog, your integrity and your wit! I look at it this way, each day when I log on I think maybe this is the day $arah Palin will be exposed for the total fraud she is and off the stage for good. I know it will happen eventually now. There was a time when I wasn't so sure. We all have to be patient. It will happen when it happens.

  20. Anonymous8:07 AM


    I must agree with Shannyn. We may laugh at and make fun of Palin all we want, but there are a couple things we need to remember.

    1. Her rabid followers CAN raise political $ and put pressure on conservative leaders, ex: Hoffman/Gingrich.
    2. We elected (disputed) the most intellectually incapacitated president of all time, G.W. Bush.

    Palin IS relevant (how it pains me to say that!). That is why it is not only important, but ESSENTIAL to take her down.

    On another note: Damn you and Bree for making your blogs so freakin' addictive!


  21. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I had someone who was jealous of me, telling a lot of lies about me. She was actually nice to my face, and at one time I really liked her. I was paralyzed for a week learning about this betrayal. However, I just knew in my heart, that the more she lied, she would discredit herself. People knew me, and knew that this person was lying. I knew things would work out with patience. I read a Zen philosophy: "When someone hurts you, stand back and let the Universe take care of it." Of course, you can speak your truth. What I got from this saying, is that there are so many components and things being worked out that we do not know or can control. This person lost her job, came down with a major health issue, and was knocked down from her position of influence. Personally, I don't feel that Gryphen or Levi or other bloggers should feel any heat to reveal all. They are doing fine, and much more than they need to.

  22. Anonymous8:42 AM

    As much as we don't like Palin and want her to go away. In the big picture, some people like David Plouffe are speaking of her in a not so bad way.. Excerpts from other blogs follow:

    Plouffe was like, "I love that she's got such an active role in the Republican party - pushing them further to the extreme right."

    I read the other day on that Dems are going to continue to push Palin as the face of the party, which is REALLY good IMO. Republicans don't like her, I think she is soley favored by the tea baggers. Palin and Rush are the down fall of the rethugs.
    Plouffe didn't seem bashful at all with elevating Palin to that of the Republican Party spoiler, so I guess it is their tactic.

    It's going to be interesting.

  23. There is at least one good reason we are all waiting for....what ever it is.
    When it comes to politics, people or voters, seem to have short memories. So, whatever the big bombshell is, it's probably wise to wait, for political reasons.
    We don't want Slimy Sarah slithering her way into one of her 'cracked doors' now, do we?

  24. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I am not a troll either - I have actually donated to your cause. I believe the truth will eventually be told but it is very frustrating to see the power she is wielding and her followers aren't smart enough to see the damage she is perpetuating. Levi is a young man who wants to be a father and get on with his life and it is disappointing to see him trashed.
    Patience is a virtue...

  25. "Shannyn Moore recently came under some attack on this blog and others..."

    I don't know about other blogs but I take exception to this as far as the thread on this blog went. Cmon Gryphen, in a year I have disagreed with Shannyn M. exactly ONE time. Does that really mean Shannyn was "attacked" by myself and 6 or so others who also disagreed with her characterizataion that "Palin was more powerful than the rest of the GOP combined"?

    On that thread we were told to "chill the fuck out" and I needed to "pull my head out of the sand". No one was rude in this way who disagreed with Shannyn. AKM came on and said "Sheesh" to us as if it was just so annoying that common commentors had an opinion contrary to the one Shannyn expressed. Isn't a free flow of ideas what commenting is about?

    The issue is an inevitable liberal conundrum between "Does Palin have power/Why should the opposition grant Palin powers she doesn't clearly have."

    I'm taken aback that this isn't considered something that can be discussed without it being apparently percieved and reported as an attack. SM goes on television and gives her opinion and goes on the radio and does the same. I really find it hard to believe that she would be so thinned skinned that no one can disagree with her, so I'll assume you aren't actually speaking for her. If you are I'd say go back and read the thread. She was complimented as well, and clearly no attack was intended.

    That said Palin is showing some power apparently in this New York election - a great deal of it because as was said above, liberals have decided to hype up Palin's role in order to help smash the GOP.

    A risky strategy, but one I can understand.

  26. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I agree that Palin has political power. But only to a certain extremist minority. $arah Palin and her fans think they are the majority. This is fine with me. Because then they can follow her off a cliff. If $arah Palin splits the republican party, then it will help Barack Obama, whom they hate. If it carries on into the 2010 elections, and the democrats gain more seats, it will only make it easier for Barack Obama to carry out his "socialist agenda." Which will only make $arah Palin look even stupider. I'm no troll, but Levi Johnston is getting boring. He needs to just spit it out. I don't understand what he is waiting for.

  27. Having spent many hours the past few days reading about this whole scenario. My understanding is all who throw their support of the conservative party will be held to that view. Just today Rush was on Faux praising the strength of the queen bee. He would not endorse her (hey when it quacks like a duck...) But he's proud of her. Should Hoffman win this election i would venture to say the rhetoric will get loud. The hive will grow. Alas the queen has a virus. The bigger the hive the bigger the decline. I had given up on all this soap opera drama, now i wait patiently to see how it unfolds.

  28. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Scozzafava has just endorosed Owens(D). It should be a good race now since most of Scozzafava supporters like Obama and only 15% like Hoffman. If Scozzafava can get her supporters to vote for Owens he may just win.

  29. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I'm beginning to think Gryphen's source is Bristol! That would be a sneaky trick. Get Levi out saying stuff to draw a response from Sarah saying he is a liar, then just before her Oprah interview and the book release, interview with Levi and out comes surprise guest Bristol, saying Trig is hers and her mother stole him from her and calls him a retard and she wants him back! Though I'm not sure if Bristol would really go public against her mother, that is pretty tough. But if Sarah really did rip Trig away from her she might have to take extreme measures to get her baby back...just my crazy soap opera theory:)

  30. Anonymous12:12 PM

    SP certainly isn't the "brains" behind the GOP operation--she is only the "pretty little Halloween mask" the party has slapped on their collective fat cat, hyper-religious, war is peace face.

    Maybe a look at the Council for National Policy might be a good place to begin looking for Little Miss Wasilla's political family tree. A simple Google just might do the trick...

    Ah, yes, just as I thought--these folks aren't the sort that are satisfied with just soaping windows or tipping over outhouses--but they certainly do remind me of the nasty residue that remains beneath where the outhouse once stood-- after it has been give a hefty shove.

  31. Gryph, thanks. The power of Palin, she turns her party in to cannibals. According to the Albany Project, Scozzafava is encouraging people to vote for Democrat Bill Owens.

  32. I think that the reason for the impatience of some (myself included) is that Sarah Palin REALLY hits a nerve with people who don't agree with her and find her to be a pretty despicable and dangerous person. And that makes us want her made a laughingstock of, once and for all. The sooner the better. The GOP has enough problems without Palin, and it's not like her being outed as incredibly corrupt and immoral would HELP the GOP. Imagine how much stupider McCain will look for choosing her, how silly her supporters will look for having been duped. I hope the takedown isn't postponed too long. If that makes me a whiner, oh well.

  33. Gasman12:42 PM

    I mused a week or two ago about Scozzafava's reaction to the GOP carpet baggers who felt it was OK to back Hoffman, the C.R.A.P. candidate in her bid to win the seat for the 23rd district of NY.

    Now I know what her response is. She didn't just withdraw from the election, she endorsed her Democratic rival over wingnut Hoffman:

    Now that Scozzafava has endorsed Owens the Democratic candidate, moderate Republicans can vote against Hoffman in good conscience knowing that their vote will not hurt their first choice. Either that, or they could simply stay home to spite Hoffman, Palin, Beck, et al.

    Why would Scozzafava stay in a party that would treat her as Palin, Thomspon, Beck, Pawlenty, and Barbour have done? They tossed her aside like yesterday's trash and they still expect fealty from her?

    When will the leaders in the GOP realize that they have sown the wind, and now must reap the whirlwind in regards to courting the idiot fringe of their own party? They are now shooting those on their own side in their mindless quest for ideological purity.

    Do the voters of the 23rd district really want an ill informed carpet bagger/tea bagger like Hoffman representing them in congress? Hoffman's ideological purity is counter balanced by his utter unawareness regarding issues that are most important to voters in the 23rd district.

    Will Palin's nascent 3rd rail, er, party be struck down before it even arises?

  34. if RR was the great communicator. sp is the great divider, also , too...

  35. I question Palin's impact in this race. It seems those who'd listen to Palin would've backed Hoffman from the start. But the media is insistent on keeping the quitter in the mix, despite her falling approval numbers, and her fans will claim victory if Hoffman wins.

    Overall, the people of this district are still Obama supporters 64-31. They just don't like Owens so much. Apparently, he was a throw-away candidate in a district that historically votes Republican. Absent a candidate they like, moderates may sit out this election.

    Check out Nate Silver

  36. Big News! Intrade...political betting site and excellent predictor of election outcomes has downgraded Hoffman's chance of winning by 18 points...down from 68 to 50.

  37. I find it interesting that Palin's success or failure will now be judged by the NY 23 election. If Hoffman wins, well, Palin will win as well and she will rub it in Liberal's faces.

    She who is unable to govern or maintain the duties of an elected office herself is now hitchin' her wagon to those that perhaps might have the intestinal fortitude and "stick-with-it-ness" to keep a job or an elected position and not be a quitter.

    She is totally progressin' her personal agenda from behind the scenes and is being pretty successful at rallying the troops.

    She told us she didn't need a title to further her agenda and she was correct. She also told us she would be working for Alaska, which she is not, but she certainly is drumming up support from the Conservative groups and perhaps this is what she had in mind all along.

    It would take a pretty big scandal to make her faithful jump ship at this point. Let's all just hope that her supporters remain the minority and don't gain any new members in the next two years.

    I don't see her going down but I do see the Progresssives calling her out on every little misstep and playing her foibles out over and over in blogs and in the press. This is what it will take to at least keep her "restrained" and that should be enough.

  38. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I question whether Palin can really raise money, given the abandoned quest to raise $100,000 to bring her to Iowa in mid-November, and the poor reception she got at the big-donor events last fall. Palin attracts the Joe-the-Plumber crowd, but the wealthy Palm Beach set don't appreciate her.

    Keep at it, Gryphen. I look forward to seeing the Prestige.

  39. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Gryphen what do you mean by that some are just trolls. Is a troll someone that reads your blog but doesn't agree with you, or someone that reads your blog but only reads it to get certain information. I would venture to say that you like all traffic to your site even us that use "Anonymous" I gues by using the name Gassman, california girl or whatever, you automatically give yourself more credibility.

  40. Gasman5:38 PM

    Anon at 3:02.
    While I was not christened "Gasman," I am consistent in using that moniker, and for all intents and purposes, it is who I am on the web. If I were really seeking anonymity, I would not have adopted that handle because it has been a nickname of mine for decades. I would suck in the witness protection program. There can be many compelling reasons not to use your own name on the web.

    Trolls are avocational pains in the ass who are less interested in exchanging ideas than in simply pissing in the punchbowl. I personally enjoy disagreements if they are well framed and supported by logic and facts. However, by definition, trolls eschew facts and logic in favor of dissembling, ad hominem attacks, vitriol, hyperbole, or outright lies.

    I have seen damn few on the right in the last few years that have supported their positions with facts and logic. I guess they have taken their cues from the top of the ticket and decided to be just as truthful as W. and the big Dick.

  41. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Anon @ 1:50
    You are apparently unaware that some of her biggest fans live in Palm Beach. Rush Limbaugh lives in Palm Beach, Florida...

    and also, Lowell "Bud" Paxson--founder of both Paxson Communications (i.e. evangelical Christian PAX TV, etc.) and the mega church in Jupiter, Florida lives there--or at least he used to.

    Have a feeling that you honestly didn't know. Scary stuff, huh?

  42. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Anon 8:59, indeed I was unaware of that. My statement was based on something I read last October/November about the cool reception SP received at an upscale McCain fundraising event in Florida. No laughs at her Joe Sixpack jokes from the white collar crowd.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.