Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Fox News identifies Palin parody book as autobiography.

Below is how this article reads on FOXNews.com as of right this minute.

Despite her image as a polarizing figure and her penchant to provoke fervent support or intense hatred, the real Sarah Palin is a "complicated person" who isn't as dumb as her opponents say or as transcendent as her supporters believe, according to a new book.

"Sarah From Alaska: The Sudden Rise and Brutal Education of a New Conservative Superstar" was authored by CBS News reporter Scott Conroy and former Fox News producer Shushannah Walshe, who covered Palin on the vice presidential campaign trail last year.

The book was released Tuesday -- almost one year after Barack Obama and Joe Biden defeated John McCain and Palin, and weeks before the former Alaska governor releases her autobiography, "Going Rouge: An American Nightmare."

"It's the good, the bad and the ugly," Walshe told FoxNews.com. "Everything is there."

Oh my God that is hysterical!

I am not sure if this is some editors idea of a joke or if the people at Fox News are really this clueless.

The title links to the article, but I cannot promise that they have not fixed it by the time you get there. However I swear I simply cut it and pasted it without changing a thing except to highlight the book title.

(H/T to Martha. Thanks Martha I really needed a laugh today.)


  1. Hey! I finally saw a Sarah Palin ad on this site.

    People have been complaining about them, but until today I never got one. Now I feel special also, dont'cha know.

  2. it's still there, it is too funny!

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Yuppers, still there....

  4. emrysa6:54 PM

    lmao. I actually saw it with my own eyes. it's still up.

    what are they doing at faux?

  5. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Yep, still there. Way too funny. She will be bat-shit pissed about this. Way to go Rupert!!

  6. FEDUP!!!7:03 PM

    I just saw it too, also... :D

  7. Still there, and now the comments are coming in! The Palinbots are outraged at Fox for doing this!
    This is delicious! I SO hope it was done on purpose - that someone at FAUX has a brain and a wicked sense of humor.

  8. Forever Anonymous7:20 PM

    lol they didn't mention there is a coloring book also!

    still there, just saw it ,also.

  9. Ditto what BigSlick said and an added Yikers!

    If only they had someone reading their comment section...8 comments - all noticed the error.

  10. Still there, even after all the comments correcting them. This is just too rich!

  11. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Ha! It's still there! Fox's journalistic excellence in action!

  12. In typical $P fashion "The authors said they faced intimidation tactics from Palin aimed as driving them out of the state as they worked on the book." I wounder what she did to try to intimidate them. An American nightmare is so true as well as an American laughing stock. Who proves the need to fund education better.

  13. 10catsinmd7:49 PM

    Still there at 11:51 EDT. Love it! Printed a hard copy for posterity.

  14. Still there!

    By the way, re: banner ads. Remember, folks, they are linked to the subject matter on the blog. That's why Palin's ads come up so much here.

    But! Every time a person clicks on one of those ads, the advertiser is charged a fee. I don't know about you, but I often click on ads several times without ever buying the item being advertised.

  15. ...or donating to the Political Action Committee....

  16. you can't be smart and a wing nut at the same time...

  17. Anonymous8:17 PM

    I followed your link to foxnews.com and the story, complete with the "American Nightmare" reference, is still there. Too funny.

  18. Hoffman concedes! Dem. OWENS wins NY-23! Thank you Scarah! The two who told her to "stay out" won, the teabag guy (Hoffman) who relished her endorsement LOST. Love it.

  19. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hoffman concedes in NY-23, according to Bill Owens' Twitter.

    Owens, baby, Owens!

  20. FEDUP!!!8:36 PM

    Still up... :D
    I just had to make a copy for myself also, too!

  21. Anonymous8:42 PM

    On the other hand, at least they acknowledge now that she is the FORMER governor...

  22. How sweet....Luv it.he he

  23. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Owens wins!!

  24. They are soooo smart!!

    Edgeamacated also!

    A little OT, but MSM speaks volumns about there true colors and by that I mean about how little attention they seem to be giving the NY 23rd race now that it has been projected by NBC that Owen's is the winner!!

    As far as I'm concerned, this is the only race that mattered to me today!!

    Can't wait to see all the spin that's put on this huge loss by the Grifter SP, Becky, Limpballs, et.el

    Now the owens win has made my day!!!

    A seat that has been R for about 150 years has just gone D !!

    You go Palin !! What a Farce to be reckoned with!!

  25. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Send it to HuffPo...

    however, after our night of glee and celebration for the good sense of our neighbors in upstate NY, we do have to try and figure out what we can do to bring the crazies down from their Wasillaintoxication and back to working together for our joint future...(no jokes about Colorado, please)

  26. Anonymous9:28 PM

    9:28pm still there.....Too Funny!!!!

  27. Tee hee. Still there.

    Has everyone got screen captures for when they fix it?

    This is as good as identifying Hurricane Katrina as a democrat. Better even, also too.

  28. Anonymous10:25 PM

    It's Wed, 11/4, 12:22am, Mountain Time...and $he's still "An American Nightmare" :-D

    Please--everyone who can--do a screen capture. This really tickles me pink!

  29. trish in SW FL11:29 PM

    328 am Eastern time---it's still up! LMAO!

  30. It is still there as of 4 AM Central Time.

  31. sunnyjane1:41 AM

    Still there at 5:39 a.m. EST on Wednesday, 11/4/2009!

    What a hoot. Ya think the DNC has a mole over at Fox???

    I hope so!

  32. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Epic FAIL for $arah Paylin. EPIC FAIL. She is the political touch of death.

  33. Anonymous3:16 AM

    7:14 est, still not corrected! Love it.

  34. ManxMamma4:03 AM

    8:00 a.m. EST - Still there! Love it. A nice combo piece with Progressive Alaska's
    A Tribute to Teabagger Erudition.

  35. Anonymous4:11 AM

    And it's STILL there also, too! (Wednesday, 8AM EDT). Is is possible that those peeps at Faux news got the memo and they're actually reporting REAL news? tee hee indeed!

  36. Its still up this morning!!

  37. emrysa6:10 AM

    well it's 10:11 am EST and it has been corrected.

    still too funny!!

  38. phoebes-in-santa fe7:07 AM

    Actually, what's interesting is that Fox did fix the title of the book but did not delete the comments about the mistake!

    Oh, and Gryphen, I appreciate your printing of the anti-Palin birth letters on your thread yesterday. I wrote in saying that while you're doing a fabulous job in shining a light on other Palin disasters, your continued support of an obviously lunatic notion that Sarah Palin - who has the IQ of an eggplant - could possibly think up a plot that involved baby adoption, switching, etc. is not good. I gave you a rough time, comparing you to those morons who claim Obama wasn't born in the US.

    You really didn't have to print my letter or those others who wrote in. But you did, which shows you're not afraid to print critism.

    Let me reiterate again, though, you and the other AK bloggers are doing a great job in exposing Sarah Palin and her excesses.

  39. FEDUP!!!7:39 AM

    FWIW, I got a screen shot last evening. This morning, they have finally corrected it - but left the comments, LOL!

  40. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Truthfully, i don't even need to comment on this but it is just to delicious not to. What a bunch of amateurs, imbeciles and dumbasses over at faux news! Rupert can't seem to keep his people in line now can he? Call me a Northeast intellectual Elite, but that's what happens when you try to rule over a world of immature boneheads. In the famous words of Forest Gump "Stupid is as stupid does".


  41. FEDUP!!!, send your screen shot to Gryphen so he can put it in the body of the blog topic.

    It should be up for everyone to read even when this topic hits the archives!


  42. mlaiuppa10:13 AM

    Oh, man. They fixed it.

    I hope all of the political blogs got screen shots.

  43. By the time Palin's book is released........we might just get PAID to order one..........lol

    Rupert Murdoch does love to throw his money away sometimes!

    It makes you wonder why Oprah would take the time to interview the author of a book so obviously insignificant.

    Oh yeah.......ratings...............

    Newsmax.com offering Palin's book "for just $4.97, a savings of $24 off the cover price"
    14 minutes ago
    From a commercial that aired on November 4 on Fox News Channel:


  44. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Went to a Dollar Tree store today in Vermont. First thing I always do is head to the book section. (All items in this store are $1 or less.) A full was falling off the shelf and, guess what it was one of those Sarah Palin books. The book was "Sarah - How a hockey mom turned Alaska's political establishment upside down." (Is that how Trig fell out?) by Kaylene Johnson. Picture on back cover is a young Sarah who looks somewhat like Piper. Many pictures included in roughly 140 pages big print. Paperback. Hardcover April 2008; Paperback which is the one in the store: September 2008. List price $15.95. Back cover has Huffington Post quote saying she is ready to be president.
    (pukin' time.) Wasn't gonna buy it, bit then I found an antidote book: Michael Moore's hardcover of "Dude, Where's My Country?" I bought 'em both.

  45. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Anyone know what happened to Blowpop Palin's site?
    No recent activity.


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