Saturday, November 07, 2009

Holy crap! She actually showed up! Updated.

Former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin told about 5,000 supporters in Wisconsin to continue to press lawmakers on abortion issues.

Wisconsin Right to Life officials say Palin's low-profile stop in the Milwaukee suburb of West Allis on Friday night was more than a year in the making.

A year in the making? You mean she started to plan this back in November of 2008? Before or after she lost the election?

Palin told the crowd they "went rogue" -- a reference to her upcoming memoirs -- with their support of the cause.

What is with her and the word "rogue"? Does she not remember why it was first used by her attack lizard, Meg Stapleton? And does she still not know what it means?

1.a dishonest, knavish person; scoundrel. (Sounds good.)
2.a playfully mischievous person; scamp: The youngest boys are little rogues. (NOT descriptive of Palin!)
3.a tramp or vagabond. (Oooh now THAT fits!)
4.a rogue elephant or other animal of similar disposition. (Yep, that works too.)
5.Biology. a usually inferior organism, esp. a plant, varying markedly from the normal. (By far my favorite!)

She didn't mention President Barack Obama by name in her 25-minute speech, but briefly touched on health care reform legislation and pressed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to make sure all voices were heard on the issue.

Does she mean the same voices calling for an overthrow of the government and making up lies about the health care bill? Does she mean those voices?

Organizers said media wouldn't be allowed to cover the event. General admission tickets were $30.

Let's see, 5000 people, at $30 a head, equals a cool $150,000.

Subtract Palin's asking price for giving a speech of $100,000, and that leaves around $50,000, minus expenses, to use to in the battle to take away a woman's right to control her reproductive system.

Gee I hope it was worth it to the Wisconsin Right to Life people. Just doesn't seem terribly cost effective to me.

Hey maybe she decided to skip the speaker's fee and do it out of the goodness of her heart?

Ha, ha, ha, ha, "goodness of her heart", I crack myself up sometimes!

Update: Here is an article about the event from the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel.

Palin uses tired old line:

"We were told to sit down and shut up," Palin said. "Wisconsin, you went rogue."

She adds some new detail to her Trig birth story. (Liars always make alterations to their stories. That is why they usually get caught.)

Palin spoke movingly of her youngest son, Trig, who has Down syndrome. She recalled that when she was pregnant, she underwent an ultrasound and the technician told her, "I see boy parts." (That's new.)

Later, the technician told her that the baby's neck "is a little bit thicker," an indication that there might be an extra chromosome. A few days later, Down syndrome was confirmed. (Also new.)

"I was scared," Palin said, adding that she asked her husband, Todd, "Why us?" He responded, "Why not?" (That was also said in the book "Trailblazer" on page 182. Not new.)

Palin learned her lesson about security from her China visit.

Security was tight at the Wisconsin Exposition Center. Spectators were told beforehand that prohibited items included cell phones, recording devices, video and still cameras, as well as strollers and car seats. A line stretched across the length of the facility and out to a parking lot as spectators waited patiently to pass through security.

She then demonstrated her creepy fixation on President Obama by stealing from his speeches.

She used President Barack Obama's mantra of change to make her political points.

"Let's talk about change we can believe in," Palin said. "Friends, a majority of Americans identify as pro life, and thank God for that."

Then she got all "teabaggy".

She called health care reform a "government takeover" and called on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to at least allow a congressional vote to prohibit federally sponsored health insurance plans to pay for abortions. (Which is not in the bill.)

"I feel real change is just up ahead," she said. "Wisconsin, we need to ramp it up."

She brought the crowd to its feet with a simple closing line: "Don't let anyone ever tell you to sit down and shut up."

Kind of ironic statement about standing up for your rights coming from a woman who refused to allow cell phones, cameras, or recording devices at her speech. I am just saying.

You can get much more over at Mudflats. They had "boots on the ground" in the Exposition Center.

BTW it look like Sarah made a big deal about giving the group a check for $1,000. (It was one of those GIANT checks, which no bank would accept for deposit.) Does that mean she did NOT get a speaking fee? Because, for Sarah, that would be highly unusual.

Hmm now I am intrigued.


  1. mlaiuppa9:46 PM

    About 5,000 people.

    That's an estimate.

    Who's giving that estimate. Because whether it's the Right to Life people or Palin's people we know historically they are estimate challenged. They tend to inflate numbers. So that 5,000 may be more in the 3,500-4,000 range. That means they may or may not have broke even.

  2. A reporter went rogue and got into the Milwaukee event tonight. Here is Sarah's latest, newest story about Trig -
    "Palin spoke movingly of her youngest son, Trig, who has Down syndrome. She recalled that when she was pregnant, she underwent an ultrasound and the technician told her, "I see boy parts."

    Later, the technician told her that the baby's neck "is a little bit thicker," an indication that there might be an extra chromosome. A few days later, Down syndrome was confirmed."

    "I was scared," Palin said, adding that she asked her husband, Todd, "Why us?" He responded, "Why not?"

    OK, so now there was an ultrsound and Todd was involved? I thought she kept it secret from Todd (in other versions)?

  3. Anonymous10:26 PM

    "The goodness of her heart." That was a crack-up!
    Her twin, Michelle Bachman has fellow residents aiming to knock her off her high horse next year.

    Hope Michelle doesn't go rogue-er, like sister Sarah. Wonder if they like each other?

  4. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Just saw via Google news, looks like a reporter was able to write a few things down

    From Miwaulkee Wisconsin Journal Sentinal:

    On the babygate front, here are her latest comments from that article:

    Palin spoke movingly of her youngest son, Trig, who has Down syndrome. She recalled that when she was pregnant, she underwent an ultrasound and the technician told her, "I see boy parts."

    Later, the technician told her that the baby's neck "is a little bit thicker," an indication that there might be an extra chromosome. A few days later, Down syndrome was confirmed.

    "I was scared," Palin said, adding that she asked her husband, Todd, "Why us?" He responded, "Why not?"

    "My family life is much richer thanks to this beautiful baby boy Trig," Palin said. "He is awesome."

  5. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Well, the TeaBagger's March on Washington was first touted as 2 million people, and then the figures were revised to 50,000, so it's likely they had 125 people show up.

  6. SME13111:53 PM

    Palin's command of the English language is limited at best so using rogue repeatedly is to be expected. What is a shame is that she clearly doesn't understand that we (Alaskans) do consider her the worst possible sense of the word.

    Each night I pray she just goes away....... far far away.

  7. We know you are a buffoon but you excelled yourself-not only did she not charge but she donated $1,000.
    Grow up

  8. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Palin also singled out Obama for his support of the Partial Abortion Bill.

  9. Anonymous2:12 AM

    If you check, you'll see the place doesn't even have 5000 seats and as of Friday afternoon, tickets were still availabe.

  10. The most important question: Did her speech sound as coherent and educated as the Facebook posts she has "written"?

    Didn't think so!

    PS: From the Quittypants Dictionary:

    Rogue, 2.a playfully mischievous person; scamp: "Bristol's two boys sure are little rogues!"

  11. Anonymous2:27 AM

    My dictionary also includes these definitions of the word "rogue" -
    • a person or thing that behaves in an aberrant, faulty, or unpredictable way : he hacked into data and ran rogue programs.
    • an inferior or defective specimen among many satisfactory ones, esp. a seedling or plant deviating from the standard variety.

    I don't know why going "rogue" is a good thing in the world of Sarah Palin. It doesn't imply professionalism, intelligence, honesty, diligence or any of those other qualities people seek in a leader. Oh, I forgot, the followers of Palin, Beck, Limbaugh and the like are neanderthals.

  12. Anonymous3:14 AM

    A "Boots on the Ground" Mudflatter reported the 4500-seat arena to be pretty full, so this time the number is at least in the right ballpark.

    It's possible she did this one at her discounted price of merely $75,000, for the good of the organization.

    Ha, ha, ha .... discounted, good of the organization, I crack me up sometimes too!

  13. Anonymous3:50 AM

    If people want to blab Anti-Abortion rehetoric
    Wouldn't the world be a merry place if noone had an abortion. If noone was in that sort of situation where they had to do something like that. How nice if everyone would be like a LifeTime movie and jump for glee when the little prego stick turned pink. But hello?

    They can spit all this all they want.. but one with a "True" heart for the cause would be talking about HOW unwanted pregnancies can be prevented in the first place, how we can help those that feel they have no other choice but to abort .. NOT adoption. That is just a gloss over. But provide true assistance, during the pregnancy and after.... for awhile after.

    All they seem to want to do is express how evil and sinful anyone who ponders or performs or actually has one is.
    Where is this Jesus love?

    Ya'll are right
    I was prego at 22 (was on the pill but also went on antibiotics because I was to get my tonsils out and wasn't aware the two don't mix). I went in to get my tonsils out ........... my mom took off work to take me there.......i had a week off work already scehduled........then then kind dr said Oh Mrs. ____ I can't perform surgery on you today.....Your pregnant!

    I was in one of those scary situations facing this.........but remember my whacko church days of picketing local abortion clinics with my youth groups and thought ... Lemme get in the phone book and spill my sad tale to an anti abortion person and get some help! They truly were helpful. The next day a lady named Michelle took me out to eat and to buy a couple pairs of maternity pants. Now we went to McDees and got some hot lookin granny pants at KMart but it was free.. and that is what mattered to me... the thought.

    Well, my insurance ran out on my 22nd birthday (was under my Mom's) so a month before I was due I was without insurance. This group picked up that bill for a month. The entire year later I could visit their office and they had a big box of clothes/toys ready for me to pick up. I got a big box once a month.

  14. Anonymous3:50 AM

    sorry post was long
    part dos

    See that is good stuff! But ... I was still in a bad situation after that year. With no money, no job , living with my mom ... I ended up getting back with my son's dad for security. I ended up leaving after a year and then it was up hill from there... But... (thank God we didn't pop out any more kids... I wouldn't let the man touch me :D) ... had I not had a head on my shoulders (where I do believe in God because I prayed a lot and things worked out for me.. I found a great job, a great sitter, eventually my own place to live.. on and on) ....... I could of just stayed with his dad.. for security... pop out more kids...

    I remember picking up my last box from that place and them "wishin' me well" .. thinking this baby is just now getting hard... he was walking, ect.... the easy time was when they are tiny.. when they start turning into children.. that is where the parenting really picks up.. emotional support, wisdom, forgoing being a wild 23 year old and going out with my friends instead working and being a single parent putting my son first.

    It is like people that preach against the evils of stealing but never seem to address.. why do these people steal? Maybe we can help them so they don't need to steal.

    Palin has a huge support system - married, kids, inlaws...., money, weight to throw around ... oh boo hoo for her .................she made the super tough choice to keep the baby. Oh boo hooo so hard
    Same with Bristol... her mom is a freakin' governor... they live in that Huge House..
    Oh the woes of deciding not to abort.

    NOW maybe if she blabbed about "real life" situations... and then offered real solutions to prevent and help I would pay her any mind... as it is.. she is just someone that likes to spit out judgement al hate, make herself look like she did the ultimate sacrifice... never takes it any farther.. just eats up the cheers
    Sick woman

  15. themom4:08 AM

    Why is it she gets away with this kind of rhetoric? I grew up in Wisconsin, not to far from West Allis - home to the Wisconsin State Fair. It seems fitting that her "rally" was held there that it would be in the expo hall located steps from the swine barn! When is her due coming? How do these sorts have any following? Are there that many people so afraid of the lies and venom that is spewed from the likes of Palin/Beck/O'Reilly/Wilson/Bachmann, etc., etc., etc.? THEY alone are what is destroying this country. They alone!

  16. Anonymous4:23 AM

    It is hilarious that she has taken on "going rogue" as the mantra for herself and her followers - they're all going rogue! You betcha!

  17. Did she mention the 1/2 dozen or so tea baggers that collapsed at bachmanns "rally" and were attended to by the dreaded gov't medical staff?

    media lovin', body sellin', hypocritical lyin', prejean lovin', rush suckin' fuckin' whore. you betcha.

  18. You would think that this moving speechshould be recorded.
    WHy does she want this wonderful news keptunder wraps?
    Is it because she thinks her audience will feel more cherished,more special?

    Or will her message get more militant and subversive?

    Poor sarah, she is preaching to the choir.
    Who does she think will pay for those who cannot afford these children.
    She should be giving solutions, not the same old rhetoric.

  19. Charlie AK5:48 AM

    Michael, "you excelled youself" makes no sense. It is gramatically incorrect and you sound like an idiot. You can always tell the palinbots cecause they have such a poor command of the English language.

    Sarah told a big crock of new lies at her talk. About Trig. She has a new story that has new holes in it again showing how delusional she is.

    Sarah did you really put all these new lies in your book?
    That was dumb Sarah. You should have told the truth because now when it comes out you are going to be known world wide as the crazy politician who faked her pregancy for political gain.

    Bad bad Sarah cuz ithe TRUTH is comin out sooner than ya think and what a disgraced laughing stock you'll be! ROFL

  20. Ella,
    you caught it!! Sarah's latest lie about her fake pregnancy! But in all fairness to Sarah its really hard to have to lie about something so big and keep all the lies straight.
    So is she just stupid that she can't remember her own lie? Or does she just continue to change the lie to suit the audience. If Sarah does not believe in abortion, why did she even have the amnio? The only reason would bw to prepare the family, house, etc. to get ready for a baby, and since she didn't tell her family we know thats a lie too. I still say T1 is Todds baby and Sarah adopted it after she found out about it to cover another skeleton in her families closet.

  21. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Ella 10:04
    Without reading articles or going back to review videos, I recall I believe in the speech which Steele introduced her at another pro-life group, she stated she was on her own when she had the ultrasound and found out about the downs. Considered abortion without having yet told Todd.

    She also mentioned she had ultrasound at 12 weeks and downs was then diagnosed. I seem to recall it was sometime later than that from what she previously said. This I would have to review her tape from Idaho or wherever it was to be sure but I feel it doesn't sound the same.

    These people seem to be totally oblivious that everytime they tell a story, there has been video of them telling the story -- as A Different Story.

    This is another clue how she has re-written her 'Life Story' in that waste of many trees book.

  22. Anonymous6:14 AM

    No one is her enemy because she "chose" to give , cough, cough, "birth" to Trig.

    I am her enemy because she thinks she has the right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body parts.

    such poor wretched victim she is

  23. Anonymous6:25 AM

    In her other reporting of finding out about the Downs Syndrome, she claimed to have Amnio results over the telephone while out of town. This was in her Indiana pro-life address.

    Boy parts vs. girl parts look quite similar at 12 weeks gestation, very hard to tell the difference.

  24. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I can't believe she wasn't rogue enough to let guns in!!!!
    Talk about depriving people of their rights!!!
    She is such a rogue she is...naming her kid TriG so everyday she can secretly call him a retard and the whole world too...what a rogue bitch!

  25. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Be sure to read the report on Mudflats - brave Mudflatter and hubby were on the ground reporting.

    I don't imagine Sarah EVER speaking for nothing. Travel, lodging, meals, etc. for her and how many others must have been paid by the group as well.

    The arena only holds 4500, so if they had full capacity, then knock $15,000 off your estimate Gryphen.

    Teabaggers - police reported about 3000-3500, with a TOP estimate at 4000. Golly gee, they do like to exaggerate!

    Amazing that Sarah donated $1000 - what will she have to do without in her new castle to part with that chunk of change?

    Gryphen - when will we see some updated photos of the contruction going on at her compound?

  26. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Gryphen, can you say if any of this theorizing is getting warm?
    (1) both SP and BP are pregnant in fall 2007
    (2) SP terminates, and only after that starts believing she really might get national attention. Then she fears she might get "caught" & starts badgering BP about adopting her baby so she can produce a baby after all to disprove any info she's had an abortion
    (3) daughter refuses adoption and has baby (in Mercede pictures, who just doesn't look anything like the baby known as Trig), but is a powerless minor kid and is compelled by someone powerful to give him up for adoption
    (4) SP fakes pregnancy and acquires "Trig" (church adoption?)
    (5) BP cares for Trig & gets pregnant again

  27. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Kind of ironic statement about standing up for your rights coming from a woman who refused to allow cell phones, cameras, or recording devices at her speech. I am just saying

    Hello ????

    This was a private event, they can impose whatever rules they want.

    You SHOULD be very worried about this woman, look how she turns her back on the media and liberal elites without a care in the world, and it drives you nuts.

    Why is it do you think, that here, 1 year after her defeat and 4 months after her resignation,
    Sarah Palin's star is still shining white hot ?

    I'm NOT a Palin supporter, but neither am I kool-aide drinkin' hater as so many are.

    She's something of a cross between Ayan Rand meets Idiocracy spliced with the Beverly Hillbillies.

    Scary, intriguing and entertaining all at the same time.

  28. emrysa7:35 AM

    How many stories does sarah have about when she learned trig had ds?

    somehow I think that after another 2 years of her bringing up the subject we're going to hear another 1/2 dozen different stories. did any of her subjects in the room even care that this story is different than what she said before? did any of them wonder?

  29. Say NO to Palin in Politics7:38 AM

    Can a person really see a thicker neck on an ultra sound done at 12 wks?

  30. emrysa7:40 AM

    anon @ 2:27:

    I agree. whythehell does she keep using the phrase going rogue? she obviously still does not know the meaning of the word after all this time. it's one more way she makes herself look like an idiot.

    being a "rogue" is nothing to brag about.

  31. emrysa7:43 AM

    seriously how can being a "rogue trooper" be a bad thing if being a "rogue" is a good thing?

    so stupid.

  32. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Wondering out loud, did they pay Sarah's $100,000. and additional money for first class travel, most luxurious hotel in Milwaukee and eats? They must have been counting on all of those $1000 pledges made when Sarah gave them her generous donation.

    When Sarah's book comes out, it is going to be a treat to match the printed stories with the ones that we have already heard: The Wild Ride, What and When I Told Todd, and the different versions of When Sarah Was Chosen as VP (mysterious plane ride, Todd took away cell phones vs. we had a family vote vs. McCain staffer told the family).

  33. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I was very moved when Anon told her story and added, "Palin has a huge support system - married, kids, inlaws...., money, weight to throw around ... oh boo hoo for her .................she made the super tough choice to keep the baby. Oh boo hooo so hard
    Same with Bristol... her mom is a freakin' governor... they live in that Huge House..
    Oh the woes of deciding not to abort." Anon is one of the young mothers without resources who might choose to have the baby, or might not. The point is, the choice is there for those who need it. And the decision to make it is never taken lightly.

    Thanks for a true story that $P neglects, Anon.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

    P.S. Naturally $P doesn't cite which poll told her that the majority of Americans opposed abortion. That number has been less than fifty percent by EVERY account for as long as I can remember. If the Prematurely Orange $P ever had to footnote herself, she'd freak out.

  34. Anonymous8:09 AM

    @7:19 - Palin is nothing like Ayn Rand. She couldn't even spell "Ayn" if given four chances. She is also not "white hot." It's actually kind of sad what her "media tour" has turned out to be. Oprah, Barbara Walters, and FOX news, and malls in non-cosmopolitan areas. And her book is already very discounted. She just spoke in the Wisconsin fairgrounds? Oh yeah. White hot.

  35. Forever Anonymous8:21 AM

    She cleaned up the language; better use ultrasound than the risky ammnio test at 13 weeks, that was to close to abortion.

    Abortion, scares her, not the procedure,the story the precedes her.

    So she quit not for personal reason, but to go rouge on the Obama administration, just like she did with Murkowsky....she setting the stage people, she is not going away.

    She truly is a seven-headed snake.

    Could it be that only Trig can help us?

  36. Sounds like it would be a good project to assemble the various stories Sarah and her mouthpieces tell about each significant event. Maybe along a timeline in different colored boxes. And then you'd want to indicate somehow when the various stories were told with a line to that point in the timeline. Can you imagine what that would look like? No wonder my brain hurts.

  37. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Anon #1 @ 8:09

    She really pisses you off doesn't she ?

    I find it amusing when you have to point out a spelling error to get your point across.

    No, she IS white hot, and she's going to get even hotter, so deal with it.

    The MSM and the obsessed AK Bloggers don't know how to deal with her, some of the bloggers will even go as far as making stuff up when they can't find any real dirt on her.

    That's too bad too because it sullies their reputation for being fair and accurate. Some of us in Alaska who've been following her for far longer than she's been on the national stage, can see this. Unfortunately some folks from outside of Alaska don't always recognize this and turn to these blogs for what they perceive to be the truth.

    Gryph and his buddies should be thankful, as long as Palin stays hot then so do their blogs.

  38. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Anon @ 9:09

    You can help us to turn away from this blog, I woul love to read your achives since you have known palin before people started to malign her, I'll go and read your blog, tell me the name of it.

  39. emrysa9:47 AM

    anon @ 9:09:

    it speaks volumes about this country when an ignoramous can have a following and make tons of money.

    it's really not something to be proud of, and is only one example as to why we are doomed.

  40. About SP's new and different revelations regarding the ultrasound, namely the remark by the tech about "neck a little thicker".

    (I crossposted this at Palingates)

    I know a lot of us have had various x-rays, ultrasounds, mammograms, etc. -- and in NONE of those exams will the tech actually doing the procedure say anything about the results IF THEY'RE ANYTHING BUT BLESSEDLY NORMAL...and even then, if all looks "normal", most are cautious about what they say, if they say anything at all.

    My experience has been, even back in the days before HIPAA, that not only will the tech not say anything, she/he will say a definitive report won't be available until the specialist/radiologist reviews the scan/x-ray etc., and dictates his report. But that specialist doesn't report to YOU, the patient.

    The report goes to your personal health care provider (doctor, nurse practitioner), who THEN either calls you and reports the good news, or calls you to make an appointment to discuss the not-normal news.

    SP is so full of sh!t. And her devoted followers are so stupid, they believe anything she says, even if it's so far beyond the pale of proper HIPAA restrictions and medical care, that the tech who administered her alleged ultrasound should be fired, and prosecuted.

  41. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Michael @ 1:20

    Come on, Mike, that $1,000.00 is a tax deduction. We can all expect that there will be several more before the end of the year--probably even a few on December 31, 2009, between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and midnight--all out of the goodness of her heart, of course. But that's okay--if you want to believe that it has nothing to do with the taxes she will have to cough up for 2009, as a result of her up front "retainer," go ahead.

    Anon @ 7:19, 9:09 and whatever:

    "they can impose whatever rules they want"
    ahem--you left out the part where, in your opinion, they can make up any attendance numbers the want, too.

    It may be true that she is "white," as in Caucasian--but as to the "hot" part, that pretty much lives only in the heads and body parts of some, let's just say--good ol' boys--and you seem to be one among them. Maybe a cold shower would do you some good--might just clear up your thinking a little bit.

    As to..."Some of us in Alaska who've been following her for longer than she's been on the national stage..."

    What an interesting visual you present in that statement! Have you been following her so that you can get a good look at her backside--because you haven't a clue how to think for yourself, or both?

    It seems that if you stopped "following" behind her for just a moment or two, you might have a chance to step around and face her--you know, look her straight in the eyes and get a better idea of what is, or is not, housed inside that head of hers.

    Just one more question: How many more nickles, dimes and quarters are you willing to drop into her tin cup so that she can pay for the plastic surgery needed to maintain that "hotness" you so worship?

  42. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Don't let anyone ever tell you to sit down and shut up!

    DNA, baby, DNA.

  43. I love how she omits that she had an amniocentesis! Strong snti-choicers would never consider having a preceedure that would risk the babies life!

    She's such a hippocrit and rabid liar.

  44. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Sarah must be a little disappointed in fellow “opposite marriage” advocate and “Pro-Jesus” role model Carrie Prejean now that Ms. Prejean’s “self-service” sex tape has surfaced. The whole concept of Carrie’s “Home Alone” sex tape is baffling. I would think that she would advocate that a sex tape ought to be “between one man and one woman,” and not all by yourself.

    Go figure…

  45. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Thanks for the story, Anon's nice when prolifers actually come through and help pregnant women a little, it just sucks that it's too little.

    I want abortion to stay legal and safe but it's not much of a choice if you can't also make the choice to keep the kid! You'd think the prolifers would be all for bringing back welfare to keep all those children alive.

    The Republicans want us to have our babies and raise them on no money in a poisoned world that isn't fit to raise kids in; and all the Democrats can offer us is the chance to abort them before they're born.
    Just my two cents...

    And on that "rogue" thing: in Southern Oregon is a valley named Rogue Valley, with the Rogue river running through it. Supposedly it was named that because the local natives were called "rogues" by the white people--maybe that was the most polite term they used.
    When I heard the name of her book it made me wonder if she was moving to Oregon or something.

  46. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Anonymous 10:29...thanks for sharing--

    "My family life is much richer thanks to this beautiful baby boy Trig," Palin said. "He is awesome."
    Wow...richer, indeed, nothing like having a prop for a traveling show.

    SP's rewriting her bio. A technician giving a patient info? Sounds like another script being used to cover up deception.

  47. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Has everyone noticed that Miss Wasilla has defied all the odds in her baby story? Some people prove exceptions to rules here and there, but not her!

    1) The more babies you have the sooner you show, but not HER!
    2) If you get big with the first, you'll be that big with all of them, not HER
    3) Most don't fly after the 8th month, but notHER
    4) Labor comes faster with each baby, but not HER, she could fly 12 hrs
    5) Premature babies with heart issues stay in the hospital, not HERS
    6) Preemies are taken out among people in the first weeks, but HERS went to the office!
    7) Early amnio is more risky, but not for HER
    and it goes on

  48. Anonymous12:31 PM

    LuckyJean, I hear you but DEMS do fight for real sex education and access to birth control. And DEMS are responsible for whatever help there is left for single mothers and children,.

  49. Anonymous1:08 PM

    ".....even if it's so far beyond the pale of proper HIPAA restrictions and medical care, that the tech who administered her alleged ultrasound should be fired, and prosecuted."


    I agree with most of what you said about the process for reviewing/dictating exam results and caution about any early conclusions with the patient. However, this has nothing to do with HIPAA. The tech allegedly said too much which may be a SCOPE OF PRACTICE issue, but not a HIPAA issue. HIPAA is about disclosing BEYOND the patient.

    Any medical staff can most certainly talk with the patient. I’ve had radiologists interpret tests on the spot for me before—they are physicians after all. Even if the tech said something that hadn’t been reviewed by a radiologist, it still isn’t a HIPAA issue.

    What IS a HIPAA issue are the protections afforded under this federal law for Sarah's medical records. They cannot be disclosed without the patient's authorization, unless a criminal/public health matter. This is why the media cannot get at them and medical staff won't leak them. There are huge fines. Ironically, the 2009 economic stimulus bill has new, STRONGER privacy provisions that will actually help Sarah. That is her right as a citizen.

    I’m no SP fan and HIPAA is a consideration here regarding “babygate”, but let's get the facts straight.

  50. Anonymous1:30 PM

    If Stapleton is to be believed, I recall that she made a statement about the TS fundraising for the Iowa right to life event that SarahPAC would, in any case, be paying Palin's expenses for such events. That's what I remember.

    That's what irked me so about Bill Collier and SBA taking it upon themselves to fleece and deceive the TS membership into thinking they were raising money that would go "DIRECTLY" to Sarah.

    Not only did they not confirm that she was (NOT) going before they put their paws out for more money -- they either KNEW her expenses were covered beforehand and did this anyway. . .or they didn't even bother to check regarding these arrangements, just started right in on their 'fundraiser'to fatten SBA causes.

    Then effectively shut down all debate on this issue on the TS website. I can't believe they got away with this.

  51. re: carrie prejean, sarah pac is sending her complimentary batteries...

  52. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Sara the "Polar Fleecer" on sale now, everywhere.

  53. "11:53 PM
    Michael said...
    We know you are a buffoon but you excelled yourself-not only did she not charge but she donated $1,000.
    Grow up"

    "Excelled" yourself? Sounds like someone went to the Sarah Palin College of ProGRESSing Ignorance All Around Pro-America There Also!!!

  54. "Has everyone noticed that Miss Wasilla has defied all the odds in her baby story? Some people prove exceptions to rules here and there, but not her!"

    That's because the normal laws of time and space do not apply to narcissists.

  55. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I also give kudos to the Anon double poster eloquently describing the real life situation.

    This is what so deeply irks me about my fellow Christians that are pro-life. They spend HUGE amounts of money and time on anti-abortion causes. . .but very little on creating actual, real time resources for women who need financial and emotional and educational and employment support in order to keep their babies.

    Too much work, that.

    It's all about THE IDEA of it and very little about the actual PRACTICE of it. Love is action, not words. It's as clear as rain in Christ's prescriptions right there in the ol'Bible. . .these folks must be reading a different Book than I do.

    For them, it's more about judgment, and 'laws' --- than love. Christ was pretty clear about that, too. . .condemning people worshipping 'laws' and revelling in the seductive power of human judgment. . .in lieu of actively loving, sharing and supporting one another.

    Man, it gets so, some days, I don't even like to use the 'C' word anymore. . .

  56. Ratty Old Sofa8:53 PM

    Sarah's donation of $1000 is less than $84 a month when spread out over a year. Aren't conservatives supposed to be the ones who are extremely generous to charities, or is that just another talking point?

  57. Anonymous3:04 AM

    It's entirely possible that that $1000 came out of the SarahPAC coffers, not Palin's own pocket.

  58. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Anon @ 8:28

    There are Christians and then there are christians. Unlike the crowd SP runs with, it sounds as if you fall under the heading of Christian (with a capital "C").

    Some of the least Christian folks I have met in my lifetime called themselves "Christians" and scolded me for not following them in their hypocritical christian footsteps.

    Just because they call themselves "Christians" doesn't make them legitimate heirs of anything--any more than calling themselves Prince Charles makes them next in line to the British Crown.

    While what follows may not initially sound related, it is:

    Remember after 911, people were very vocal--I heard more than one person say that the Muslim leadership had a responsibility to identify and stop the fanatics within their religion? Well, don't Christians have that same responsibility? Identify and call out fanatical christians and put a stop to the danger they pose to simple civility and accepted social norms?

    Your few words definitely reflect that you think for yourself and that your steps are pointed in that direction--and I thank you for it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.