Friday, November 06, 2009

There is an audio version of "Going Rogue"? As read by Sarah Palin? Oh I have GOT to get THIS!

Can you just imagine the hours of entertainment this will provide?

I mean sure I will have to stop every ten minutes and attempt to regain my sanity but still.....

(H/T to Bree Palin. Excellent job as always.)

Update: According to AKMuckraker Sarah is actually going to show up for a speaking engagement in Wisconsin.

And you have GOT to go over and see the list of things you cannot bring into the Wisconsin Exposition Center with you. You know besides your self respect and cognitive reasoning.


  1. Are you saying Lynn Vincent is going to read it???

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    An attempt to make it more marketable to her followers perhaps?

  3. I can't wait for the Shatner poetic interpretation that is sure to follow. This will provide endless late night comedy gold.

    Thanks Sarah!

  4. ManxMamma11:31 AM

    LOL Mona!
    This is almost more than I can bear. I'm contemplating leaving work a bit early to catch Oprah but can't make up my mind.

  5. AGH!!!!!11:41 AM

    GAWD. I cannot imagine anything more excruciating than Sarah Palin reading Lynn Vincent's prose OUT LOUD.

  6. midnight cajun11:59 AM

    I can't believe she insisted she be the one to read it! (Make no mistake--they discourage authors from reading their own books.) Can you imagine hours and hours of that screechy, smug voice? Argh.

  7. Anonymous12:00 PM

    You'll notice it is the 'Abridged' version, you know, she read the first chatpter or two, realized it's hard work reading and unfamiliar book, so just up and quit.

  8. ManxMamma12:00 PM

    A poster on Bree's blog gave an excerpt of the Editorial Review from Amazon. I am outraged have emailed them the following: I've just email Amazon:
    The editorial description of Sarah Palin's 'Going Rogue' contains the statement: "ensuring the state met its responsibilities to seniors and Alaska Native populations". Nothing could be more incorrect. Over 200 seniors died because of her incompetence. She brought cookies and a preacher to visit the starving, freezing Native Alaskans. Please see that this offense language is removed.

    I encourage all of you to do the same. I'm shaking I'm so mad!

  9. Can you imagine the subminal messages that will have been added! I shudder to think about LOL

    I think my eyes would bleed if I tried to read the book and my ears would do the same if I tried to listen to it.

    I am counting on all the great bloggers out there for the juicy tidbits - I truly think if attempted to explore any of it on my own my brain would dry up and fall out of ears like dust.

  10. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Bree invited humorous comments about where to play the Sarah audio version. First on the list was GITMO, that will drive them crazy. Also, too, play in yard to frighten away feral creatures and stray cats. One poster will use the vibrations to strip paint in a room before decorating.

    At least if Sarah is forced to recite the words into a microphone, she can finally get back to Katy Couric and name "Going Rogue" as a book that she has read. (I don't expect her to finish it-- reading half is just about right).

  11. mlaiuppa12:47 PM

    She'll have to practice until she can read the book without stammering or stumbling.

    Should be a hoot.

    I, too, can't wait for Shatner's version on The Tonight Show.

    But I'm enjoying David Letterman much more.

  12. themom1:02 PM

    What great fodder for all the progressive talk radio hosts...think of all the audio drops...the fun begins.

  13. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "Oh I have GOT to get THIS"? Gryphen, have you gone mad?!?

  14. My ears are bleeding just thinking about it..

  15. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Do Alaskan bloggers know what the phrase "jump the shark" means? Yeah, you guys jumped the shark with Levi's last interview. You are all done. You might as well pack up and start blogging about Madonna or Lady Gaga. Bye.

  16. Oh, please1:46 PM

    @1:36, glad to hear you say that. Levi IS trying to be an entertainment celebrity, like Madonna or Lady Gaga or Brad Pitt or Ashton Kutcher or Taylor Kitsch (The last 3 did some modeling, by the way, before they were stars. Brad Pitt appeared in PLAYGIRL.)

    Gee whiz, who doesn't know what "jumped the shark" means? "Happy Days" has been in syndication for 25 years.

  17. emrysa1:46 PM

    are you a masochist, gryphen?

    that would be pure torture.

  18. lisabeth1:47 PM

    Manxmama, that is just terrible! Is it obvious who to write? I think all of us should send them all the articles in the newspapers about Palin's total lack of concern for natives and for the seniors/disabled in her state. I am sure that false information had to have come from her publisher.

    I am not too concerned about this kooky book changing a thing. I know Sarah thinks it will turn the world around and now they will all love and understand it, but she is wrong. Only her delusional (and stupid) fans will read or listen to it, or people from the media , or critics. If anything, it will just polarize people more.
    Sarah is through politically. She just doesn't know it yet because her mental illness doesn't allow her to get that. She is clueless about herself.

  19. Why yes Bree I HAVE gone mad, but I just don't see how that is relevant. Come on! I had NO intentions of buying this book before, but the audio version? How can I miss it?

    You KNOW she is going to have to Palin-ize it first. She will put in "you betcha's" and "back to ya's", and enough "also's" to make it feel comfortable for her. The book will be all Lynn Vincent, but the audio? Pure Bitter Twitter Quitter!

    Oh and Anonymous 1:36?

    Yes the Alaskan bloggers DO know what the term "jump the shark" means. We also know that the correct term is now "nuke the fridge" from the last Indiana Jones movie. If you are going to insult, please try to stay current on the proper verbiage.

  20. Gryphen, this is in the Star Magazine's Nov. 16th issue.

    Palin: "Those who would sell their body for money reflect a desperate need for attention."

    But Levi didn't take that lying down. He reposted Sarah's quote along with a video of her in a bathing suit during the 1984 Miss Alaska contest on his Twitter page on Oct. 28.
    I wonder if Rex knows anything about this being reported in the Star Magazine.

  21. I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around the idea of Sarah Palin actually sitting in a recording studio and getting her book, as written, recorded. As far as I know, she has always ad libed at least somewhat and gone off script so many times in her speeches, yes folks, many (most) of which she had teleprompters for. Functioning ones, no less.

    I really feel for the recording engineers and the producer who must sit there and tell her to go back and do it again, that is not what it says. Funny, professionals are picky that way, they want the job to be done right.

  22. Anonymous2:10 PM

    midnightcajun, I know your publishing experience is more recent and extensive than mine. But SOME publishers like to have their authors read their books, and I glad that Dominick Dunne and Molly Ivins were allowed to record their own. Because I miss them.

    $P... well. Since I only listen to audiobooks while driving, listening to all three minutes [my little joke!] of "Going Rogue" would be really hazardous in downtown Washington, D.C.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  23. Anonymous2:24 PM

    While a lot of stuff is banned from Sarah's Wisconsin speech, it is still ok to bring in an Uzi or AK-47. Thanks Sarah and your cronies for preserving our rights.

  24. Grypen, if you must there will need to be rules:

    1) No SP audiobook while driving or operating heavy machinery.

    2) Lifelock bracelet or necklace must be securely positioned prior to pressing play.

    3) No SP audiobook within 30 minutes of eating.

    4) No eating, drinking or chewing gum while listening.

  25. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Shatner will be busy.

    "Sarah Palin reading Lynn Vincent's prose OUT LOUD" ha! Vincent's words about Levi Johnston? That would be weird.

    ManxMamma "Over 200 seniors died because of her incompetence. She brought cookies and a preacher to visit the starving, freezing Native Alaskans."
    Would Oprah or Walters bring that up? She'd have a prepared script anyway. Maybe Shannyn will make a point of those lies.

    Levi Johnston Takes Action Against Twitter

    "The Insider" has obtained a statement from the rep of Levi Johnston to Twitter claiming that the father to Sarah Palin's grandchild was being impersonated on the social networking site.

    The tweets posted to the account were read as spoken word poetry by William Shatner last night, November 5, on the "Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" and it was implied that it was, in fact, the official tweets made by Johnston himself.

    Johnston's rep released the following statement: "My client, Levi Johnston, is being impersonated on your media (Twitter) and this is leading to libel and slanderous statements being attributed to him. ... We want you to put an immediate end to this illegal activity. ... You are being used as a medium to promote this illegality and we want immediate action. ... You are now on notice and must take steps to put an end to what is clearly against the law and against your policy. ... We want to know what steps you will be taking to correct what is clearly a problem which is escalating."

  26. Shouldn't Palin explain what she is talking about? The term "sell their body for money" usually refers to prostitution. She can say that about politicians and models, I suppose, but in this case it is libel. He is trying to work. She is misrepresenting what he is doing.

    Star Magazine gets their stories from Twitter? There have been so many fake twitter accounts. Misrepresenting an old pro like Christopher Walkins by quoting his fake Twitter is one thing. They need to be more careful when an ingénue that is also the target of a giant political machine is the subject.

  27. Can I post off topic? Delete if you want but I am just wondering if you will be at the Mudstock Valley tomorrow. I've been talking to some folks and they were wondering the same.

    Let me know if you have a moment.


  28. Breaking News: The Supreme Court of Good Judgement issues a temporary restraining order halting the distribution of the audio edition of Going Rogue. When asked for commentary one of the Justices openly wept, and said that after 10 minutes it became so painful he was curled up in the fetal position confessing to an imaginary bank robbery and craving Taco Bell. "Inflicting this on the American people is something we cant risk. The 1st amendment has some limitations and this is the verbal equivilent of waterboarding".

  29. AKPetMom, my answer is...maybe.

    It depends on somebody else.

    I should know tomorrow.

  30. Don't buy it. Wait and see if it shows up in a public library.

  31. Anonymous5:27 PM

    The book is down to $4.95. Does anyone want to bet where the audio price will end up? Thought they were going to wait on releasing the audio book until after Christmas to allow the book stores to make money on the printed book. Best selling author on a book that is not going to make the book stores any money or make the publisher any money. Only $arah will profit. Guess, the book stores and publishers can stand in line for stimulus money!

  32. Skeptical5:38 PM


    LMAO! And to think that Sarah might have to look up the definition of waterboarding.

  33. She hates President Obama, she trashes him every time she speaks, even over seas. (traitor) Yet she can't quit copying him. One thing for certain she will never win a Grammy like President Obama.

  34. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Wow, that's quite an undertaking for SP! She would keep losing her place every time she winks into the microphone, but with all her money, she could hire Ms Prejean to flip the pages and point where she stopped off.

  35. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Ms Prejean is going to be persona non grata from now on, I assume, now that her auto-sex tape that was too steamy for TMZ to purchase a copy of has come to light. She somehow didn't make the right winger dinner she was to headline tonight. As per KO

  36. Anonymous8:06 PM

    A few years ago, a relative of mine was in D.C. with her husband for a meeting. Coincidently, it took place at the same time that there was a gathering of right wing men--I think Promise Keepers.

    During a short elevator ride, a few of these men were making remarks that demeaned women and they were busy discussing their point of view that women should know their place.

    My relative came away from this situation pretty much in shock from what she had witnessed and heard.

    Have to wonder. The faces that the right wing is setting up as representative of women are, well, a few bricks short of a full load: Sarah, Orly, Michelle B., Carrie P.

    Question: Is this on purpose? Perhaps to ultimately undermine--(i.e. continue to undermine)any credibility women have in the world of politics, government, and the discussion of social issues?

    Sarah, Michelle B, Orly and Carrie P.--Do the right wingers think that if these "bimbos" are set up as examples--then, by default, all women will be seen to fall under the heading of incompetent?

    Hmmm...just wondering.

  37. mlaiuppa9:57 PM

    The book is down to $4.95 and it hasn't even been released yet? I don't think that even covers printing and distribution costs. Man, they are taking a bath on this one. They'll only make money on the downloadable e-book and downloadable audio files.

  38. More Breaking news! s'arah will appear on a special edition of Meet the Press to be hosted by Rachel Maddow! Special conditions include that no actual press is allowed, no recording devices of any kind are allowed, no transcripts will be released and Rachel has to sign a non disclosure agreement agreeing to not disclose what was or wasnt said. No baby strollers either. Also, too.

  39. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Anon 8:06, I was on the D.C. Metro with my kids when the Promise Keepers were in town in '97, I think. A couple of women were standing near the doors. They only had a couple stops to go, and didn't want to sit, because they were wearing high heels. And, they said, their feet would hurt WORSE if they stood after sitting.

    The groups of PKs were busily moving from the middle of the train to offer seats, and were very miffed when the women politely declined. They returned to their seats, muttering.

    My sons, who'd never seen adults in matching logo-ed colored T-shirts, said, "Are they on a field trip?" Sort of, I explained.

    Later that day, I met up with a friend raised Episcopalian and asked what he thought of the Promise Keepers. He mimicked vomiting.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  40. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel @ 8:16

    I wasn't sure it was the PKs, but your experience pretty much confirms the point in time and the identity of the group involved.

    You indicate that your friend was raised Episcopalian--the relative that I am referring to was raised Lutheran--and still is.

    What can be said? When they were politely turned down, they revealed to anyone, who cared to notice, that their true motive was not chivalry, but a masked effort to control--the same effort the men were arrogantly discussing back in the elevator with my relative.

    Leaves one to wonder...were they oblivious to the fact that she was standing there? Or, since she was the only woman in the elevator at the time, did they want her to hear them loud and clear?

  41. Anonymous7:23 PM

    What a sad, hateful bunch you are. This is why feminism is dead. Because of your petty jealousy of other women who are more attractive, more successful, more intelligent and more liked by others than you could ever hope to be. What politics needs most is for you self-loathing, deranged losers to be OUT of it. You're the bunch that put the Obama coalition over the top, in addition to the anti-white racists, the fraudulent Acorn voters, and the incredibly dumb swing/independent voters who know nothing about politics but were duped into thinking he was a "nice guy," while the media covered up all of Obama's anti-American, left-wing revolutionary views. PALIN 2012!

  42. I support Sarah Palin, and any women that finally has the guts to take on the Male dominated domain..POLITICS. Men have been running the world since time began, and all they have ever done..war, rape, pillage, control, steal, destroy, spend other peoples money, lie, and kill. Men's motto: if they can't..EAT it, CONTROL it, OR SCREW it, THEY KILL it. The media (mostly men) have tried to kill Sarah Palin's reputation, and political career. Because they know she has the brains to fix the mess the male politicians have made of this WORLD. And they are afraid she will prevail. Men have controled women since day one, using brute force, physically or verbally. We Women finally acquired the vote by standing together, Women's Suffrage. Women live longer then men, as a general rule, so we are in the majority. Men have known that women are more intellegent then men, and can out-think them. Women Nurture, make peace, fix boo-boo's, and balance budgets. Remember the old saying: BEHIND EVERY SUCCESSFUL MAN, IS A VERY EFFICIENT SECRETARY/WIFE. Remember the brains behind the thrown; Cleopatra..built an empire, the men in her life destroyed it. Queen Elizabeth doesn't trust Prince Charles to lead the country. Queen Eliz. and Margaret Thatcher have run England very well since the 1950's. Nancy Reagan was the brains behind Ronald Reagan. Eleanor Roosevelt was the brains behind FDR. Ellen O'Hara was the brains behind the running of Tara (Gone with the Wind). Oprah.. richest women in USA, and not by wasteful spending, has built a profitable empire of her own. 1954 movie; 'I REMEMBER MAMA', the mother Marta Hanson (Irene Dunn) keeps the whole family strong, within budget, and working TOGETHER. Hillary Clinton was the brains behind the cheating scum Bill Clinton. Doris Day's husband bankrupted them, and Doris had to work tirelessly for 20 years to recoup, and get out of the red. SO LETS STAND TOGETHER LADIES, fix the mess men have made of the world, and start the 'WOMEN WILL FINALLY FIX IT' political party. Forget the domocrat, or republican party, its all owned by the 'BOYS CLUB'. We ladies out-number them, Academically women outscore the male species, and mature earlier. Why are we still allowing the men to run things, and screw it up every time. Whenever a female friend gets married, I always give her a book to read 'HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DOG'. With a note attached, substitute the word "dog" insert the word "husband". If your dog does a trick, you MUST reward them or they won't perform anymore. Women work without rewards, or accolades, we do our work, cause it has to be done, and right the first time. 'MEN WORK FROM SUN TO SUN, WOMENS WORK IS NEVER DONE'. Sarah Palin's book is behind the scenes, and the bucking the political "BOYS CLUB" SINCE 1992, (17 YEARS). Mr Obama, had been in politics for 100 days he appeared in his appointed senate seat, and the stupid, brainwashed country elected him in the highest office in the land. He only kept one political campaign promise to date..Universal Medical Coverage, that will bankrupt this country in 5 years. Lousy record in my book. And in less than one year he has put our country into record DEBT..OVER 140 TRILLION $$$ IN DEBT.. UP FROM 4 TRILLION DEBT WHEN HE TOOK OFFICE. Or can't the men count yet. The media (boys club again) still keep him in high reguard?? Their brains are mush..SO GIRLS, LET'S GET TOGETHER, KNOCK THOSE IDIOTS OFF THE BENCH, VOTE FOR 'WOMEN ONLY' TICKET..

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