Thursday, November 19, 2009

Levi on the Insider discussing Bristol, Tripp, and "Ricky Hollywood".

via The Insider

Check out the duds.


  1. Does Levi have lipstick on?

  2. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Not all attractive people photograph well, but fortunately, Levi does. And he's kept his dignity, told the truth, and by being a gentleman (not by an accident of birth, but by his innate decency), he has outclassed $P, big time. Big big time.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  3. johnie2xs8:06 AM

    As inarticulate and naieve as this kid is, he's heads and shoulders above Sarah in the class department. I would really like that to be construed as more of a compliment than it is, but being that it is comparative to Palin, it thereby lessens its value.

    Sorry kid, I meant it to be more.

  4. I'm sure I won't be the first to make this observation, but it's really interesting how he comes out of a post Playgirl interview sounding a whole lot more reflective, mature and classy than Palin came across in her Oprah screech-a-thon.

  5. The Palins must be envious of Levi. He has shown more maturity and level-headedness than the whole lot of them, plus his celebrity is growing. Keep it up, Levi!

  6. How can we understand Levi being 'pumped' and having 'the happiness of it all' as the first and overriding feelings on learning of a teen pregnancy?

    It makes sense if a previous child had been lost (Trig). With the information that Trig is not Levi's son, I am completely baffled.

  7. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I agree, the kid has class. He even made Bristol look like an angel. He didn't seem angry that Sara misrepresented the reason for his private joke alias. "Whatever makes her happy."

    I doubt he will ever spill any beans. He's got his own career taking off, it wouldn't really make sense for him to say anything.

  8. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Levi is real and authentic. Sarah used him like an object and is now abusing he and his son for her own selfish reasons, and people and buying Sarah's B.S..

    There is a huge difference between Levi's character and Sarah's. Levi has integrity Sarah does not.

    People that follow Sarah are clueless, stupid and ignorant and cannot think for them selves. They are robots following the direction of a mean and vindictive person.

    "Every man has a tendency to take on the mannerrisms, beliefs, mental attitude, political and economic viewpoint, as well as other traits of the more outspoken of the men and woman with whom he associates.

    The major tragedy of this tendency lies in the fact that not always is the most outspoken the soundest thinker; and very often he is a man or woman with a greviance, who takes pleasure in airing their greviances.

    Also, the most outspoken man or woman often is an individual who has no Definite Major Purpose of his own. Therefore he devotes much of his time endeavoring to belittle the man who has such a purpose.
    ---By Napoeon Hill

    Describes Sarah to the tee jealuous of Obama and the people of real America not Sarah's America!

    Lynn SoCal

  9. Team Levi!8:44 AM

    Every day I see Levi, I become more of a fan of his. He is a kid, but he is doing so well--especially compared to Sarah Palin. It really is unbelievable how much distance there is between them in the "decency" department.
    And he's only 19 and didn't go to college yet. I heard him tell Donald Trump that he might be going back to college soon, so I hope that happens for Levi.

  10. While we wait for the end time, can anyone comment on the Dar Miller death by burning last January?

  11. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Just playing Devil's Advocate, but I don't think Levi is all that great. I think you are going a little bit too far into "the enemy of my enemy must be my friend" mode and not seeing the bad side of Levi as well as the good. For example, see the NY Post article on his behavior at JFK.

    That being said, Levi is still head and shoulders above Sarah.

  12. Classy9:05 AM

    Levi can't spill any beans. The angel Bristol would look tarnished. What if she were to lie and go along with a fraud that could be the biggest of the century? That can never happen. Bristol must look good.

    I could swear I heard Levi say he and Bristol did mess around before they got together having Tripp. Not his exact words, but he had another story. That was another Insider interview? The guy asking questions didn't call him out. Oh well, move on. Bristol is peaches and cream sweet and big mean Lanesa wanted to beat her up for no reason.

    Lies and misrepresentation are classy when Sarah does it. The same for Levi. Bristol is the good mother with the dead lake baby that was stone cold while she pimped for Candies. Classy.

  13. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Levi is getting very comfotable with himself. His interviews are getting better, too. The liar needs to go down. Spill Levi, spill.

  14. SoCalWolfGal9:12 AM

    I love the comment, "whatever makes her happy", a really classy dismissal. I think Levi has made the decision to move on and don't think we'll get anything substantive from him on Palin. But that's okay, she is doing a fine job of showing the world the fake she is.

  15. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Levi has shown himself to be respectful, having manners, truthful. This was all displayed in the interview with Trump.

    The scenarios playing in my head if it was Palin meeting trump -- I think I want to be sick just knowing how she would act and talk.

  16. Churchladies9:20 AM


    Levi was staying at the Palins when the church arson occurred. He may have been there during January? Arson is a problem in Wasilla. Everyone would have their thoughts on that and know why the whole place is too terrified to talk. I doubt Levi is out of the loop when it comes to the talk and speculation on these things.

    It must have been HUGE when a religious family like the Palins had an arson and some say attempted murder at their church with all their friends. I'm sure you can read all about the arson attack and Sarah's courageous congregation in her book "Going Rogue." There is no way she would leave that out.

    Levi needs to talk with the ATF about anything he heard from Bristol or any of them. You think they never spoke of any of the arsons in Wasilla?

    Do you think Rep Carl Gatto was the legislator that was also at the hospital when Sarah had Trig? Levi may have seen him there. Did he play hockey with Gabe Gatto?

  17. Anonymous9:20 AM

    It is wondrous to see that Levi has so much maturity and dignity for his 19 years. It's obvious that his mother is a good person, and very smart and forward thinking, to have hooked him up with Butler and Tank.

  18. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Her fans must be the 100,000 people in America without internet. Definately not books. They get Fauz noise via that giant antenna on the roof.

    Levi is doin' great. Go Levi. Get custody, then spill the beans. Yehaw!

  19. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Anon: the Murdock Post is not going to kind to Palin's enemy.


  20. This boy, so far, seems completely unable to lie. The interviewer, on the other hand, is a douche.

  21. Wow, I lie this kid more all the time. As young and inexperienced as he is, he is showing alot of class. I hope his modeling career continues and he is successful in whatever comes his way. All the Palins could learn a thing or two amount composer from this young man.

  22. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Levi is not telling on any Palin. He wants to protect his son from those truths. It ain't abusive to teach your kid to lie and to do your part in living the good lie.

  23. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Actually, I think what Levi said about Sarah was, "Whatever makes her happy at night," which, in MHO, is a pretty good flip off without coming across as being too nasty.

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Let Levi do the custody his way? He needs to trust Bristol who he says is told how to be by her mom. Levi trust Sarah and go on with her plan. Don't say those things about Bristol being told what by Sarah anymore. Bristol is working, going to school, paying for everything, the only one taking care of her son, she is independent and don't forget she is an angel virgin until Levi. That is the story and stick with it.

  25. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Posing for Playgirl may be a bit risque for some people, but its not any different than showing off your wares at the beach. The human body has always been one of the basics of art form. If you take art in college, there is a class curriculum with a live, completely nude model. There is no level of comparison between Palin and Levi (he being head and shoulders above her), but there is no doubt in my mind that Palin would have posed in Playboy given the opportunity.

  26. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I think Levi has class,and a lot of wisdom for a young man his age.Hopefully he continues to walk the path that he is on.On the other hand the screeching self serving incredibly clueless SP needs to be quiet and start re-evaluting herself, at 47 years of age she is no role model for her children ,so give it up Sarah you put enough children on this earth start being a useful role model to them,and leave Levi alone he is by far the better parent then you are if he was given a chance.

  27. ManxMamma10:53 AM

    According to the Gawker, the JFK story came after Tank would not allow the Page 6 editor to be introduced. "Hell hath no fury like an eminent gossip columnist scorned"

  28. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Is there a Faux News network devoted to Levi? Where are you guys getting your ideas? The guy is being ripped to shreds in the celebrity media -- for extremely UNmannerly behavior. It's like Levi-istas in here; the reality is right there, in print and on the intertubes, but you somehow just can't see it. The guy is being called out, and the beginning of the end is here.

    Honestly, I think it was the Playgirl tease. Weirdly, if he'd delivered the full monty promised, he'd be fine. But since he was all tell and no show -- much like Ms. Palin -- the outside world has made up its mind. Or at least, the celeb media he's been using for cash has -- same thing. His days as anything other than a sponger are done.

  29. Hey must be super busy here today! I have been checking sites all morn and this site Gryph was the slowest!!!

    Hang in Levi.

  30. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Did Sarah mention the church fire in her book?

  31. Anonymous12:26 PM

    "This boy, so far, seems completely unable to lie."

    I agree, Bristol is pure. Definitively, not Trigg's mother. Levi is a gentleman. He was at the hospital when Trigg was born. He knows Bristol better than anyone. Levi would not lie.


    If that means trust Sarah, so it be. Sarah means well. She just tries to help her girl.

  33. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Just a suggestion, no lipstick. It's soooooo Sarah Palin and Guys do not look good in it. And forget moose. It's for men with thinning hair.

  34. Anonymous12:46 PM

    @11:20 -
    "The trolls are back in town.
    The trolls are back in town!"

    What media are you watching? FOX? I haven't seen him shredded anywhere. The NY Post is owned by Murdoch.

  35. Anonymous12:47 PM

    some people have pinkish lips naturally, especially when they don't use lipstick.

    I haven't listened, what is with the purple striped shirt. Looks like someone in a barbershop quartet.

  36. @12:32 - In what way do moose help men with thinning hair?

    Levi is handsome and sweet - but the outfit is a bit strange (yes, like barbershop quartet)- I can imagine he was rolling his eyes when they laid those clothes out for him. Just my opinion, but I think the rugged sportsman look would "sell" better than that Broadway dancer look.
    Poor kid - I hope he DOES laugh all the way to the bank, he deserves it!

  37. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Anyone that can make Bristol Palin an icon of goodness can wear whatever stripes he wants.

  38. Anonymous1:42 PM

    The more I listen to Levi, the more I like him. I do think he's truthful. It's actually refreshing. I wish him well in his career.

  39. O/T:

    Check out this link:

    It's about time!

  40. I thought since Levi's MySpace comments were out that he was a dumb hick. I kinda like him now, he is very honest and didn't trash Bristol or Sarah. I think it is to his credit that he is getting good advice. I wish him all the best.

  41. Anonymous4:47 PM


    According to the comments at Palingates Patrick has someone in Alaska investigating the Dar Miller fire episode. They have asked for all sorts of investigation records and hope to have answers soon.

  42. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Good grief, someone has dressed that poor boy like a pimp. Yikes!

  43. Trig looks like Mike Wooten.


  45. Purge6:10 PM

    I'm cool with manly armpits and stylin' like Levi.
    He is not a one niche dude. I'm loving it all. He is a gentleman to the bone.

    I don't know what it is, but he has to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. No holding back. No one has to be perfect, just come clean. Give your son an honest life for your example. Don't cover any of the Palin short comings. Your boy will be another psycho Palin product if you pile on the fantasy and lies. He already feel the truth. You keep his true self from him you will be no better than Sarah Palin who lies about you. Sarah Palin who influences Bristol against you. Bristol is young, she could pull out of the life of lies. Not Levi covers or protects her. Enabling Bristol will not save Tripp from the life of lies. It is about coming clean. Purge

  46. MacAndCheeseWhiz7:45 PM

    Levi's too Legit to Quit!

    He's got more class and substance than Sarah- hope his career really takes off. GQ is a huge step in the right direction!

  47. Anonymous7:53 PM

    @ 11:20 AM ---- Levi is sent from heaven and he is doing amazing. No one gets a perfectly smooth ride 24/7. Overall Levi has the best team for what he needs. Remember, he is not only about being a star. Tripp is his first priority. That is why what the team is doing is the best.

    If it was only about being a star, then a Hollywood publicist would do. He is a father who wants to work. He is doing it just right.

  48. Anonymous8:39 PM

    When Levi says Bristol was the "good girl" in school, he was not lying. I do believe that Levi is truthful in what he is revealing- he has no reason to lie. They were dating back in middle school, as much as middleschoolers can "date" (I taught there at the time) and Bristol was indeed an excellent student, soft-spoken, sweet. Levi was the hellion- a bit of a bully even. I remember the principal telling him to shape up or get out- wasn't going to be welcome anymore.

  49. L.A. in S.F.7:24 AM

    Note to Tank and Rex: when anyone asks Levi about how his son will feel when he sees these pix some day, here's what he says:

    "My plan is to be sitting in a wonderful house that is completely paid for, MY home with heat, electricity and a full refrigerator, a house where I'll put my arms around the son I love very much and try to explain to him what this year was like. My goal is to provide for my son. It's no secret I have no formal education. So for now, this is how I am able to do it. This is an act of love."


  50. Anonymous8:00 AM

    8:39 PM:
    When "good girls" go bad, they are the worst. I remember girls like you describe. Levi went the other way, it is up hill for him now. How is Chandler doing? He doesn't have the character that Levi is developing but I hear he has tried. Is he ever sober? Lanesia is the best of the lot.

    L.A. in S.F.: Good note!

  51. lilly9:01 AM

    He seems to have a tongue placement problem, and needs a speech coach.

    Have a good time on Surviver, and then go to college to broaden your horizons.

  52. Levi rules!2:19 PM

    Levi is moving up. Bad girl B has a duct taped mouth. Levi said no pictures of Tripp. He feels for Trig when Sarah name called him the "R" word.

    Levi must hate to see Trig used as a prop for SarahPac campaign bus.


    BLOGGERS do make a difference! I bet Levi is happy to see Trig in his glasses!!!! Trig finally allowed to see. But why pass him around on the campaign bus to sell something? I wish Levi was in charge.

    Levi was there April 18, 2008 when Trig was scheduled for delivery and the Eye Glass Bill was signed ( SB149 glasses, sponsored by Senator Therniaut). Rep Carl Gatto?


  54. SME1313:24 PM

    Hey Gryphen,

    Totally off topic but it seems Hollywood life is fairly certain Palin had some plastic surgery. LOL Here's the link or you can find it on Huffington Post in the living section.

    It's pretty obvious she had something done.

  55. Anonymous3:45 PM

    @ It's pretty obvious she had something done.

    Pretty weird her hair extensions are so badly done.

    What is in those snarls? Can you see where her remaining hair is?

  56. Silly stupid trolls. You don't have anything to say that isn't based on lies. The NY Post blurb starts with a lie by saying Levi calls himself Ricky Hollywood. This is factually inaccurate. Palin in her usual mean spirited way called him this on national television to belittle him.

    The NY Post kicks off its little ambush blurb with a lie, and you can bet that the rest of the stuff is made up or distorted.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.