Thursday, November 19, 2009

One of the questions that gets asked all of the time is, "Who still supports Sarah Palin?" Thankfully Norah O'Donnell and MSNBC have an answer.

Wow! That is some serious stupid on display right there.

But don't forget, they are still high functioning enough to poke a hole in a ballot. Keep that in mind.


  1. Actually, they were suprisingly articulate for Palin-dimwits. They didn't know what they were talking about, but at least they were grammatically correct in their speech.

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    My favorite part was when the bailout-opposing woman was reminded by Norah that $P had supported it. "Where did you read that?" she asked suspiciously.

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Nate Silver has a terrific reputation for predicting election results. He was 100% in 2008. Asked to analyze Sarah's political future (last night on MSNBC) he did not dismiss Sarah. No, he found her dangerous, and he did not discount her chances to run or occupy some position in a conservative Republican government.

    This would be a very good time for someone who has information about Sarah to step forward. She is going to be swelled with her own new found self-importance due to crowds of people foolishly spending time and money to wait in line, buy her book and get 15 seconds worth of seeing Sarah. She has given more interviews than she did during her VP campaign.

    If you care anything about the direction of this country, please stop this woman before she can do any serious political harm.

  4. Anonymous7:46 AM

    They just blindly defend her. No REAL thinking there. Just like the bridge to no where. In their minds she was never for it even though it can be proved she was. There is no reasoning with them. A closed mind is a wasted mind. They will always find a way to defend her even if they have to make it up. Sarah is teaching them how to make things up to fit their belief. Don't worry about the truth just believe.

  5. Anonymous7:49 AM


    in percentage terms, what is your best guess on whether Levi will ever do a book?

    He is still keeping from saying anything negative about Bristol. This will be good when he goes for joint custody of his son(s).

    Is Sullivan going to scoop the big story?

  6. The republicans/conservatives who are the loudest continue to demonstrate their ignorance of the history behind the concept of limited government. Limited government refers to constraining the power of the government to abuse the people, not the size of the government. This concept was based on King John I who abused his power by, among other things, taxing the nobles without their consent. This led to the drafting of the Magna Carta, the first attempt by Parliament to restrain the powers of an absolute monarch. In the beginning the Magna Carta was designed to protect only the nobles from abuse by King John. The English Bill of Rights and the English Petition of Right went further in restraining the powers of the British monarchy to infringe the rights of the people and included prohibiting monarchs from interfering in the business of Parliament, leving taxes w/o the consent of Parliament, abolishing habeas corpus, among others. These politicians and their supporters either slept through U.S history and citizenship/government classes or have forgotten what they were supposed to have learned in these classes. I'm thinking that they either didn't pay close attention in these classes, quit school before taking these classes, or have been totally consumed by personality and ideology. There is no excuse for this number of Americans not knowing the bases upon which the Constitution and our principles of government are based, especially the politicians in Congress. Remediation classes on the Constitutiion, U.S. history, and citizenship/government are sorely needed. Palin, most republicans/conservatives in political office, and their supporters should be among the first to enroll.

  7. They're on line in a BOOKSTORE for hours and not a single one in this clip is reading anything???

  8. OMG LOL
    Stoopid is as stoopid does.
    Maybe these people can't articulate very well because they've been on line all night - with another three hours to go?
    Yes, everyone in this country, specially anyone in polical office, needs a course in the Constitution. I nominate Ron Paul to teach it. He is by far the most knowledgeable defender of the Constitution in politics.

  9. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Were they both members of the "Constitution Party"?

  10. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Nate Silver said she could be a threat to the other republican candidates in the primaries. But, he said that she wasn't electable. As in, he didn't think she could actually win the general election. I'm kind of surprized Nate Silver couldn't predict the NY-23 congressional race.

  11. trish in SW FL8:50 AM

    Just a little bit ago, I saw Norah reporting from Indiana. She stated that she asked Palin twice, what she would do differently about Health Care Reform---and her question was IGNORED both times.

    Guess that was another of those "Gotcha" questions, asked by someone in the "librul biased media"?

  12. Many of those in line got the autographed book so they could sell it on ebay for profit. Just check the ebay stats. They were there to make a quick buck - learned that from the queen grifter herself.

  13. Anonymous9:31 AM

    arn't her supporters embarassed yet?

    like how much more stupid factor type coverage do people need to see the light?

    good grief, even my teenage kids see the light...

  14. AHHHHH ....reality.........AHHHHHH:

    Contrary to media hype, Sarah Palin is very unpopular

    As political phenomenons go, Sarah Palin is a remarkably unpopular one.

    Not that you'd know it from much of the week's media coverage, but the American public as a whole really doesn't care for her:

    A CBS poll conducted this month found that only 23 percent have a favorable opinion of Palin; 38 percent have an unfavorable view.

    Only one in four Americans wants her to run for president; two out of three don't.

    One in four thinks she has the ability to be an effective president; more than 60 percent disagree.

    Only 43 percent of Republicans think she could be effective.

    An ABC poll, also conducted this month, found similar results: 43 percent have a favorable impression of Palin, 52 percent unfavorable.

    A whopping 53 percent of Americans would not even consider voting for her for president, and 60 percent don't think she's qualified for the job.

    A CNN poll conducted last month found that even more Americans -- 71 percent -- think Palin is not qualified to be president.

    There is, in short, something very close to a national consensus that Sarah Palin should not be president and would not be effective in the job.

    That's the "political phenomenon" that is Sarah Palin: She has pulled off the difficult task of uniting 60 to 70 percent of Americans behind a single political position.

    That position happens to be that Palin shouldn't be anywhere near the Oval Office, but it's still an impressively large coalition.

    That's a fact that tended to get lost in the media's efforts to hype the Palin "phenomenon."

    To the contrary: Much of the Palin coverage has suggested exactly the opposite.

    Like Andrea Mitchell's declaration from the Michigan mall: "Here, in the heartland, this is Sarah Palin territory."

    No, it probably isn't.

  15. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I just sent a Twitter to Norah asking to ask Palin if she tithes and if she is planning to tithe her book income. I think, her consevative Christian followers would like to know.

  16. Palin was laugh-out-loud stupid on Sean Hannity's program last night -- from Rachel
    Weiner @ HuffPo (there's a video):

    Sarah Palin picked celebrity interviewers and right-wing pundits for her book promotion tour, probably to avoid embarrassments like last year's Katie Couric interview.

    But even a friendly interview can be treacherous. In a sit-down with Fox News' Sean Hannity Wednesday night, the former Alaska governor confused Iraq and Iran several times.

    Asked about how to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, Palin responded by suggesting we get tough with Iraq.

    "We have allies who are as concerned about Ahmadinejad's actions as we are," she said. "Cutting off the imports into Iraq, of their refined petroleum products. They're reliant ... on those imports. We have some control over there. And some of the beneficial international monetary deals that Iraq benefits from, we can start implementing some sanctions there and start really shaking things up and telling Ahmadinejad, nobody is going to stand for this."


    My God, how long would it take Palin to Google "Ahmadinejad" and get it straight in her mind which country he's head of?

  17. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Everyone look at the old guy, white shirt, dollar-store glasses, grey windbreaker, behind O'Donnell. Waiting patiently for Sarah to sign a couple books for him. That's my dad, Warren. Warren has circulation problems, and shouldn't be standing for hours for any reason. But I will be getting one of those books for Christmas. Despite the fact Pop knows I'm a marmoset-hugging, spotted owl kissing freak. Who's into theater and the gay. I love my dad. He'll honestly think it's a great present.

  18. Fox News caught red-handed (again) doctoring video
    November 18, 2009 5:54 pm ET by Matt Gertz

    UPDATE: For photographic proof that one of the rallies Fox News presented as being from Palin's book tour actually took place last year on the campaign trail, go here.

    As the folks over at Think Progress note,

    Fox News's Gregg Jarrett today used old stock footage of a McCain-Palin rally from last year to illustrate how Sarah Palin is "continuing to draw huge crowds" during her book tour.

    He was apparently not tipped off by the McCain campaign "Country First" sign in one of the shots, nor did he wonder why Palin would be using a teleprompter to plug her book.

    This is the second time

    in ten days Fox News has been caught deceptively using video to advance a misleading storyline - and that's just the tip

    of Fox News' video-doctoring iceberg.

    Maybe now Howard Kurtz

    will admit that there's a larger cultural problem with Fox News?

  19. Anonymous12:10 PM

    p said:

    Yes, like Palin herself they were surprisingly, articulate, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

  20. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I wonder how many people could sue her for aspersion/slander after this book?!


  22. Someone needs to send Andrew Sullivan thevideo of Sarah obviously not pregnant. It was one of the last published.

    When is Sherry's sentencing date?

  23. Anonymous4:20 PM

    That video and 'people' in this article!!

  24. MacAndCheeseWhiz7:22 PM

    Great post, and Martha and Anonymous 4:20's links and insight show how Fox News has always operated- obfuscate, lie, mislead, and twist reality.

    How gullable can these people be?

  25. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Margot @ 1:37

    "When is......?"

    Did you REALLY just ask that question?

    Margot...has someone been out in the hot sun too long, again?

    Maybe you should fix yourself a nice glass of iced tea, go out onto the lanai and just sit and contemplate your toes for a while.

    Your friend,


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.