Sunday, November 01, 2009

Shannyn Moore shines a much needed spotlight on the corruption of Alaska's recent political past.

Look I know you are busy today. Since you are a visitor to this blog you probably have to sacrifice an animal on an altar, or dance naked in the moonlight, or perform some other pagan religious right to celebrate ALL Saints day.

But once you are finished I would like to suggest that you get yourself a cup of some steaming beverage, curl up in a cozy afghan, and spend a few minutes reading through the amazing opus that Shannyn produced on Friday.

If you are at all fascinated with Alaskan politics it is a MUST read. No, it does not have much to do with Sarah Palin. But it does contain quite a lot of amazing detail about the often overlooked yet still very pernicious potpourri of predatory political pricks that populate our state government. (Sorry the "P" button was stuck on my keyboard)

Just click the title and enter the world of oil soaked politicians that is the Alaska state government. But don't you fear! Shanyn is waiting there to hold your hand and guide you through to the end. I promise you will return safely.


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    lol I was busy cursing the halloween candies for next year... muhahahahaha

  2. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:16 PM

    anon@ 4:00pm, lol, lol!

  3. For such a small state( I mean by population) Alaska does seem to have an extremely high level of corruption in politics. Any Alaskans have ideas why? Is it the "good ol' boy network"? Is it apathy on the part of Alaskans that has allowed this? I am not trying to be derogetory just trying to understand the environment that has allowed corruption to flourish in Alaskan politics.

  4. Oil is BIG MONEY. That is the first thing.

    But .. not only is it BIG MONEY but it fuels (no pun intended) every country's economy. Energy, is the raw matter that keeps things going.

    The USA uses 25% of the world's oil production. It has less than 10% of the world's known reserves .. and the INCLUDES Alaska, btw ..

    Russia, probably has the biggest reserves, and last time I looked, was ALSO the biggest producer. Canada has as much 'reserve' as the Middle East, but it's very expensive to produce AND is highly destructive of the environment to produce.

    Where there is OIL there is CORRUPTION ..

    ........ and now you know the real reason the USA attacked Iraq.

  5. CR46 .. Alaskans are not exactly 'apathetic' .. it's just that OIL is a big revenue/job producer .. when so many people depend on that industry for their income, it's not surprising that there is a lot of 'looking the other way' as long as the oil revenue gets spread around.

  6. Patrick put this on Palingates:
    Voters in Virginia now receive robocalls – they should vote for “Sarah Palin’s principles"

    The last 2 paragraphs:
    McDonnell spokesman Tucker Martin said the campaign had nothing to do with the phone blitz and was not aware of the robocalls until he was told about them by a reporter.

    Last October, during her vice presidential bid, Palin told reporters that voters get “irritated” by the automated calls being used at the time by both presidential campaigns, calling the tactic part of the “old conventional ways of campaigning.”

    Ha! It appears these robocalls may be uninvited "help" from Palin for Bob McDonnell who is seriously trying to hide his political dominionist face. She can't get anyone to accept her "help" so she barges right in and gives it anyway. This is sooooo funny!

  7. palin is ruining everything she touches.
    Hoffman is up by a lot over Owens.
    If she is not a player then she has certainly made a mess out of our upstate NY race.

    Be afraid of her. She may be a lying quitter, but she has interfered in our race.
    She needs to be stopped and soon!

  8. Anonymous4:54 AM

    CR46 - It's obvious why Alaska is so corrupt.

    With TV stations such as KTUU hiring such inept and inexperienced reporters, it's no wonder the pols and their lobbyist friends have free run of the place.

    That reporter who didn't know who Lisa Murkowski was, it's all her fault, her lack of experience and knowledge of Alaska issues is the reason why Alaska is so corrupt, even though she's only been here for a couple of weeks.

  9. Bree has a good post about Sarah's robocalls in Virginia, even though Palin does not even mention the name of the candidate.

  10. Archivist and anon at4:54, Thank you both for your views. I can see how "big oil" has caused corruption and then an "apathetic" journalistic group could add to or overlook from reporting the corruption. All Alaskans should be thanking the small group of Alaskan bloggers that is doing the media's job in your state.


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