Monday, December 21, 2009

Countdown discusses Sarah Palin's number one liar of the year award and her highs and lows of 2009.

The contest, in my mind, was not whether or not Sarah Palin would win this award, but rather WHICH of her lies would put her over the top. I mean there were just so MANY of them!

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How very interesting, in light of my recent posts, to have the David Letterman statutory rape kerfuffle brought back out into the public eye. I don't think awkward quite covers it.

I have to say I particularly enjoyed watching her resign again. That may have been the highlight of my year.


  1. I agree, Gryphen... Palin quitting was the highlight of 2009 for me also, too! I seldom drink, but that resignation had me celebrating with alcohol at 12 noon! It was a lovely day and I slept like a baby that night. :)

  2. Couldn't get thru the 2nd recap, definite Palin fatigue. Sarah did make one correct statement though, her quitting was the best thing for Alaska.

  3. Wow, you can sure see the changes from her face lift in these two photos....the Howdy Doodie checks and the eyebrows are so much higher.

  4. i didn't watch the vids, but i was thrilled to learn via google news that SP had finally won something!

    and something she deserved: the "biggest lier of the year award; politics category".

    it seems all her press is bad these days, but there is the distinct risk that her mad-tea-bagger public will only view these expositions of reality as further "liberal attacks" on their (beauty) queen...

  5. the resignation speech shows she is on some kind of drug. Her rapid aging, also too is indicative of drug use. she is on some sort of speed...

  6. Interesting now her faux anger over Letterman's comments and Sarah calling it statutory rape comments......given Sarah never did a thing (other than move) about ALLEGED gang rape threats against her daughters.
    I can't wait for next tuesday at 8pm!!!

  7. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Sarah wanted to rid Alaska of unethical politicians. She took giant step in that direction when she resigned.

  8. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Sarah is such a blessing! It's just so rare to find her unique combination of special traits! Dumb as a box of rocks! But too vain and arrogant to accept guidance from anyone else. AND so driven by petty vindictive spite that she can't wait for the next round she can WIN! And so charged with narcissism and drunk on entitlement that all she can feel is the power of her own spin! Or is that the rush of the drugs? Narcissism! Hubris! Stupidity! And enough money to ride that cosmetic surgery train right into caricature! What a package! Like I said, what a blessing is or Sarah! Happy thoughts to all!

  9. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Meant to say, What a blessing is our Sarah.
    PS. She used to scare me, so this is a breakthrough. She's just too stupid, and her pathology is too extreme, for her to stumble on much farther.

  10. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Karma is real, and it's cumulative. Just think of all those lies, all the damage one to others, every spiteful act, each malicious thing she's ever said or done. OMG.

  11. Anonymous6:54 AM

    damage DONE to others. Need coffee.

  12. emrysa7:30 AM

    lie of the year!

    what a way to build credibility, lol - great work, sarah!

  13. Anonymous8:15 AM

    sjk.......I have long thought that everything about SP screams substance abuse.

  14. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Speed would definitely account for the word salad, the weight loss, the manic eyes and smile, the tension in her jaw, her intensity and impulsivity, lack of inhibitions re: some of her FB and other statements. Wasilla is known for its meth trade, and diet pills were always the beauty contestant's secret friend in the days before eating disorders. I think she's high as a kite all the time. Just look at her, and listen to her. I'd keep my kids away from her just for how she looks and sounds.

  15. I saw this last night. Yes, watching the breathless insincerity of her resignation speech is always a treat. I remember thinking last July when watching it, "you think you are so clever but you are fooling no one but your Palin Bots". But Sarah, you were right about one thing: it was the best thing for Alaska. I am also too looking forward to the hour special next Tuesday!

  16. Anonymous8:34 AM

    It has also been stated that the kids are involved with alcohol and drugs. Where did they learn that behaviour?

  17. She hasn't given up on the death panel lie. See latest Twitter.

  18. HaHa, Gryphen I'm with you watching her resign was just UNREAL! Man she was high as a kite!
    Speed! I agree with the poster above but one more drug is "Adderall" legal speed, "teeny-tiny" starlets take it for....(drum roll) ADD!
    Now, you betcha S'error probably has ADD!
    And that Sarapocolopse now was Hilarius! Can't wait for next tues. on countdown!
    crystalwolf aka caligrl

  19. it doesnt have to be meth, but she was speeding in her resignation "speech", she looks like hell, she is aging rapidly, she doesnt eat.....

    "Just give me weed, whites and wine, and show me a sign, and I'm willin'..."

  20. Sarah's resignation?

    Does that make her a 'mid-term' abortion?

  21. Gryph ... I am glad you were escorted OUT by Sarah's Wasilla SS .. the more these events are known, the more people will come to see Sarah for the uninformed coward that she is!

    I hope you will find out, somehow, WHO ELSE was on the 'banned list' ... you can all form your own MENSA type of group, that is all the references you need.

    Banned by Palin = IQ over 90


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