Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment about why the Senate Health Care bill should be abandoned. This one hurts.

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What is wrong with the Democrats? Can they not recognize that they are in charge? The Republicans march in lockstep as if in a parade before the Fuhrer, and the Democrats scramble around like school children hopped up on Halloween candy.

This was our moment. This was what we had campaigned our asses off for. And what we get for our trouble is a bill that will only add to the health care burden that Americans face, and do nothing to provide for those who cannot afford quality health care insurance. Nothing that is except force them to dig deep and pay for substandard health care insurance, and face a stiff fine if they fail to do so.

I cannot imagine that even the most unethical political puppet of the health care insurance industry could have done a better job of ripping off the American people. Well done Senate Democrats, you have once again proven your detractors right.


  1. emrysa7:18 PM

    well gryphen, this is the unfortunate truth about america.

    money is more important than people. repubs, dems, not much diff. money rules.

    we have really become slaves to our system. the system is the priority, even as we watch everything fall apart around us.

  2. Keith Olberman expressed my disappointment quite well. So, what to do in our dispair. I have written to both my state's Senators, however I do not hold out any real hope that they will go against President Obama.

    In seeing news this evening that Senator Bernie Sanders was not going to vote for the bill, I also sent him an encouraging note urging that he stay true to the ideal of real reform and vote against the bill.

    To make matters worse, I got a call from a DNC representative tonight aggressively soliciting a "generous donation of $500" to aid in the fight against the Republican media campaign. I expressed what Keith O said, however, I was not nearly as eloquent.

    So, perhaps it is not much, but I wrote 3 letters, denied the DNC any donation and am looking at FireDogLake as a possible recipient of a donation to fight back. Kill the bill, come back and fight harder and truer, use reconciliation, get it done for real next time. Some of you may consider doing what you can. Write some letters, make some calls, send some money. Stop the monstrosity, no mandate - no further enrichment of the few, the insurance and pharm executives, show Lieberman and others the door.

  3. Anonymous7:30 PM

    If we don't get something threw the senate now we will never get anything threw because both the repub and the blue dogs along with Lieberman will laughing our faces.At least if we get this threw the senate we can add on when the house and senate bills are put together????

  4. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Obama will suffer the Carter curse. One term

  5. hdtracy7:31 PM

    Sadly, Olbermann is right.

  6. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Anonymous @ 7:31

    Well from where I sit were still better of than with a senile 72 year old and an idiot running mate.

  7. Anonymous7:37 PM

    7:39 should have been we're still and off not of, sorry.

  8. Anonymous7:57 PM

    It was obvious some time ago when Lieberman started his nonsense and he was allowed to get away with it that trouble was brewing for the little guy . It would'nt surprise me if a deal was struck months ago to screw the Public . It's no longer a question of whats right for the country or the public that put these jokers in office it's all a big Broadway (Washington) Production , Produced by whatever big corporation has the most to gain... And all the actors are bought and paid for. Truly disgusting .

  9. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Awwww pleeze you muricans, it's no more than a year since most of you were saying that you had the best healthcare in the world. So why not stay with what you already have? Do you really want to stand in lines a mile long to see a doctor like we do in Canada? Hahahahaha!

    Dog bles murica!

  10. hdtracy8:49 PM

    To Anonymous @ 8:24pm ...

    I am Canadian, and sadly, will have to strongly disagree with your statement that we "stand in lines a mile long to see a doctor like we do in Canada." A mile long huh? Exagerate much? I don't wait in lines, and I can see my doctor any time I pick up the phone to make an appointment.

    While no system is perfect, our system works and is proudly supported by the vast majority of Canadians - except for you it seems.

    And lastly, your "Hahahahaha!" shout-out is disrespectful. It is saddening to see that the fight for much needed health care reform in the US has resulted in a bill disguised as "Mandatory Insurance With No Public Option."

    From all that I have read, heard and debated, I'm sure this comes as a major disappointment to the majority of our American neighbours rallying for a public option.

    As the good 'ole saying goes - "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all."

  11. If Obama lets this go through then I am through with him. I will never look at his face again.

    Olberman is calling for civil disobedience, and he is right.

  12. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Seems that bribe money is the all important contributor here... It's all a matter of how much..

    I'm with Keith on this one.... No money for you jerk weeds for your NON-INSURANCE coverage... two words for you - BITE ME.

  13. While I agree with Mr. Olberman for the most part, he has failed to identify a key ingredient that has brought us to this fiasco.

    Discipline. Or I should say the lack of the Democrats to be able to discipline their own.

    How could Joe Lieberman think he could hold the Democrats hostage? Because not only has he gotten away with it in the past, he's been rewarded.

    Lieberman campaigned for McCain. What happened? Did he get kicked out of the Democratic caucus? Did he lose any of his chairmanships? No. Obama said leave him alone. And what did the ungrateful wretch do to show his appreciation? He's killed the healthcare bill. Because he could. Because Obama sent Emmanuel to Reid who told him hands off Lieberman, give Joe what he wants.


    Ask any parent with a child having a tantrum. You don't correct unacceptable behavior by bribing Johnny. You reward good behavior and you punish bad behavior.


    Ask any dog trainer what the basis of good training is. Clear communication of what you want and immediate feedback with consequences. You reward the dog with praise or a treat when he gives you the behavior you want. And you discipline him when he does not.


    I think we should get rid of the lot and replace them with dog trainers, teachers and Grandmothers. We certainly couldn't do worse than what we have now.

    And I'll be joining Olberman's civil disobedience. I don't pay extortion and the Government can't make me.

    But it's not too late.

    But to salvage anything Obama is going to have to give up his pipe dream of bipartisanship. It's not going to happen. So grow a backbone and a pair and start putting the pressure on. Do as much as you can before the 2010 elections. Because if things continue to go as they have been....the Democrats are going to lose seats.

    And when I hear Joe Lieberman has lost his seat I'm going to put on a red dress and go dancing.

  14. My feeling has been that, as flawed as this Bill is and as unconscionable as it has been to surrender the the consciencless Lieberman, et al, it is still better to pass an imperfect bill and then work on improving it, as I feel that if this bill does not pass, it will likely be a decade or two before anyone ever dares to try again.

    But Mr. Olberman makes some good arguments. Now I must rethink my position. However, no matter what I do - such as my recent, big, push to do my part and get President Obama elected, they are going to do what they are going to do and it is not going to be what they should have done.

  15. Gasman9:53 PM

    This bill is less than nothing, for in many ways it is worse than our present situation. This bullshit notion that the reason there are uninsured is because they simply haven't bought insurance is idiotic. The reason there are uninsured is because they CAN'T AFFORD IT! How is requiring people to buy something they can't afford solving anything?

    I do accept the notion that passing something, ANYTHING is better than nothing. No, fucking up the bill is far, far worse than passing nothing. If you pass nothing you do not make the situation worse for Americans and very much more profitable for the insurance lobby. This bill sucks.

    We were promised a pony. Five percent of a pony is not an acceptable substitute. This bill is about as useful as 5% of a pony.

  16. Gasman9:54 PM

    The second paragraph should begin "I do NOT accept the notion...."

  17. sunnyjane10:12 PM

    Unfortunately, even on a bill that is this important, it's "politics as usual." Our congressmen/women and senators do not do what is right for the country, they do what is right in their own minds. They claim that they are "representing" the interests of their constituencies, when in fact, they are damning those people to further poverty.

    I applaud my new congressman, Tom Perriello (Virginia 5th District), who said, "I didn't come here to get relected."

    The sad thing is, they can all go home and report that the Democrats are incompetent and could not pass a "good" healthcare reform bill. Their people will believe them.

    Great sigh.

  18. Even though I was taken to task and told to "grow up" by another commenter here, I can still see no other reason for the actions of Democrats: they've all (except for Grayson) had the operation. You know, before assuming office, their spines are surgically removed.

  19. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I think I am no longer a Democrat !! How thats going to evolve I don't Know ? What I do know is this country has to grow some spine,even if it means starting a party of NEW DEMOCRATS FOR REFORM There are enough fed up Progressives to overwhelm the Casper Milquetoast's, Rotten Right,Teapartiers and Fundamentalests !!!!!!1

  20. hrh I am afraid I owe you an apology for telling you to grow up. I truly believed a few weeks ago when hearing Howard Dean, Sherrod Brown, Chuck Schumer and a few others that we were going to have health care reform. Not necessarily everthing we wanted, but something we could be proud of. Sadly, that is not the case. If the Democrats now do not take Joe Lieberman to task, I am afraid I have to agree with Anonymous at 7:00 am. I am truly sick in my heart.

  21. everything we wanted..

  22. SoCalWolfGal, thanks for that. Youse a class act.

    Sick at heart, also, too.

  23. Bill of Wasilla,

    I too had thought that an imperfect bill would be a good start, but this bill is worse than nothing and makes the situation worse. It is salt in the wound.
    Anon @ 7:00 am,

    Not being a democrat anymore, how's it to work? Well I came to that 20 years ago, and vote 3rd party every time. Everyone whines about tweedle dum and tweedle dee, but they go on like lemmings to the polls as if we were being given a choice. I say, either don't vote or vote 3rd party. Perot almost made it, Nader almost made it...don't like them all that much? Doesn't really matter, because neither of them are bought whores and that is what's important. I did make an exception for Obama, but that was probably futile.

  24. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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