Friday, January 01, 2010


Holy crap what a year that was!

We had terrorists, teabaggers, and Tiger tales, oh my!

Those of us on the left have been called fascists, socialists, and apologists by the conservative fringe, which is now much less "fringy" and a far more a mainstream part of the right. We have seen racism, once relegated to whispers behind our nation's back, brought out of the shadows and displayed, often proudly, for all of America to see.

We have seen a President who gets very little slack from his detractors nor his often just as critical supporters, but who continues to forge ahead making powerful changes as if he actually takes his job seriously.

We have seen a woman who destroyed a campaign, quit her day job, and had a ghostwriter create her book of lies, talked about in the same breath as the most powerful man in our country simply because the opposition has nobody left to lead.

2009 brought us hope, followed by stark reality, and then the reminder that salvation does not come without sacrifice.

On a personal note in 2009 I was outed, banned, loved, and elevated from pajama clad blogger to investigative journalist, news maker, and, occasionally, the "Perez Hilton of Alaska". Talk about your dubious honor.

As I look forward I see nothing but possibilities. There are truths yet to be told, and battles in search of warriors, so I guess I know in which direction my destiny lies.

I will continue to do what I think is right, and take on all comers, even if to do so I must stand alone. But as we know I am never alone. For I have you, and you my friends give me strength beyond measure.

And all of this reminds me of one of my favorite poems by Robert Frost, the last stanza of which I will use to close out this post.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

Welcome to 2010, my friends.



  1. Best wishes for 2010, Gryphen!

  2. I get very depressed about the state of the country when people are full of hate and racisim and proclaim themselves christian and idolize a con woman who had the witches driven out of her. Then I come here to fresh air and sanity and I recover. I wonder what I would have done without this new medium to ease me back to hope with people who are thoughtful and sane.
    Thank you.

  3. Forever Anonymous7:30 AM

    I love you Gryphen, namaste.

    Happy New Year to you and all IM friends.

  4. The second decade... I wish the best for all of us :)

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM

    If I was 34 yrs old with a billion dollars, the last thing I would be doing is trying to catch HIV from unprotected sex with porn stars.

    Sarah.... the moral of this story is "your big new money is not going to make you smarter"

    Santa only has three HO's, Tiger has many HO's and Toad is looking for a few.

  6. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Best wishes, Gryphen!

    And you made Gawker again! Yay!

  7. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Balance is all.

    Peace and hopefully lots of joy to you Gryphen.

  8. Happy New Year to you, too, Gryphen. While I may be a relatively newbie around here, I find myself here often. This place, as well as Bree's and Regina/Patrick's entertain me and keep me informed.

    soapydog, aka ske in atx

  9. Happy New Year, Gryphen.

  10. Happy New Year all!

  11. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I wish we lived in a world where McCain didn't give Sarah even a passing thought (just the exploratory feelers were too good for her) and Alaskans simply started realizing what a fraud we elected to office.

    A lawmaker told me he and his wife were always at the Governor's mansion baking cookies (what is it with this woman and cookies?) and the first time he stood on the floor and didn't agree with her, she cut him off from her social calendar. He and other Alaskans would have eventually seen the danger of this person woefully out of her depth - no amount of ambition makes up for what she lacks. A shallow character is the least of it.

    I wish we lived in a world where we didn't have to have an opinion of Sarah Palin. She truly isn't worth a stage of any caliber. Either opinion brands us - isn't that simply wrong?

    But it is what it is, that sham deserves to continue to be treed by Chihuahuas (the only sensible thing WAR said of his whole rediculous fight for confirmation.)

    So here's to our loveable and irrascible little purse dog IM Gryphen. You are loved (and hated) but that thems the apples and the reward is worth it.

    Happy New Year Gryh!

  12. Happy New Year Gryphen--

    A Molly Ivins quote for us all~

    So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it.
    Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.

  13. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I so agree with what grandmotherj said. I enjoy the sanity and humor found here. Wishing all a healthy and happy new year.

  14. Anonymous8:56 AM

    "A lawmaker told me he and his wife were always at the Governor's mansion baking cookies (what is it with this woman and cookies?)"

    Ah, I can answer that one. My daughter bakes all the time when she's stressed. She then gives away what she bakes--makes her very popular with her fellow grad students and she doesn't gain weight by eating what she baked. She has an eating disorder.

  15. All the best, Gryph.

    Happy New Year to all at IM!

  16. Happy New Year Gryph, Best wishes for the new year

  17. I just want to say, THANK YOU Johnny Mac! If not for you, I would not have found so many wonderful friends.

    Happy New Year wonderful friends...!

  18. You are so right my friend, Holy Crap what a year! Thank you Gryphen for all the laughs, all the outrage, and all the hope we have come to expect from IM. And while I certainly appreciate and admire the blogs of AKM, Shannyn and Regina, I consider this my home blog, and those like me who visit everyday, good friends (well, now that Gryphen figured out how to ban the trolls!).

    I too am looking not only to just a new year but to a new decade. I know we have many, many battles ahead of us, but also know that we are more than ever determined not to just give in and shrug our shoulders and simply accept things we know are morally wrong.

    Happy New Year everyone.

  19. Don't sell yourself short, I've seen blogs that "proved" you were: Head of the Healthcare Death Panels, Founder of the Illuminati, and that you faked the Apollo Moon Landings.
    I am humbled to be a fan of someone that the lunatic fringe considers so powerful.
    If only your blog had the ability to penetrate tin foil hats, then they would really be scared.
    Happy New Year and keep blogging.

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:34 AM

    Who loves ya, Gryph, baby? We ALL do. I've said it before--THANKS for sticking your neck out for the truth.

    All the best for 2010! It will be an interesting year, I think. Maybe some of our wishes will come true--no need to mention what.

    As far as SP and cookies, mentioned above: sugar (and starch) are useful tools in keeping the masses numb (as in cult indoctrination). The sugar rush is second only to the sugar crash. It's easy to convince a sleepy, dazed audience how marvelous you are . . .

  21. Happy New Year to Gryphen and all. Robert Frost is one of my favorites. What a beautiful poem and so apropos.

  22. Thanks for your blog, Gryphen. We all need a dose of reality when Sarah pays a call - or tweets - or quits - or writes a fictional account of her life - or fakes a pregnancy. You must continue doing this to give other bloggers hope that their words will wake people up. You must continue doing this for people like Audrey from Palin's deceptions who was threatened and had to shut her blog down. You and your fellow Sarah Truth Squad bloggers must avenge this travesty against freedom of speech. 2010 has to be the year that Sarah is brought down. Otherwise, she will have an influence on the election and the country will start its turn back to conservative, repressive governance.

  23. Love this blog Gryphen. It's the first place I hit each day. Keep it up, we are making some headway.

    DiAnne aka marauder seam palin

  24. To Fran-
    Awesome Ivins quote. Man, I miss that gal. She's one of mine... from Awesome Austin.

  25. kdusmdd11:27 AM

    Happy New Year....

    Now, please go back to the topic that Trigg is..and Tripp is NOT Bristol's child. How did that notion or "fact" come to light?
    This is something I never even thought about...until now.
    Please fill us in with the details of this information.

  26. Thanks for all you do, Gryphen. This has become one of my favorite blogs--you never disappoint, great stuff every day.

    Whatever we individually think about the likes of Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc., they serve to remind us of the type of people we are we are, and what we are not. I am so thankful I am not like them.

    All the best to everyone in 2010!

  27. This year will be purple. Thats what happens when you mix red and blue.
    And it's just a box of rain.

  28. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Happy New Year Gryphen and to all your readers. Be well, be productive, be happy, if your lucky get rich. But do it in that order.

  29. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Happy New Year to everyone in Alaska and all points north, south, east and west.

    Gryphen, thanks for all you do to get the truth out there. I hope the new year is as interesting and exciting, but slightly less dramatic, than 2009!

  30. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Tripp looks very much like Bristol in the lower half of his face. I believe he is her child.

  31. Lynne3:44 PM

    Happy New Year, Gryphen! I don't know what I can add to all the wonderful comments here already, but I too absolutely love your blog, and it is one of the first places I go when I turn on my computer every day. You're fantastic! Keep up the good work and the great humor.

  32. MacAndCheeseWiz6:10 PM

    Thank You, Gryphen, for doing what you do so well. I found your blog by happenstance during the election when McCain declaired The Quitter for his running mate.

    Here I found balance, a search for truth, and exposing all that's been scrubbed from the media about the Palins.

    I wish you, your family, and your blog family the best of everything in the new year, and the health and time to enjoy it all.

  33. Happy New Year, you commie!

    No, I don't mean that. The commie part. I do mean Happy New Year though. I hope you had some fun NYEve.

    Speaking for myself, and hopefully everyone else who is a regular visitor to this blog, we are ALL behind you %100! Have no fear, we commenters are here!

    Here's a vitual toast to the New Year to you and all of your loved ones. May this year bring you lots of health, happiness and sucess.



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.