Friday, January 01, 2010

Gawker caught wind of the banned bloggers story.

I think most of you will find this portion as humorous as I did.

1. Jeff Griffin—a.k.a. Gryphen,the blogger who first wrote about the ban after cops escorted him from the event—wasn't originally on the list, but got added later version. An event coordinator explains, "Todd told me that a couple of individuals said they were going to come out there, and he expected them to protest. He said, 'Hey, there's a guy named Griffin who will be with Zaki, and they're going to try to stir up the pot.'" This suggests that the Palin clan monitors its detractors, seeking and actively responding to perceived threats. Shades of Nixon?

Damn that Jeff Griffin does sound like a troublemaker! No wonder they were worried about him. Of course it was still not okay to stomp on his civil rights. I am just saying.

You can read the rest of Gawker's post by clicking the title at the top.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    The commentors on there mention you and palingates often.

    You have officially made it!

  2. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Stop romancing yourself Gryphen.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Hi Jeff, I still think that you and Dennis should contact the ACLU about Sarah Palin selectively barring a few members of the media from a public event. They may also have violated the rights of the lone protester who was displaying her signs outside of the venue.

    We are talking about freedom of speech and of the press, first amendment rights. In some of Sarah's private speeches where she barred all media coverage, we saw someone with thin skin who cannot stand up to criticism and scrutiny.

    This was a case of selecting people who have voiced criticism against Palin. That is clear out and out censorship, allowing access to those who report favorably and muzzling those who show Sarah in an unflattering light.

    Sarah may have been carrying a grudge from the film Dennis made of Sarah liberally using many of Newt's favorite lines without attribution in a speech that he filmed some time back.

    By barring him, she called more attention to herself (which she loves) but for all the wrong reasons (she doesn't think ahead of time about consequences).

    I'm voting for the ACLU!

  4. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Congrats on making the big time, Gryphen! Seriously, whether they got your name right or not, at least you were ALMOST mentioned in a more mainstream publication - I just wish more mainstream sources would sing your praises because you deserve it! Wishing you all the best in the New Year and thanking you for all your REAL reporting - you know, the type of reporting that those "alleged" reporters in the MSM somehow fail to do, even though they're paid to do it!

  5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:40 AM

    By golly, you ARE a troublemaker, Gryph! You're making the Wicked Witch of the North and her flying (or naughty) monkeys nervous in their tacky little turret on Lake Lucille. Every time she gazes into her crystal ball (aka: her computer monitor), she sees your blog. Keep rocking her world!

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    You'll still be complaining about this a year from now.

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Assuming you sue what damages did you incur and what would the remedy be?

    Countersuits and discovery can be a bitch yes ?

  8. Anonymous10:22 AM

    anon at 9:47 Todd don't you have something more important to do? Like maybe find out if you have any biological children.

  9. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I must go down to the sea again. To the lonely sea and the sky. And all I need is a little boat and a star to steer her by.

    With all my heart.

  10. Anonymous10:42 AM

    LOL! Happy New Year, Jeff!

  11. LMAO!

    You are in the big time now!!

    Not to mention, a major THORN in the Quitter's side!

    I'm lovin' it!

  12. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Woo hoo...congrats Gryphen!! Wow two birds with one stone. They used the perfectly insane picture of her in the castro hat. Do you suppose the bumppit was attached under the hat. I think so. I thought the hat was riding a little high. I also thought that Sarah seemed to ne riding high as well. The Palin clan & their goons seem to be getting really aranoid. This could be a very bad year for the Palins. I had no idea they had this much to hide.

  13. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Anonymous @10:22 said...
    anon at 9:47 Todd don't you have something more important to do? Like maybe find out if you have any biological children.

    **coffee thru nose**
    Good call!

  14. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Good job Jeff! Keep it up. 8 )

  15. Anonymous12:34 PM

    @anon 9:47-Is that you Toad? Why aren't you running errands for your stupid, lying, lazy wife or does she pay you to read the AK blogs?

  16. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign12:44 PM

    I'm really getting tired of the MSM. They constantly fail to check all the facts, get names right, or get the whole story. Such as Andree's memo re: cleavage. It was her job while with the State of AK - typical Palin to twist that, and these days, typical of the MSM to grab something and not fact check or put in context. LAZY.

    It makes me question all the other news through mainstream outlets, since the news coming in on what I have first hand knowledge of is so mangled. LAZY.

    Thank goodness for my AK blue bloggers and the Juneau Empire. If it weren't for their digging and providing context, I wouldn't read much news at all.

  17. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Anonymous @10:22 said...
    anon at 9:47 Todd don't you have something more important to do? Like maybe find out if you have any biological children.

    **coffee thru nose**
    Good call!

    11:30 AM
    Gryphen doesn't have a lawsuit and he knows that. Harper Collins had a contract with the sports complex giving the Palins power of attorney to deny access to anyone for any reason.

    p.s. coffee is better if you drink it through the lips ;

    p.p.s. the Palins would bury Gryphen with a counter suit or two.

  18. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign12:46 PM

    Also, too - I am watching the Lord of the Rings Two Towers today and Palin bears a striking resemblance to Gollum in all ways. She has a bit more hair, and doesn't have his muscle tone, but that's about it!

  19. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Chaulk up another lie to the Palins. There was no grounds for accusing any of you of wanting to casue trouble.
    Quite the opposite, it is the Palinastae/Tea Bagging rabble that has been "stirring the pot" at public events - for months.

    I thought that the Dud was man enough to walk away from the control freak wife. Nope, he quit his job and he is Sarah's property now.

  20. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Stop romancing yourself Gryphen.

    Its a joke. And the joke is on Sarah. If it weren't for Sarah the world wouldn't even know Alaska had bloggers, and the bloggers know that.

  21. Anonymous12:54 PM

    @anon 9:47-Is that you Toad? Why aren't you running errands for your stupid, lying, lazy wife or does she pay you to read the AK blogs?

    12:34 PM
    If you want to pretend you're an adult and have a reasonable discussion I'm here for you.

    Until then...

  22. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Happy New Year, Gryphen!

    I agree with Anon @ 9:35 that you should contact the ACLU. Your rights were violated. If Sarah is not stopped now, she will continue to do as she pleases and trample on others civil rights...or worse. Don't let her get away with this!!

  23. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Martha Ualaska

    Something seems to be terribly amiss since the election & MSM has intentionally misconstrued so much about Palin. It makes me angry. If MSM was properly covering Palin & her clan & her antics she would be history by now. What's up, I'm not sure.

  24. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Harper Collins only rented the Turf Court. The entire sports complex was NOT rented to Harper Collins. There was a public flu clinic going on in the building. Harper Collins did not rent the space for the flu clinic. People were in the sports complex for reasons other than Harper Collins' book signing.

    It's really very simple if you try to understand.

  25. Anonymous1:39 PM

    As a lawyer, these troll morons drive me crazy.

    I don't know if Gryphen has a suit and I don't have time to research it, which is why I suggest he consult with a knowledgeable local lawyer to see whether or not he has any remedies.

    As for this BS about countersuits,the only possible thing that Mrs. Todd Palin could sue Gryphen for is libel. Which she has not, apparently because of the inconvenient fact that truth is an absolute defense to a libel suit. Plus, under New York Times v. Sullivan, she would have to show that not only was the information not true, but Gryphen printed it without any reasonable basis for believing it to be true. It is an extremely high burden. Plus, by suing for libel, it would be Mrs. Todd Palin who would open herself up to discovery. Like, for instance, producing Trigg's birth certificate and her real medical records (as opposed to some BS statement by the infamous Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson - country doctor not certified in obstetrics, but who nevertheless considers herself qualified to handle known high-risk deliveries and who apparently doesn't know the medical history of her patient since Dr. Cathy apparently knew nothing about Mrs. Todd Palin's two prior miscarriages).

  26. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Congratulations, "Jeff."

  27. You were escorted out of the building, but HC rented only part of it. It would seem that they were interfering with your rights of access to the public part of the building. Did HC pay rent for the first floor?

    Todd probably thought he was at home with all the similarities in the building and his house.

  28. Anon @ 12:48 said I thought that the Dud was man enough to walk away from the control freak wife. Nope, he quit his job and he is Sarah's property now.

    Todd has been riding Sarah's coattails for years. He was the Shadow Governor, not able to be the governor himself, but living it through his wife. And as soon as the book deal money started rolling in, he didn't have a problem quitting his job (although I doubt he has really been working much) and following Sarah around the country, living off her income. I think there's a name for women who live like that...

  29. the book signing was upstairs, in the PART of the shrine that HC rented. The rest of the facility was open to the public for flu shots.

    Excluding folks from their rented space is fine.

    Having local police escort you from the premises for doing NOTHING is something I feel is out of bounds for the police to decide.

    That is something the ACLU may take up with the nice folks at WPD. Who ORDERED the Wasilla Police to escort 2 men from the premises, not just the blessed 'event'?

    A public flu shot event in another part of the building?? The 2 journalists could have easily switched gears and covered that PUBLIC event, yet they were denied access to a public resource.

    I ask, who issued the orders to the WPD? tahd? $'arah? HC? ruppert murdick?

  30. "Todd probably thought he was at home with all the similarities in the building and his house".

    Awesomely funny!!!

  31. Thank you lawyer poster..for putting the trolls in their place. Sheesh...if only they would make sense just a little bit of the time.

  32. Anonymous2:33 PM

    @12:44 - Jesse Cornball Spammer, is that you?

  33. Have a good New Year, "Jeff"

  34. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Sarah told Todd that if he left her. he'd have to pay child support for his children. Todd, guess what? You're free!

    (just a little dna humor, folks!)

  35. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign2:50 PM

    Anon 12:44

    Ha! A Palin counter suit? Palin would be deposed and that will never happen. Like a cornered rat, she knows not what to do but certainly knows what not to do. But, here's an idea...

    Since you know so much, and have such influence with Granny Palin, why don't you talk her into this? I would be forever grateful and would even overlook your poor taste in humans. This would be the absolutely best present my progressive heart could wish for!

  36. Martha Unalaska Yard Sign2:52 PM

    Todd has certainly been riding many things for years! LOL!

  37. Anonymous3:13 PM

    So, I can rent one room in the sports complex and get a couple of local police to keep anyone out of the whole building that I want. Cool! And, for only $85 an hour! By the way my birthday coming up, public invited (unless you are on my banned list with your picture). Gotta go and get that room booked.

  38. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Happy New Year, Gryphen!

    I agree with Anon @ 9:35 that you should contact the ACLU. Your rights were violated. If Sarah is not stopped now, she will continue to do as she pleases and trample on others civil rights...or worse. Don't let her get away with this!!

    12:54 PM
    The ACLU is like the EEOC. They don't take cases for every Jack and Jill that got their feelings hurt.

    What is the remedy for hurt feelings ?

  39. crystalwolf aka caligrl3:50 PM

    I love these anon "blowhards" telling Gryphen "he has no case" lol!
    And that the ACLU won't help the fuck do you know?
    As someone previously mentioned...there was a flu clinic going on there and Grifter Queen even tweeted the even was " 4 Public"
    It didn't say 4 only certain public...there was no sign there saying "only RELL 'murkins let in" you know like the Nazi's that were there and the
    So Yes I'm pretty sure Gryphen, Shannyn, Dennis, Andree and the woman who got her sign stolen have a case, against Grifter queen, Toad, HC, Wasilla PD and the sports complex And they should ask for DAMAGES@!!@!!!!!
    And you know Anon you can suck it up buttercup!!!!!

  40. Who issued the orders to the police to remove citizens from a public space? Who is abusing the rights of citizens using the police?

    The bitch in the green hat? the dud? Harper Collins? Van Flea? The Chief of Police? Gov, whats-his-name?

    Someone did a bad thing. Make 'em pay.

  41. Anonymous4:39 PM


    Have you seen the contract between HC and the sports arena ?

    I have :-)

    You're "pretty sure" they have a case? Would you advise someone to file a lawsuit based on "pretty sure".

  42. Anonymous5:33 PM

    to the Sarah defenders .. ...

  43. anon 4:39...So who issued the orders to the police? Was that in the contract you have seen?

  44. Anonymous5:56 PM

    4:39 PM says:

    Have you seen the contract between HC and the sports arena ?

    I have :-)

    With your own little eyes? You must be a very special person. How is it that someone so important, informed and intelligent has time to babble anonymously on a blog comment form?

  45. MacAndCheeseWiz6:30 PM

    Congrats, again, on making the Palin Anal Retentive list of "pot stirrers".

    I picture a witch in black with purple boots, stirring a cauldron, and looking for eye of Newt, not a blogger or photographer or journalist.

  46. The "J. C. blowhard" is probably Rebecca, scratch that, she'd probably be dropping f-bombs by now.

    It's more likely Tim Lindell, who adopts a pseudointellectual tone in his postings unless he's "getting down" with the C4P "base".

    I think that's where those two disappeared to, after their little trip to Alaska last summer. They're Palin's eyes on the blogs.

    Hi, Tim! You're not fooling anybody!

  47. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:09 PM

    Kajo, I think your right...this little self righteous anon prig "who has seen the contract" ooooooooohhh!
    Wow! I'm so fricken impressed...NOT!
    Your lyin'!
    And if you are talking about the stupid "rider" posted everywhere...I hardly call it a "contract"!
    The SarahPac-o-lies said it was public...its on her tweet dude!!!!
    And since when does the WPD act as "door shakers" to a private event?
    And toad if that's you...don't you have some roof to fix? Stay off the damn blogs...!

  48. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:16 PM

    And also..too, to the Liar anon...Pretty sure he has a case...yes and contact a lawyer for a free 15 min eval and see :)
    They will say "no you don't have a case" or
    pretty sure you do I will take this on and they sue and take their money when you WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Easy as PIE! Especially when bigmouths like grifter liar tweet the book signing is public!!!! Priceless!!!!
    Here Gryphen in case you missed it...straight from the twat's tweet!
    # Sounds like the Alaska book signing events 4 general public will be Dec 22, hopefully in both Anchorage&1 other location. Bundle up&join us! 6:55 PM Dec 15th, 2009 from TwitterBerry

  49. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:53 PM

    from the twat's tweet:
    # AK book signing is Dec22, 11-2@local Sports Arena...very excited about this bc we'll get 2see old&new friends&share holiday cheer@same time! 9:04 AM Dec 18th, 2009 from TwitterBerry
    There is NO WHERE that it says this is a "Private" event! NOWHERE!
    There were NO SIGNS there. This is a public place.
    He has a case whether you like it or not!!!!
    Gryphen might as well sue and get some $$ from Grifter fund you idiots are eating rice for...hell why not! His rights were infringed on...aren't you idiots all about rights??? or is that only for "Rell 'murikan's" ?????

  50. sunnyjane12:15 AM

    Sarah and Todd would only claim that Hastings "over-stepped" his authority by banning Dennis and Gryphen from the ENTIRE arena.

    They would never accept responsibility for such a thing. Result: case thrown out of court.

  51. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Gryphen -- That was such bullshit that you were singled out.. after the fact! I guess you *can* take some solace in the fact that you are on their #1 shit list... at least you know you are pissing them off and you are doing a job well done.

    Hats off to you Gryphen and Happy New Year!

  52. This event was obviously open to the public and peaceful protests were allowed, because there were people with signs protesting the president. So why were some people allowed to protest while others, who were thought to be protesters, were forced to leave without doing anything? If all protesters had been asked to leave, Sarah could say they were allowing no one to protest anything at this event. But since that's not the case, Gryphen, you had every right to be there. Contact the ACLU and at least find out if there are grounds for a case.

  53. Anonymous7:16 AM

    anon Deb,

    Gryphen went to the signing and attempted to enter as a media rep by his own admission.

    Media reps were denied access to "all" signings during the book tour.

    Case dismissed.

  54. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Anon @ 7:16 - You better get your facts straight! Media reps WERE NOT denied access from all signings. I live in Minnesota. Some media were allowed in her event at Mall of America, but there were rules for them to follow:

    "For Palin’s appearance at the Mall of America next week we received a list of seven media guidelines, including one stating there can be no foreign press — only English-speaking press and another that said media must address Palin as “Governor.”
    The other rules include no interviews — but if the media want one, a request must be submitted to her publicist — plus no microphones, only background sound and pictures and only the first 10 minutes of her appearance can be taped."

    These media "rules" were broadcasted on all the local news shows during the week before Palin's visit.

    Media coverage was even allowed when Palin visited military bases like Fort Bragg:
    "Army officials initially feared the book signing might turn political and negative comments would be directed at President Obama, so they barred media from attending. The Army later relented and allowed coverage."

  55. Anon @ 7:16,

    What? Did you read the 'banned list' document in the previous post on this subject here? It clearly shows provisions for a media room, media table, check media credentials, etc. The Wasilla event was patently open to the media and that document, no less than all the pictures and stories from reporters of it, prove that.

    The document states that the three listed "are not welcome by the family" (and the fourth was added 'last minute'). Todd is quoted as saying he was afraid they would 'stir the pot'.

    Is that how you Anons. want to be treated next time you go a public event such as a book signing? Find out you are on a banned list and be escorted completely off the premises by local police? Behave completely peacefully and yet still have your protest signs confiscated and destroyed by local police just because one person who rented out one small portion of a public facility doesn't 'like' what's on your sign?

    Do you not get the, oh what's the word .... not dichotomy, not irony exactly, ....

    ... cognitive dissonance! That's it, cognitive dissonance, the 'mental disconnect' between a woman who spouts she believes in American freedoms and the Constitution (which would include 1st amendment rights) and the same woman working to abridge, curtail and deny those very same rights to certain people just because she's afraid they MIGHT 'stir the pot', or because they exercise their very right to display a protest sign on public property? If you went out on public property with a sign against .... whatever it is you are against, wouldn't you want to defend your right to your free speech?

    Don't forget, there were people allowed into the book signing area with very clear political agendas. Why were some views allowed and others not?

    How are Palin's actions here (Sarah's and Todd's being taken together) not more like a dictator's than like people who truly believe in free expression and the first amendment rights of all Americans?

  56. Anon7:16:
    Since when did bloggers become Media Rep?
    And at THIS signing, the media WAS allowed.
    Try again, troll.

  57. Wait a minute, Anon@9:34 ....

    What's that you say? "Media coverage was even allowed when Palin visited military bases like Fort Bragg:
    "Army officials initially feared the book signing might turn political and negative comments would be directed at President Obama, so they barred media from attending. The Army later relented and allowed coverage."

    I repeat, "Army officials initially feared the book signing might turn political and negative comments would be directed at President Obama"

    And what did we see at her public signing in Wasilla? She allowed it to become political and negative comments were directed at President Obama.

  58. Anonymous12:05 PM

    MarvinM wrote:

    Don't forget, there were people allowed into the book signing area with very clear political agendas. Why were some views allowed and others not?

    How are Palin's actions here (Sarah's and Todd's being taken together) not more like a dictator's than like people who truly believe in free expression and the first amendment rights of all Americans?
    Seeing as the Palins are private citizens and not public officials it seems you should be able to answer the question for yourself.

    Book publishers and authors have been doing this for years because they can.

  59. Anon @12:05, I was going to write a more troll-baity post, but ... if you've got a point, could you just clearly explain what it is? Your statement about the Palins as private citizens as opposed to public officials seems to indicate you think private citizens can do things that public officials cannot. Is that in fact what you meant? If not, please elaborate and be clear.

    More to the point, I don't think anyone has yet answered the question - maybe because it hasn't been asked this way, but I'm asking it now - what would you expect if you were in Dennis' or Gryphen's shoes, going to an author book signing to report on it for your media outlets? What if you were like Dawn, and wanted to peacefully but publicly exercise your right to say, "hey, I think what's in that book is not all true". She had the right to express that opinion, and the police took her signs away. If you condone that action, then don't be surprised when it's YOUR signs that are taken away next, but remember - It was Sarah Palin who initiated and condoned that action in Wasilla Alaska. If she bans only certain press there and instructs police to take signs away from peaceful protesters on public property (the non-rented part of the private citizen's book signing), then why on earth would I or anyone with a thinking brain believe she would support people's first amendment rights to free speech?

    Simple question, if it had been you in the same circumstances, do you think what happened to 'you' was fair? And if so, will you support everyone else's right to do the same in the future?

  60. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Anon@12:55 wrote: "Book publishers and authors have been doing this for years because they can."

    That is a logical fallacy. This is the same old troll-spammer pattern we've had here & at PG. He can't answer any questions or provide logical answers. He just uses "circular reasoning." It's indicative of the way a Palin supporter thinks. It's quite sad--not to mention transparent, juvenile and redundant.

  61. who ordered the police to remove citizens from public property not rented by harper collins? They only rented a small area on the 2nd floor, I believe.

  62. Anonymous3:54 PM

    MarvinM said :

    Simple question, if it had been you in the same circumstances, do you think what happened to 'you' was fair? And if so, will you support everyone else's right to do the same in the future?

    Doesn't matter what I would think about a hypothetical situation.

    What matters is the contract that Harper Collins had with the sports complex and whether Gryphen thinks he has a winnable lawsuit against the Palins.

    He knows the Palins and Van Flein play hardball.

    If Gryphen suddenly goes silent on this topic then we can all sit on the edge of our chairs waiting to see if he had the steel to file a lawsuit.

  63. HC/paylin had every right to keep anyone they wished from their rented space.

    Who ordered the Wasilla police to escort them from the premises?

    What city or local or state statute or ordinance were they in violation of?

    Answer me that, someone.

  64. time to FOIA the WPD for some keywords in any e-mails, faxes, etc pertaining to the escorting of citizenry from the sports shrine betweeen HC/paylin/staplemouth and the police.

  65. crystalwolf aka caligrl6:39 PM

    SJK, maybe grifter queen had a right to a private booksigning...however she tweeted this:
    # Sounds like the Alaska book signing events 4 general public will be Dec 22, hopefully in both Anchorage&1 other location. Bundle up&join us! 6:55 PM Dec 15th, 2009 from TwitterBerry
    Nothing about Private, Invitation only, only "Rell 'murkin's allowed" (like the nazis and teabaggers...!
    And yes why were the WPD doing the queens bidding??? If it WAS INDEED a PRIVATE event...signs should of been posted "We have the right to deney anyone service/entrance" and a private security hired!!

  66. caligirl, she had a right to keep her rented area private. she rented 1/3 of the shrine.....another public event was occurring at the same time.

    Who ORDERED the police to escort citizens from the premises that were not rented?

  67. for $300 we can rent the turf court....It'll be a public "Going Rouge" signing. We'll have a list.

    Eddie Burke: BANNED and escorted from premises. Known right wing bloggers: BANNED and escorted from premises. Anyone with a Pro paylin sign: SIGN CONFISCATED and destroyed.

    THEN, we have another list that we can use to have the local Police escort any other undesirables that happen along. After all, isnt that part of the rental? Rent turf court for 3-4 hours, get free cops to do our bidding...


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.