Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I don't think Glenn Beck got the "Everybody needs to support Scott Brown" memo.

First during his radio show.

And later on television.


  1. Ripley in CT3:27 PM

    Is Glen Beck coming to the Dark Side? Hell, I'd welcome him if he took the trash off the streets, as it were.

  2. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Body parts in a drawer? Nah, I'd have my daughters in counseling for abuse, and I'd have the divorce lawyer on speed dial.

    If Scott Brown introducing sons with "available", the national media would have no trouble noticing "inappropriate". It's just because it was daughters that Scott Brown is getting a free pass.

    Wonder how many stories there are waiting in the wings from former female employees of Brown's.

  3. "... could we have THEM accomplish something first ...?"
    Sounds like an OMG - haven't you learned anything from the Palin debacle?!? Just sayin'.

  4. Kathi In NJ3:55 PM

    The Apocalypse is upon us- I agree with Glenn Beck! EEEKKKKK!!!!

  5. the problem child4:36 PM

    A stopped clock is right twice a day.

  6. Can I believe what I'm hearing? Can it really be that Glenn has a glimmer of decency in his soul?

    In essence, Scott Brown put his daughters on the auction block last night--available to the highest bidder. That rings of the Promise Keeper credo--that is, women are not to be respected, but kept in subjection..., do you suppose (a stretch I know)...but do you suppose that GB has recognized SP's practice of exploiting her children for political gain, too?


  7. LOL, I never thought I'd agree with the Beckerhead, but he's right. Brown was totally inappropriate regarding his daughters.


  8. Hey Gryphen, I understand you all have buffalo in AK now! Your ex gov just was bragging to BillO about her hunting, gutting, skinning prowess and that she has a freezer full of moose, caribou and BUFFALO. It was so obvious the interview was scripted. How anyone can fall for her shit is beyond me.

  9. Sharon in Florida5:03 PM

    I agree with Glenn Beck on this issue too. It's interesting that Brown's wife thought his remarks were hilarious funny.

  10. Twice in one week I almost like Glenn Beck.

    Do I need an exorcism?

    Or an orgasm?


    or some other ism?

  11. First he laughs at Sarah's inability to name a founding father, and now this. Wow.

  12. Interesting new book coming later this year (from Pub Lunch):"Markos Moulitsas's AMERICAN TALIBAN, comparing how the Republican Party and Islamic radicals maintain similar worldviews and tactics, from sex to war, from culture to science and education; arguing that progressives hate radical Jihadists for the same reason they hate conservatives -- intolerance, militarism, disrespect for democracy, and a desire to impose their regressive mores on the rest of society, to Peter Richardson at PoliPoint Press, for publication in September 2010 (NA)."

  13. majii5:21 PM

    I just know the citizens of Massachusetts were so proud of Senator-elect Brown's comment regarding his daughters./snark

  14. scarlet/oregon5:36 PM

    After watching $arah on her Fox interviews, I do believe Beck and O'Reilly aren't terribly fond of her. Could be wrong, but I'm thinking... jealousy?, boredom with her repetitive word salad???? or just too many Analyst Airheads to compete against?????

    As for Hannity, he just likes looking and drooling in between feeding her lines.

  15. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Be careful! This man says nothing without an agenda. Who knows what is up with this. First he throws Palin under the bus and now this. Is he just pushing buttons or is he getting ready to put all his support to Romney. You have to wonder what he is up to. He is one crazy mofo, but he is not stupid. Beware.

    Whatever he says....I give him no credence. He is certifiable.

  16. Is agreeing with Glenn Beck one sign of the Apocalypse? (Checking for locusts, frogs, horsemen et al now).

    But Beck is right and I'll give him credit for skewering Brown very deftly.

    I'm waiting now to see what Brown does. It'll soon be clear whether he wants to be a public servant or if he just wants to scam the public.

  17. Anonymous5:58 PM

    There's a phrase most associated with Ronald Reagan that may also best describe why politicians/pundits like George Bush The Lesser, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and, apparently now, Scott Brown are seen as friendly, wunnerful, jes plain folks ---- they're all amiable dunces.

  18. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Heard the Bill O'Reilly clip of Sarah on Fox too, it was about her "private life", what she did on her private time", for fun. Her answer started about Alaskans, "we eat, therefore we hunt". Then the hearty arctic meats that they shoot and freeze every year, and their love of the outdoors.

    I thought I heard her say she runs 6 or more miles a day. BO quickly shot a question, asked her if she still had bodyguards. Didn't get the answer, it was muffled, but I believe she said no, she didn't have any.

  19. This picture of Brown and his daughters is a MUST SEE. What person in the public eye would pose with his daughters like this?

    creeped me out.

  20. Sharon in Florida6:24 PM

    Bullsh*t on the running 6 miles a day. What a crock. I'm not a runner but one of your runners out there, how many minutes would it take an average runner to run 6 miles a day?

    Even if true, can the woman think up any more activities that would take her away from her kids? She lies when the truth would do better. She's an (badly) aging loser.

    C4P site said she would be appearing on one of the Faux shows same day as Dick Morris appearance. I've been waiting for that. Wonder if she'll wear toeless shoes for that show? NO? Ahhh, missed opportunity for both of them. hahaha

  21. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Whoops; wasn't finished my post. Just to say in regards to the Bill O'Reilly piece with SP this evening, SP's fluff and bravado about her great outdoors experiences are providing yawns for most people. How many people love the outdoors? Pretty much everyone.

    Glen Beck is right about "Trust". It's hard to trust politicians these days, especially when they use their kids as props, in whatever form. I agree with Beck on the Brown statement about his daughters. It begs questioning.

  22. Sharon in Florida7:02 PM

    Boston Herald has an article up on Ayla Brown.

    She said her dad “was not joking,” when he made the announcement.

    “I had 1,058 requests this morning - mostly from men,” she chuckled. “Not really sure if I’m going to be responding to any of them.”

    When asked if he was in hot water with his daughters about the comment, Brown said, “only one of them."

    What is this world coming to? Sarah's got some competition in the exhibitionist department.

  23. Anonymous7:03 PM

    ella said...
    This picture of Brown and his daughters is a MUST SEE. What person in the public eye would pose with his daughters like this?


    Billy Ray & Miley Cyrus?

  24. Purple Alasks7:08 PM

    Why is it that Repubs like throwin' their daughters to the joe-sixpacks, in those hungry markets? I don't get the hypocrisy found in their brand of family values...


  25. Anonymous7:22 PM

    ella said...
    This picture of Brown and his daughters is a MUST SEE. What person in the public eye would pose with his daughters like this?

    creeped me out.

    6:21 PM

    Yikes...reminds me of that photo of Dan Sullivan with the barmaids. What would possess these young ladies to wear such skimpy outfits in front of their father? And why would he "embrace" it???

  26. Anne NC8:00 PM

    I'm really glad that when I was growing up my parents set a curfew, wouldn't allow me to wear any type of indecent clothing, and provided me with the education and moral values that I've been able to pass onto my children. I wasn't an angel by any means, but when I found myself in a situation that I instinctively knew could lead to trouble, I heard their voices reminding me to be true to my beliefs. Of course, I protested the curfew, wanted to dress like "all the other girls" and stay out all night. Thank God I had parents who were there to take care of me. I look at people like Scott Brown and Sarah Palin, especially her, who people claim are wonderful parent's. Why would they expose their children to the national media in such a manner? Brown truly looked like an idiot last night and Palin sacrificed her daughter and the news of her pregnancy rather than produce her son's birth certificate. They don't deserve our trust or support if they can do that to their own children who they claim to love.

  27. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Hurray for Glen Beck. Don't know if I have ever agreed with him, but I am 1000 percent in agreement with every word: Brown's behavior was bad, stupid, and scary, and he has accomplished nothing to qualify himself as a presidential candidate. Keep in mind: Beck is a Mormon, as is Romney, who wants the oval office soooo bad he can taste it. (And besides, isn't it Romney's 'turn', according to repug rules?!) Even without Palin's ongoing stupidity and unethical behavior, and even without Brown's bizarre lack of common sense and decency, Romney, a fellow Mormon, would probably be who Beck would be tooting for in a year or two. But these two shallow contenders have made a major boo-boo from which they may not recover down the road: now Beck, one of the most listened-to media heads in America, will have plenty of good reasons to support Romney, as will many of his listeners. And Romney (whose campaign will surely be feeding info to Beck all along) certainly looks presidential when compared to either Palin or Brown, who are too vain, vapid, and stupid to see how they appear to grown-ups.

  28. Sharon in Florida8:43 PM

    I'm so irritated that Scott Brown was elected.

    He poses with his daughters dressed like as they are in the link above but don't forget that Brown's the guy who back in 2007, was invited to speak in front of 80 Sophomores & teachers at the King Philip Regional HS in MA. He started screaming at them, called out their names over protests from teachers that he not use the language he was using and to not name the kids. It was all over internet remarks from the kids about him and his daughter, Ayla. The same Ayla who's received over 1,000 messages from men on FB after daddy's advertisement last night. Brown used the F word in front of the assembly. Defended himself afterwords by saying he was the victim. Also said (among other things) that the school taught sex education and had "Catcher in the Rye" in their library so he had the right to use that language.

    What a hypocrit.

    There were links to MySpace sites with other sex photos of Scott Brown but when I clicked on link, it had been scrubbed.

    Welcome to the US Senate, Mr. Brown. Beck got it right on Brown.

  29. Don't cha just love the republican family values?

    Do you think that beck is goading people into a third party?
    SOunds like he is getting CRAZIER AND CRAZIER!

  30. Anonymous10:18 PM

    OT But seriously, why is Rex Butler allowing Bristol to be hyping her custody case on Oprah's show? Sarah and Bristol are trying to game the system by trying their case in the court of public opinion.

    The reason that Oprah should not air their interview on Friday is simple. The Palins are trying to gather public support for their side of the custody fight. Sarah's over-emotional fans have already threatened the judge, and the judge now needs security. Sarah is trying to gather public opinion for Bristol when the case should be tried in the court, period.

    The judge should issue an immediate gag order, including TV appearances, tabloid and/or other media interviews for both sides, lawyers, Bristol and Levi and every last one of their relatives.

    Gryphen, if you have any influence with Rex Butler, please offer this suggestion in the interest of a fair trial.

    Bree has posted Sarah's incredibly busy lecture tour, which rivals the Big Bus Book Blitz and the 2008 campaign for wavin' at the crowds and makin' speeches. Todd will be racing in Iron Dog. So, who is watching the kids? Is that really the kind of atmosphere for Tripp to be raised in, what with Bristol also making appearances along with her mother? After all, In Touch let us know that they are "mothering their kids together."

    So, Rex should also present the In Touch article as proof that half of the parenting team raising Tripp is Sarah, not his father.

    Oprah is not a live show. Either the interview was taped before the Haiti earthquake, and then Oprah decided not to air it, but she saved it for a week. Or, it is about to be taped on Thursday. Rex really has to get to Oprah fast!

  31. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Another one here that agrees with Beck. Sorry, but I don't think that Brown is going to last long.

  32. Anonymous11:22 PM


    Bang on! A 3rd party of which he can be the spokesman, no doubt.

    A "golden" opportunity for Mr. Crazy to prove his mettle. (sorry for the deliberate pun)

  33. Oh, God... like no one here ever said anything stupid.

    He was excited that he won! He was the underdog not long ago. Give the guy a break. His kids seem to love him... unlike some other kids (who shall remain nameless) that are covered on this blog.

    I have a picture of me in a bikini with my dad, so what? You people are a bunch of pervs!

    Gryphen, you have a beautiful daughter... would you stand next to her in a bikini and have your picture taken?

    Why are so many Americans sexually twisted? What is up with that?

  34. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Ive always felt Glenn Beck was a big kook .. like the rest.. and of course his freakish behavior towards Palin... makes me see him as an even bigger moron
    I gotta say
    NOT im regards to the Scott Brown thing
    as a nice mean Christmas gift this year my husband bought me a Keith Olbermann book AND Glenn Beck's book (babbling with idiots or something) .. wrapped together!
    I am surprised my gift didn't start wrestling in the package

    uh but I thumbed through it.. and the man is quite the hoot.. I didn't read any "articles" .. and many of his "factoids" were clearly missing the whole story.. but his comics and little tidbits had me belly laughing

    now if he'd turn on Palin.. I might even like this goofball.. not his political warpness .. but as a "performer" .. as I truly think TV news people are just doing "acting" .... they are getting paid to have a certain opinion

  35. Anonymous2:37 AM

    I agree, Anne in NC. I raised my daughter like I was raised. She is no angel but she knows that any thing put out can be snatched up and used against her, especially in this digital age of exhibitionism.
    If my husband had EVER said anything even remotely like what Brown spewed the other night, he'd be in the horse barn for months with severe repercussions in effect for years. How any man could ever say that kind of crap about his own children is just beyond me.

  36. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:53 AM

    Ah, yup. Are treasured family pix with Daddy like this one what comes of their much-praised Purity Balls? Uh, no pun intended.

    I'd heard about the "cussing" incident around students, but didn't know the story till now. Guess the Cons did a great job of vetting this chucklehead as well as they did Palin. Or maybe God has a plan for Brown, too? Can't wait to see what car he drives once he ditches the prop pickup truck, pix of his expensive homes, etc. etc. Oh, and the intern in the closet...hee.

    I've been thinking from the start that there was something screwy with this MA election. But to have Reid announce that they'd wait until Brown was seated to pass HC is beyond comprehension. Are the Dems that spineless? Are the Rethugs making Mob-style threats? Was this all planned in advance? Are we all being played? You can't make this shit up!

    It'll be interesting to see how this all unfolds. **sigh**

  37. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:59 AM

    Another lovey-dovey pic with Dad courtesy of a comment on Wonkette. Do they look like prom dates, or what:!.jpg

    Ayla has her own website, bein' a singer who appeared on American Idol. Which is on the Faux network. Hmm.

  38. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Don't be so quick to jump on the Glenn Beck bandwagon. He is still one big bowl of crazy.

  39. This Brown thing is going to end very badly...even SP didn't pimp out her kids immediately. This guy set the bar even higher...

  40. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Scott Brown looks a lot like Willard Romney, the ex-governor who strapped his dog on the roof of his car while going on a vacation. Scott even wears Romney style jackets.

  41. Somewhat OT but here was the morning email from Politico:

    John Edwards of North Carolina, former U.S. senator and Democratic presidential candidate, admits in a written statement to NBC's "Today" that he is the father of his former mistress Rielle Hunter's baby, Frances Quinn Hunter: "I am Quinn's father. I will do everything in my power to provide her with the love and support she deserves. It was wrong for me ever to deny she was my daughter."

    Somehow this reminds me of Clay Aiken's announcement on the cover of People "Yes - I'm Gay"

  42. sunnyjane4:01 AM

    Ol' Becker seems to be "going rogue" these days.

    First, his slapdown of Sarah and now he's dissing Brown.

  43. Here's a link to the HS issue.

  44. Anonymous5:43 AM

    For more details of Scott Brown's tirade at the King Philip High School students 2 or 3 years ago (ie, when he was supposedly an 'adult'), see

    Any man who stands before a high school assembly and launches into a tirade of profanity and direct attacks at them while justifying himself morally (burnishing his anti-gay credentials) is truly unhinged. When you combine this tirade, his Cosmo interview, his shocking comments about his daughters' availability, his distribution of their bikini-clad pictures, his just-days-ago use of his daughters to issue a public statement lying about his known stance of denying contraceptive help to raped women, his public embracing of the birther theory, his implicit support of the violence urged by his supporters, and his earlier admission that he had emotional (anger) issues when he was younger, it is obvious that he is so off-balance that he makes even Glen Beck seem sane by comparison. Beck is right: Brown needs to be under careful, ongoing surveillance, and his next macaca moment must be widely publicized. The fact that Martha Coakley could not defeat this emotionally disturbed man in a blue state that believed in Obama's platform is suggestive to me of both the weakness of her campaign and the grave dangers that democrats face this year and beyond.

  45. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:36 AM

    Thanks for all the links to the HS incident, plus the other info from anon@5:43am.

    How soon we forget 2000. Hanging chads, anyone?

    This whole thing stinks like dead fish, on BOTH sides of the political fence.

  46. Sharon in Florida7:08 AM

    Brown was a "stealth" candidate. Lies, hides or downplays his conservative/TeaBagger position until he gets into office. Coakley & Dems made a mistake for not outing him before the election. I think a lot of MA voters had no idea what he actually stands for. Fundies are going to be running stealth candidates in races where the majority doesn't want TeaBagger candidates. We better wake-up because this is what we can expect in the future.

    Brown rides around in a truck w/ 200,000 miles on it - just a regular guy! I read somewhere that his older daughter Ariana is a competitive equestrian. Isn't that an expensive / elite sport?

  47. mommom9:04 AM

    Am I the only one who thinks Scott Brown is on something?His eyes look wierd in every photo.Or is it ADHD,and he is off his meds? Adhd can cause "blurting".In any case,I too,find myself agreeing with Glenn Beck!!

  48. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Beck has a wife and kids? Poor, rich family...

    Yeah, we really didn't need to listen/watch all that to get the point. I'd like my ten minutes back, please.

  49. I guess this could possibly be the end of the world. I mean, I am agreeing with Glen Beck!! Yes, can we have someone accomplish something before we start talking about him running for POTUS just hours after being elected as a Jr. Senator. What a concept. And no mommom, you are not the only one who thinks his eyes look weird. Very weird.

  50. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I'm sure Brown has some childhood issues, being that he has told, in a Nov 2009 article, that his mother was "on welfare" (his father was a councilman and they split after 1 yr), his grandparents "raised him" and both his parents were married 3 times each. One of his famous stories is that he was busted at 12 for shoplifting and made to write an "essay" for a judge which kept him out of juvie hall (he hinted at a teenage full of petty theft, though).

    Frankly, I think he is a misogynist who see women in a certain way (as sex objects primarily) and a source of income as well (his wife is a TV anchor in Boston, another daughter evidently wants to be a famous singer or something). It's all about the attention, IMHO. And we don't even know what majors the daughters are studying, do we? I doubt there's an intellectual or thinker in the entire family.


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