Thursday, January 21, 2010

There is NOTHING racist about the new all white, all born in America basketball team.

A new professional basketball league called the All-American Basketball Alliance (AABA) sent out a press release on Sunday saying that it intends to start its inaugural season in June, with teams in 12 U.S. cities. However, the AABA is different from other sports leagues because only players who are “natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league.” AABA commissioner Don “Moose” Lewis insists that he’s not racist, but he just wants to get away from the “street-ball” played by “people of color” and back to “fundamental basketball.” Lewis cited the recent incidents of bad behavior by NBA players, implying that such actions would never happen with white players:

“There’s nothing hatred about what we’re doing,” he said. “I don’t hate anyone of color. But people of white, American-born citizens are in the minority now. Here’s a league for white players to play fundamental basketball, which they like.” [...]

He pointed out recent incidents in the NBA, including Gilbert Arenas’ indefinite suspension after bringing guns into the Washington Wizards locker room, as examples of fans’ dissatisfaction with the way current professional sports are run.

“Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?” he said. “That’s the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction.”

Now this story has already gone viral and I have to say that there are some groups that are really blowing this out of proportion.

I mean how is it racist to want to play in a league where there is no crotch grabbing, no one flips you the bird, and the white guy actually has a chance to get his hands on the ball? That is not racist that is just lowering the bar so that the guys who had mayonnaise and bologna sandwiches for lunch can finally dominate the sport they lost control of back in the 1960's.

Like Don "Moose" Lewis says, it is just about returning back to "fundamental-ist" basketball. Where dunking the ball is not allowed (or possible), the best players name ends in "ski", and where making sexist and racist remarks is still considered just good old fashioned American hijinks.

Go ahead, tell me again how Obama becoming President has not brought racism out into the open.


  1. Anonymous4:07 AM

    White men can't jump.

  2. The fact that this troglodyte's nickname is "Moose" tells me all I need to know, thx.

    Let me guess, they're going to send up a prayer to White Anglo-Saxon Jesus before each game that he will make all white people victorious, and their fans will wear white foam hoods with "We're #1!!" on them.

    The human gene pool is getting shallower and least in the USA, and certainly down here in the South.

  3. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Ha...I always wanted to be a professional basketball I've finally got my chance as an overweight 50 year old short guy who shoots freethrows underhand. (But I am white!)

    You know, when Dog opens that door a crack you gotta just burst on through. Seriously, who's gonna watch this crap? Maybe NASCAR should open up a division for cars that won't go over 30 miles an hour.

  4. Anonymous4:28 AM

    It now seems that being a racist jerk is ok in public again. It makes me so sad. There are days I feel as though this nation is taking steps backwards.

    Honestly, I felt this coming during the campaign. Especially when Sarah entered the picture. Her rallies gave approval to every crackpot racist. People screaming "kill him" and the whole line of "I want my country back". Palin and McCain have allowed so much damage to come to the surface. I'm not saying this nonsense didn't exist. I'm saying those two made people think it's fine to show their ignorance publicly. I hope the rest of us can fight this nonsense successfully. But just seeing this AABA garbage tells me I'm not wrong in thinking this stuff needs to be stamped out NOW. This nation belongs to all of us and if some white citizens are feeling out upon, well, tough because no one's seeking to destroy you. You'll do a great job of that yourselves.

    This hyperbolic thinking on their parts needs to stop. As a white person they embarrass me. Sadly, those complaining the loudest feel no shame which speaks volumes.

    This AABA will go nowhere hopefully. But it is symptomatic of an ugly undercurrent running in the USA and silently applauded by people like Sarah and her followers.

  5. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Actually, all it would take to get back to non violent, you have to dirbble every stride, etc. basketball is enforce the rules.

    It is his declaration of exclusion that makes his league racists. If he continues to act out on that exclusion he will probably get sued. Wonder what Clarance Thomas will do if it makes the Supremes?

    "guys who had mayonnaise and bologna sandwiches for lunch"
    You'll have to explain that one.
    Why does a cheap no nutrition sandwich equal whitey?

  6. Anonymous4:50 AM

    If you think about it hard enough you should be able to figure out how to blame it on Sarah.

    You know, things like SarahPac or PieSpy LLC are funneling money through the backdoor.

  7. Show me the money.... Who's fronting this league financially?

  8. We already have "good fundamental basketball". It's called women's basketball. I'm not even being sarcastic.

  9. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Let them do it. Who will go to their games to see lesser players?

    Who would pay a lot to see basically high school players?

  10. Anonymous5:12 AM

    What an incredible dilemma. Should we watch Nascar or white guys playing basketball this weekend, honey?

  11. Anonymous5:14 AM

    No more racist than the Harlem Globetrotters

  12. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Is Sarah going to be there to flip the coin or sing the national anthem? Sounds like her kind of gig.

  13. Home Skoolin' may have played a part:

    “There’s nothing hatred about what we’re doing,” [Don “Moose” Lewis] said.

  14. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Are they only going to play against OTHER all-white American-born teams?

  15. fromthediagonal5:27 AM

    OK Gryphen... Reading your headline, I thought for a moment you had become addled from all the BS you have been reading, viewing and otherwise researching! But then I let out my held breath.
    Of course, it is racist and it rips that hatred wide open, but then you blow it by your "ski" remark!
    Not cool...and NO, my name does not fall into that bracket, no ax to grind there, merely some measure of objectivity.
    You may want to rethink that one.

  16. LisaB5:44 AM

    Shayfray speaks the truth.

    If you know anything about basketball in the NBA, you cannot miss the fact that fundamentals are not stressed. It's one of the strengths of the players coming from Europe. Coaches will tell you they have great fundamentals. It's stressed there in a way it isn't stressed in our system.

    I don't like the idea of this league, but the argument about lack of fundamentals in the NBA stands. The truth is, we like it that way. That's why it is what it is. The free market will take care of this bad idea. People want to want guys dunk, not show proper footwork.

    The NBA has an image problem however. There are more on-site issues in the NBA than in other sports. The NFL does a much better job controlling its image.

  17. One team of these lily-white players consists of at least 10 players, right? And there are planned to be 12 teams in 12 cities? (or do the cities share teams 'cuz they only have enough players for 6 teams?)

    So....there are anywhere from 60 to 120 or more lily-white basketball players so desperate to play basketball that they don't care about being labeled losers, whiny wimps...

    And thy're going to exclude the white guys from Russia, Romania, Italy, etc.?

    Somehow I can't see this league or whatever it is successfully lining up venues to play in (certainly not taxpayer-paid-for public arenas!), AND filling the seats, AND making enough money after paying arena rent and skimming off the top (because that's what it sounds like, a scam)...being able to pay their players competitive salaries.

  18. scarlet/oregon6:16 AM

    Is Don "Moose" Lewis doing Background Checks on his white-skinned Players in case they are descentants of Thomas Jefferson?

    Wonder how much of this current racism would have been nil if President Obama had his mother's skin color?

    Maybe someone should background check Mr. Lewis...he could be related to Timothy McVeigh.

  19. kathy in Blue Bell6:20 AM

    If "Moose" thinks white BB ball players would be better behaved really should look at European soccer hooligans. My own parish is in turmoil. Yes I live in a pretty white suburb. The (white) coach of the CYO basketball team just got indicted for major insurance fraud, and oh BTW when the Feds searched his house and car they found a whole bunch of illegal steroids. The head of the CYO, to his huge credit immediately fired this jerk and is now receiving horrible threatening e-mails and phone calls from pissed off parents who wanted the criminal druggie to continue to coach their kids. White people can behave just as badly as anyone else.

  20. CGinWI6:23 AM

    Of course it's racist, and stupid, and I think it will go about as well as indoor football.

  21. fromthediagonal said...

    OK Gryphen... Reading your headline, I thought for a moment you had become addled from all the BS you have been reading, viewing and otherwise researching! But then I let out my held breath.
    Of course, it is racist and it rips that hatred wide open, but then you blow it by your "ski" remark!

    As someone who, while my name doesn't fall into the "ski" category, but DOES have a Polish last name, this doesn't bother me at all.

    I think he was just using what is a very recognizable very WHITE surname ending. You don't often meet a black guy named Kowalski. I really don't think offense was intended to we of Polish descent.

  22. It is not President Obama's fault but it has brought out the true feelings of people concerning race. Decent people are fine with it. The racists feel now they have an excuse. Racism is dead because we elected President Obmama. Just because I don't want any n-gers I mean black people on my team doesn't make me racist. Same with the teabaggers. With them it is all about policies. Yup and I have a bridge to sell you real cheap if you beleive that.

  23. Somone said: I'm not saying this nonsense didn't exist. I'm saying those two made people think it's fine to show their ignorance publicly.

    You said it! Everytime I read a racist statement and respond that is their excuse. Well we elected a black President we are not racist.

  24. Anonymous6:50 AM

    How shady. Unamerican, also,too. Have a dominionist day. Ugg.

  25. Sharon in Florida6:51 AM

    Anon @ 5:14 am said
    "No more racist than the Harlem Globetrotters"

    Harlem Globtrotters are a team, not league.

  26. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Nothing racist about the NBA either huh? What is the ratio of black to white there?
    Maybe he is just giving white guys a fair shot.

  27. Hey Anonymous at 7:01...the difference with the NBA is that it doesn't have rules prohibiting whites. This league has rules prohibiting anybody who isn't white.

  28. Sharon in Florida7:32 AM

    Are American Indians considered Caucasian? If they aren't, then the Palin clan couldn't play in the AABA.

    Discrimination is so...discriminatory!

  29. aka... Rocky in Texas said...

    Basketball without the Brothers is...

    Like Fraud w/o Palin...

    Grifters w/o Sarah...

    Con artist w/o the Quitter 1/2 Term Gov...

    Saint Trig w/o the pregnancy!

    just saying!

    also too, you betcha, wink wink!

  30. Well, now here is a team that would happily have Rush Limpballs as their owner. I am not that into sports but am just curious as to what "fundamental-ist basketball" is. Could this possibly have anything to do with fundamentalist religion? Yeah, that's what I thought.

  31. I'm so glad that the KKK is now participating in athletics and not just lynchings.

  32. Anonymous7:43 AM

    How about a non-violent Buddhist Hockey Association?

    Wait, people go for the possibility of fights.

  33. Anonymous7:45 AM

    White guys have a fair shot. IF they are good enough, they will get an NBA contract.

    Sports is the only thing we have left that is merit based. There is the occasional bad call, but if you can't play, it doens't matter whose kid you are.

    So, white guys have a fair shot but when white guys don't rule, they think its unfair. See: President Obama.

  34. fromthediagonal7:53 AM

    Headtrip Honey @06:25 and 07:19

    I agree that Gryphen merely made his point in using the last syllable. Glad there has been no offense taken to diminish his message .
    As far as this proposed league's
    "rules": For them it means full speed into their "glorifed" past, back to Jim Crow and related legislation furthering and codifying the power and prejudices of the "Anglosaxon Purist" of the dark ages.
    I shudder at the thought.

  35. emilypeacock8:16 AM

    Anonymous said...

    No more racist than the Harlem Globetrotters
    5:14 AM

    The Harlem Globetrotters are an exhibition basketball team. They are not members of a basketball league. There's a difference.

  36. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I'll even bet that all the unmarrieds on there are born -again virgins (bristols new dating pool?), floss twice a day and don't keep score so everyone feels good. Add to that the praise and worship session before each game and you've got yourself some cool entertainment!

    Not. I'll be watchng competitive bbb.

  37. So, the racist doesn't want guns allowed?
    The racist state legislature tried to pass a law so that you can bring loaded guns into restaraunts and bars. They passed it until someone challenged it in Court. They're waiting for the decision to be handed down so that if they lose, they can add more to the gun law.

    Oh shoot. I forgot that only white people have the so-called privledge of owning and carrying guns.

    So I'm guessing that only Wonder Bread w/mayo people can use slang and grab each others asses.

    What kind of rocks do these people crawl out from under? If you find out, please let us know. I want to avoid them when ever possible.

    I hope somebody challenges this under the Civil Rights Act. I don't know too much about the law, but I'm sure the ACLU would take this up.

    And BTW, the ACLU turned 90 years old yesterday! Happy Birthday to the ACLU and thanks to them, a lot of racist laws and rulings haven't escaped us completely.

  38. Offensive Team. Out of bounds. Fumble. Dribbling. Technical Foul. Penalty. Loss of balls. Game end.

  39. emrysa10:38 AM

    more evidence that this society is devolving.

  40. Anonymous11:00 AM

    To emilypeacock: thank you for pointing out the difference between the Harlem Globetrotters (an exhibition team) and a league team. There is indeed a difference, a significant difference. Besides, to my knowledge, the Globetrotters do not prohibit non-blacks from qualifying or playing on their team. Even if they did, their circumstance is entirely different. Thanks for being sure that was pointed out.

    For those angry about guns showing up everywhere, consider this: the NRA announced a nationwide campaign (even stronger than before) to repeal all guns laws and regulations. Gees, how can folks allow this Wild West mentality. Considering the high percentage of mental illness (I include all forms of extremism in this such as racist, sexism and ultra conservatism), drug and alcohol abuse, allowing folks to carry guns and encouraging them to use them (which many groups such as the extreme pro-lifers do) is just trouble waiting to happen.

    One question: will this all-white league prohibit non-whites from being in the stands? I suspect they will be as happier to accept their money than the old segregationists would have.

    Greed and the desire to dominate others appear to be reaction to fear and insecurity. Racism is, unfortunately, part of all humanity.

    No race can claim to be free of prejudice towards others. Isn't it part of the "us" against "them" impulse - the desire to achieve security and identity by turning against the "other" as if the "other" would endanger us. What every society needs to do is prohibit institutional racism - make laws that ensure everyone has an equal chance to fulfill his or her potential regardless of how the majority or minority feels.

    That monitoring and regulation extends to sexism, gender discrimination, and ageism. Everyone needs a chance to develop, but the approach of this new league is not the solution. It is a step backward. A pity that the founders of it cannot see that. The mainstream leagues do not discriminate against whites - it's just that the nature of the game has changed, favoring certain physical attributes over others. For example, why hasn't the basket height been raised in proportion to the ever-increasing height of the players or the court lengths be changed to account for longer legs? None of this really is tied to race, but players who are taller have the advantage.

    We have different competition categories for size (usually weight) in boxing, wrestling, et cetera. Why not different leagues for dramatically different heights?

    I am sure that smaller men and women regardless of raced would love to be able to compete professionally in basketball and could provide as much excitement and entertainment as the extreme height folks do.

    Just saying - why do we encourage some size limitations in some sports and not in others? Any thoughts on this?

    Last comment on this: why aren't sportsmanship rules more strongly enforced? Is it really now just about winning any way you can?

  41. What next an Olympic games for whites only.

    Only played in USA, because the only country in the world that would allow that, is the good old US of A

  42. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Hey it's affirmative action for whites. Which at times we could use now.

  43. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I remember, Gryphen. My brothers played all sports in high school during the 60's.

    A few years ago, one of my brothers told me his football coach cussed, and not just a slip or two, either. I remember the coach; he was highly respected but he was hard, overbearing and serious about a win. And he meant business, too. He was also a deacon at one of the biggest churches in town. My brother told me the story about that coach when he was telling me why he stopped going to church back when he was a teen. Of course, that deacon wasn't the only reason, there were those two sons of the preacher. But I already knew about them.

    Yep, the 60's. Fundamental basketball, huh?

    I agree with an earlier commenter that this new league is the result of o'rushie not being able to own a team!

  44. I hope Lush Rimjob has enough money to keep this phlegmatic inflammation running...

  45. chachabowl9:29 PM

    In this league, EVERY day is "Turn Back The Clock Day."

    And don't get me started about Hoodie Giveaway Night.

  46. Anonymous2:51 AM

    It's a ridiculous idea, but honestly, if you move past the first glance racism floating on the top, you see the desire underneath to just have a game where white guys can play and focus on basic basketball. How is FUBU (for us by us???) not a racist concept, for example? It is racist, but it's necessary because there IS merit to "it's a black thing, you wouldn't understand." IMO there are substantial differences between races and cultures, just as there are similarities. To recognize one without the other is short sighted. And as far as basketball is concerned, it's become a boring sport where the big, fast, agressive guys stomp up and down the court (what ever happened to the rule of "traveling?") and jump up and dunk the ball in the hoop. (what ever happened to passing, team play and shooting?). When our dream team played in the olympics they did well of course, but then when they played again...they lost. How is it exactly that they lost to some white, pathetic, non-celebrity, small-handed european guys? Because the style of play and expectations were different.

    That's why I like football. It has positions which require more than 1 or 2 skills or attributes, and all races and cultures play.


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