Thursday, January 21, 2010

Scott Brown will not only represent Massachusetts as it first Republican Senator in 40 years, but he will also teach your children some new words.

It looks like this Scott Brown character has a history of rather inappropriate outbursts, like the bizarre statements about his daughters during his acceptance speech.

This from an article about Brown's profanity laced discussion with a group of 80 high school sophomores in 2007.

State Senator Scott Brown, a rising star in the state's depleted Republican ranks, yesterday defended his use of profanity during a student assembly at King Philip Regional High School in Wrentham, saying he simply repeated hateful statements that had been posted online about him and his family.

"I was merely reading the things that they had written about me," Brown said in an interview. "What's the issue, exactly? I don't quite know what the big deal is, exactly."
Brown, the father of "American Idol" finalist Ayla Brown, read the postings Thursday -- and, in some cases, identified the students he believed had written them -- during a meeting with about 80 sophomores who had invited him to discuss his opposition to same-sex marriage.

Yesterday, Brown said his speech in the school library has been blown out of proportion. Brown appeared on at least two radio shows to defend himself, saying the messages he read were a small part of his speech.

Some of the messages, posted on the social networking site, used profanity and made reference to his family, he said. Brown's daughter is a basketball player at Boston College. The comments were posted on a page dedicated to a history teacher at the high school who supports gay rights and have since been removed.

"A couple of people objected to the language, and I said, 'I object, too,' " Brown said. "It's offensive, in that I now have to justify why I repeated what kids said about me, as if I'm doing something inappropriate. "

Brown told Statehouse News Service that he used the "F-word" twice.

Students who heard Brown speak said he read the profane statements "loudly and pretty angrily."

"Some teachers immediately were outraged to hear the language that was used," student Stephen Small told WHDH-TV. "Some people still feel it was inappropriate to read them word for word."

As others have pointed out in another thread, I have daughter. And if my daughter were called names on Facebook, or any other place, I would be pretty damned mad. However THIS is not about a father's anger. This is about subjecting other people's children to inappropriate language in a public school setting.

Sure we know these kids undoubtedly know these words, and some may even use them with some frequency, but when it comes from an adult, a STATE SENATOR for God's sake, it has a very different effect.

Something about his guy is very troubling, and I have to wonder how the voters of Massachusetts managed to miss it. Even after he received a substantial amount of blow back Brown was unapologetic.

Here Brown compares his use of inappropriate language to a sex-ed film shown to students about how to avoid pregnancy and the risks of STD's.

You know this whole thing kind of reminds me of that story that Sarah Palin tells in her book about the threats posted online about gang raping her daughters. Sarah also talked about sexual abuse directed at her children, but at least in Scott Brown's defense HIS example actually happened.

Not that he handled it properly, he certainly didn't. But at the very least there was actually something to respond to that was not just a figment of his imagination. Of course, just like Sarah, he still shamed his children in front of their peers and of course again in front of the whole nation during his acceptance speech. I am going to have to research this whole "family values" thing, because it must not mean what I thought it meant.


  1. 10catsinMD7:18 AM

    Something about the "Scarah Palin effect! If she can get away withit so can others.

    This idiot should not be in public office.

  2. Anonymous7:19 AM

    We've seen this before - he was not vetted.

    Did you see the II Revolution flags that were flying at his victory rally? He's a teabagger and no one cared.

  3. Sharon in Florida7:20 AM

    Sure hope all the 1000+ messages Ayla has gotten on her facebook page are not suggestive. If not, wonder what daddy will do?

  4. I can't wait to donate to Brown's Democratic challenger.

    And I'm going to watch (very closely) and wait for him to show his true self. These media confections--made up persona--are hard to sustain and I think he's going to trip up in a big, big way.

    Meanwhile, I hope that in the US Senate, at least, he acts like a public servant and a responsible and honest adult.

  5. Anonymous7:34 AM

    He votes 96% of the time with the GOP. I don't think the Teabaggers will like Brown for long. Let the D.C. sunlight shine on Brown. See what it did for Palin's gravitas to be on the national radar? (Crickets.) More "transparency" and "accountability" is in store for Brown now that he's on the national radar.

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Speaking of family values, when the bikini-clad photo is compared with the Brown family's live, on-stage presence after Tuesday's election victory, at least one daughter appears to have had breast augmentation surgery. Apparently, her prop and pimping value to him is now enhanced even further. In another respect, like Sarah, he is unapologetic on all fronts, switching endlessly from whiner to bullying mode.

  7. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Teabagger posing with his daughters:


  8. I've been reserving judgment about his guy because I really knew nothing about him prior to the election.

    But from what I'm seeing over the past couple of days it's clear to me he's a male version of Sarah Paylin. Just like her, he talks out of his ass.

  9. aka... Rocky in Texas said...

    Rumor has it Scott Brown would like to trade one of his daughters for a new Ford, F-150...


    Both of them to the toad for a night in exchange for the night with the master grifter, quitter 1/2 term gov!

  10. Anonymous7:58 AM

    OT: "The comments were posted on a page dedicated to a history teacher at the high school who supports gay rights and have since been removed."

    This sentence (from the article Gryphen is quoting) leaves the reader wondering WHAT has been removed. The comments? The facebook page? The history teacher?

    Makes me also wonder what ever happened to those editors that used to make my life miserable for submitting such sentences.

  11. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Dislikability quotient is growing. I can't stand this guy. I can't stand that MA is so gullible. It was not in their best interests to be supportive of the guy as I'm sure we will easily see in the coming two years.

  12. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Brown got a free pass because the Ma democratic machine was asleep at the wheel. The repubs don't care, they just wanted to get another R in the Senate. If the repubs cared then palin would have never been considered for vp!!! The press didn't do its job either and AGAIN we are wondering how this guy or palin ever got elected.

  13. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn8:11 AM

    I'll repeat what I left on a previous thread--the entire scenario just smells rotten to the core. For voters to "report" that they voted this Rethug shill in because they're protesting change not happening quickly/forcefully enough, or Prez O's far left policies (two remarks in complete contrast to each other) is unreal. No matter how horrible Coakley's campaign was, or how much she lacks a certain "charisma," Scott will stand for NO CHANGE AT ALL. And for the Dems to cater to him like they are is INEXCUSABLE. Next stop on the Rethug crazy train? I'll bet they'll be demanding that Prez O resign, and will make a huge, unrelenting deal about it. I don't put anything over on them. The hubs and I were just talking about this scenario last night.

    I'm sure that more and more bizarre info on this MA Senator will be revealed as time goes on. And the MSM will just ignore it 'cause the public will be told over and over that their Palinesque boy is just like the Real Americans on Main Street. They're already overlooking the negative, easily researchable info about him.

    And the Supreme Court (five conservative judges voting yes) has just ruled that corporations can spend freely to endorse or reject candidates in the upcoming elections. Wonder how many little shell corporations will form out of the massive Xtian Fundie cash flow?

    We live in interesting times...

  14. mommom8:32 AM

    Yesterday I was disturbed by a comment his daughter made on her Myspace page,today the site says it was hacked and comments were lost,but Im not so sure it wasnt scrubbed.

    In response to a comment from someone about her and her father being close she said,I may be paraphrasing a bit,"there is no line between us,that is the type of love we have"

    This just threw up red flags all over the place for me.

  15. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Something about this guys just gives me the creeps ! Beyond using his kids as props like Sarah Palin (and the fact that they are both duaghters). And the plastic Stepford wife face on his spouse, the TV reporter. He has the Romney looks (literally--they could be related) and arrogant smugness, but with the creepy factor as well.....

    And OK fine, if people are frustrated with Obama's pace of change/non-change (Shanynne Moore captured that perfectly), but how could voters actually think putting a non-Democrat in place could help advance their causes (healthcare, banking reform, etc.).

    Amazing times indeed.

  16. Anonymous8:51 AM

    The reason that Brown won was because Coakley ran a terrible campaign. She blew a major lead. Every day, she said something dumber than the day before. She ended a TV interview by asking the interviewer for his vote. Her spokesperson had to explain it away by calling it a joke. (The interviewer is supposed to remain impartial).

    The good news is that #60 Lieberman lost his ability to jerk the Democrats around. He is a fraud, a fake and an traitor for campaigning for McCain. He groomed Sarah for her debate. The Democrats bent over backwards and forwards trying to hold his precious vote. Now, he doesn't matter so much.

    There other two conservative Dems who cut the health care bill to shreds don't have their clout, either. This ought to be the wake up call that the Democrats need to get their act together before November. They can still pass the much needed health care bill, but they have to handle it the way they handled the Obama campaign, by staying focused and working together.

    Meanwhile, when is Rex Butler going to ask the court for a gag order? The Palins are out there promoting their wonderful parenting skills while trashing Levi. Gag order!

  17. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Is it me? I'm beginning to think the whole political system in this country is a big joke. I knew politics was always a dirty business but now we have crazies in government and seriously there has been a major "dumbing down" of America with politicians like Palin and this A-hole Brown, McShame and the list grows longer every day.

  18. Anonymous9:20 AM

    This whole family values talk by Brown-Palin, and company does make one suspicious of what their definition of "family values" are. I believe right now there is a falling away from the christian center, a "lukewarm" christianity" that turns it's back on hurting people, and becomes a religious political cult. It seems really OK to be red-blooded, crude, liberal exhibitionist- sexually- flirtateous, but don't -touch attitude. The same people who cry "sin" to those who would live private lives with different tendencies. This group seems to be the new christian trend in political high places. Beating one's chest, saying, "I am holier than thou; by the way I've got cute daughters", or wearing one's FM pumps.

    I'm hoping that people realize a large portion of christians see through this and don't engage in the hypocrisy.

  19. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:36 AM


    "seriously there has been a major "dumbing down" of America with politicians like Palin and this A-hole Brown, McShame and the list grows longer every day."

    Absolutely, anon. Many Americans don't have either the time, inclination or desire to inform themselves. They'd rather be entertained 24/7 and instructed who to like re: the "popular" kids, or who to "vote off the island." Politics in the 00s-10s has taken on the appearance of a nonstop reality show, and all the nimrods named in your post fit the program.

  20. mommom9:37 AM

    Here is a music video featuring Scott Browns wife

  21. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:39 AM

    PS--Shannyn just appeared on Thom Hartmann's show giving a great take on the SCOTUS decision. Her first warning of possibilities: "President Palin."

    What can we do to STOP this??

  22. Mr. Brown has a kink in his psyche and a whine in persona. His began his acceptance speech with a major gaffe in referring to his daughters. We know that his thought this was somehow funny. He was clueless about how he demeaned and objectified his daughters. It was all about him. This was one of those !!?WTF?!! moments.

    When talking to a group of students, he used inappropriate profanity and then whined that he didn’t understand what was the “big deal.” Mr. Brown’s sense of reality and a healthy, balanced ego is skewed. There are glaring gaps in his internal filter and, no doubt, we will be hearing and seeing more. Brown just cannot help himself. Like Palin, I guess he is just wired that way. Oy!

  23. Brown is also endorsing a full-blown anti-Obama birther. How did this get past the Mass Democratic Party?

    The guy Brown's endorsing has a sign in front of his house with a pic of Obama in the muslim headguard. How was this missed?!

  24. I realize that in the world we live in the f bomb is dropped a lot more than it should be. However, I agree Gryphen, it's one thing when kids are using on their FB page, it is another situation entirely when someone who holds political office does it. This guy is obviously out of control in more ways than one. And I don't care how bad a campaign Coakley ran, it's no excuse to put this guy in just because he had a slick ad comparing himself to John Kennedy. Little did I realize when I posted the other day that he would never have Ted Kennedy's class, how right that was. I hate to use the word again, but Brown is just plain creepy. Creepy.

  25. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I'm in total agreement with all the other posters who see a distinct similarity between Palin and Brown and their so-called family values.

    DH and I are quite busy with activities that take in a wide range of people, many of them far-right religious types. The common factor they all seem to exude is a "tee-hee" attitude about sex. They seem to enjoy putting a dirty/sexual slant on the most innocent comments. They are the first to bring up anything relating to sex, whether it be gossip about someone, stories in the news, or their outlook on gays. They are so self-righteous and mortified by human frailties, and continually toss out their god to defend their stance.

    They preach that sex is dirty, women must be subservient to the man, etc., etc., and they seem to act out when the opportunity presents itself. Then they come across as stupid, crude, and hypocritical.

    Those are the sort of people I can't stand to be around for more than a few minutes.

  26. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The Kennedy's didn't want Coakley. They will pick who they want in 2012

  27. Anonymous10:13 AM

    It was not only the matter of the profanity, it was that he was there to discuss his stance on gay sex. Your link sets it out and so does this one.

    For all the Repugs & anti-gay people that keep throwing out the remarks about how gays with go into schools to teach their kids about 'gayness', here's proof that it's not the gays, it themselves.

    Might we remember those who live in glass houses.

    Pot meet kettle.

  28. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Brown won because he worked harder and made more sense to the voters than his competition. Unfortunately, Coakley took winning for granted, and did and said some really strange things for somebody running for the Senate. I found this article interesting, and please read the comments. Brown just did a better job of campaigning and people in MA like him.

  29. daMamma10:19 AM

    Wow. I'm not sure if I should be surprised, coming from a Republican and all, or just plain ashamed and embarrassed that this came from MY Senator.

    I think I need a shower.

  30. Have you seen the music video Brown's wife made when she was younger - nothing wrong with doing a music video - but an interesting tidbit none the less for a "family values" Republican to have in their past

  31. kdusmdd10:31 AM

    HuffPost has a vidio of Brown's need to take a look....Lord have mercy what a family....aggghhhh

  32. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Well, if you think the Republican candidates today are nothing but trash, the SC just told us that corporations will be able to buy anyone they wish. Not only will they get trashier, they will be TOTALLY bought.

    I guess The Idiocracy has finally arrived.


  33. FEDUP!!!10:38 AM

    Seems like the whole family is a 'family values' type of family... NOT!

    I don't know how to screen catch this, since it is a video, so watch it while it is available...

  34. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I don't get why profanity is so important to you when you use the same and worse here on this blog. Do you think those kids should be protected from profanity and adults are quite capable of handling it?

    Isn't it just a polical thing you're trying to use against Brown. If you take part in that kind of political tactics you know that they will be used back on you don't you. Sure you do because you complain about the lame politics being played by the Palin camp every day.

    Try to rise above it. There will be lots of opportunity to crucify Brown very soon because of his real political stance which is going to matter.

  35. Boy, Mitt and the Brown guy sure do look alike. Boringly handsome. Like Central Casting's version of a President or senator. I think all these "mistakes" Brown makes only reinforce his popularity as a sort of reality show version of a politician. Politics as entertainment. Oh, I'm so depressed if this is what our country is coming to.... Can you imagine a Congress full of tabloid characters doing the bidding of corporate masters in an endearingly wacky way.

  36. As Glen Beck so gracefully put it...."there's going to be another dead intern in Wash." It's pretty scary when Beck says something that makes sense. I still can't get over the remark about his daughters. It's so creepy & inappropriate. Yes, you can blame nerves, but still why did that come to his mind. My god, if I ever said that about my daughter in public she would never speak to me again. It's so course, chauvinistic , shallow & insensitive & really there is no appropriate excuse. Watch out America...I'm becoming increasingly disappointed in Obama because his errors are paving the way for this insanity.

  37. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I did finally catch a vidoe of his acceptance speach, the "available" part.

    It is really pretty brainlessly tacky. No brains or tack or decently or love of child involved there.

    I though the look on the face of the daughter on his right, the hug and his wife's "now stop, stop that", and his obvliviousness to want was going on behind hem are really telling.

    He reaches for the angry daughter's hand, feels it is a fist and lifts it up for all to see anyway.
    Totally selfcenterd.

    I agree with Beck to the extent that he will be embroiled in a sex scandel tut sweet.
    Bet on it.

  38. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I think Brown is a misogynist and obviously sees women as sex objects (until they get older and heavyset, like his wife, who seems to have been one in her younger days). Now, he just substitutes his daughters to be objectified.

    Are there any intelligent people in that family at all?

  39. Anonymous11:11 AM

    This story is soooooo disturbing!

  40. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Wow, those 2 guys in the picture are interchangable (chuckle).


  41. Minor correction to your post. Massachusetts last Republican Senator was Edward Brooke, who served from 1967-1979. He was also the first African-American Senator.

    The fact is that Scott Brown is an unknown quantity to Massachusetts voters. The campaign was incredibly short -- about a month, in the midst of which were the holidays, when no one was paying attention -- certainly not the Democrats. Our bad. Martha Coakley was asleep at the wheel and by the time she and the rest of the Dems woke up, it was too late. As a Massachusetts voter, I am sad and horrified that Ted K's seat went to someone so antithetical to his values and everything he worked for. It truly pains me. But frankly, I was as asleep as anyone else until last week.

  42. Anonymous11:22 AM

    A minor quibble -- Massachusetts had a Republican Senator, Edward Brooke, until 1967 -- 43 years ago.

    Also, I don't think people understand that Martha Coakley was the candidate of choice for the health care industry. One of her big fund raisers was Steve Champlin. If the name isn't familiar to you, the HuffPo will fill you in:

    In other words, the health care industry has been publicly opposed to Obamacare but the deceptive truth is, they want it to pass because it will benefit them greatly.

    As the AP reported this morning:

    While few were making public statements, industry groups that stood to gain millions of newly insured customers were worried that such potential gains were in jeopardy, according to lobbyists speaking on condition of anonymity to describe confidential conversations.

    Say what you want about Brown, I'm glad he won. Coakley is a political animal of the worst kind, without an ethical bone in her body, willing to ruin lives in service to her own career. 'Just because she's a Democrat vote for her' doesn't work for me. She's atrocious.

  43. I agree that in this case Brown went to far and shouldn't have acted as he did. Additionally this is a reasonable and thoughtful post. But I find this whole open season liberal attack on Brown & family of the past couple of days to look, feel and smell like nothing so much as a Teabagger or Palinbot attack whipped up out of thin air - mostly on Huff Po I might add. The comments there are just insane, as if Brown and his family are a muck of creepy perverts for ever going on vacation and taking a group photo with the girls in bathing suits, or because his wife was in a quite tame music video in the 80s in a ::gasp:: bikini.

    Brown was joking on the night of his acceptance speech. Are liberals going to start sounding like the "Fire David Letterman" crowd who can't take a joke?

    Too late, a lot of them already do. I blame Fox and the nasty tone of political discourse that everyone has gotten used to. Don't we have better things to read and write about?

    BTW the only time I dared to criticize the statements made on national television by a liberal on this blog I was later accused of launching an "attack" which was unfair and untrue. IMHO liberals make mistakes too and it should be okay to air out opinions that are not just agreement or cheerleading. Trolls shouldn't be the only ones allowed to air contrary opinions - we need honest liberal debate on different sides of issues.

    Thanks for listening, off the soapbox (for now anyway) : )

  44. Thanks for the correction. I fixed the title.

    Damn that math!

  45. HuffPo has already found a raunchy music video of Scott Brown's wife. Once again the Repubs push someone out on stage who isn't fully vetted. It's all downhill from here, folks. Enjoy the freefall, Scotty.

  46. What I have seen and heard about (and from) this guy in the last week is REALLY disturbing. I shuddered when I became aware of his "relationship" with his daughters, especially.

    Smarmy to the max.

  47. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Sounds like Brown is a "loose cannon," just like our Queen Sarah. They make quite a pair!

  48. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I'm not ready to trash Brown like you all seem ready to do. I don't know anything about him yet, and have a wait and see attitude.

    All you are bitchin about isn't all that terrible in the society we live in.

    I don't think he has his eye on the presidency quite yet.

  49. Aussie Blue Sky2:55 PM

    What manner of father sets his daughters up to be stalked nationwide?

    And they will be.

  50. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Shannyn just appeared on Thom Hartmann's show giving a great take on the SCOTUS decision. Her first warning of possibilities: "President Palin."

    Uncle Gyphen - you PROMISED you would not let this happen! It's time to send Palin packing before she hooks up with Brown, and they start terrorizing the country!

  51. Helen8:24 PM

    "Shannyn just appeared on Thom Hartmann's show giving a great take on the SCOTUS decision. Her first warning of possibilities: "President Palin."

    It seems like it is only her and the Palinbots that think Palin has any chances to be US President these days. If SM is right, she'll be able to have the biggest "I told you so" moment of anyone I suppose.

  52. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Brown is a disgusting pig and should never have been elected. He hates women you can tell by the fact that when someone said "shove a curling iron up her butt" and he responded with "we can do this" at one of his rallies. WTF The shit would hit the fan if a democrat did anything fucking close to that. How could any father embarrass his two daughters on national T.V.? I love his wife The Girl with the Curious Hand video. She certainly wasn't all prim and proper then. This family is just as fake and phony as Palin.


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