Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Can you spot the Fox pundits, unethical politicans, and neocon mouthpieces in this beautifully photoshopped version of "Alice in Wonderland"?

This wonderful piece of art was created by Blue Gal, and if you visit her blog she will reveal all of the little so-called "patriots" milling around in the poster. (She also posted it over at Crooks and Liars.)

Wow! I wish I had that kind of talent.

I also need to give a H/T to Kajo for bringing it to my attention.


  1. No Hannity? Maybe he's too close to an actual fictional character (Fred Flinstone). Seriously, they're like twins.

  2. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Sarah's a bit long in the tooth to play an ingenue.

  3. Clean plate! Clean plate!

  4. Hey Sarah, congratulations! You got star billing.

  5. emrysa3:00 PM


    also you can click on the image and see a few more people.

    altho, I personally would rather see more johnny depp than these losers.

  6. OT - Gryphen, If you're in touch with any of Levi's peeps: "The executive producers of Glee will begin a nationwide casting search this February to fill three new roles that will be added to the show's second season."

    Levi??? At least for a guest appearance on the show! I recall Levi mentioning he liked to sing. This is such a great show with several seemingly Sarah Palin references in the first season:

    * Puck (baby daddy with hockey-related name))
    * Mercedes (close to Mercede)
    * fake pregnancy
    * pregnant teen
    * Downs syndrome girl tries out for cheerleading
    * prenant teen's parents are extreme fundamental Christianists

  7. Anonymous4:55 PM

    ot, but have you read LA Times regarding Repub. Rep. Paul Ryan's Roadmap For Killing Social Security? I think Medicare will be affected too. I guess the death panel talk was to link the change, if it happens, to our president. If I am not mistaken, palin supports Ryan's position. The baggers will not like this, but of course, it will be our president's fault, according to her.

  8. Anonymous5:48 PM is the real one...

    I really want to see this, to explain what has been happening the past 18 months!

  9. Anonymous6:11 PM

    How wonderful! You never seem to outdo yourself. Keep on doing what you do and be happy.

  10. Thank you so much for the linky love!


  11. Anonymous6:51 PM

    "The day that I visited Rex's office he had case files and unopened mail stacked all over the place, and that was BEFORE this custody case started."

    Levi, as I have asserted before, has the wrong lawyer. He's spent money sending a 24/7 minder (who grabbed all the attention he could for himself) and setting up dead-end appearances.

    Now you tell us that he's disorganized, doesn't keep enough support staff, and let Levi make a statement that didn't mesh with the paystubs.

    You've been a big supporter of this attorney, and you've been very certain that Levi would pull something out of his... pocket... that would magically make him top dog in any fight with the Palin family.

    I think it might be time to adjust your slant in reporting this story. Because it's a 20-yr old over-exposed young man with an overwhelmed attorney. And that is all it is. There is no magic, there is no super!Levi to appear and take anyone down.

    He will be lucky if the court protects him, and should be sorry he ever listened to the false drums that anti-palinist blogs have beat, cheering him on.

    I feel sorry for Levi, I always have, and wish he hadn't been used by people who were merely the opposite side of the coin from Palin and McCain.

  12. Anne Nc8:21 PM

    Anonymous @ 6:51 P.M.

    Did you feel sorry for Levi when Sarah twisted his arm to appear for her in the campaign for V.P.? When she used him as her daughter's fiancee' knowing she would do anything and everything possible to keep them from marrying if she lost the election?

    Did you care when she said something about Levi that made sure his job on the slopes was lost? Did you care when she did her damn maneuvering to come between him and Bristol in order to keep him from his son?

    Your b.s. is simply that. You overlook Palin's past dealings with family members who are now no longer welcome like Mike Wooten although I'm sure Levi remembered and knew he had to protect himself.
    Although $P had been around the block and thrown more people under the bus than Levi could have possibly known about yet he still knew she would do the same thing to him in any way possible.

    Her own daughter testified that they, being the family, only said the things they did, because of the divorce. She also said they laughed about the tasering incident. Sarah never felt threatened by Wooten or she would have told the police after he allegedly threatened her father. Her own sister said he wasn't violent and there was nothing to be afraid of. The things Wooten did such as the drinking on the job were addressed and he was disciplined for it but she went after him with the power of the Governor's office. Levi knew she would do the same to him.

    She has probably held back on really going after him because of the dirt he has on her and I'm sure there is plenty of it. He didn't lie in the VF article and she knows it. However, she never thought about what she was doing and if there was anything wrong with it. Hell, it was just Sarah being Sarah.

    Spare us your phony concern and go back to whatever rock you crawled out from under. The people here, especially Gryphen, would do whatever they could to help a young father who wanted nothing more than a chance to be a father and spend time with his son.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.