Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Incredibly Glenn Beck believes he has the intellectual arsenal to take on Rachel Maddow and he gets his ass handed to him.

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Now usually I am not somebody who wants to see a mismatched fight there one combatant is clearly outmatched by the other. However in this case I would make an exception.

If HBO hosted a debate between Glenn Beck and Rachel Maddow I would pay virtually ANY amount to witness it. If we think we have seen Glenn Beck cry before, I think we would be shocked by the blubbering snot fest that would result from Maddow intellectual pummeling of the barely coherent Beck.

And in my humble opinion, it would be a thing of beauty.

Hell why stop there. I think that Rachel could take on the entire stable of Fox News bullshit artists. Get them all, O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, hell even throw in Palin for comic relief, Rachel could take them all on with half of her brain cells tied behind her back.

Just imagine how much money that could make. They could even give the proceeds to Haiti, and the folks at Fox News could finally do something positive with their lives.

Maybe it is just me, but I think it is an idea worth considering. Unless of course the big bad arrogant men at Fox are afraid of one little girl from MSNBC?

You know, if they were smart, they would be.


  1. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Oh please, oh please, oh please, Glenn Beck. Go on Rachel's show. You can get your ass handed to you in person.

    I know you love to downplay intelligence and education, but Rachel is a Rhodes Scholar with a PhD in Politics from Oxford University.

    Put on your big boy pants, Glenn Beck, and go on Rachel's show.

  2. I bet the majority of people who watch Beck do not watch Rachel Maddow so they never see the truth. They only see Beck's distorted view of reality.

  3. A Rhodes Scholar/PHD in Political Science. Yep, I think she can take the blubbering idiot with her tongue wrapped around her eye teeth, so she can't see what she's saying.

  4. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Rachel was so smart on Meet the Press on Sunday, confronting a congressman who voted against the stimulus and then proudly took credit for the projects that stimulus money brought to his district.

    She does it on her show; she is brilliant using facts to totally disprove Republican talking points. So many of the other people we see on news programs will not confront a guest for fear of scaring away future guests.

    Rachel is refreshingly direct, inviting people to appear on her show and mentioning that they have every chance to appear and disprove what she is saying. Rachel is a breath of fresh air!

  5. Yes, and after the intellectual pummeling they would take (and be obvious to any thinking person), Beck, Hammity et. al. would walk out of the room, declare victory, say that liberalism is died and out of touch with "average Americans", and go right back to what they were doing before.

    My point is there's no sense arguing or debating with morons. If their audience and inattentive non-partisan list to and accept what these moronic blow-hards have to say, facts, reason, and hypocrisy will make no difference.

    The only truly effective method of defeating these idiots and their followers is to challenge their motives. Everyone understands motives and even Beck can put on the defensive that way. He would strike back in kind, of course, but he's already doing so and it would lack the force of an attack on his motives.

    What motive can you charge? He wants America to fail. If America succeeds under Obama, it will show what a fool he is and he'll never be taken seriously again.

  6. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I know you meant no disrespect, but be aware that not every woman likes being called "little girl" even when you intend for emphatic impact.

    You are right. Rachel is a woman who could take Glenn Beck down without much effort. If he made her mad, she might just make him cry (but how hard would that be, really, he is inclined towards dramatics anyway).

    You're right, that was a great segment. Thanks for letting folks know about it.

  7. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Our "job" is to make sure the Obama Adminstration succeeds.

  8. memo to the cry baby, BACK OFF! that was awesome.

  9. I know you meant no disrespect, but be aware that not every woman likes being called "little girl" even when you intend for emphatic impact.

    I believe Gryphen was satirically mocking how Beck and his ilk see Rachel.

    Throwing their derogatory statements back in their face.

  10. I'd pay to see that debate! But the folks at Fox know they would be outmatched so no way it would happen

  11. Anonymous8:02 AM

    What in the world is that photograph looming over Beck's right shoulder?
    Looks like a wrapped-up dried-up mummy! Is there a Rachel fan on the set designer's crew? It's a perfect example of the potential effects of global warming........

    (Wild Tortoise grumbles...)

  12. To have death threats sent to you from these wacko's would be daunting.
    But I feel Rachel is strong enough to just let it go... the man is crazy, and come summer time when it's sweltering he will simply turn up his AC and hide from the truth.
    Corporations don't want to deal with the mess they have created, and Beck is rolling in the profit from his lies.

  13. Once upon a time, Rachel Maddow was a little girl from Castro Valley, California. And now she is Dr. Rachel Maddow, and the WATBs on Faux would rather castrate themselves with their own teeth than appear on her show.

    And about the only thing the easily threatened righty guys can say about Rachel is to make ho-ho-ho remarks about how she's the "sexiest man alive," as they did on Tucker Carlson's new site, "Daily Caller."

  14. Anonymous8:21 AM

    The problem with Glenn Beck is, he just got his taste of the lime light and is in fear of losing his newly acquired fortune. I watch him everyday and he only speaks to rich people under the guise of supporting everyday folks. He is a fraud.

    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.......

  15. Dr. Maddow vs. cry baby former shock jock beck. An intellectual mismatch if there ever was one.

  16. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Rachel Rocks!
    I see Glenn Beck has borrowed $carah's black sharpie to scribble out Rachel's eyes.

  17. laprofesora8:52 AM

    "blubbering snot fest"...haaaaa-haaaaaaa! You nailed it, Gryphen! Name your would be worth any amount to see that match!!!!

  18. crystalwolf aka caligrl8:53 AM

    I agree Gryphen I would pay to see Rachel take on Glen, how fun would that be???
    Now I have a Bitch...when I say global warming to me it is the same as saying climate change! I said Global warming to my Son last week and he's like "oh no... now its climate change" ummm, just a matter of semantics here...It was snowing in Ft. Worth Dallas last week....unheard of snow storms on the East Coast, but idiots will quibble oh, its not global warming! The ice caps are melting! This is affecting the weather!
    Ok so Climate change is a better choice of words, but whatever it is it is manmade! And Retards like Beck and Palin don't get it!

  19. Rachel's intellect, her grasp of virtually any subject, AND her polite, but direct way of questioning her guests makes her a sheer joy to watch. Unfortunately, because Beck is a coward, he wouldn't even consider for a moment coming in to the same studio as Rachel. I just loved it when she ended with "back off"!

  20. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I'm sure everyone noticed that beeeeker had Rachel's eyes taped-over last night because he can't even summon the fortitude to look at her on tape - much less in person.. He's much rather hide behind his basement blankets and studio security guards than to have to face the real world of hard..... What a complete loser.. He'll do just fine at the CPAC convention too.... hsr...hsr...hsr... better than SNL sometimes...

  21. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I just read on HuffPo that his show is broadcast in the UK and he lost ALL of his advertisers there. The space alloted for commercials is filled with weather and promo for other Fox shows.

  22. Glenn Beck is the featured Mad Hatter in the frame of a hilariously Photoshopped version of the poster of Johnny Depp's "Alice in Wonderland" movie.

    Bonus: He's ALSO both Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee!

    (enlarge it by keying both the Control key and and the + key on your keyboard)

    Of course, I wouldn't mention it if Sarah Palin wasn't also part of the Photoshop poster. She's featured as Alice -- McCain is the Rabbit, Rush Limbaugh the Caterpillar, and Michelle Malkin the Red Queen, Ann Coulter the White Queen among others.

    I found it at the blog of Bluegal, one of the featured bloggers at CrooksAndLiars.

    Bluegal has challenged others to top her effort if they dare...

  23. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:19 AM

    Of course the right can only attack Rachel for being gay...
    she is a woman, is smarter than them, is gay....
    Its just like President Obama, he is a black man and smarter than them and now President. The can't attack his "blackness" b/c they would be called racists, but make up shit about his BC.
    So fricken what if Rachel is Gay? Who cares! She is damn good at what she does. Glen beck and those idiots on faux including palin aren't fit to shine her shoes!

  24. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Beck would be crying like a little girl.

  25. Global Warming. Hmmm. We're supposed to take Glenn Beck's word on the subject? So now tell me, is that the same Glenn Beck who, if he is true to his faith, wears magic underwear and believes God lives on a planet near the star "Kolob?"

    It is? Really?

    Well then, maybe Rachel could ask him to sing a chorus of, "If you could hie to Kolob," for all of us. That might be fun.

    I'll bet you all think I'm making things up, don't you? Well, go to You Tube and have at it, Kids.

  26. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:32 AM

    Perhaps the image over Glenn's right shoulder on his set is a bit of (hopeful) foreshadowing: someone in a straitjacket?

    I find the graphics used on these far right shows to be really interesting as well as manipulative. When Bill Nye's segment with Rachel is played on Beck's show, there's a ghostly, enlarged image of Nye playing along in the background with him, making him look absolutely sinister. BWAHAHA--beware of valid information, patriotic Becksters--you may actually learn something!

    Rachel always handles those who disagree with her with class, grace and conviction--loved it at the end when she looked directly into the camera and told Beck to "back off"!

  27. I know someone who watches Fox News exclusively. She loves Glenn Beck.

    We used to be good friends. We're not anymore. WHY? Because I can't be friends with someone so ignorant as to love Glenn Beck the lying fool.

  28. crystalwolf aka caligrl11:06 AM

    Thanks for that link, so AWESOME, Sarah in

  29. imnofred11:12 AM

    No doubt that Rachel has more brains than the whole Fox crew put together.

    Unfortunately, when you are dealing with people with no conscience that don't care the least about the truth, pointing out facts that prove them wrong doesn't matter. They will lie, get called on the lie, and then tell another lie.

    That is why Sarah fits in so well with them. It would be hard to find just one fact in the whole Fox newsroom.

  30. Gasman12:33 PM

    It amazes me that when Beck gets caught in his intellectual laziness or his lying, rather than letting go and moving on, his tendency seems to be to dig in. Big mistake. Each time he does this - like with his “Obama is a racist” comment, his “2 million strong” teabagger rally claims, his “O-L-G-A-R-H-Y” nonsense - he draws even more attention from non-viewers to what a dissembling asshat he really is.

    Beck is not the brightest bulb, but he is not a total moron. He knows damn well that Maddow would mutilate him in any kind of intellectual back and forth. Beck would never put himself in such a position willingly. Maddow is a Ph.D. Rhodes Scholar who does her homework. Unlike Beck, who is a lazy buffoon who shoots from the hip and does ZERO research for either his radio or TV performances. You can tell that Beck wings it on his TV show because he makes so many stupid rookie mistakes. You’d think that after stepping on the same rake a few dozen times he might wise up, but he thinks things are just dandy the way they are. BAM!

    Beck, O’Reilly, and Hannity are all fairly well known for not allowing any disagreements or dissent from within their staffs, thus nobody corrects them. They have surrounded themselves with sycophantic ass kissers who would NEVER question their bosses. The strong willed professionals who those clowns won’t hire are the same ones who might prevent such stupid mistakes from making it on air. O’Reilly and Hannity have made more than their fair share of such idiotic gaffes as well.

    I wonder how long Beck will continue to beat this dead horse. At what point do even the sheeple become aware of Beck’s galling hypocrisy and stinking mendacity? Hey, it is happening to Palin, it could also happen to Beck.

  31. Anonymous1:17 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Anonymous2:24 PM

    I was glad to see her get back at him, I just hope she doesn't spend alot of air time on him, there are more important things to take that time on.

    Point out his lies by all means, just don't dwell on it.

  33. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Glen,shouldn't you be in the kitchen?

  34. Anonymous2:38 PM


    Drollery ain't welcome here.

    Be gone.

  35. Yes! I just wish Rachel had a bit more attitude or a curse - like dude - back the fuck off! Oh right, that's why I'm not on msnbc. check.

    The sheeple never will understand b/c they 'choose' to believe Mr. Godly and not the liberal heathen bitch. Oh and they're stupid.

  36. Anonymous3:35 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I have the funniest image in my brain thinking about Rachael taking on all of Faux news bozo's:
    Whack a mole!! Boom boom boom boom boom GAME OVER !!!

  38. I believe Maddow would dismantle Beck's nonsense in the same fashion that Obama recently dismantled the Republican nonsense. She has a very very keen mind and lives in a fact based reality. He is a dope. I would love to see him go on her program and attempt to hold his own. I don't expect it will happen though. He is a bolviator. He hides behind his tears.

  39. ENOUGHwiththetrainwreck6:27 PM

    beck is paid to be a clown and to lie. that is his job. he has to use props and silly voices on a daily basis. sheesh.

    rachel is paid to present poltical discourse and she does it quite well.

    glen never will be anything more than a clown. but he still gets paid. that is the sad truth.

  40. You know it would never be a real debate.

    Once Beck was on the ropes it would denigrate into name calling and he'd just hurl personal attacks at her. It's standard operating procedure.

    It would be entertaining for about 5 min. Then it would just be a mess. Beck would look bad and the next day Faux and the Conservative Media would declare him the winner.

  41. Mac And Cheese Wiz8:56 PM

    Rachel would eviscerate him in the first two minutes!

  42. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Next Beck show - sucks thumb, snot-faced and crying, saying, "she threatened me."


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