Thursday, February 04, 2010

The Daily Show on the possible repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell", and Jon questions his past infatuation with John McCain.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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You know, John Oliver might have a point. I am just saying.


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    The Daily Show is absolutely brilliant in bringing out the absurdity and lack of logic used in most political debate by taking it to the extreme. This piece was powerful while being hysterical at the same time.

  2. Laura7:49 AM

    An excellent show. It captured the hypocricy of the R's well.

  3. Yea... they are so concerned about "unacceptable risks" in the military.


  4. Love this. OT .. on previous thread-I am sick this morning that the Rahm comment is still "in the news." Gryphen, please do something soon to shut her up forever. These diversions to cover up her own stuff and to derail any meaningful attempts to dialogue and govern this country are sick. So now what do we do with labels on things that are "flame RETARDant?"

  5. That may be the funniest, most pointed skewering I've ever seen on the Daily Show. And, as you know, that's saying a lot.

    Hope someone shows this to that hypocrite McNasty.

  6. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Around the blogosphere:

    Comic Jon Stewart told Bill O'Reilly that the "no spin zone" ringleader had become the voice of sanity on Fox News Channel, although "that's like being the thinnest kid at fat camp."

    Wallace on whether Palin will be "sitting on [his] lap" during interview: "one can only hope"

    Obama Pleads for Civility at Prayer Breakfast, Despite Outbreak of Apologies

  7. Anonymous8:34 AM

    (Susie here)
    I loved that piece when i saw it last evening, and I'm glad you saw it and posted it for further exposure. It so clearly parodies the hypocrisy there in the old white heterosexual males who want to continue discriminating against anyone who isn't heterosexual. Their "reasons" don't hold up to ANY degree of scrutiny and they just sound nasty and hateful, not logical. I wish everyone involved in this debate would see this video.

  8. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Oh my, the tears are still rolling down my face! I have bronchitis and coughed so hard I couldn't get my breath...need to label these things..their humor can be deadly. "He was born this way!!!" Oh dear, when are those idiots in DC going to realize how stupid they really are? Didn't hear Lindsey respond!!!! Chambliss is Chameless!!

  9. What on earth does Haiti have to do with this? Has anyone played the 2006 for McShame and asked him what happened? He so needs to retire and go and redecorate his 7 houses, or something, anything that will get him out of public office. Oh, yes I forgot $P is going to campaign for him. That ought to finish him off.

  10. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Awesome, thanks for sharing, Gryphen!

    It's twofold. It doesn't matter what McCain said in times past. The republicans in Congress have been stumbling blocks against President Obama since he took the oath of office. Some have been very vocal wanting PO and his administration to fail. That quitter gov keeps attacking, they're all attacking.

    As far as "Don't Ask Don't Tell," I was against that policy from the beginning. It didn't remove a discrimination, it just covered it up.

    When Jesus gave the commandment, love thy neighbor as thyself, there were no exceptions.

  11. McCain has truly shed his last shred of dignity. And what is really scary is that a full fledged teabagger idiot (JD Hayseed... I mean Hayworth)is running against him for his seat. Even scarier? The damn Dems have not fielded anyone credible! Earth to the DNC, DLC, DCCC - wtf? You'll never get a better chance to win a seat here in AZ than when these two factions of dumb and dumber split the crazy vote!!!

  12. Stewart is switching his allegiance to another GOP homophobe, Scott Brown.


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