Thursday, February 04, 2010

If you thought this political season was a little scarier than usual, it might be because of the new horror themed campaign ads.

First we have this ad from Dwight McKenna, a surgeon who is campaigning to win long time New Orleans coroner Frank Minyard's job.

Check out this gruesome television ad.

The first thing I noticed was the bad lighting in that coroners office. I mean if you are going to remove body parts to sell, shouldn't you try to ensure they are not damaged in the process?

Turn on the damn light, you cheap bastard!

Oh, and maybe afterward you could provide your assistant with some good health insurance so he can get his teeth straightened, get that hump removed, and his limp fixed.

Now let's move on to the "demon-eyed sheep" political ad from Carly Fiorina as she battles former California Congressman Tom Campbell, for a California Senate seat.

The ad starts off with calming images of pastoral settings filled with adorable sheep and grassy meadows. But then suddenly one of the sheep is driven up into the sky on a phallic symbol (Was this filmed in Montana? Just asking.), and suddenly, just when the sheep is about to reach new heights, the phallus falls out from under it. (Isn't that always the way ladies?)

Then the calm pasture is replaced by lightning strikes, and ominous music, which point out that Tom Campbell, the supposed fiscal genius, is really a stupid head, with stupid head ideas.

But even after insulting Campbell's fiscal approach, the Fiorina camp is not done yet. Oh no they are just beginning.

Next we return to both the sheep and grassy fields only this time with the addition of the DEMON-EYED SHEEP! According to the commercial this "Lamb from Hades" is there to destroy the sheep's economy and place taxes on their grass until they have to sell the very wool off their backs to make ends meet. Oh the horror!

Oh God I can't go on! Just watch it for yourselves!

You know personally I am kind of relieved that the satanic sheep was only there to screw up the economy for those farmyard critters. The way he was looking at them and chasing them on his hands and knees I was more concerned with their virtue and future marketability. After all don't they get a higher price for virgin wool?

However as a long time horror buff I have to say that I welcome these new Fangoria inspired political advertisements. At least they aren't boring. Stupid, mindless, a little ridiculous, but not boring.


  1. Tyroanee9:22 AM

    Not only do these ads scare me...(okay a little) but they have given me sound reasons NOT to visit that area!

  2. Gryphen - you are on a roll today!

  3. GermanGoodness9:32 AM

    Okay, can I just say that both of those ads were RETARDED!

  4. Just say no to demon sheep:

  5. Anonymous9:43 AM

    That demon-eyed sheep is TOO FUNNY!

  6. Damn. The District of Columbia doesn't get any looney candidates to run ads about alien sheep overlords...

  7. Maybe Carly Fiorina wanted a funny, viral video to have everyone know her name?

    That's the only thing that could explain for making such an obtuse, bad ad.

    because if a bunch of people sat around a table and said 'we love this ad'.... i don't know what to say.

  8. The sheep ad would probably play better in SC than CA. As Stewart pointed out, SC Republicans could use a break from f**king that same old horse anyway.
    Both videos highlight the tragedy that Ed Wood is no longer with us.

  9. What is the acronym for lying on the floor laughing, sides splitting, tears running down my face, and I am so busted for watching a video at work. That demon "sheep" will haunt my dreams.

  10. hdtracy10:22 AM

    Although cross-posted at Bree’s and Palingates, it was suggested that I post this at IM for those that might enjoy an intriguing tale!

    OT but thought I would make a call out to my fellow Canadian IM fans. Looks like Palin has a speaking engagement in Edmonton. Came across this post at C4P - Here's the subsequent article in the Edmonton Journal:

    This event is being organized by Christian Darbyshire and Andy McCreath of tinePublic Inc. and taking place at the new BMO Center. While surfing for contact info to voice my discontent, I couldn't find their website but came across this stunning discovery. Seems tinePublic inc. owns and operates a high-falutin’ escort service called Millionaires Club 123 where “Successful men meet women of distinction.” How creepy is that?

    I made the connection through the following press release: which clearly indicates at the end of the release the following information:

    For more information, please contact tinePublic Inc.
    Christian Darbyshire @ (416) 419-9953

    For those Canadian peers willing to voice their opinion, here are the contacts I drummed up with a brief search.

    Christian Darbyshire
    tinePublic Inc.
    416-419-9953 or 403-245-8550

    Laurie Grant, Media Relations Manager Senior Manager, Corporate Communications, BMO Financial Group
    T: 604.665.7596, C: 604.318.0735, E:

    I know I might seem a little over zealous, but the thought of her dishing out her word salad here in Canada just gives me the willies….she irritates me to no end! Ya just never know…since greed runs fierce in her veins, she might decide to trade in Todd for a more wealthy First Dude!

  11. What. horrible. ads.

    I guess I liked the coroner one better--it was shorter. I got bored with the sheep one as it droned on and on and on and scrolled forward to the demonic sheep.

    I can't decide what weirds me out more: a demonic sheep or a guy crawling around in the grass pretending to be a demonic sheep. O.o

  12. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Oh dear god! This looks like a Daily Show bit. Hilarious. Would anybody in his right mind take any of this crap seriously?

  13. I agree with germangoodness both of the are just retarded. Uh oh, do you think Sarah Palin is going to come afer us now?!

  14. Good heavens....I don't want Palin in my country...anywhere. We have a few loons here too...but Palin could teach them all a thing or two about "loonery" to the extreme. "ugh" stay home Palin...we dont want you here.

  15. Okay, I have to confess--I thought that these ads were pretty hilarious.
    We don't get anything this fun in my neck of the woods.

  16. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I admit that I am from CA, but I think the sheep ad is hilarious. I think it was done pretty tongue-in-cheek, judging by the tone of voice of the narrator.

  17. Anonymous1:14 PM

    When I saw the sheep commercial I automatically thought of the horror flick Black Sheep. If you haven't seen the picture you really need to check it out, it is really troubling, I guarantee you will never forget it.

  18. Gasman1:43 PM

    This is OT, related directly to the Palin vs. Limbaugh over the use of the R word. Palin - through Stapleton - called out Lord Lardass:

    As Sargent says, "It hardly has the passion of her response to Rahm, and there’s no call for him to step down. But given Rush’s stature among conservatives, it’s pretty interesting that she went this far, denouncing his on-air rant as 'crude and demeaning name-calling.' "

    I wonder why Emanuel should be fired, but not Limbaugh, Gov. Perry's aide, nor Dennis Miller? Could it be because they're nominally in the GOP tent?

  19. The ads are SO stupid that I'm sure a lot of people will vote for the opponent automatically. Funnier than "hell" though and I want a demonic sheep on my desktop. The music is almost as hilarious as the rest of it.

    All clearly birthed by a failed artist who managed to get their hands on this politician's funds and talk him into "an epic" production!!

  20. Sometimes these commercials backfire. I recently voted the wrong way (against my viewpoint) on a Proposition because I felt so insulted by the commercials on one side. I figured that people who would insult me couldn't be backing the right side.

  21. Anonymous2:40 PM

    This is one of those it's so bad it good things.

    It really funny, and really tacky. The costume is terrib -ly funny and the guy crawling on all fours is the perfect leave-them-laughing moment.

    How is this add supposed to gain any respect for a person who almost destroyed HP and now wants to carry on with California?

  22. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I'm not from CA, but I've always thought of Californians as being pretty progressive. I can't imagine that many there would take these ads seriously. They might make good material for SNL though.

  23. Since Fiorina is running in my state I'll only comment on that.

    That has to be by far the worst political ad I've ever seen. It's bad in so many ways.

    First...does she really want people to identify with the sheep? She wants Republicans to identify with the sheep? Is that really the message she wants to send?

    And second. In the end she has FCINO and her name on the final page. Does she really want the fiscal conservative in name only website identified with her name?

    Bad idea.

    The worst part is it's over 3 min. long. No way that's airing on TV. You the only ones that are going to be watching this are net-savy Republicans that pretty much go looking for it on YouTube or follow links from website to website. Oh, yeah. That's so describes the majority of Republicans. Or if she decides to air it on TV, do you have any idea how much a block of air time to show the entire thing would cost? No one has pockets deep enough for that.

    If I were a Republican, I'd cross Fiorina off the ballot based on that mess alone.

  24. Ha ha I just had a thought - any way "failed screenwriter" RAM talked her way into writing this?!!

  25. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Someone should look into the 10,000's of jobs Fiorina sent over seas while running HP into the ground. Now there is a factual commercial. She is bad news!

  26. Anonymous9:37 PM

    A few weeks ago Tom Campbell, the sheep, dropped out of the Senate race and is now trying to run for the Gov job by running against ebay Meg, another Sillycon Valley loser former CEO.

  27. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Well obviously "the day dogs good Carly" is so much better than "the night cats bad Boxer". (Of course she pulled that stupid flash off of her website awfully fast.) But first D.D.G.C must beat the big evil bad sheep only it's not a sheep it's a wolf in sheep's clothes "FCINO" so she can have her chance at going against N.C.B.B. Really she was a CEO for HP. Really she is so f***ing stupid.
    Go Carlyfornia Go straight to Hell. Although she was amusing during the McCain campaign saying Sarah couldn't run HP. She sure did disappear after that. Please go away now we hate people who fire thousands of people and then brag about it.


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