Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Hypocrisy thy name is "Palin".

In yesterday's RAM written Facebook rant, there is this an attack on Rahm Emanuel over this week old report from the Wall Street Journal.

The friction was laid bare in August when Mr. Emanuel showed up at a weekly strategy session featuring liberal groups and White House aides. Some attendees said they were planning to air ads attacking conservative Democrats who were balking at Mr. Obama's health-care overhaul.

"F—ing retarded," Mr. Emanuel scolded the group, according to several participants. He warned them not to alienate lawmakers whose votes would be needed on health care and other top legislative items.

Here is Mansour's....uh Palin's....uh....I don't know....somebody's response on facebook.

The Obama Administration’s Chief of Staff scolded participants, calling them, “F---ing retarded,” according to several participants, as reported in the Wall Street Journal.

Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the “N-word” or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them – is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking.

A patriot in North Andover, Massachusetts, notified me of Rahm’s “retarded” slam. I join this gentleman, who is the father of a beautiful child born with Down Syndrome, in asking why the Special Olympics, National Down Syndrome Society and other groups condemning Rahm’s degrading scolding have been completely ignored by the White House. No comment from his boss, the president?

Did you notice it could not simply be a regular person who relayed this information to Sarah? It had to be a "patriot". As if she would not deign to interact with just any old run of the mill American.

It is then that RAM/Palin goes off about wanting "her" child to grow up in a world "free from mindless prejudice and discrimination". Acting almost as if Palin was not the accelerant that started the blaze of racism and hatred that is so prominently on display at Teabagger rallies all across this nation.

However Palin's hypocrisy goes much deeper than that.

I am sure we all remember this tidbit from Levi Johnston.

After Tripp was born, Sarah would pay more attention to our son than she would to her own baby, Trig. Sarah has a weird sense of humor. When she came home from work, Bristol and I would be holding Trig and Tripp. Sarah would call Trig--who was born with Down syndrome--"my little Down's baby." But I couldn't believe it when she would come over and sometimes say, playing around, "No, I don't want the retarded baby--I want the other one," and pick up Tripp. That was just her--even her kids were used to it.

Sarah do you know what is infinitely worse than referring to the actions undertaken by a group of intelligent adults as "f**king retarded"?

Using the word "retard" to refer to an actual child diagnosed with Down syndrome, who is living in your home and looking to you for love and acceptance, that's what.

Your level of hypocrisy is stunning madam. So perhaps I should ask you the very same question posed in the title of your post, "Are You Capable of Decency, Sarah Palin?"

The country, just chock full of "patriots", await your answer.


  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Nobody has ever heard Palin use the word 'retarded' except Levi who is being paid to produce newsworthy quotes.

    Please turn down the 'feigned-outrage-o-meter' a bit.

  2. Here's a GOP blog post that has it figured out. It suggests a South Park episode to explain to people what's going on.

  3. Anonymous7:26 AM

    If Palin had shown some consideration for the health and well-being of her child, just before his birth, she could take the moral highground.

    As it is, Trig isn't the special needs baby. His mother is.

    Assuming Palin's the mother, of course.

  4. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I assume Anon @ 7:19 is addressing Ms. Quitty Pants?

  5. Shadowfever7:30 AM

    The comments from Rahm were made in August of last year and included in the Jan 26 article.
    A lot of misdirection from her FB writers to try and reduce flak from the PAC filings and her ill advised endorsement of Rand, which has been noted, is costing her supporters.
    Things are going on with Palinland that aren't happy tidings.
    Wouldn't one expect to see more FB rants from the writing team to deflect from the more serious goings on.
    Try comparing PAC expenditures and who they go to with other politicians PAC's (real politicians). You'll see a HUGE discrepancy is how funds are spent.

  6. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Palin'll never get anywhere w/this tack. People say "retarded" all the time as an insult to people w/whom they disagree. I've stopped saying it (but still catch myself once in a while) and I ask others not to say it. But it's in our vernacular and being the "word police" doesn't go over so well w/the Ailles/Fox/Palinbot crowd.

  7. I haven't read the GOP blog post that snowbilly links to and maybe it addresses this point, but anon at 7:19 - here is the problem. Yes, we might have taken Levi's story with a grain of salt: I mean no one with a heart could imagine a mother saying that about her child, BUT NOW this little rant on Facebook actually in a backhanded way gives much more credence to Levi's account. She picks up and rages over Rahm's use of a word (6 months ago, in no relation to any children with special needs, much less Trig) that we have all probably used such as about an idea: that is so retarded, because it has meanings beyond talking about special needs children. So in her rage she emphasizes Levi's story that she uses this word to talk about Trig. She does not know when to shut up. This latest just shows how very sick she really is.

  8. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Honestly, I'm tired of tidbits from Levi(c). He looks "sincere", he seems "real". Gosh. Just like his not-MIL. It's been a year-and-a-half, and he hasn't produced a darn thing. And the pro-Levi(c) bloggers continue to gush, "Oh, when he decides to talk, we're gonna hear SUCH great things!" Yeah. It's 2010. He wandered into view in 2008.

    Anyway! Anyone got Palin on tape cussing? Anybody? That would work out great.

  9. LisaB7:56 AM

    @Anon 7:19

    What about Sarah Palin's hypocrisy in rewarding people with JOBS who call other people ugly names? Have you ever seen/read Mansour/Russo's stuff? That Russo blog is nasty to the extreme.

    Yet this is who Sarah chooses to speak for her: potty mouths who viciously attack anyone who dares to question her highness.

    Five will get you ten a thorough search of C4P will turn up more than a few "retarded"s that went unchecked because they were directed at dissenters.

  10. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I do NOT undertand why the media must continually report the ravings of notSarah from FB. I mean seriously, doesn't Sam Stein at HUFFPO have anything better to report on? It's one hting to report her shady doings with her PAC but FB rants?

    Not even Sarah's rants but RAM rants and not even from a politician with any standing. This is part of the problem in our politics...that anyone takes seriously the insanity emanating from the junior high school, not current ravings of a buffoon on FB.

  11. Ratfish8:00 AM

    Sarah is NUTS. There- I said it, with no intent to slur anyone being treated for a mental illness.

    Also, please note that Palin's ghostwriters plagiarized- with no attribution- to Welch's famous statement at the McCarthy Army hearings. Have YOU no sense of decency, Ms. Palin, Ms. Mansour, and Mr. Carusso?

    As Newt would say, Palin is sick and pathetic.

  12. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Gee, does anyone ever see the term "libtard" on Palin's Facebook entries or Sea of Pee?

    Hypocrisy much?

  13. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Actually, in spite of Palin's outrage, "retarded" is still used in the medical community and its literature to describe retarded growth, mental development, etc. It's not necessarily a "bad" word, although "developmentally disabled" is the most universally accepted usage in the rehabilitation, therapeutic and education areas.

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Lets remember again Tri G, is one of the terms that refer to Trisomy Genetic Disorders, among which is Down Syndrome.

    The Palins literally named their baby Downs Syndrome. Taken another step further Sarah named her baby "retard."

  15. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Follow the money.

    Sarah Palin is quite likely laundering money with SarahPAC, AFT and various LLCs.

    That's the story.

  16. Anonymous8:26 AM

    This facebook rant is dripping, no, more like oozing with hypocrisy. How long before her FB friends start to feel nauseous by her continual references to down's syndrome children, as a tool, or weapon to slam politicians? Doesn't it ever get sickening to them? She uses the image of down's syndrome to make a political point.

    The fact that Sarah Palin NEVER issues a facebook essay on positive uplifting accounts of down's syndrom families, or new developments in improved treatments, tells on her black heart. She's not interested in the least in this topic. She only uses DS, and her DS child as a talking point to character-belittle others.

    It won't be long before people start to see this monster for what it is.

  17. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "Let everything be done decently and in order."

  18. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Those of us who have known Sarah for over a decade are thankful she & her family are in the public eye.
    She is a lot better mom when people are watching!

  19. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Here's that 'much awaited' poll from KOS, that he spoke of on Countdown last night:

    The 2010 Comprehensive Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll of Self-Identified Republicans


  20. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Retarding economic opportunity is accomplished everyday against minorities so as to encapsulate the haves against the have-nots. Egalitarian per the US Constitution? "everyone" created equal? Not so much 'spacially with repubs. Now the repubs trying to be prim as well. Enjoy your econimc moat. Bracket creep is just so "dangerous". So frightening. Better retard that. EEO, just keep napping.

  21. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Project much, Sarah?

  22. You know Sarah ghostwriters STFU already

  23. Last year there was an awful story out of Iowa re:mentally retarded men being exploited in a turkey processing plant and their TX handlers. Desmoines Register reported on this injustice and there was lots of quibbling regarding "retarded" in the newspaper verbage/print. So words like "disabled", "mentally retarded", etc. were then used.

    I don't think you can rap someone for using the term "retarded" in casual conversation. BTW, here in TX we just say "their elevator doesn't go all the way up" is that better?

  24. Anonymous9:01 AM

    If $arah (via her ghost writers) truly cared about Down syndrome children, she would have donated more than just $1,000 to the cause last year.

  25. Anonymous9:06 AM

    ($P is the 'retarded' one here!!! how hard is it to look up the different meanings and origins of this word? "Tardy"...see below)

    Retard \Re*tard"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Retarded; p. pr. & vb. n. Retarding.]

    [L. retardare, retardatum; pref. re- re- + tardare to make slow, to delay, fr. tardus slow: cf. F. retarder. See Tardy.]

    1. To keep delaying; to continue to hinder; to prevent from progress; to render more slow in progress; to impede; to hinder; as, to retard the march of an army; to retard the motion of a ship; -- opposed to accelerate.

    2. To put off; to postpone; as, to retard the attacks of old age; to retard a rupture between nations.

    Syn: To impede; hinder; obstruct; detain; delay; procrastinate; postpone; defer.

    Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary

  26. Anonymous9:07 AM

    @ anon 8:30 AM

    "better mom" is probably only when on view, the home life probably hasn't improved.

  27. Sarah cares so much, she gave a paltry $1,000 to a Down syndrome foundation.


  28. Anonymous9:09 AM

    When a conversation degrades to the "libtard" stage, I can not demand the perpertrator resign whatever job they may hold because Sarah Palin's child should not have to endure so indecent a world.

    Thanx, Sarah.

  29. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Sarah's 20 minutes a week of parenting Trig and her measly $1,000 contribution to DS programs make her an authority and spokesperson on behalf of all America's special needs population.

    She's retarded. And that is an insult to special needs people.

  30. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah the ever-vigilant, ever-protective mother???

    Ha - if she was so concerned about her DS son and helping him live as fulfilled a life as possible, why didn't she dress him appropriately in all that cold weather she drug him through on her book tour?

    If she wanted to ensure that he had a shot at some quality of life experiences, why doesn't she ensure he wears the hearing aids, the glasses, et cetera, that most DS children are said to need?

    If she wanted to help him overcome prejudice, why isn't she getting him therapies to help him interact with life and those around him?

    If she really, really cares about mentally disabled children in general, why isn't she working for the very organizations that educate the public, lobby for benefits, and search for medical solutions? Why not? Why not? Why not?

    Because, I can only presume, it is hard work, that's why.

    Being a good parent always takes focus and energy. It means putting your children first, your own needs second.

    Being a good parent for a special needs child takes even more effort and energy. But Ms. Palin isn't into hard work. Her track record shows that.

    Oh, she will put her energy into hate, into rage, into vengeance, and into making sure SHE has all SHE needs - but her kids? No so much.

    Until Sarah puts forth some real and consistent energy and focus into her children, I cannot credit her with any real concern for special needs children. She is all mouth and no heart, all talk and no action.

  31. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Anon 8:05 is correct. I worked in the field.

  32. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Whatever happened to JuJu? She doesn't visit us anymore and she is not commenting on the Urination anymore.

  33. sallynGarland,TX9:41 AM

    I wonder if this is a backhanded revenge. On her death panel rants, she went after Rahm's brother who is a doctor and made some ugly statements. Then she got called on it. I wonder if this latest rant was partly due to a grudge.

  34. Anon @ 8:30, are you able to share a bit more please?

  35. Palin and RAM are both hypocrites. Keep shining that bright light on her SarahPac...that will bring her down, not these rediculous Face rants.

  36. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Well, her FB post is accomplishing just what it intended--it is a distraction geared toward getting people to take side in this "non-story" that either happened last week or in August or whenever. The real damaging story this week is the money-laundering. I also don't care that Levi said SP used this term when referring to Trig. She did or she didn't--but that's not the point. Gryphen hit the nail on the head when he said SP is the biggest hypocrite of all for this:

    It is then that RAM/Palin goes off about wanting "her" child to grow up in a world "free from mindless prejudice and discrimination". Acting almost as if Palin was not the accelerant that started the blaze of racism and hatred that is so prominently on display at Teabagger rallies all across this nation.

    There's her legacy and there's the story.

  37. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Thanks, Gles (from the comments of the previous posting) for the heads-up on the single issue magazine: "Sarah Palin: the Untold Story . . .in her own words!"

    Yuck and oh my.

    It gets worse - and I'm only the front page showing on the article site - "Sarah Palin: Faith, Family, Freedom" and "Can She Save America?'

    For about nine bucks, I could fnid other, more enjoyable, ways to make myself throw up.

    There are photos of her siblings and hunting/post-hunting scenes that sound way too graphic for little ole me.

    Then there is this sentence: "It also shows her as cute and chubby little girl with glasses, the lone brunette among three blond and sandy-haired siblings."

    Cute and chubby? Wearing glasses and being the lone brunette amongst a blond clan? Gosh, could that be the missing link - the reason she's such a lonely, striving bitch?

    There seems to be humor section, though, called "The Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin."

    It's been out since mid-January!!

    How did we all miss this - or was it just me?

    Oh, well, I wouldn't have bought it anyway, but I think I will go to the book store and see if any are left just to scan through. Talk about sick fun.

  38. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I have worked with a mother who has two daughters and one is a Down Syndrome teenager. That daughter hugged me so hard one day, I thought she was going to break my ribs. When I asked how her daughters were reacting to the husband's/father's death of a brain injury from a fall, the mother has said her older one was doing ok and the DS daughter was having a hard time. She did refer to her as "retarded" to me when I asked what was her medical issue. I think it's shorthand, not necessarily an insult.

    Granny Grifter, on the other hand, needs to be watched like a hawk. Please keep at it, Gryphen.

  39. CGinWI10:08 AM

    "She is a lot better mom when people are watching."

    That is scary. Just how bad does she get?

  40. WakeUpAmerica10:15 AM

    what message was Sarah sending when she dressed Tri-G as Dumbo for Halloween?

  41. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Nice little artical here:

  42. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Anon @ 8:10,

    No, Palin did not name her child Tri G because he was a DS baby! The reason why I know that for a fact is because Sarah Palin is not the mother of the baby. Try to keep that straight at least please.

  43. Anonymous10:31 AM


    Rahm Emanuel apologized a WEEK ago for a remark he made SIX MONTHS ago. Sarah and RAM are making a huge fuss out of a non-story to divert attention from her PAC.

  44. Anonymous10:40 AM

    So nice to see the snowbilly facebooking-up for other people's children.
    Hypopolitical comments are the running boards of the tea-buggers' jalopy.

  45. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Gryphen, prove what Levi said is true. Give your readers concrete proof.

    You can't though, because there isn't any. Palin never said that. Levi simply made it up.

    And RAM doesn't write her Facebook posts.

  46. crystalwolf aka caligrl10:53 AM

    She is trying to divert attention to the fact her PAC is misusing funds or "money laundering" as someone else said. She calls TriG everyday a "Retard"...why did she name him a medical condition meaning downs syndrome Tisomy-G? Downs syndrome are
    "retard" in development. So why did she name him TriG???
    Remember $arah is a scrabble champ, you betcha...and yes I do believe Levi...she said it, she is a hypocrite.

  47. Anonymous10:56 AM

    White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel apologized to the head of the Special Olympics today after the Wall Street Journal reported the fiery Chicagoan privately called a group of liberal activists "f---ing retarded."

    Last August, Emanuel "showed up at a weekly strategy session featuring liberal groups and White House aides," the Journal's Peter Wallsten reported. "Some attendees said they were planning to air ads attacking conservative Democrats who were balking at Mr. Obama's health-care overhaul. 'F—ing retarded,' Mr. Emanuel scolded the group, according to several participants. He warned them not to alienate lawmakers whose votes would be needed on health care and other top legislative items."

    A White House official confirms that Emanuel made the remark and reports that Emanuel called Tim Shriver last week when the Journal story first appeared to apologize to the disabled community and the apology was accepted.

    "The White House remains committed to addressing the concerns and needs of Americans living with disabilities and recognizes that derogatory remarks demean us all," the official said. The apology was first reported by Politico's Ben Smith.

    Shriver heads the Special Olympics, which has launched a campaign urging people to stop using the term "retarded" as an insult, "Spread the word to end the word."

    Former Alaska Gov, Sarah Palin, who has a son with Down's Syndrome, was offended by Emanuel's reported remark, posting on her Facebook page: "Just as we’d be appalled if any public figure of Rahm’s stature ever used the 'N-word' or other such inappropriate language, Rahm’s slur on all God’s children with cognitive and developmental disabilities – and the people who love them – is unacceptable, and it’s heartbreaking.

    "A patriot in North Andover, Massachusetts, notified me of Rahm’s 'retarded” slam,'" Palin wrote. "I join this gentleman, who is the father of a beautiful child born with Down Syndrome, in asking why the Special Olympics, National Down Syndrome Society and other groups condemning Rahm’s degrading scolding have been completely ignored by the White House. No comment from his boss, the president?

    "As my friend in North Andover says, 'This isn’t about politics; it’s about decency. I am not speaking as a political figure but as a parent and as an everyday American wanting my child to grow up in a country free from mindless prejudice and discrimination, free from gratuitous insults of people who are ostensibly smart enough to know better... Have you no sense of decency, sir?'"

    This is not the first time someone who works in the White House has called Shriver after an errant remark. Last March, President Obama called Shriver from Air Force One after joking on the Tonight Show that his notoriously bad bowling skills were "like the Special Olympics or something."

  48. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Ugh...I can't wait until the truth, whatever it is comes out. This blog and Andrew Sullivan just teasing us...teasing. Sigh.

  49. Anonymous11:21 AM

    To WakeUpAmerica: wow, you summed it up best! Thanks!

  50. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Does anyone really give a flying F what a wannabee screenwriter and a failed politician have to say about a remark made 6 months ago in private by someone who has already apologized for that remark? Who do those two retarded women think they are, anyway? Oh, wait...

  51. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I remember seeing a photo of the quitter gov reaching to take a baby from a girl at the RNC convention. She was wearing a beige jacket; I have seen the photo many times around the blogs. The picture was taken at just the right angle showing the look on her face looking at that baby's face. A picture is worth a thousand words. I think about that photo every time I hear Levi's allegations, that she referred to the baby as retarded.

    SarahPac was under the microscope by blogs. Folks everywhere were analysing the information released by SarahPac. Then Palin released a FB rant to distract. Just like the family drama used to distract from the fake pregnancy. So, the rant shouldn't mean anything considering the timing. Wonder if she just googled his name looking for a rant?

    Anyway, thanks for all you do, Gryphen!

  52. BAustin11:52 AM

    sadly,one of the earlier posts is correct...retarded is in the vernacular. And so is the F-Bomb. I have to say that Rahm has a potty mouth, but it is ridiculous to fire him over it....poor little Sarah insulated from cussers and the R-word. I am CERTAIN that her, Todd, one of the kids, and any number of people on her staff have 1) cussed 2) said retarded in an un-PC manner. This is just ANOTHER attempt to stay in the spotlight. And I agree with earlier posts: if she was so concerned with the perception of people with developmental disabilities, then she should use her considerable platform to promote tolerance and education. And please get Trig the therapy he needs.

  53. Ha Ha, Rahm wasn't referring to Trig, he has DS. Sarah's the retarded one.

  54. Ratfish12:21 PM

    Ya know, I've been lookin', but can't find any mention of Palin condemning anyone for using the word LIBTARD.

    Oh, I forgot, it's Rush, Beck, and other Palin supporters who use that word. That's why it's ok.

    Ya betcha.

  55. Anonymous12:21 PM

    RE: sallynGarland,TX said...
    I wonder if this is a backhanded revenge. On her death panel rants, she went after Rahm's brother who is a doctor and made some ugly statements. Then she got called on it. I wonder if this latest rant was partly due to a grudge.

    I'm guessing this interview may have something to do with Mrs Palin's distate for Rahm - he called her out on MSNBC as a liar and unqualified days after she was chosen by McCain. Let's face it, that woman sure can hold a grudge.

    PS - I'm pretty sure Rahm couldn't give a toss about "Palin's" Facebook entry - while she's twatting he's actually helping run the country.

    See interview on MSNBC at:

  56. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Geez, the Palinbots sure have got their panties in a wad today. The cracks in the Queens realm are becoming more visible while her merry men live in denial.

  57. Now her special "non-connected" blog is giving her credit for making Rahm apologize. They are nothing if not conceited.

  58. I object to Emanuel using the word "f****ing," for two reasons. First, there used to be a time when men in his position did not pride themselves in talking like drill sergeants, using vulgarity as macho bragadoccio, and certainly not in "mixed company," as this almost certainly was. Second, what does it say about our culture when a vulgar word for sexual intercourse is applied to everything and everyone we disparage? I have much less trouble with using "retarded," which does mean "mentally deficient," in place of "unthinking," "thoughtless" or "stupid," than I do with the custom of using "f****ing" to mean "contemptible."

  59. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I agree with Sarah. Rahm shouldn't have used the word retard. That term should only be reserved for those who actually think Sarah Palin isn't a big phony.

  60. He. he...looks like the battering RAM may have been taken off the payroll for her job deleting nasty Farcebook posts. Apparently no one is monitoring the comments on this page, and there sure are some good ones, most calling Sarah the retard.

  61. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Anon at 7:19 AM

    I should think you'd be pleased that, in your eyes, we're making fools of ourselves discussing such trivialities.

    As far as being paid to utter 'newsworthy' quotes for untold millions of dollars, you'd better keep an eye on Mrs. Palin's hypocrisy-o-meter: being constantly turned to 11, it's starting to overheat and might soon self-destruct.

  62. The latest email from Team Sarah:

    Hello Team,

    Sarah Palin needs YOUR HELP to make sure that Rahm Emmanuel does not get away with his cold-hearted remarks about people with disabilities. (He called his opponents "retards" which, for the disabled, is as hurtful as the "n" word).

    Sarah Palin has drawn a line, and we need to back her up: when you callously throw around words like "retard" to both denigrate your opponent and poke fun at people with disabilities you are no better than, say, Don Imus who LOST HIS JOB over off-color remarks.

    What can we do?

    First, contact your representatives in CONGRESS and tell them "RAHM MUST GO" and, second, help us to "flood the zone" by writing posts and comments on news sites and in blogs, and sending out links, that use "Rahm Emmanuel" as the keyword so that HIS NAME is covered in calls for him to resign.

    We don't need much, if half of us, that's over 37,000 people, participated we would start a TIDAL WAVE of millions of people and Rahm Emmenuel, architect of Obamacare and minion of extremist Abortionists, would become what he should have been all along, a "political liability."

    This is the url FOR THE ARTICLE we need to comment on- http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2010/02/02/2010-02-02_sarah_palin_calls_for_obama_to_fire_rahm_emanuel_for_fing_retarded_comment_in_fa.html

    This is the URL for Sarah Palin's FaceBook Page- http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/note.php?note_id=278672843434

    Please promote that link so that people can see right from Sarah what she said!

    US HOUSE Swithcboard (202) 224-3121

    US Senate Switchboard (202) 224-3121

    The White House Phone Numbers
    Comments: 202-456-1111
    Switchboard: 202-456-1414
    FAX: 202-456-2461

    Also, call in to your LOCAL radion stations and tell them all "RAHM MUST GO!"

  63. Interesting post from Anonymous at 8:10AM:

    "Lets remember again Tri G, is one of the terms that refer to Trisomy Genetic Disorders, among which is Down Syndrome.

    The Palins literally named their baby Downs Syndrome. Taken another step further Sarah named her baby "retard.""

    Also, too, I immediately noticed Sarah's fake outrage at Rahm is almost identical to her fake outrage at Letterman. Calling for his job, attempting to play 'word police' and attach a totally unrelated comment to one of her children to gain suppport.

    It didn't work for her the first time, so why try it again? Doh.

  64. Anonymous1:57 PM

    From ADN Alaska Newsreader 2/2/1010

    Palin on use of 'retarded': Has she gone 'sappy'?

    Published: February 2nd, 2010 11:03 AM
    Last Modified: February 2nd, 2010 11:04 AM

    Link: U.S. News & World Report As has been noted on many national blogs today, Sarah Palin took to Facebook on Monday to blast White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for using the word "retarded" last year to criticize some Democrats in Congress. She said she was speaking as a parent of a Down syndrome child in asking Emanuel, "Have you no sense of decency?" U.S. News contributing editor John A. Farrell -- pointing out that he also has a mentally disabled family member -- says he's disappointed to see Palin "embracing this kind of political correctness. ... Perhaps Alaskans, when their snowmobiles carry them into a sturdy fir, or a moose applies its antlers to their buttocks, or their fishhooks snag a finger, shout, 'Gee! That was painful!' Maybe the whole state is filled with sappy, politically correct morons like Ned Flanders. I surely hope not."

  65. Gasman2:09 PM


    "It didn't work for her the first time, so why try it again?'

    That is what we love about Sarah: she keeps steppin' on the same rakes again and again and again, all for our comedy amusement.

  66. Anonymous2:26 PM

    It's time for the big boys in the Republican Party to make her "sit down and STFU." This is getting too ridiculous.

  67. Just read this on Alaska Daily News:

    Palin on use of 'retarded': Has she gone 'sappy'? http://www.adn.com/3437/story/1121036.html


    "U.S. News contributing editor John A. Farrell -- pointing out that he also has a mentally disabled family member -- says he's disappointed to see Palin "embracing this kind of political correctness. ... Perhaps Alaskans, when their snowmobiles carry them into a sturdy fir, or a moose applies its antlers to their buttocks, or their fishhooks snag a finger, shout, 'Gee! That was painful!' Maybe the whole state is filled with sappy, politically correct morons like Ned Flanders. I surely hope not."

  68. Rahm Emanuel apologized a week ago.



  69. Is 'retarded' a word she plans to ban?

  70. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Gasman, you ever watch that Simpson's episode - a spoof on Cape Fear, where Sideshow Bob steps on a rake, then 2, 3, 4 - you are laughing, but after the 6th or 7th you smile and wait for it. . .but by the 12th or 13th you can't help but start laughing deep in your belly again?

    I wish Sarah's antics were simply good theater, but that MSM, the 12-25% fringe and people with f'd up senses of humor take her message and carry it far and wide just hurts the lucidind.

    As an Alaskan, it still blows my mind that thus wan ever made it past the Valley's borders. This and she, is so ever lovin surreal.

  71. Gosh, already this semester I've written "homo" and ritard" on the chalk/white board, and nobody's come to fire me.

    Oh, wait, I actually have good substantive reasons why I used those words .... which are both abbreviations of musical terms.

    Wait 'til I get to the castrati and the Hoe-Down. It's always fun.

    Yes, language can inflame us. My take is to reserve swear words for those times when you are really passionate about what you are saying, as a tool for communicating to others just how serious you are. I don't use the words lightly, or very often, but when I do, the people on the other end of the communication get the message - My use of those kinds of words shows my gravitas about the situation.

    What I don't like is the folks that use the f-word as an adjective for nearly everything thing they say. Language is picked up from hearing it. If you say those kinds of words around your kids, they will incorporate them regularly into their vocabulary, rather than learn or seek out better, more effective verbal ways to express themselves

  72. Eileen C. Tallon5:13 PM

    Sarah Palin is way out of line.

    She probably isn't even aware both the Medical Profession and the Court System use the proper name..which is Mentally Retarded.

    Many people use developmentally delayed or special needs child / person. Believing it kinder to the MR child / person. However, the vast majority of people continue to say mentally retarded knowing the child or person is brain damaged. And, that is okay.

    If Sarah is offended by the word Retarded...let her change the medical profession, judges, and the dictionary.

    I know she can brainwash some of the public..but the majority will always win.

  73. Anonymous5:43 PM

    She is hypocritical on more than one level. She claims to be a Christian; what would be the instruction for a Christian in such circumstances? This would be it:

     11: Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. James 4:1, KJV

    And since God is to be the only judge....how is it she claims to be a Christian?

    I have a son (to whom I actually gave birth) who is severely mentally handicapped, or slow, or retarded, or whatever anybody wants to call it. I understand them all, no skin off my hide what terminology one uses to get the idea across. And if I understand the situation right, it was the thinking Rahm called retarded, not a person or persons. She should go home, take her shoes off, sit down and read a little more.

    And close her now odd-looking face...

    I'll give her this: she surely has set new records for how fast and how many times in a row someone could make themselves look like a raving idiot.

    Dear me: am I still allowed to say idiot?

  74. If Palin succeeds in getting Rahm fired, I'll drive the nine miles to her house and give her flowers.

    Rahm forced Clinton to go for NAFTA, which really really helped, didn't it? He introduced Clinton to Monica Lewinski, which really really helped, didn't it?

    He got Howard Dean pretty much blackballed from the Obama administration, which really, really, really helped didn't it?

    Emanuel is the #1 guy behind the giveaways to big pharma. He's the one behind the Obama administration's secret backing of not holding private DOD contractors accountable for rapes of their employees in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'd give more examples, but I have to get back to work. Just google "Jane Hamsher Rahn Emanuel" or "Howie Klein Rahm Emanuel" and you can check for yourself.

  75. MordacP said...
    "Sarah cares so much, she gave a paltry $1,000 to a Down syndrome foundation."

    Technically, she didn't even do that - her PAC did - the people who sent their dimes paid that $1000, not her. I have seen NO evidence that she has done ANYTHING for Down Syndrome children-other than exploiting the one named "TriG."

  76. sunnyjane12:27 AM

    As some other posters have written, this is deflection on Sarah’s part. It’s pure The Art of Redirection 101, which she learned from the GOP campaign in 2008. Remember when then-Senator Obama made the “lipstick on a pig” comment and the McCain camp yelled “Sexism! Apologize immediately or else!” That faux-outrage, along with Pallin’ Around With Terrorists and other stupid rhetoric, was foisted upon their base merely to disguise the fact that had no message, no solutions, and no honor.

  77. Anonymous12:30 AM

    The sad fact is that she (or her minions) is again driving the news cycle with this Facebook post.

    The sooner someone establishes the evidence that will knock the props out from under her...the better.

    Do it soon.

    Do it now.

  78. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Serror maybe you need to go back to school....she needs to become educated about the english language, it is one of the most difficult languages to learn because many words have multi-meanings, I have studied many foreign languages, english is be far the hardest, so I am told.

    Serror needs continual attention, the attention whore(a word with many meanings) has aptly named her son after his own disability I can only assume this is for constant attention and reminder that Serror has made the ultimate sacrifice that she feels noone else but she has done......WHAT COULD BE MORE CRUEL THAN TO NAME A CHILD AFTER HIS OWN DISABILITY......THE ULTIMATE ACT OF CRUELTY......THIS REALLY SHOWS THE KIND OF INDIVIDUAL SERROR IS.....SHE IS THE ONE WHO SHOULD BE REMOVED


  79. Anonymous6:26 AM

    To the ones that keep asking the editor of this blog to publish what he has on Sarah Palin to bring her down, please stop deluding yourselves. If there was anything at all it would have come out by now. Considering the amount of money that person could make if they had proof of any of these allegations, it would stand to reason it would have come out by now. All that you are accomplishing by going down this road is being tarred with the same brush as the "birthers" which is ridiculous.

    As a matter of fact, you are just accomplishing in making her stronger not weaker because going down this road just makes anything you say or write suspect.

  80. Anonymous7:53 AM

    6:26 Did she or did she not consult with Cheney about Alaskan issues which are and were none of his jurisdiction. What did Cheney say to Senator Leahy? Was it civil? Was it articulate? Was it a low-life thing to say in the context of governance? She is a mere hypocrit and so are all her sycophants.


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