Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Palin loses another ardent supporter.

This time Palin has allowed the wheels of her bus to chew up Lisa Graas, a huge Palin-bot who founded the blog Palin Twibe.

Graas lives in Kentucky and supports Gop candidate Bill Johnson.

However her idol suddenly decided to endorse Ron Paul's son, Rand Paul.

Looks like the answer to this question is yes -- Sarah Palin has endorsed Rand Paul in the Kentucky Senate GOP primary. Her spokeswoman just sent over this statement from the former Alaska governor: "I'm proud to support great grassroots candidates like Dr. Paul. While there are issues we disagree on, he and I are both in agreement that it's time to shake up the status quo in Washington and stand up for common sense ideas.

Needless to say this did not sit well with Graas.

"I've been sending almost daily communications to SarahPAC telling them about this race and begging them to call me. No one has called. I've been working for Sarah Palin since September of 2008 almost daily, in horrible pain, and can't get a ten-minute phone call from a staffer? It doesn't matter if it's not true. I'm done. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm done. They can't call me??? I'm done."

This has angered Graas so much that she is in the process of deleting Palin Twibe.

From her Twitter account:

The Palin Twibe Group on Facebook has been deleted. about 4 hours ago from TweetDeck PalinVision Blog has been deleted. about 4 hours ago from TweetDeck

Sarah Palin Blogroll blog site has been deleted. about 4 hours ago from TweetDeck
Palin Twibe Mobile has been deleted. about 4 hours ago from TweetDeck

Palin Twibe Blog is open only to authors. If there is content authors want to save, do it now. It will be deleted within one week. about 4 hours ago from TweetDeck

The Palin Twibe has been deleted. It could take up to 24 hours for it to be completely removed. about 4 hours ago from TweetDeck

Like I said the Palin-bots are slow to learn, but they are finally beginning to figure Sarah Palin out. She is completely self-serving and, despite her rhetoric, she will do NOTHING that does not benefit her in some way.

It is kind of sad to watch this actually. Sort like when a child learns the truth about Santa Claus.

P.S. Speaking of Palin it looks like Willie Brown had an interesting encounter with Steve Schmidt at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel:

But it was John McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt who stole the show with his tales of Sarah Palin.

He was still royally ripped with Palin for her comments about him in her book.

I joked that I'd read the book and figured it was about 70 percent fiction.

He said, "No, it's 100 percent fiction."

He also said that if Palin's real spending on clothes had been accurately reported during the campaign, the country would have been in an uproar.

According to Schmidt, she would go into a store, buy everything in sight, and have the bill sent to the Republican National Committee.

Schmidt said he stopped counting after the tab hit $250,000.

Why am I not surprised by this information?


  1. Just say this....opportunism at its best!
    Sarah Palin magazine hits newsstands and convenience stores

  2. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Some of Palin's fanpests will never learn though. It doesn't make them any smarter when they see through Palin as they usually just walk on to follow another loon...until disillusioned again. Oh well.

    I see Palin is once more attempting to deflect the public from her FEC report by demanding Rahm be fired for something he said 6 months ago.

    Seriously, I don't know why people that call themselves journalists want to report anything from a failed politician from ghost-written FB screeds. Her only relevance seems to be her moronic arrogance.

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Gee, I hope her prison uniform doesn't have horizontal stripes, because I believe they make you look fatter.

  4. Anonymous6:07 AM

    All this recent commotion about Mrs. Palin will help Dunn's book to be released in April, "Lies of Sarah Palin".

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Add Rand Paul to the list of outed racists Sarah supports or pals around with: RS McCain & Reihl. (I may be forgetting some others!)

  6. Anonymous6:12 AM

    "she would go into a store, buy everything in sight, and have the bill sent to the Republican National Committee."

    That's a hockey mom for you!! Maybe she was just going rogue with other people's money (not unlike her PAC spending).

  7. Nothing is so nice for s'error palin as the ability to spend other people's money. Boundaries were not invented with her compliance in mind. Rules, niceties, etc., well, those are for other people.

  8. lilly6:23 AM

    Now that bit should hit huffington post.

    That she would go into a store and buy everything in sight and have the bill sent to the RNC. And that he stopped counting after it hit $250,000. I wonder how much the RNC got back from the 13 suitcases full of new duds.

  9. Lisa used to comment on Palin's Deception. Because Lisa didn't show much during her own pregnancy, her opinion was that Sarah WAS pregnant with Trig even though SP remained as flat as a board!

  10. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Clothing the entire family, too, also, they said previously, in addition.

    Yep, $carah loves it when others pay and pay and pay...

    Grifters are just like that.


  11. LisaB6:29 AM

    You ever wonder if Palin's decision to back McCain was the result of a threat that he would stop "being the gentleman" and open both barrels?

  12. sunnyjane6:35 AM

    Like Sarah Palin gives a shit what this poor 'bot thinks, feels, cares about, etc.

    Looks like Lisa wasted eighteen months for a money-grabbing slut like the ex-gov.

    Sorry Lisa...don't say people didn't try to warn you.

  13. Anonymous6:35 AM


    You cannot use John McCain and "both barrels" in the same sentence. He's been shooting blanks for 20 years.

  14. I wonder what was REALLY in the belly of the plane? LMAO!!!

  15. Molly6:39 AM

    But, but.....I thought Sarah said she wanted to wear her OWN clothes and that the campaign MADE her wear those ucky new ones.

    You mean she lied?? ;)

    Oh, and, over $250,000 and they still couldn't get one to fit Bristol properly?

  16. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Palin helping McCain in the elections, seems so weird.. that it makes me think, there are secrets between them, that are more than of a political nature.

  17. Molly6:43 AM

    Gryphen, I think the Willie Brown piece about Steve Schmidt should have it's own heading, not just be a PS. IMHO, it's pretty awesome.

  18. Anonymous6:48 AM

    McCain is never about to admit the disservice he imposed on the nation by choosing this "flake" to join the ticket. By asking her to support him in his Senate bid is just to show that he sees her as having "political heft" in the face of the facts.

    Knowing that she has a "fanbase" out there, regardless of how dumb they may appear to be, is a way of grabbing onto those voters who think she offers something. Craven politics at its worst.

    Would be interesting to hear Cindy of Megan expound on the Palins. So far they have been silent. But my guess is that there is no love lost between them since Sarah became convinced that she was the nominee after all and McCain was simply along for the ride.

    I think she honestly believed she would win the election based solely on herself and the image she portrayed. Unfortunately she just won't go away.

  19. Gryphen,

    Did you see this bon mot?

    I'm on her "Friends" list just to give her hell. I posted to her Facebook page asking how many more of her own books does she plan to buy using PAC money?


  20. lilly7:00 AM

    Well if McCain won't, here hoping that Schmidt will really let loose.

    I think he is fed up to here with the twit from Twitter.

  21. Shadowfever7:32 AM

    I agree with Molly. The Willie Brown piece is worthy of it's own posting.

    One would hope that the campaign kept all the receipts that they "didn't" count.

  22. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Thanks for the yummy tidbit about Wardrobe-gate! Yes, call me shallow, but I would love, love, love to see the inventory list of clothing items the RNC lawyer was sent up to Wasilla to retrieve.

    My guess is that anything he was able to get his hands on were cheap, second hands clothes SP was tired of. The RNC could have offset the original price of the clothes, if good quality items could have been cleaned and auctioned off.

  23. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Molly, weren't the clothes bought for Bristol initially to hide her pregnancy...so they were probably bought large? The "admission" came later when it could no longer be hidden. Levi was flown in and the "summer wedding" lie was promulgated.

    Or are the lies so many I just can't keep up anymore?

  24. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Slow learner (AKA f-ing retard) n.

    1. Alleged adult stupid enough to believe that Sarah flew from Texas to Alaska, then drove to Palmer in labor where she delivered a special needs child.

    2. Adult human stupid enough to believe Sarah killed the bridge to nowhere in spite of readily available proof to the contrary.

    3. Grown up who can accept Sarah's explanation for the tens of thousands in clothing, including underwear and Gucci shoes for kids, as being foisted on her by campaign staffers.

    4. Any person who can say with a straight face that the dingbat queen of Wasilla did not abuse her power in the Troopergate thing-- despite an official finding to the contrary.

    5. Anyone who seriously believes that Sarah's kids went along on trips with her as gov. because they were also on official business, despite the fact that she was ordered to pay restitution for those exact trips.

    The list goes on and on. She has demonstrated over and over that she's a liar, a phony and a grifter, yet her ardent supporters consciously choose to ignore all of it. Yes. They are slow learners, evidenced by the very fact that they keep on blindly, moronically, supporting her with their deeds and their cash. They simply can't be distracted by mere facts. Logical thinking? Never. It's all fear and hatred, coupled by religious devotion to their idol. They are proud of their ignorance. They adore stupidity. Sarah Palin had their number when she acquired a down-syndrome baby as a fetish object.

  25. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Sarah Palin is a fraud and the greatest hoax in US political history.

  26. Anonymous9:13 AM

    So, there is a reason why the world doesn't revolve around that darn perky Katie Couric - there can be only one - that one being, Sarah Palin.

    Anytime anyone anywhere says the word "retarded," special needs, DS, and "less than ideal" you are invariably talking about Sarah's son. And she can't abide by that.

    Has she ever apologized for laughing at a cancer victim on a radio program as a sitting Governor? Isn't that an affront to all cancer victims and their families in the world?

    What did she do when her employee went rogue and urged a Trooper to fire her ex-brother-in-law Wooten? Put Frank Bailey, her self-described hatchet man, on paid leave, for months. Never fired him.

    If President Obama put Rahm on paid leave, you think that would satisfy her? LOL. No. Other people have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. . .oops, did I somehow slight Trig there?

    (No offense to Trig, I think he's adorable. But no, I wouldn't want to take care of him for you Sarah.)

  27. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Lisa Graas defended Sarah against the Trig Truthers by claiming she herself didn't show for any of her pregnancies, but if you look at photos of Lisa, you'll see she is, ahem, a woman of size.

    The woman also has serious mental problems. She has admitted frankly that she is bipolar. She doesn't really work, isn't married, has four kids, is on a government subsidy, yet complains constantly about "socialims" and feeds her kids rice so she can send money to Sarah. If she ever really sees through her idol, the woman will be at serious risk for suicide.

  28. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I have a question...

    If Sarah actually went on 'shopping sprees' as opposed to her claim that the clothes were all presented to her by the RNC staffers... (and we have this claim by her in several different filmed interviews and written docos) ...wouldn't the stores security cameras have her on film doing the shopping?

    Are these 'security tapes' under seal or can anyone view them?

    Seems to me a little snippet of $arah going shopping in several posh shops would have a profoundly negative effect on her "I'm just like you" image :)

  29. Gasman10:49 AM

    The exchange with Schmidt makes me think that he is not done with Palin yet. I'm sure Palin will continue to heap blame and scorn upon the heads of all those in the McCain campaign staff, especially Schmidt. At some point one of the former staffers will simply erupt and release debate prep tapes, itemized lists of her clothing expenses, e-mails from Palin, etc., which will simply be too damning to ignore. I'm not sure why they are waiting, however.

    Palin is a vindictive narcissistic liar who is chronic imbecile. She is not going to get better or smarter, she will only continue to blame everyone around her for her own failures. The best gift the former McCain staffers could give the nation would be release ALL of the information about Palin that they have been keeping under wraps. The sooner this moronic clod is ushered back to relative obscurity, the better off we all will be.

    Imbecility thy name is Palin.

  30. OK, I'm going to be a bed-wetting liberal here - Does anyone think Ms Graas might harm herself or more importantly, her children? Should someone be called to check on her welfare? It strikes me that members of the aquatic club would not care enough to do this and I hope we don't see it on the news.

  31. Anonymous11:55 AM

    ++ Seems to me a little snippet of $arah going shopping ++

    Doesn't exist. Everyone here was all excited and quoted the book from Conroy and Walshe when it fit their agenda. Here's what they said about WardrobeGate:

    "It's a challenge to write a book that's considered fair about Sarah Palin because she's so polarizing," Conroy said.

    Among the book's revelations were that Palin wasn't responsible for the much derided shopping sprees during the campaign. That was the result of staff hired by U.S. Sen. John McCain's campaign, and running mate Palin objected to how much they were spending on clothes, Conroy said.

    "I don't wear these kinds of clothes, these are far too expensive for me," they quote Palin as telling campaign staff.

    Campaign staff responded by hiding the cost from her, including cutting off labels before she saw them.

    "The whole clothing issue is a case when Sarah Palin is justified in saying that it isn't really her fault," Conroy said.

    The New York Times last week credited "Sarah from Alaska" with being the first to get the campaign's fashion consultant to go on the record about the Palin campaign.

  32. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I read somewhere that Steve Schmidt will be running Mitt Romney's campaign in 2012. What would you bet that Steve has copies of receipts, emails, voice mails, maybe even videos? The 2008 campaigns brought us two frauds, one Democrat and one Republican, but they had some similarities. Both were Atkins eaters. Both were obsessed with their hair and both had questions about babies.

  33. Anonymous12:47 PM

    I hope Gasman is right. How lovely if some support staff was able to save a tape of her debate prep.

    Perhaps Schmidt is holding back a bit until McCain's re-election bid is over.

    For all of Granny Palin's claims that she was "smeared" during the campaign, the fact is that she was handled with kid gloves.

  34. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Don't forget, folks. Sarah was a frequent shopper at a second hand clothing store in AK. There is a way to get rid of excess clothes and turn the RNC clothes in to cash or store credit. Also, one of her nieces sold her Naughty Monkeys on Ebay. If she put the AK jet on ebay, she could easily have put the excess clothes on ebay. If she didn't sell them, she had to build another house to closet these clothes.

  35. Gasman2:15 PM

    Anon @ 12:47,
    I had not considered that Schmidt might be waiting until after McCain's re-election bid is over before releasing any nuclear bombs on Palin. It sounds plausible and would explain Schmidt's restraint when none seems warranted. Such a release would certainly taint McCain, but if he wins or loses, who cares? If he wins, it will certainly be his last term. If he loses, he might enjoy seeing Palin get hoisted on her own petard.

    Let's hope McCain loses his primary battle so he'll want to help with Sarah's demise that much sooner.

  36. Anne NC12:02 AM

    Sarah flat out lied about the clothes when she told Greta that the receipts would prove that all the clothes bought were all bought before she arrived in Minneapolis. However, copies of receipts with the RNC donor whose credit card was used is listed as the buyer and also two different campaign staffers are named on the same receipt. The items bought at Neiman Marcus, an upscale baby store and a few other places are dated for 9/10 and 9/28, well after Minneapolis. Then you have the story from her very own mouthpiece, Meg Stapleton. When a picture of a jacket Sarah wore in late August was also shown on her in Alaska a year later, Meg said that all the clothes were bought by staffers after 9/10 because, after all, they couldn't very well have bought clothes for Sarah without her being there.

    Things would clearly be easier for Sarah if she could only keep her lies straight. But there's so many of them, it's impossible!

  37. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Just put them in Sarah's Used Mergatroid Bin.


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